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Bandong, Maria Carmela Louisa A.

February 13, 2019

Purposive Communication – PC15

Barriers to Effective Communication across Borders

1. Language used.
a. People have lots of expertise and use jargons on their specific area. Being too technical
makes it vague to others. Be natural on way of speaking make them understand what
you wanted to say.
2. Beliefs about what is correct to communicate.
a. Beliefs may be positive or negative but the important thing to take note is that we
usually live our lives according to it and hence it is important not to infringe on others’
values/beliefs so as to avoid offending them.
3. Communication Style
a. Some people are direct and others are indirect when approaching someone. Some use
detailed ideas, while some are in general.
4. Sequential cultures
a. Like North American, English, German, Swedish, and Dutch businesspeople, they give
full attention to one agenda item after another.
5. Demographic Background
a. Age, culture, gender, or status backgrounds are filters. A certain generation might
understand what you are talking about in a certain way.


Barriers To Effective Communication. (2011, November 06). Retrieved February 11, 2019, from

Kinsey, C. (2011, March). Communicating Across Cultures. Retrieved February 11, 2019, from

Lyon, A. [Communication Coach Alex Lyon]. (15 Jan 2018). Communication Barriers. Retrieved from

Willkomm, A. C. (2018, July 18). 6 Barriers to Effective Communication. Retrieved February 11, 2019,
effective-communication/ (2009, April 25). When communicating, be mindful of others' values and beliefs.
Retrieved February 11, 2019, from

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