WaterHammer A1

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20 Water hammer problems and solutions SUBROUTINE. IWTERC 80 10 Jet ae Novant) 39 10 To2,nor TFCPL(N)-£0.0.) 60 To 10 Wes Vidt-Risycots tv, HR = H(9,2)-R0} 60000 )CH(9 WS = WOE cRIo #0000 4000, MS = MOO? LDR #0009) 403 ’ Rei} WeCa Det Re¥s-6/C0(a«(hts)-Px (5) (WReABS(vR)s45*485(S)))/2. POUT) =toReRS=COCI)/5¢(R=VSHFKD)=CYSHABS(VS)-VAPABSIYRTII/2> 10 Continue eTuaN Bo Calculations then determine for an increment DT the new or present values HP and VP for every grid point, These now become the old values prior to the next time increment and hence a smal! DO LOOP is the last operation required to replace all these values as H and V. FRICTION is incorporated in the above solution but a comparison can be made with the no-friction graphical solution by putting all F(J) = 0. In this problem the instantaneous valve closure is simulated by setting VP(1,1) = 0 in SUBROUTINE TERM. 4 Elementary gate characteristic (linear gate) 4.1 Introduction ‘The gate valve is treated first in the absence of pipe friction for historical reasons, although many misconceptions can arise from this oversimpli- fication. The boundary conditions assigned to this idealized device should be regarded as a means of convenience for producing a (reader) controlled velocity change for the purpose of generating wave propagations, so that greater understanding of wave mechanics can be achieved. The realistic non-linear gate is considered later, after problems related to friction are discussed. ‘The static pressure head available (0 cause a velocity v in a gravity pipeline can be wasted conveniently in a nozzle at the downstream end. The gate operation can be regarded asa variation of the nozzle froma fully open toa closed position in a series of finite steps or time intervals which may be as small as one cares to choose. Fig. 4.4 a 22 Water hammer problems and solutions The gate characteristic (see Fig. 4.1) has the appearance of an orifice loss and can be described by the equation: v= bg)! (1) where b takes on different values depending on the velocity in the pipelinein relation to the gate opening, Using the orifice velocity law (sometimes called Torriceli's theorem) and continuity, itis readily shown that (42) where C, and A, are the gate coefficient of discharge and open area respectively and ‘4, is the area of the pipe. b is regarded as the gate characteristic parameter and if his constant, a linear set of characteristics is obtained since, whatever relation exists between the gate position and time, the velocity will bear the same relation with time. “To simplify the equations and to remove certain constants the Equation (41) is weiter: 43) | @ @ > \ ae ee wo aaa F t Fig. 42 Elementary gate characteristic (linear gate). 23 where the subscript 0 refers to the fully open gate condition. In this form, ‘the dimensionless gate characteristic () becomes: 6 Cm aa onmicaas and when the gate is fully open B= 1 and when fully closed = 0. (4.4) 42° Problems 4.2.1 Solve for a gate closure in less than 2L)Cy In Fig. 4.2a, three gate positions between f= 1 and f= Ohave been shown corresponding to 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4. These are readily derived by proportion from the fully open characteristics, for example, when h = hy in Equation (4.3) Bis v/v. The evaluation of fin terms of the gate features {s left until later. ‘The water hammer solution for the closing of a gate in fnite steps for a total time of T less than 2L/Co then yields points Ao, Ayasrs Ancor: Ansar 8 shown and would result in the stepped pressure record shown in Fig. 42b. For convenience to show the solution, the variation of ff has been taken as Uniform with time. The solution for a large number of small changes converges on the dotted line and it should be noted that this is nota straight line pressure rise even for this linear solution ignoring friction. The convention adopted hercis that at time t = Othe first change occurs which is not used by all writers on this subject. ‘The maximum water hammer is Cyu9/g and hence a valve closure in less than 2/./Co produces the same as an instantaneous closure, but only near the valve (see Problem 4.22), It should be noted that no account is taken of any dynamic effects downstream of the gate. 4.2.2. What isthe extent of maximum water hammer when agate is closed in less than 2L{Cy? Problem 42.1 isextended in Fig. 4.3 to show the conditions (approximately) for points, B, C, D, and. It can be readily shown that the point X which is the extent of the pipeline from A that experiences the maximum water hammer due to gate closure is satisfied by ts 1-Ty2 3) where T, isthe time of closure and t,and T,are both in Z,/Co units. Thus for T, = 3/4, ty = 5/8, and in Fig. 43 this can be confirmed by imagining that ‘Aj can be as near to Ao as One wants and the reflection from BE will be in the limit, at Ayj« which is the maximum for X}. All points downstream of 24 Water hammer problems and solutions Fig. 4.3 X will experience the maximum water hammer whereas points upstream will experience less, in a non-linear mannef, until there is zero water hammer pressure head at B. 4.23 Solve for a gate closure in greater than 2L/Cy. Fig. 44 shows a general case of gate closure in 4 steps in a time of 3L/Co ‘The number of steps could be as low as2 for this solution ( = $and f = 0) andall necessary information would be incorporated, but clearly additional steps smooth out the solution and would in fact possibly indicate larger water hammer valves during the closure process. Thus the head at Aj is slightly greater than at A, or Ay. It should be noted that, unless otherwise specified, L/C9 = 1 time unit 4.24 Solve for the case of a downstream gate opening in 3L/Cos in 4 steps. Fig. 4.5 shows the Solution for the gate opening case. The initial conditions everywhere are at Ao at zero velocity and head hg, At Ag a new gate Elementary gate characteristic (linear gate) 25 Fig. 44

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