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International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues

ISSN: 2146-4138
available at http: www.econjournals.com
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2017, 7(3), 382-388.

The Impact of Foreign-direct Investment on Economic

Growth in Malaysia: The Role of Financial Development
Ghaith Alzaidy1*, Mohd Naseem Bin Niaz Ahmad2, Zakaria Lacheheb3
1Department of Economics, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, 2Department of Economics, University Putra

Malaysia, Malaysia, 3Department of Economics, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. *Email:

This paper investigates the impact of foreign-direct investment (FDI) and financial development on economic growth in Malaysia
over the period of 1975-2014. According to autoregressive distributed lag bound test approach to co integration analyses, the results
found that financial development plays an essential role in mediating the impact of FDI on economic growth in Malaysia. This
implies that well-developed financial sectors lead to further and facilitate FDI spill over and hence yield economic growth,
particularly for the case of Malaysia.
Keywords: Financial Development, Economic Growth, Foreign-direct Investment, PCA, Autoregressive Distributed Lag JEL
Classifications: F23, O16, O40
Over the past decades foreign-direct investment (FDI) has considered as the main engine of economic growth
especially among emerging countries. The importance of FDI can be seen through the channels of technological
transfer, new skill, knowledge and techniques in firms’ production process, increase rivalry among the production for
local and foreign producers, export and import as well as economic growth (Levine, 1997; Borensztein et al., 1998).
As a result, FDI inflow in the globe has increased significantly from $57 billion in 1982 - $1271 billion in 2000. The
significant contribution of FDI to economic growth in the developing countries has been highlighted by Nair-Reichert
and Weinhold (2001). Since Malaysia is one of the developing countries, FDI has been well recognized in order to
sustain Malaysia’s economic performance in the long run as well as increase the welfare of the nations. For instance,
by having more FDI inflows in the country, the new and existing firms will contribute more towards gross domestic
product (GDP) by having new skill, knowledge, and techniques in their production process (Xu and Wang, 2000;
Jenkins and Thomas, 2002). As a whole, Malaysia is considered the second quickest growing economy in the South
East Asian area where the average Gross National Production growing of 8% annually in the latest years. Meanwhile,
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 7 • Issue 3 • 2017 in the 1957 Malaysia was considered as
agriculture based economy then has shifted to more versatile and export-oriented.
Even though theoretical literature predicts that FDI inflows bring huge benefits to the recipient country, empirical
studies on the FDI-growth nexus have stated contradictory results (Herzer and Clasen, 2008; Gorg and Greenaway,
2004). Some studies found to have positive effect (De Gregorio, 1992; Borensztein et al., 1998), while others have
found no such evidence (Irandoust and Ericsson, 2001) or even no effect on growth (Moran, 1998; Gorg and
Greenaway, 2004). The ambiguity findings might be due to the failure to capture the model contingency effect between
FDI and growth. Hermes and Lensink, (2003) and Alfaro et al. (2004) found that well-developed financial markets
stimulate higher economic growth by absorbing the benefits embodied in foreign capital flows, particularly FDI. The
absorptive capacity of the recipient country seems to be the key explanatory variable for conflicting relationship
between FDI-growth. According to World Bank (2001) emphasizes that only countries with greatest absorptive
capacity are likely to benefit from the presence of foreign capital (World Bank, 2001). More recently, Azman-Saini
et al. (2010) argued that there is a minimum threshold level of financial development required for the positive effect
of FDI on growth.
Alzaidy, et al.: The Impact of Foreign-direct Investment on Economic Growth in Malaysia: The Role of Financial Development
In addition, one main source of dispute on the growth literature
borrowing rates, financial sector development is capable to smooth is the issue of the most suitable or correct
measure of financial
the relations between foreign firms and domestic firms. For recent development indicator. Therefore, this paper
examines the role
