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Question 1:

Reverse engineering has been directed toward extending the useful life of existing products by
providing the knowledge necessary to produce replacement parts. However, there are number of needs
for sound reverse engineering principles and processes in the context of environmentally friendly
design. By referring to a product, elaborate the needs of reverse engineering and the approach


To produce a product with environment friendly design, the designer needs to consider the steps
that come both before and after the design and production process. This were also including the sourcing
and processing of materials and what happens to the product once it has reached the end of its life cycle.
There is principle that had been establish as is used to help designer who want to implement sustainable
design through the process of reverse engineering. The principles were also known as Design for the
Environment (DfE). The 4 main principles were:

1. Design for environmental processing and manufacturing.

2. Design for environmental packaging.
3. Design for disposal and reuse.
4. Design for energy efficient.

For example, the electronic parts for computer products, the design and functionality can be
improved by implementing reverse engineering with considering all the four-principle mentioned
above. The product process involved need to be consider so that main goal can be achieved where are
to minimize the amount of waste, pollution produce, and energy required to produce the product. Next
is the packaging where designer needs to consider biodegradable and recyclable product were being
used for the product packaging. The electronic parts design also need to be consider for their disposal
process and able to be reuse or recycle and avoiding the use of toxic product. Lastly the new design od
the product need to have energy efficient so that the power required for the computer will less and
reduce the electric consumption where it can be used for other purposes.

The main reasons for reverse engineering are:

1. The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) no longer exist, but customer required that
2. The OEM of a product no longer produce the product.
3. The original product design documentations have been lost or unavailable.
4. The product required for features improvement.
The approach or the process involved were Digitization phase and Reconstruction phase. In
Digitization phase, the process involved the data acquisition of the physical model by using one of the
numbers types of scanner. The 3D digitization technology can be classified into 2 which are contact
and non-contact. The contact will be using probe that touch the model to get the geometries while non-
contact will be using x-ray for producing the 3D model.

The Reconstruction phase involved the set of data point that is in 3D coordinates system to produce
the point clouds that will be used for the reconstruct of the object in computers. This phase will acquire
range images of the part, pre-processing acquired data, data integration and final 3D CAD model.

Question 2:

Triangular meshes are often used to represent surfaces, at least initially, one reason being that meshes
are relatively easy to generate from point cloud data. However, we often want a smoother surface
representation especially in free-form shapes; and hence the need arises to fit a smooth parametric
surface through the vertices of the mesh. This requires making a suitable parameterization. Explain a
surface fitting using parameterization approach.


Parameterization are spline base approach where it uses mathematical spline formula to carry out
the approximation to connect between the cloud point in order to form the topological surface and
points. Some examples of parameterization available are:

1. Uniform Parameterization.
2. Chord-Length Parameterization.
3. Centripetal Parameterization.
4. Foley Parameterization.

For Uniform Parameterization, it assigns the integral parameter values to the edit points and evenly
distribute parameters along the spans between edit points. The first point will be o.0 and equally
continues for the next point such 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc. A bonus features of uniform parameterization is the
last edit point is also the number of spans in the curve.

Figure 1 : Uniform Parameterization diagram

The advantage of uniform parameterization is the parameter is easy to calculate. The drawback of
using this method is the interpolation between edit points is not as good and can contribute to
unpredictable stretching of texture during rendering process.

Question 3:

Discuss the different techniques of digitization by making comparison of their operation,

limitations and advantages.


Digitization take place when the geometry is required from the physical object. The phase was
also known as data capturing process as it involved the data acquisition of the physical model using
various types of scanner. The technique can be classified into two category which are contact and non-
contact. Contact technique were using probe that touches the surface of the object during the process of
data acquisition. Such example is A Join Arm and Coordinate-Measuring Machine (CMM). On the
other hand, non-contact divided into two which is reflective and transitive. 3D Laser Scan are using
Reflective while CT scan are using transmissive technique. CMM, 3D Laser Scan and CT Scan were
chosen for the comparison of the operation, limitation and advantages. Figure below show the
characterization of technique for Digital Data Acquisition:

Figure 1: Data Shape Acquisition technique

The comparison was tabulate into table for better understanding of the differences between
those techniques.

Operation Limitation Advantages

CMM • Contact with the object • Very sensitive with • It very suitable to
using special probe. the probe and the software. be use in inspection
• Output product is in • CMM setup application to check the
coordinate system where probe equipment is large and not quality of the product.
will give the coordinate of the portable. • High precision
touch point surface. • The machine is and accuracy because
• The digitized data is then expensive. probe touch the object.
converted into a computer • Not very good in • Accurate
model, which describes the true time consuming because dimensions.
surface of the component not suitable for taking lot of
• Limitation of data
for internal part.
3D Lesser • Non-contact with the • Required dark • Reduces Manual
Scanner object. surrounding to get accurate Intervention.
• The source of capturing data. • High Precision
image is using a line of laser • Difficult to get and very little error.
light. accurate data for small • Easy Re-
• Output product is in point features and hole. designing if any flaw
cloud wish is thousands of data • Very reflective detected at the object
captured and need further materials generally do not during 3D modelling.
processing to get the actual scan well. • Cost Reduction
image of the product. • Limited for external by simply and easily re-
object. designing objects one
• Very reflective can avoid wastage of
materials generally do not time in term taking lot of
scan well. data compare to the
• Can harmful the CMM.
operator if not doing • 3D scanning can
correctly. produce image colour
and very meaningful.
CT Scan • Not contact with the • The effect of • CT scanning can
object. creating gaps where the produce results for
• CT scanning permits surface is almost parallel to porosity, dimensional,
internal exploration based on a the slices of the tomogram. failure analysis, volume,
similar technology used for and fibre orientation, all
medical MRI while leaving the part
• Use irradiation to undamaged.
produce 3D internal and external • Able to evaluate a
image. wide variety of dual-
• Converts the 3D image thickness and dual-
data from X-ray computed density materials.
tomography directly into meshes
for finite element analysis
• High information density
• Possible to scan any
surface, shape, colour or material
up to a certain density and
thickness penetrable by X-rays.

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