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Client Company  Constraints 

Office Supply Chain 
Logan lafler and cole monty 

● Must not attach to the desk. 
  ● Must fit into a box with interior 
Design statement  dimensions of 6 in. depth x 12 
in. width x 10 in. height. 
​Design and model a product that will reduce 
● Must include a recessed area,  Cole Montgomery
the clutter that accumulates on office desks  a bent plastic part, and must  Logan Lafler
and free up space.  have a base ¾ in. thick.   
● Must have a minimum of five 
Problem Statement different parts once assembled. 
● Must hold a minimum of six 
Keeping an office desk from becoming  item
cluttered with papers, devices such as pens, 
pencils, staplers, paper clips, Post-It Notes, 
and writing pads is a never-ending task. This 
hinders work space and organization   
Constraints:  It's basically a box with six holes in it to hold
1. Must not attach to the desk.  tubes with caps, within the tubes office supplies
2. Must fit into a box with interior  can be held like rolled up paper , pencils ,
dimensions of 6 in. depth x 12 
paperclips and more. The design was meant to
in. width x 10 in. height. 
be more aesthetically pleasing rather than
3. Must include a recessed area, a 
bent plastic part, and must have  functional but still a cool desk organizer ready to
a base ¾ in. thick.  catch eyes.
4. Must have a minimum of five 
different parts once assembled. 
5. Must hold a minimum of six 

Pictures &  Conclusion Questions
All 6 sketch 

1. Why is it important to model an

idea before making a final
Helps get together a basic
representation of what you need to
make. Helps because it gives a
reference of what to make, so you
work off of it.
2. Based on your experiences
during the design challenges,
what was the hardest thing
about working as a team?
Working with logan and sharing your
​ ideas correctly
3. What is a design brief?
outlines the works, timing and budget
of a project
4. Besides a 3 fold brochure, how
else can you market your
With TV ads or even taking it directly
to office supply stores

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