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SIXTH semester B.Tech
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Model Question paper

EI010 605 Control Engineering II

Time:3 hrs Maximum marks: 100

Answer all questions.


1. Define ‘State’ of a system.

2. List the properties of the state transition matrix.
3. What is meant by Regulator?
4. What is the practical aspects for the choice of sampling rate?
5. Define jump resonance in nonlinear system.
6. What are the limitations of Transfer Function approach as compared to
state variable representation?
7. Find the controllable canonical realization of the system described by
d4y/dt4 + 3 d3y/dt3 + 2 d2y/dt2 +2 dy/dt +8y= d2u/dt2 +2 du/dt +3u where u is
the input and y is the output..
1 −1 −2 −2 1 2

8. Consider the system defined by 2 =  0 −1 1 2 + 0 u
3 1 0 −1 3 1
y= [ 1 1 0] X. Is the system completely state observable ?
9. Obtain the pulse transfer function of a sampler with Zero order hold circuit.

10 . Obtain the Describing function of the nonlinearity with dead zone .

(5 x 5= 25)

11. Obtain the state model of the electrical network shown in fig(1).

12. A linear time invariant system is described by the following state model.
0 1 0 0
 =  0 0 1 X + 0 u
−6 −11 −6 2
Obtain the solution for the state vector when the control force u is a unit
step function and x0T = [0 0 2].
13. A system is defined by the state equation
0 1 0 0
 =  0 0 1 X + 0 u
−1 −5 −6 1
By using state feedback it is desired to place closed loop poles at -2±j4 and
-10. Determine the state feedback gain matrix K.

14. A discrete time unity feedback control system with sampling period T=1

sec is given by G(z)= . Determine the range of gain K
for stability by Jury’s test.

15. Define singular points. Explain with neat sketches the different types of
singular points mentioning the location of roots for such points.

(5 x 12= 60)

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