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We would like to express my especial thanks of gratitude to my professor Dr. Ma. Theresa Alvarez who
have us the golden opportunity to this wonderful term paper on the topic Honda motorcycles, which
also helped us in doing a lot of research and we came to know about so many new things however, we
really thankful to them.

Secondly we would also like to thank our friends who helped us a lot in finalizing this term paper within
the limited time frame.

 Honda Motor Co.., Ltd., is a Japanese public multinational corporation primarily known as
manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles and power equipment.

 Honda has been the world largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959, as well as the world
largest manufacturer of internal combustion engines measured by volume, producing more
than 14 million internal combustion engines each year. Honda became the second largest
Japanese automobile manufacturer in 2001. Honda was the eight largest automobile
manufacturer in the world behind General motors, Volkswagen Group, Toyota, Hyundai
Motor Group, Ford, Nissan and PSA in 2011.

 Honda was the first Japanese automobile manufacturer to release a dedicated luxury brand,
Acura in 1986. Aside from their core automobile and motorcycle businesses, Honda also
manufactures garden equipment, marine engines, personal watercraft and power gene tarators,
amongst others. Since 1986, Honda has been involved with artificial intelligence/ robotic
research and released their ASIMO robot in 2000. They have also ventured into the aerospace
with the establishment of GE Honda aero engines in 2004 and the Honda HA-420 HondaJet
which began the production in 2012 and Guangqi Honda.

 In 2013, invested about 5.7% (US$6.8 billion) of its revenues in research and development. Also
in 2013. Honda became the first Japanese automaker to be next exporter from United States,
exporting 108, 705 Honda and Acura models while importing only 88,357.
 The first complete motorcycle, with both the frame and engine made the Honda, was the 1949
Model D. The first Honda to go by the named Dream.( Honda Motor Company grew in the short
time to become the world largest manufacturer of motorcycles by 1964.
 The first production automobile from Honda was the T360 mini pick up truck, which when on
sale on August 1963 by small 356—cc straight- 4 gasoline engine, it was classified under the
cheaper KCAR tax bracket. The first production car from Honda was the s500 sports car which
followed the T360 into production in October 1963. Its chain driven rear wheels pointed to
motorcycle origin.
 Over the next few decades. Honda work to expand its product line and expanded operations
and exports to numerous countries around the world. In 1986, Honda introduced the successful
Acura brand to the American market in an attempt to gain ground in the luxury vehicle market.
The year 1991 saw the show the introduction of the Honda NFX supercar, the first alumni
monocoque vehicle t hat incorporated a mid engine G6 with variable valve timing.
 CEO Tadashi Kume was succeeded by Nobuhiko Kawamoto in 1990. Kawamoto was selected
over Shoichiro Irimajine, who oversaw the successful establishment of Honda of America
manufacturing Incorporation in Marysville Ohio. Both kawamoto and Irimajine shared a friendly
rivalry within Honda, and Irimajine would resign in 1992 due to health issues.
 Following the death of Soichiro Honda and the departure of Irimajiri, Honda found itself
quickly being out placed product development by other Japanese automakers and was
caught- off by the guard by the truck and sport utility vehicles boom of the 1990s, all which
took a toll on the probability of the company. Japanese media reported in 1992 and 1993
that Honda was at serious risk of an unwanted and hostile takeover by Mitsubishi Motors,
who at the time was a larger automaker by volume and flash with profits from their
successful Pajero and Diamante
 Kawamoto acted quickly to change Hondas corporate culture, rushing trough the market-
driven product development that resulted in recreational vehicle such as the Odessey and
the Cr-V, and a refocusing away from the numerous sedans and couples that were popular
in Hondas engineering but not the buying public. The most shocking change to Honda me
when kawamoto ended Hondas successful participation in formula one after the 1992
season, citing costs In lights the takeover threat from the Mitsubishi as well as the desire to
create a more environmentally- friendly company image.
 Later, 1995 gave rise to the Hondas Aircraft Company with the goal of producing jet aircraft
under Hondas name.

 The Honda group is globally recognized for its concern towards environment, safety and
conversation of the society in which it operates. HICL follows the same in India for achieving
high standards in the environmental safety on the various processes of car manufacturing.


 Proceed with always ambition and youthfulness.

 Respect sound theory, develop fresh ideas and make the most effective youth of time.
 Enjoy work and encourage open communication.
 Strive constantly for a harmonious flow of work.
 Be ever mindful of the value of research and endeavor.

 Respect for individual.

 The three joys buying, selling and creating.

Dreams inspire us to create innovative product that enhance mobility and benefit society. To meet the
particular needs of the customers in different regions around the world, we base our sales networks,
research and development centers and manufacturing facilities in each region. Furthermore, as a
socially responsible corporate citizen, we strive to address important environmental and safety issues.

Honda has always believe in giving more excitement and more joy. Be it designing high performance
sports cars that are pleasure to behold and a joy to drive or creating the world’s humanoid robot to walk
into legs or countless other technologies that astonish and delight and amazement. Honda’s spirit of
exploration frequently invents the future.

Not surprisingly, millions of people often respond to Honda’s spirit innovation with a sense of delight
and amazement. Honda’s obsession for technology that continuously improve upon the performance
and safety to all Honda vehicle is what sets it apart from other names in the car industry.
This principle is based on ideas that Honda’s suppliers are not simply selling their parts to us; their
selling their parts to customers through us. Honda expect each supplier to develop same commitment
and dedication to customer satisfaction as they have. To accomplish customer satisfaction, what
Honda’s suppliers in competitiveness in what they call Q,C,D,D,M.

Quality is the most important factor in ensuring customer satisfaction. Honda believes quality must be
built into the product during the production process. Quality cannot be assured in the final inspection
process. It is the responsibility of the supplier and each individual worker to ensure quality. A
commitment by the supplier at every level at the top of management to the individual worker is
essential to continually improve of quality.

Competition in the part supply industry has become very strong in recent years. Honda is determined to
provide products at competitive prices and value of the money. Suppliers are expected to achieve target
cost through their ideas, technologies, improve productivity, plus requires suppliers and joint efforts.

Honda employs the just-in-time production system.

In order to respond quickly to customer’s need, it is becoming more and more critical to produce
products with shortest possible lead time.

In responding to ever changing customer demands, and provide quality yet cost competitive products.
Honda’s heavenly relies on established suppliers the source of development and technology.

In the course of development, emphasis will be put on uniqueness. They believe in uniqueness and
design or specification is the part of competitiveness. It is the uniqueness that identify their product.

It is important for supplier’s management team t be strongly customer-oriented and to provide effective
leadership for the entire company that expects to fulfill.
 HONDA is headquartered in
Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Their shares trade on the
Tokyo Stock Change and the New York stock
Exchange, as well as the exchange in Osaka,
Nagoya, Sapporo, Kyoto, Fukuoka, London, Paris
and Switzerland.

 The company has the assembly

plants around the globe. These plants are located
around the China, united States, Pakistan,Canada,
England, Japan, Belguim, Brazil, Mexico, New
Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Philippines,
Thailand, Vietnam, Turkey, Taiwan, Peru and
Argentina. As july 2010 89 percent of Honda and
Acura vehicles sold in the United States were built
in North American plants, up om 82.2 percent a
year earlier. This shield profits from the yen’s
advance to a 15 year high against the dollar.

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