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Showcase of beautiful title page done in TeX

The book is mostly meets by the Title Page. Default TeX \maketitle are simple and

I'm looking for examples of Title Pages:

complex - have different formatting;

beautiful and awesome;
available online;
and, finally!, with TeX sources available.

I think such examples would be a great inspiration and motivation stuff!

{titles} {typography} {big-list}

edited Jan 7 '13 at 15:50 community wiki

3 revs, 2 users 100%

26   The document »Some Examples of Title Pages« might be helpful here. – Thorsten Donig Dec 7 '12 at

1  I think Thorsten Donig's comment makes a good answer and I'd vote it up. – Christian Lindig Dec 7 '12
at 10:57

2  Similar:… – mythealias Dec 7 '12 at 11:12

1  @ChristianLindig: Here you are. – Thorsten Donig Dec 7 '12 at 17:17

2  I believe that if you want this to be really a showcase, it should be a Community Wiki question. – yo' Dec
7 '12 at 17:20

8 Answers

In answer to the question Creating a titlepage, Harish Kumar and azetina provided the
following nice title page:
\documentclass[12pt,demo]{report} %% Remove demo in your file.
\usepackage{lipsum}% Used for dummy text.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\newgeometry{left=7.5cm} %defines the geometry for the titlepage
\textbf{\textsf{UniversitätsKlinikum}} \textcolor{namecolor}{\textsf{Heidelberg}}
{\huge \textsf{Handbuch 1.3}}
\textsf{August 2008}
\restoregeometry % restores the geometry
\nopagecolor% Use this to restore the color pages to white
% ----------------------------------------------------------------

Here is another example:



contents={\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\path [fill=titlepagecolor] (current page.west)rectangle (current page.north east);
\draw [color=white, very thick] (5,0)--(5,0.5\paperheight);

{\large \@author}}

Author 1 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{}\vspace{40pt} \\
Author 2 name \\
Department name \\


\textcolor{white}{\Huge\textbf{\textsf{Hardy's Theorem}}}
\end{minipage} \hspace{15pt}
\end{minipage} \hspace{-10pt}
An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference
proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often
used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. When used, an abstract
always appears at the beginning of a manuscript, acting as the point-of-entry for any
given scientific paper or patent application. Abstracting and indexing services for
various academic disciplines are aimed at compiling a body of literature for that
particular subject.

Yet another flavor:




contents={\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\path [fill=titlepagecolor] (-0.5\paperwidth,5) rectangle (0.5\paperwidth,10);
{\large \@author}}
Author 1 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{}\vspace{40pt} \\
Author 2 name \\
Department name \\
\textcolor{white}{\bigsf Hardy's Theorem}
\end{minipage} \hspace{15pt}
\end{minipage} \hspace{-10pt}
An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference
proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often
used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. When used, an abstract
always appears at the beginning of a manuscript, acting as the point-of-entry for any
given scientific paper or patent application. Abstracting and indexing services for
various academic disciplines are aimed at compiling a body of literature for that
particular subject.

Yet another example (using code from Trying to do graphical decorations in

"ClassicThesis style"):




{\large \@author}}
Author 1 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{}\vspace{20pt} \\
Author 2 name \\
Department name \\

% The following code is borrowed from:

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,shorten >= -10pt]

\coordinate (aux1) at ([yshift=-15pt]current page.north east);

\coordinate (aux2) at ([yshift=-410pt]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux3) at ([xshift=-4.5cm]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux4) at ([yshift=-150pt]current page.north east);

\begin{scope}[titlepagecolor!40,line width=12pt,rounded corners=12pt]

(aux1) -- coordinate (a)
++(225:5) --
++(-45:5.1) coordinate (b);
\draw[shorten <= -10pt]
(aux3) --
(a) --
\draw[opacity=0.6,titlepagecolor,shorten <= -10pt]
(b) --
++(225:2.2) --
\draw[titlepagecolor,line width=8pt,rounded corners=8pt,shorten <= -10pt]
(aux4) --
++(225:0.8) --
\begin{scope}[titlepagecolor!70,line width=6pt,rounded corners=8pt]
\draw[shorten <= -10pt]
(aux2) --
++(225:3) coordinate[pos=0.45] (c) --
(aux2) --
(c) --
++(135:2.5) --
++(45:2.5) --
++(-45:2.5) coordinate[pos=0.3] (d);
(d) -- +(45:1);

\titlefont Hardy's Theorem\par
\epigraph{Pure mathematics is on the whole distinctly more useful than applied. For what
is useful above all is technique, and mathematical technique is taught mainly through pure
{\textit{London 1941}\\ \textsc{G. H. Hardy}}