literature review also Ozturk (2008), Ayouni and Issaoui (2014), of financial market in mediating the impact of FDI
on economic
Babajide et al. (2015), Faisal et al. (2016), Sbia and Alrousan growth within an endogenous growth model for
(2016). This paper contributes to the previous literature in many ways, (i) applying time series estimation
procedures. As far as we know,
Second, there are also a few studies have shown that the most of the existing studies have either ignored the role of
complementary hypothesis is not supported. Durham (2004); sector or have relied mainly on the panel estimation
for instance, empirically showed that the complementary (ii) previous studies have used either one or two indicators
effect between FDI and financial sector development was not financial development, which lead to conflicting
statistically significant in influencing economic growth. However, Azman-Saini et al. (2010) argued that there is a
minimum threshold 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
level of financial development required for the positive effect of FDI on growth. Adams and Opoku (2015) show
that neither FDI The role of FDI on economic growth has been widely discussed in the literature. The endogenous
growth model has been
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 7 • Issue 3 • 2017 383
nor regulations have independent significant impact, though, their connection has a major positive influence on
economic growth. developed by Lucas, (1988), Rebelo (1991) and Romer (1986).
Their study concluded the regulatory regime of the countries This growth model introduces capital in the form of
human capital
affects the FDI-GDP correlation for 22 sub-Saharan African accumulation and R and D and spotlights the
externalities that
countries over the period 1980-2011 by using (GMM) estimation spring up from these types of capital. FDI inspires
the integration
technique. Some studies argued that FDI-growth nexus may of new inputs and technologies in the production
systems of host
happen indirectly and via conditional effect of some factors. For countries. In addition, FDI might also encourage
economic growth
instance, Hermes and Lensink (2003), and Alfaro et al. (2004) endogenously if it generates productivity, positive
stated that countries should take into account the related policies and spill over effects. De Mello (1997) shows that
FDI can boost
that can help financial system to be well-developed. In addition, long run economic development through
technological progress,
Hermes and Lensink (2003) stated that FDI inflow may lead to capital accumulation and human capital
augmentation. In a broadly
enhance economic growth of LDCs. This is only true after these referred to work, Borensztein et al. (1998) look at
the impact of FDI
countries have developed their local financial systems. on economic growth which they found that FDI is a vital
vehicle for adoption of new technologies, contributing comparatively more to growth than domestic investment.
3. METHODOLOGY AND MODEL SPECIFICATION The role of financial sector development on
economic growth was first studied by Schumpeter (1911/1934). After that followed by Patrick and Charles (1966)
conducted that financial sector development can encourage the economic growth through the following channels,
first; reallocation of resources from traditional to growth-inducing sectors and the promotion of entrepreneurship in
growth-inducing sectors. Romer (1986) and Lucas, (1988; 1993) mentioned that a well - developed financial system
will attract more saving mobilization and decrease asymmetric information this will affect to better allocation of
resources. In recent studies,
3.1. Methodology In this study, following (Shahbaz and Rahman, 2012; Belloumi, 2014), with modifications, we
use the autoregressive distributed lag or Bounds testing approach to cointegration autoregressive distributed lag
(ARDL) technique introduced by Pesaran et al. (2001) to test the long run equilibrium relationship between
economic growth, FDI and financial development. Some of the feature of using the ARDL cointegration approach
over other methods include: Derivation of the error correction model via a Choong et al. (2004) examined the
complementary influence for
simple linear transformation which combines short run adjustment three developed countries (Japan, US, UK) and
six East Asian
from shocks with long run without compromising long run countries using Johansen multivariate cointegration
technique and
information; it can be used irrespective of the fact that variables are Granger Causality test. The later study
concluded that, financial
