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Husain Daffa Al Harits 120110170030





By calling on the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Benevolent. Not
forgetting I pray and thank God for the presence, who has bestowed on grace, guidance,
and inayah, so that I can finish a paper on this world without poverty.

This paper has been arranged with the maximum and get help from various parties
so that it can accelerate the making of this paper. For that I would like to thank all those
who have contributed in making this paper.

In spite of it all, I realize that there is still a lack of both in terms of sentence
structure and grammar. Therefor, with open arms, I welcome any suggestions and criticism
from readers so that I can improve this paper.

Finally, I hope that this paper can be useful for the community and inspiration to
the reader.

Jakarta, Desember 2017


(Husain Daffa Al Harits)


1. Foreword…………………………………………………………………………….i
2. Table of content……………………………………………………………………..ii
3. Chapter I: preliminary………………………………………………………………1
1.1 Background…………………………………………………………………1
1.2 Formulation of the problem…………………………………………………1
1.3 Purpose……………………………………………………………………...1
4. Chapter II: contents…………………………………………………………………3
2.1 Definition of poverty………………………………………………………..3
2.2 Relationship between poverty with Pancasila………………………………3
2.3 Factors causes poverty………………………………………………………4
2.4 The development of poverty level in Indonesia…………………………….5
2.5 Poverty reduction policies and programs…………………………………...5
5. Chapter III: Conclusion………………...…………………………………………...7
6. Bibliography………………………………………………………………………...8



1. Background
The main problem facing the world is poverty. Poverty born to coincided
with limitations of some people in meeting their needs. Poverty has existed for a
long time. In every part of the world, there must be a conglomerate and a poor
class. Where the conglomerate class can always meet their needs, while a poor
class live within the limits of matter that make it worse.
Poverty is humanitarian problematic which has been worldwide and until
now still a central issue in any hemisphere. Besides have latent and actual
character, poverty is social-economic diseases that was not only experienced by
developing countries, but developed countries like England in the 1700s and USA
in the 1930s.
Poverty is also very identic with dirty, slum, lazy, difficult to manage,
undisciplined, source of the disease, chaos even crime. As a problem that’s
becomes a global issue in every country especially in developing country, discourse
of poverty and its eradication should be a mandatory agenda for governments and
the leaders of the country. Participation of workers in handling the problem of
poverty is needed, especially in providing input and do strategic planning about
what it will become a policy from government.

2. Formulation of the problem

 What is the meaning of poverty?
 What is the relationship of poverty with Pancasila?
 What factors that cause poverty?
 How is the state of poverty in Indonesia?
 What are the policies and programs of poverty reduction in Indonesia?

3. Purpose
 Knowing the definition of poverty

 Knowing the relationship of poverty with Pancasila
 Knowing the causes of poverty
 Knowing the state of poverty in Indonesia
 Knowing poverty alleviation policy in Indonesia



1. Definition of poverty
Etymologically “Poverty” comes from the word “Poor” which means not
have treasure things and lack of things. Poverty is a situation where there is an
inability to meet basic needs such as food, clothes, shelter, education, and health.
Poverty can be causes by scarcity of basic needs fulfillment, or difficult access to
education and work. Poverty is global issues.
Poverty can be distinguished into three definitions, that is absolute poverty,
relative poverty, and cultural poverty. A person belonging to the absolute poverty,
if revenue results below poverty line, not enough to meet minimum requirements:
clothing, food, health, and education. A person who belongs to relative poverty
actually has lived above the poverty line, but still under the ability of the
surrounding community. while cultural poverty is closely related with someone
attitude or community who do not want to try to improve their level of life though
there is the efforts of the other party who helped him.

2. Relationship between poverty with Pancasila

Precept from Pancasila that is related to poverty is second precept, which
reads “justice and civilized humanity.” Based on a Big Indonesian Dictionary, the
definition of each related word and become the compiler element of the principle of
humanity is justice and civilized, among others:
 Humanity: qualities worthy of humanity, such as not being cruel,
helpful, compassionate; human condition in general.
 Justice: equally heavy, not heavy-side, impartiality; side with the right,
hold on to the truth; duly, not arbitrary.
 Civilized: refinement and kindness, courtesy, morals.
This second precept is a reflection of the intrapersonal nature of the
Indonesian nation (individual) that is applied more broadly in the life practice of
the nation, including by the state organizers. In general, the values of humanity,
justice, and civilization that I believe is still inherent in the minds of the Indonesian

nation. Despite the facts on the ground, all three elements above are difficult to
implement completely. Many Indonesian human beings who have lost their
humanity, represented by the number of crime numbers that occurred. Judges and
prosecutors many who favor those who are willing to pay, the values of decency
and morals are many who began to fade.
While the impact of poverty is closely related to the principle of a justice
and civilized humanity, because poverty not only gives impact on the economy
alone, but in other areas such as education, social culture, politics, and so on which
would have an impact on individual person who experienced poverty or those in the