You can find other examples at:

edited Jun 8 at 23:56 community wiki

10 revs, 3 users 93%

    For the first template: I have a question. The texts starts right from the next page of the cover/title page.
How can I keep a blank page and a page for 'Acknowledgement' just after the cover page? – far.westerner
Mar 9 '14 at 21:03

    @Ome Take a look at this post: – azetina Mar 9 '14 at 22:53

    @azetina do you know why I get \backgroundsetup undefined sequence even though I have
background.sty? Does it require a newer version? – elaRosca Jun 16 '14 at 17:34

    Found it here… – elaRosca Jun 16 '14 at 17:45

    This template is absolutely gorgeous. I know that such a comment is not exactly considered productive but
still...Fascinating! – rbaleksandar Mar 21 '16 at 16:19

The question LaTeX3 and pauper's coffins discusses various ways to implement a
famous title page by Tschichold in LaTeX:
The picture above shows the various relationships that this design implements (the
arrows are overlayed on a picture of the original).

The implementation (using expl3's coffin concepts) is given in Is there no easier way
to float objects and set margins?. The LaTeX3 reimplementation then gives this
(without trying to use exactly the same fonts):
edited Apr 13 at 12:35 community wiki
2 revs
Frank Mittelbach

I find the titlepages of the ConTeXt manuals to be visually very pleasing. A few of
them involve randomized elements. The source for some of the manuals is available
at this svn mirror.
(Click on the images to see a bigger version)

edited Dec 7 '12 at 23:49 community wiki

2 revs

2   At the beginning that was overwhelming to see but thanks for the smaller previews. – azetina Dec 8 '12 at

    To me, these look more like covers than title pages, but they awesome nonetheless. – Jesper Ipsen Dec 8
'12 at 10:04

My humble contribution- I made this for the, 'Program Review' that we have at our
college. The background image it uses can be found here, but of course you'll
probably want to insert your own :)
The code uses the tcolorbox and eso-pic packages.

% arara: pdflatex
% !arara: indent: {overwrite: yes}


enhanced,flushright upper,
drop fuzzy midday shadow=black!50!yellow

\AddToShipoutPicture{% from package eso-pic: put something to the background

\AtPageCenter{% start the bar at the bottom right of the page
\put(-\LenToUnit{.465\paperwidth},-\LenToUnit{.4\paperheight}){% move it to the
\AtPageLowerLeft{% start the bar at the bottom right of the page
\put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-3cm},0){% move it to the top right
\put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.7cm},\LenToUnit{17cm}){% move it to the top
\put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.5cm},\LenToUnit{12.5cm}){% move it to the
top right
\put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.3cm},\LenToUnit{8.5cm}){% move it to the top
\put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.7cm},\LenToUnit{5.0cm}){% move it to the top
\put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.2cm},\LenToUnit{1.5cm}){% move it to the top


{\bfseries\LARGE {Program Review} \par}
{\large \itshape Mathematics \par}
{\large Portland Community College }


{\scshape Fall 2008--Spring 2013}

answered Dec 30 '13 at 15:59 community wiki


    Could you please reupload the background image? – whatever Sep 24 '15 at 14:39

1… – cmhughes Sep 24 '15 at


This is an example derived from the document »Some Examples of Title Pages«. It is
not the most spectacular one but should be a good starting point.



{\LARGE CONUNDRUMS\\ AND \\[0.3\baselineskip] PUZZLES}\\[0.2\baselineskip]
Selected and Expanded Papers from the Organisation Working Conference on \\
Enigmas \\
Location, date from--to\par
Edited by \\[\baselineskip]
{\itshape Organisation \\ Address\par}
{\scshape year} \\
{\large THE PUBLISHER}\par

In opposite to the document I did not define a command but simply put the necessary
code into a titlepage environment.

The appendix Section A of the document has important information about all
necessary stuff for creating the title pages.

edited Jun 8 at 22:51 community wiki

2 revs, 2 users 94%
Thorsten Donig

3   A standard installation should have this document accessible via texdoc titlepages . – GTK Dec 8 '12 at

From my master's thesis. In the background one can see some (dirty) nanoparticles