stationary at I(0), I(1) or combination of both; ARDL cointegration sector development is fundamental for FDI to
have positive effects
has a good property for small sample size. on economic growth in seven out of nine countries observed in the long
run, whereas short run causality tests shown that financial
3.2. Model Specification sector development is significant in six out of nine countries
In order to model the relationship between economic growth and observed. In the case of Malaysia, Choong et al.
(2005) applied
FDI, a functional form model is constructed as: the bounds test and unrestricted error correction model (UECM)
approach on Malaysia. The result shows that short run elasticities for FDI, financial sector development and the
Yt = f(FDIt, FDt, INVt, GEt, POPt) (1)
effect to be greater than their corresponding long run elasticities.
The functional equation 1 was converted to an econometric model On the other hand, Alfaro et al. (2006) suggested
that financial
by introducing a drift parameter, slop of each explanatory variable sector development influences the extent to
which FDI promotes
and stochastic error term. We have further converted equation 1 higher economic growth in host countries via
backward linkages.
into natural log to enable efficient estimation as shown below, we For instance, by easing credit constraints via
lower lending and
employed a specification that is broadly similar to Choong and Lim
Alzaidy, et al.: The Impact of Foreign-direct Investment on Economic Growth in Malaysia: The Role of Financial Development
(2009). The impact of FDI on growth can be expressed as follows:
development and growth have no uniform argument as to which proxies are most suitable for capturing this
relationship. We apply LYt = α+β1LFDIt+β2LFDt+β3LINVt+β4LGEt+β5LPOPt+εt (2)
principal component analysis procedure in order to extract the most significant index to measure financial
development. Therefore, we Equation 3 below is created with an inclusion of interaction term
combined four different measures of financial development into between FDI and financial development. The
efficient role of the
a single index as following: First, the ratio of aggregate money financial sector cannot be ignored. Well-functioning
and efficient
(M2) to nominal GDP. Second, the ratio of credit to private sector financial system also enhances the absorptive
capacity of a country
to nominal GDP. Third, the ratio of the total financial sector regarding foreign capital inflows (Choong and Lim,
2009; Ang,
to nominal GDP. Fourth, The ratio of liquid liabilities (M3) to 2008; 2009). One may conclude that a more
developed financial
nominal GDP. sector would stimulate the process of technological diffusion with respect to foreign capital inflows
(FDI). That is why interaction
Based on the four different measures of financial development that term between financial development and FDI has
been included
listed above, Table 1 shows the result that obtained from principal in the basic model to investigate this particular
component analysis. It is clear that, 97.4% of the variance in the data has been explained by component 1 and its
eigenvalue is LYDI*LFDt = α+βt+εt 1LFDIt+β2LFDt+β3INVt+β4LGEt+β5LPOPt+β6LF (3)
bigger than one. However, the remaining components explains only a small portion of the variation 2% 1% and 1%
respectively, and their eigenvalue is less than one. Therefore, based on the Where inflow 384 International Journal of
Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 7 • Issue 3 • 2017 Yas t represents a economic growth, FDI which denotes FDI net ratio
to GDP. LFD represents financial development. POP represents population size (proxy of labour force), (INV)
which is a measure of domestic investment as proxies of gross
result that illustrated above, the first principal component has the maximum explanatory power. To do so, we use it
as our financial development indicator (FD). Below, we symbolize this new indicator as FD. capital formation in the
percentage of real GDP (represent capital), (GE) government expenditure, (FDI*FD) represents the interaction term
between FDI and financial development. β is the intercept
On the bases of these justifications we construct the UECM of ARDL cointegration approach as follows: or drift
parameter while is the random error term that is expected to be normally distributed with zero mean and constant
variance. According to Azman-Saini et al. (2010) in order to avoid multi
collinearity problem, the interaction term must be following the two-step procedure: Firstly, the interaction term
FDI×FD was regressed on the FDI and FD variables. Secondly, we used the