3. Factors causes poverty

There are two conditions that cause poverty to occur, that is natural poverty
and artificial poverty. Natural poverty is the result of limited natural resources, low
technology use, and natural disasters. Artificial poverty is causes by the impact of
less competent bureaucrats in economic control and the various facilities available,
so it makes it difficult to get out of the poverty crisis.
Poverty is associated with many of the following causes:
 Internal:
 Decreased work ethic and community productivity. Obviously, this
factor is very urgent in its effect on poverty. Therefore, to improve
the work ethic and productivity of the community must be supported
by natural resources and good human resources, as well as health
insurance and education that can be accounted for maximally.
 Low levels of community education. Many Indonesians do not have
the education required by employers who hire workers.
 External:
 Lack of available jobs. As we know, employment in Indonesia is not
balanced with the number of existing population, where is
employment is less than the population. Therefore, many
Indonesians end up unemployed.

 Uneven population income of Indonesia. Population revenues earned
from the work they do relative can’t meet the daily needs, while
there are some residents in Indonesia have excessive income.
 High cost of living. Soaring the high cost of living in an area is a
result of the absence of a balance of income or the salary of society.
 Poor governance leading to inefficiency and ineffectiveness in public
services, widespread corruption and low social security to

4. The development of poverty level in Indonesia

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) report states that in the past five years
the poverty situation in Indonesia has worsened. This is allegedly due to the rapid
growth of unbalanced population with increasing Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
or due to the increasingly wide social gap.
Poverty is the reason for the low Human Development Index of Indonesia.
Overall, Indonesia’s human quality of human beings in other countries in the world.
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) placed HDI Indonesia ranked
124 out of 187 countries in 2011. In the same year, the number of poor people in
Indonesia reached 30 million people, 37% of whom were in urban areas and 63% in
rural areas.
Poverty causes millions of people to cater for limited food, clothing, and
board needs, leaving children unable to access quality education, health-financing
difficulties, lack of savings and investments, lack of access to public service, as
well as the strengthening of urbanization to the city.

5. Poverty reduction policies and programs

 Handling problems of malnutrition and food shortage:
 Community nutrition improvement with priority activities: reducing
protein energy, iron nutritional anemia, less iodine deficiency, lack
of vitamin A, and other micronutrients in poor households.
 Increased food security with priority activities: the distribution of
subsidized rice for poor families.

 Expansion of the poor opportunities for education:
 Provision of school operational support for elementary, junior high
school, senior high school, pesantren, and non-Islamic education
units equivalent to elementary, junior, and senior high school.
 Expanding the opportunities of the poor on health:
 Health services of the poor in puskesmas.
 Improvement of basic health care facilities and infrastructure,
especially in border areas, backward, and archipelagic areas.
 Improved referral health services primarily for the handling of
infectious diseases and potential outbreaks, maternal and child
health services, malnutrition and emergency services.
 Expansion of business opportunities:
 Creating jobs that can absorb a lot of manpower to reduce unemployment.


The basic problem of poverty alleviation stems from the attitude of our meaning
towards poverty. Poverty is a natural thing in life. In the sense that the increasing progress
of science and technology then the need will be more and more. Poverty alleviation is not
only the obligation of the government, but also the community must realize that this social
disease is the duty and responsibility with the government and society. When established
romantic cooperation both from the government, non-government and all lines of society.
With the encouragement of this, it is not necessary until 2030 poverty will achieve the
minimum possible result.


 Dian Rahmawati, Lianita 2015, Makalah Kemiskinan, lianitadian-story blogspot,

seen December 29th 2017, <http://lianitadian->
 Rizqi, Fatihur 2016, Makalah Tentang Kemiskinan di Indonesia, myfatihurrizqi
blogspot, seen December 29th 2017,
 Herlia Nita, Novida 2015, Kemiskinan dan Hubungannya dengan Sila
Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab, Novinitaa blogspot, seen December 29th
2017, <>

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