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[inner sep=0,opacity=1] at (current
%\path[clip,decoration={random steps, segment length=6pt, amplitude=2pt},
%decorate] ($(current page.south west)+(5.1,6)$) -- ++(9,0) -- ++ (0,2) -- ++
(-1.5,4) -- ++ (0.5,2) -- ++ (-0.35,2) -- ++ (1,1) -- ++ (3.5,0.5) -- ++ (0,5) -- ++
(-4.75,0) -- ++ (-0.5,0.75) -- ++ (-4.25,0) -- ++ (-0.25,0.25) -- ++ (0,2) -- ++(-5.25,0)
-- ++ (0,-8.25) -- ++ (0.25,-0.25) -- ++ (4,0) -- ++ (0.5,-0.75) -- ++ (-0.35,-2) -- ++
(0.5,-2) -- ++ (-2,-4) -- cycle;
\path[clip,decoration={random steps, segment length=6pt, amplitude=2pt},
decorate] ($(current page.south west)+(5.1,5)$) -- ++(12.15,0) -- ++ (0,12.5)
-- ++ (0,5) -- ++ (-4.75,0) -- ++ (-0.5,0.75) -- ++ (-4.25,0) -- ++ (-0.25,0.25) -- ++
(0,2) -- ++(-5.25,0) -- ++ (0,-8.25) -- ++ (0,-12.15) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white,inner sep=0,opacity=0.5] (current page.south west) rectangle (current
page.north east);
{University of YourTown\\
Physics Department\\
Physics Institute
\subject{\textit{\textbf{ aster's esis}}\vspace*{-1cm}}
\publishers{\vspace{0.7cm}\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Lining}\large \begin{minipage}

}}\hphantom{2ⁿ }\hspace*{-\titlepagenewlengthup}1 supervisor: Professor Doctor Doe\\
2ⁿ supervisor: Professor Doctor Doe\\
{\widthof{ad}}\hphantom{2ⁿ super}\hspace*{-\titlepagenewlength}advisor: Doctor
\author{Max Mustermann}
\hrule height 2pt%
\vspace{0.3cm} Title of thesis%
\hrule height 2pt%

answered Jun 15 '15 at 10:24 community wiki


1   I like it. Plus thank you for uploading the code next to it. – MyUserIsThis Jun 15 '15 at 11:08

I have few examples to show. You can download these from Here, Here, Here, and
Here. These are originally Peter Wilson's titlepage examples that I have changed the
examples little to work with xepersian package to typeset Persian documents.

Several examples from the 4th archive:

edited Apr 14 '15 at 14:44 community wiki
2 revs, 2 users 53%
Yaroslav Nikitenko

41   It would be nice if you could insert a picture so people can view it without having to upload a zip file and
unzip it. – user10274 Dec 8 '12 at 10:04

This is just my little collaboration. It's not as professional as some examples and the
code is far from elegant. So feel free to edit/adapt and improve.

First a more traditional style. Many old books have a title page that look similar to
this. I'v used tcolorbox and tikz with calligra font just for fancy.
% This template has been done collecting multiple entries from:
% Author:
% Graciano Bay
% License:
% CC BY-SA 3.0 (

\usepackage{auto-pst-pdf} %To compile psvectorian directly

sharp corners,

\fontsize{45}{45}\scshape Book Title\\
% Big Logo\\
{\fontsize{12}{12}\calligra A original story of\\}
\fontsize{28}{28}\scshape Author Name\\
start chain=main going right,

\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none] (a1){{\fontsize{12}{12}\calligra

Illustrations by} \\
{\Large Designer}
{ [start branch=A going below]
\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](d1){};
\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,](d2){\Huge Press logo};
%\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](d3){};
\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none] (a2){\psvectorian[]{148}};
{ [start branch=B going below]
\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](s1){};
\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,](s2){};
%\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](s3){};
\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none] (a3){{\fontsize{12}{12}\calligra
Final review by} \\
{\Large Revisor}
{ [start branch=C going below]
\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](e1){};
\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,](e2){\Huge Other Logo};
%\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](e3){};
\draw[black] (s2.north) -- (s2.south);

My second is certainly not classic looking. Here i've used only tikz.
% This template has been done collecting multiple entries from:
% Author:
% Graciano Bay
% License:
% CC BY-SA 3.0 (

\begin{tikzpicture}[local bounding box=picture, baseline=(picture.south)]
\node [draw=none] (A) at (0,0) {};
\node [draw=none] (B) at (15,5) {};
\node [draw=none] (C) at (5,-5) {};
\foreach \s/\col in {1.5/ProcessBlue, 1/SkyBlue, 0/ProcessBlue}{
\path [draw,\col, line width=40] ($(A.west)-(0,\s cm)$) to ($(C.west)-(0,\s
cm)$) to ($(B.west)-(0,\s cm)$);
\node [draw=none] (A2) at (0,-20) {};
\node [draw=none] (B2) at (22,-8) {};
\node [draw=none] (C2) at (5,-25) {};
\foreach \s/\col in {1.5/ProcessBlue!20!white, 1/SkyBlue!20!white,
\path [draw,\col, line width=40] ($(A2.west)-(0,\s cm)$) to ($(C2.west)-
(0,\s cm)$) to ($(B2.west)-(0,\s cm)$);
\node [draw=none,text width=\textwidth/1.7] (T1) at (10,0) {\fontsize{50}
{50}\MakeUppercase{\textsf{\textbf{A Book Title}}}};
\node [draw=none,text width=\textwidth/1.7] (T2) at (10,-14) {

answered May 29 '16 at 13:53 community wiki

G. Bay

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