residuals from the regression in the first step to represent the interaction term.
3.3. Data Description This paper tests the empirical impact of FDI and the role of financial market development
on economic growth in Malaysia. To achieve this, annual data were collected from World Bank development
indicator in 2016. The data collected covers the period from 1975 to 2014. The variables of interest include real
GDP per capita as a proxy for economic growth while two separate indicators were used to represent FDI and
financial development. These include; FDI, net inflows (% of GDP), various measures of financial development
(discussed in greater detail below). In addition, our control variables are: Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP),
general government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) and population in total. These indicators were used
to ascertain the influence of FDI and financial market development on economic growth in Malaysia.
The aim of PCA is to describe the maximum amount of variance with the fewest number of principal components.
We follow Ang and McKibbin (2007) in constructing a single measure of financial development by using principal
component analysis. There are some advantages of doing this are twofold. Firstly, the variables of financial
development are much correlated among themselves. By using PCA helps to overcome multi-collinearity problem.
Secondly, studies trying to examine the relation between financial

i LY = + ik

∑ k
LY t +


∑ k

− tt=
LINV t −1



t tti+ t

D t − 1 + β 4 LINV t − 1 + β 5 LGE t − 1 + β 6 LPOP t − 1 + ε t .(4)

In order to establish the long run equilibrium relationship among the variables, we progress to test the null hypothesis
of them. The null alternative The LGE LPOP LY
hypothesis null hypothesis hypothesis is given proposes remains as H 0: the βas 1 = lack Hβ12 : = βof 1 β≠
cointegration 3 = β2 β≠ 4 = β3 β≠ 5 = β4 β≠ 6 whereas = β5 0 ≠ and β6 ≠ the the 0.
alternative shows the presence of cointegration among variables. In order to establish the existence of cointegration
between economic growth, FDI and financial development indicators in Malaysia. We estimate the value of F-statistics
of the ARDL approach to cointegration through the OLS and compare with critical bounds table of Narayan (2005).
If the F-statistic is above the upper bounds of the Narayan critical bounds table, the null hypothesis of no cointegration
is rejected which indicates that long-run relationship exists among the variables. On the other hand, if the F-statistic
is less than the lower critical value of the Narayan critical
Table 1: Principal component analysis for financial depth index Component Eigen values

Difference Proportion Cumulative
Component 1 3.896977 3.799046 0.9742 0.9742 Component 2 0.097931 0.092840 0.0245 0.9987 Component 3 0.005091 0.005091
0.0013 1.0000 Component 4 −4.440116 - 0.0000 1.0000
Number of observed=53, Number of component=4
Alzaidy, et al.: The Impact of Foreign-direct Investment on Economic Growth in Malaysia: The Role of Financial Development
bounds table the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, implying no
calculated F-statistics for the cointegration test are displayed in cointegration among the variables. However, if the
F-statistic lies
Tables 3 and 4. The F-statistic for the first model (6.6886, Table 3) between lower and upper critical values, the test
is inconclusive.
is greater than the upper bounds value (5.898) of the Narayan After testing the relationship among the variables, the
(2005) table at 1% level of significance. Through the interaction coefficients of the ARDL model can be estimated:
between FDI and financial development in the second model we found there is cointegration at 5% level (Table 4).
This indicates a strong cointegration relationship between our dependent and ∆ i ∆ ∆ ∆
independent variables. On this ground, we accepted our alternative hypothesis of the existence of cointegration and
reject the null

hypothesis that assumes absence of cointegration.
Table 5 present the long run relationship of the ARDL without an interaction term between FDI and financial
development. The estimated long run variables of FDI, financial development, investment, population are positively
related to economic growth in Malaysia. The results indicate that higher values of FDI, domestic investment, labour,
and financial development are associated with faster growth in GDP. Furthermore, the estimate of FDI is positively
related to economic growth in Malaysia and significant at 5% level, meaning that an increase in FDI by 1% will lead
to more than proportionate increase in economic growth. The finding supports recent literature of Iamsiraroj (2016)
for 124 cross-country, Fadhil and Almsafir (2015) for a study in Malaysia. It is worth noting that 1% increase of
financial development will spurs economic growth by 0.0775%. This result is consistent with the earlier findings of
Ang and MCkibbin, (2007) in Malaysia. In contrast, the estimated coefficient for government expenditure (GE) is
negative, which is also parallel with the growth theory due to more attention on consumption spending that does not
raise marginal productivity and may lower both public goods and services. However, it is in line with the findings of
Choong and Lim (2009) that investigated similar study for Malaysia.
On the other hand, in Table 6, we repeat the long run relationship of the ARDL with an additional interaction term
between FDI and financial development indicator (FDI*FD). All the coefficients have the expected signs, and the
interaction term is positively as well as statistically significant at 5% level. Increase 1% in the interaction term FDI*FD
will brings up LY about 0.4423%. This result suggests that the effect of FDI inflows on growth
Table 2: ADF and PP unit root test Variables ADF PP
Level First difference Level First difference InYInFDIt InINVInGEInPOPInFDt t t t t International Journal of Economics and


