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Personal Statement

1.Describe the most significant challenge you have past and that steps you have taken to overcome

this challenge how has this challenge affected your academic achievements?

One significant challenge that I have gone through and have overcame and that has had a big impact in

my academic achievements has been when my grandpa passed away about 3 years ago. It was around the

Christmas time and he had just left our house through weeks before he came to visit from México. We

receive that chilling call about 3 days before Christmas it was very hard for me to overcome his passing

because I was very close to him you would always push me to do better and try to stand out in school. It

hit my mom very hard as well.There was a days I had to clean ,cook and dress my younger siblings since I

am the oldest dad hard to would and really be there.He could be there because you are a field

worker you don’t receive those type of Privilege of having days off or “sick days”. So my dad would try

and come home early to help me out but mostly comfort my mom.It had a impact on me because I

realized everything I had academic wise was because of him. He would motivate me to keep going day by

day. I knew that just because sadly he was not here anymore that It did not a mean I had to stop trying. He

showed me to never depend on anyone not even him, at first I did not care about school anymore I’m

giving up but It clicked and I knew I had to keep going.I was really scared from that situation because

not only did I see my own mother go through it but I also went through itat one point I felt like he was my

only supporter in life him and I were very close to each other since I was small I grew up stronger and

eventually started getting over it. at one point I felt like he was my only Sporting Life him and I were

very.At one point if I don’t like it was my only support online him and I was very close to each other

since I was small. I grew stronger and eventually started caring over it but without him for getting him he

will forever be one of my biggest role models

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