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ICT Technology in the Knowledge Society

Name: Cristian Sandoval ,Alex Tello , Juan Canchig

Class: 2 “B”

Task 1. Read pages 310 and 311 to answer to these questions

What is knowledge?

Knowledge consists of cognitive states needed to interpret and otherwise

process information.

How can ICT help to share knowledge?

ICT can share knowledge with the use of communication technologies.

What do you think about this fact “Information and communication

technologies (ICTs) are also facilitating a rapid globalisation of economic

I think it is true, because Knowledge has always been a factor of production, and a
driver of economic. The digitization of information and the associated pervasiveness of
the Internet are facilitating a new intensity in the application of knowledge to economic

What is Innovation?
Innovation fundamentally means coming up with new ideas about how to do
things better or faster, it is about putting new ideas to work in enterprise and
having a skilled workforce that can use those new ideas.
Complete the chart about the metaphor of “information society
1968 The metaphor of “information society“ was first used in
Japan by Kohyama (1968.) and it was in Japan that this
metaphor was first used as a rationale for national policy.
1970 In the 1970s, the authors of computer-related texts were not
likely to refer to an “information society“ but instead used
words like “information age“ and a “computerized society“
Late 1970 the late 1970s and early 1980s, the
information society was mentioned so often around the world
that many forgot that it was only a metaphor.
Early 1980 Early 1980s, the
information society was mentioned so often around the world
that many forgot that it was only a metaphor.
1990 Daniel Bell's “framework for the information society“
spearheaded the movement to legitimize the information
society concept [6]. He confirmed that a majority of the jobs
were information oriented in that they were structured to
produce information rather than material products.
What is the difference between information and knowledge?
Information is the data obtained from any source. It can be physical or digital, while the
knowledge is the interpretation of information and analysis of data

What is knowledge society? Give an example

Knowledge society is a set of people with the same or similar interests. They contribute
to the innovation and development. For example; a teacher contributes to develop new
ways of teaching. He or she is using his knowledge to contribute to the development

According to paragraph three of page 311, what is ICT?

ICT are all technology resources that contain information to analyze and spread to
another people. It is used to contribute to several areas either biology, chemistry,
politic, education, etc.

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