Financial Issues | Vol 7 • Issue 3 • 2017 385 LY = 0+ ik
∑ k
=1 LY t − 1 +

LFDI t t=

−1.546 (0.795) −5.845 (0.001)*** −1.617 (0.767) −5.845 (0.001)*** −2.980 (0.150) −6.786583 (0.000)*** −3.026 (0.138)
−6.967 (0.000)*** −2.759 (0.220) −4.470 (0.0053)*** −1.817 (0.677) −4.434 (0.005)** −2.368 (0.389) −6.806 (0.000)***
−2.317 (0.415) −10.33 (0.000)*** −5.563 (0.000)*** −2.790 (0.211) −3.768 (0.029)** −1.027 (0.927)
−1.452 (0.828) −5.104 (0.001)*** −1.639 (0.758) −5.088 (0.001)***
The asterisks ***, ** and *indicate 1%, 5% and 10% significance level, ADF: Augmented Dickey-Fuller, PP: Phillips-Perron
Table 3: Result of ARDL cointegration (model 1) RYt=f (FDIt, FDt, INVt, GEt, POPt) Significant level Critical values
for bound test: Case III F-statistics Lower bounds Upper bounds (6.6886)*** 1% level 4.045 5.898 Lag length 5% level
2.962 4.338 (1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2) 10% level 2.483 3.708
***, ** and *denotes significant at 1%, 5% and 10% significance level, respectively, ARDL: Autoregressive distributed lag

−− 1

∑ k

∑ k

φ ∆ LGE

∑ k



1 t t=
ti= 1 (5)
The long run model is followed by the error correction model presented in equation 6.
t tLY = 0+ LY -

+ LFDI -

三 k

LINV t -1

11 三k




t-1 t t=
We first showed a unit root test on economic growth, FDI and financial development indicators to avoid spurious
result. The unit root test was conducted and presented in the Table 2.
We conduct a test of the order of integration for each variable using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips Perron
(PP). The result suggests that the variables are stationary at I(1). Even though the ARDL framework does not require
the pretesting of variables, the unit-root test could indicate whether or not the ARDL model should be used. The result
of the unit root test is presented in Table 2 and we can then safely proceed to test the cointegration relationship among
our variables.
We estimated the F-statistic through the OLS variable addition test in equation 4 by using ARDL approach to
cointegration test. The
Alzaidy, et al.: The Impact of Foreign-direct Investment on Economic Growth in Malaysia: The Role of Financial Development
Table 4: Result of ARDL cointegration (model 2) RYt=f (FDIt, FDt, INVt, GEt, POPt, FD*FDIt) Significant level
Critical values for bound test: Case III F-statistics Lower bounds Upper bounds (4.8598)** 1% level 3.800 5.643 Lag
length 5% level 2.797 4.211 (2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) 10% level 2.353 3.599
ARDL: Autoregressive distributed lag, ***, ** and *denotes significant at 1%, 5% and 10% significance level, respectively
Table 5: Estimated long run and short run coefficients (model 1)
Dependent variable=lnLYt Variables Coefficient T-ratio (P values) Long run results InFDIInINVInGEInPOPt InFDConstant t t
t 0.0133 2.0970 (0.045)** 0.2157 7.5523 (0.000)*** −0.1729 −4.5140 (0.000)*** t 1.3480 18.9559 (0.000)***

