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Research model

1. Cognitive process

Our research model based on cognitive response. The cognitive response

approach was used in researching various fields as banking, hence, we applied it
in our study to examine how much the individuals who are exposed to a
persuasive message engaged in active, effortful processing. The thought-listing
from environment to attention, comprehension, attitude and intention to buy.

First of all is environment, generally it is exposure to information stage.

Pleasant environments allowed an individual to handle more information,
foresee more positive outcomes, and to engage in more exploration.

The attention has been found to increase shoppers’ intentions to stay and
browse in the environment. By spending more time browsing the websites,
consumers may acquire greater amount of information to process the

Comprehension encompasses syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic processes.

By the process of comprehension, the attitude will be defined as consumer’s
favorable or unfavorable after viewing the advertisement.
The last is purchase intention that be used to explain the purchase of products
or services due to a match between the advertisement and consumers
2. Hypothesis
From cognitive process, we have the research framework development
including the hypothesis from H1 to H6 that are characterictics of social
advertising: Information, time convenience, entertainment, interaction,
consumer attitude and gender discrimination. In particular, the hypothesis
from H1 to H5 is linear relationship that have positive respones on
consumer’ attitude and purchase intention. In contract, H6 – gender
discrimination has no impact on consumers’attitude.

III. Methodology:
This research adopted quantitative research and deductive approach to exam the
young consumer attitude towards social messaging apps advertising. In this study, we
developed research framework to illustrate the factors affecting consumer attitudes toward
social apps advertisements. All items (in questionnaire) used to measure the variable adopt
the 5 points Likert-Scale ranging from “Strongly disagree” (1) to “Strongly agree” (5) in
order to analyze the collected data in software. Data were analyzed via SPSS (Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences) and ANOVA analysis. We follow the APA guideline
“Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct”, which published in the American
Psychologist, 47 (1992) to collect the survey data.

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