0.0775 2.5008 (0.019)** −6.2293 −12.1970 (0.000)*** Short run results ∆InFDI∆InINV∆InGE∆InPOP t ∆InFDConstant t t t
0.0102 1.7240 (0.011)** 0.2158 8.5062 (0.000)*** −0.1323 −3.6888 (0.001)*** t 1.1403 2.1205 (0.043)**
−0.0652 −1.5907 (0.122) −4.7679 −5.6565 (0.000)*** ECM (−1) −0.7653 −5.6246 (0.000)*** R2=0.99, adjusted R2=0.98
Diagnostic tests F-statistics P values Serial correlation χ2 0.6517 (0.427) Heteroscedasticity χ2 0.1784 (0.675) Functional form
χ2 1.6858 (0.207) Normality χ2 Not
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues | Vol 7 • Issue 3 • 2017 Table 6: Estimated long run and short run
coefficients (model 2)
Dependent variable=lnLYt Variables Coefficient T-ratio (P values) Long run results InFDIInINVInGEInPOPt
InFDInFDI*FDt t t t Constant t 0.0257 1.9499 (0.062)* 0.2853 4.9856 (0.000)*** −0.1578 −2.1724 (0.039)**
1.4131 10.4974 (0.000)*** 0.0529 0.7588 (0.054)* 0.4423 2.5621 (0.016)** −6.7087 −7.0360 (0.000)*** Short run results
∆InFDI∆InINV∆InGE∆InPOPt ∆InFD∆InFDI*FDt t t t Constant t 0.0109 2.8779 (0.007)*** 0.2267 7.9011 (0.000)*** −0.0670
−0.21505 (0.040)** −5.3797 −2.0773 (0.047)** −0.0224 −0.83932 (0.408)
0.1878 3.6360 (0.001)*** −2.8487 −4.1584 (0.000)*** ECM (−1) −0.4246 −3.7887 (0.001)*** R2= 0.98, adjusted R2= 0.97
Diagnostic tests F-statistics P values Serial correlation χ2 0.0097 (0.922) Not applicable
Heteroscedasticity χ2 0.4779 (0.494) Functional form χ2 1.9653 (0.173) CUSUM and CUSUMSQ Stable Stable Normality χ2
***, ** and *denotes significant at 1%, 5% and 10% significance level, respectively
Not applicable
Not applicable
CUSUM and CUSUMSQ Stable Stable
***, ** and * denotes significant at 1%, 5% and 10% significance level, respectively increases
heavily with FD. Our finding is reliable with
recent studies which also found that an improvement in the level of financial development is needed to attract more
FDI inflow to the recipient country (Alfaro et al., 2004; Choong and Lim, 2009; Azman-Saini et al., 2010).
According to Hermes and Lensink (2003) well-developed financial system can positively contributes to the process
of technological diffusion related with FDI. Finally, all variables are significant in terms of probability value at 1%,
5% and 10% level.
We proceed to short run model (ECMs) was estimated from equation 6. The signs for all of the independent variables
remain the same with the long run test Tables 5 and 6 listed above except for financial development coefficient is
statistically insignificance in the short run. Which is clarifying the negative impact on economic growth in the short
run. The negative symbol of the ECM term indicates the anticipated convergence process in long run dynamics, as
well as less than one and significant. The ECM coefficient for both model (with interaction and without interaction
term) were 0.7653 and 0.4246 respectively, indicating a high speed of adjustment and the value for ECM is highly
significant at 1% level.
The overall goodness of fit of the estimated models shown in Tables 5 and 6 is quite high, with R2 values of 99% and
98% for the first and second model, respectively. We applied a number of diagnostic tests to the ARDL model which
were also presented in Tables 5 and 6. Fortunately, we found no evidence of serial correlation and heteroscedasticity.
Moreover, the stochastic error term is white noise and normally distributed with zero mean and constant variance. We
therefore fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Structural stability of the models is examined using the CUSUM and CUSUM of squares tests on the recursive
residuals. The results are within the critical bounds at 5% level of significant indicating that the model is stable,
consistent and reliable (Figure 1a-d). The plots of the CUSUM and CUSUMSQ statistics confirm that the long-run
coefficients and all short-run coefficients in ECM are stable and affect growth over the sample period 1975-2014.
The main objective of this paper is to assess whether the impact of FDI on growth depends on the role of financial
sector development.
Alzaidy, et al.: The Impact of Foreign-direct Investment on Economic Growth in Malaysia: The Role of Financial Development
Figure 1: (a) Plot of cumulative sum of recursive residuals, (b) plot of cumulative sum of squares of recursive residuals, (c) plot
of cumulative sum of recursive residuals, (d) plot cumulative sum of squares of recursive residuals
a b c d Using ARDL approach over the period 1975-2014, our results can be interpreted from three angles. First, FDI
has a significant positive impact on economic growth in Malaysia for the short and long run. Second, possibly the
most significant finding of this study, financial development indictor as well as the interaction term between FDI
and financial development are highly significant with the expected positive signs. As both results of financial
development indicators as well as the interaction term between FDI and financial development are highly significant
with the expected positive signs; this show that better domestic financial intermediaries may channel the inflows of
FDI to productive sectors, and hence to further stimulate economic growth. Finally, it is worth notable that we used
principal component analysis to reduce the dimension of the measures of financial development from four to one
while retaining approximately 97% of the total variance in the data. The results indicate that the growth effect of
financial development is sensitive to the choice of proxy has been used. This outcome aids in understanding the
contradictory results in the literature as numerous studies depend on one single indicators therefore unable to
distinguish which financial sector variables have positive growth enhancing effects and which does not.
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