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Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133

Control of a otation column using fuzzy logic inference

M. Teresa Carvalho∗ , Fernando Durão
CVRM, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1000-049 Lisboa, Portugal

Received 7 July 2000; received in revised form 12 January 2001; accepted 24 January 2001

This paper describes a fuzzy controller that was developed for the control, in real time, of three main variables of the
column otation process. Column otation is a solid–solid separation process based on the physical and chemical properties
of mineral particle surfaces. It is applied to the concentration of low grade ores and to ores that require very 1ne grinding to
achieve mineral liberation. The economic exploitation of the process, guaranteeing the desired 1nal product characteristics
from a feed of varying composition, requires a stable operation, which is accomplished through the automatic control of some
key process variables. The di4culties encountered in the development of process controllers for this process are related to
the lack of reliable measuring devices for the process variables involved, with the non-existence of mathematical dynamical
models that can be used in a controller synthesis and with its non-linear and time-varying behaviour. The process and the
problems related with its control are brie y explained and the main reasons for fuzzy logic control application are discussed.
The real time control system and the fuzzy controller structure and parameters are presented. A general overview of the pilot
plant where the experimental work was performed is presented. Finally, results of the experimental work, carried out with
the two-phase system (air and water), are summarised and the conclusions are drawn.  c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Fuzzy inference systems; Fuzzy control; Process control; Column otation; Real time control

1. Introduction that make one (or more) mineral(s) hydrophobic. The

proper hydrodynamic conditions are achieved assur-
Column otation is a widely used process in the ing that the hydrophobic particles contact and ad-
concentration of low grade and 1nely disseminated here to air bubbles and allowing the aggregates air
ores and also in recycling and solvent extraction bubbles=hydrophobic particles to rise to the pulp sur-
[8,11,15]. Concentration by otation is achieved by face and form a froth.
assuring adequate chemical and hydrodynamic con- Flotation columns are long vertical vessels that are
ditions. The 1rst ones are achieved by the condition- continuously fed with a pulp with 15– 40% solids by
ing of the pulp with appropriate chemical reagents weight, of 1ne (10–100 m) solid particles to be sepa-
rated (Fig. 1). Air is continuously injected to the pulp
∗ Corresponding author. through a sparger at the bottom of the column, giv-
E-mail address: (M.T. Carvalho). ing rise to the formation of a swarm of air bubbles.

0165-0114/02/$ - see front matter  c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 0 1 1 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 4 8 - 3
122 M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133

desired mineral grade (purity) and recovery in the 1nal

product from a feed of varying composition. However,
grade and recovery, are not usually measured on-line:
recovery is computed from grade measurements and
on-line grade measurement is very expensive, often
inaccurate and sometimes, as in the case of light el-
ements, impossible to perform. Therefore, these vari-
ables are not commonly used for control purposes.
Experience has shown [8] that three process vari-
ables: collection zone height, air holdup (volumetric
percentage of air) in the collection zone and bias
water 5ow rate (net ow of wash water passing
through the froth zone), are key variables to the met-
allurgical column performance and directly related
with grade and recovery.
The collection zone height is mainly related with the
residence time of particles inside this zone. Air holdup
characterises the hydrodynamic behaviour inside the
otation column. This variable is closely related with
the carry over of air bubbles. The cleaning action in
the froth zone is usually characterised by the bias
water 5ow rate, de1ned as the fraction of the wash
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of column otation. water ow rate that eFectively passes through the froth
zone. This ow of water transports the 1ne hydrophilic
particles, entrained in the air bubbles=hydrophobic
Particles previously rendered hydrophobic, after col- particles aggregates, back to the collection zone (the
lision with the air bubbles, adhere to them and move remaining ow rate is short circuited to the over ow).
upwards to the top of the column where they are recov- This variable is commonly expressed as a percentage
ered as the column over5ow or oated product. Hy- of the feed ow rate.
drophilic particles settle down in the pulp that move These three variables are commonly controlled by
downwards to the bottom leaving the column as an direct manipulation of wash water, air and under ow
under5ow. ow rates.
During normal operation two distinct zones can be Despite the considerable investment in the study of
identi1ed inside the column: collection zone where the this process and the numerous studies reported, there
hydrophobic particles are collected by the air bubbles is still lack of knowledge about some of its physical
and the froth zone, constituted mainly by air (60– and chemical laws. Physical and chemical phenom-
90%) and collected particles [8]. ena involved in this process are di4cult to model due
The formation and maintenance of a deep froth col- mainly to the complex mathematical characterisation
umn with an adequate height is required for good per- of the process inside each zone as well as in the inter-
formance. The addition of fresh wash water on the top action between the two zones. The description of the
of the column allows the cleaning of the froth zone steady state relationships is a complex task. The tran-
by drainage of the hydrophilic particles entrained in sient behaviour of this process is even more di4cult
the air bubbles=hydrophobic particles aggregates. The to explain, being the dynamic model constituted by
cleaning action takes place when it is assured a down- a large number of diFerential equations with several
ward ow of wash water passing through the froth parameters of di4cult or impossible estimation.
zone (designated by bias water). To overcome the di4culties in the development of
The ultimate goal of the column otation control is phenomenological models, the development of em-
to achieve the economic optimum combination of the pirical models, based on experimental data is used.
M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133 123

One of the most commonly used techniques is called The PLC is in charge of the interface between PC
System Identi1cation [13]. Work has been done aim- and instrumentation and of the low level control (con-
ing at the development of a linear dynamic model trol of ow rates by manipulation of valves open-
that could describe the relationships between con- ing and pumps speed). The utilisation of the PLC on
trolled and manipulated variables [2,7]. The studies the control system, although not compulsory (it could
concluded that only some of the relationships are have been used PC input and output cards for interface
modelled satisfactorily by linear models preventing with the instrumentation), permits to take advantage
the development of a complete mathematical dynami- of the PLC pre-programmed functions (as PID algo-
cal model, based on system identi1cation techniques, rithms for low level control) and the portability of the
that can be used in process control. control system to the industrial scale. Moreover, this
One solution commonly adopted in the control of option was, at the time of the pilot plant installation,
this process is to use three independent SISO loops. the cheapest one.
However, the cross eFects (interactions between vari- The program that performs the real time control
ables) lead to frequent deactivation of some of the is executed in the PC. The user acts on the process
loops in order that the stability can be retaken [1]. using the mouse to modify the controlled variable set
This process is, however, satisfactorily controlled points (H SP ; cSP and QBSP ) or the key ¡Esc¿ on the
by skilled operators using linguistic rules that are func- keyboard to exit the program. The controller input
tional relations between controlled and manipulated variables are not directly measured being calculated
variables. These rules, although subjective and impre- prior to processing. The collection zone height (H )
cise, allow the stabilisation of the operating conditions and the collection zone air holdup (c ) are estimated
of the process. One possible way of controlling this using two pressure sensors measurements. The bias
process is to use the emulation of human thinking us- water owrate (QB ) is estimated from under ow and
ing fuzzy control [3,10]. feed ow rates.
Fuzzy control can be applied to situations where The process information can be visualised on the
the information sources can be interpreted only on a monitor by means of a graphical user interface (see
qualitative or inexact form avoiding the need for a Fig. 3). The current values (black line) and set points
time consuming task of construction of mathematical (grey line) of the controlled variables are shown on
models that can be used in the synthesis of a controller three sliding graphics on the top of the monitor. Un-
[14,16]. der these, the current values of the output variables
This paper describes a control system that uses are displayed, from left to right: QA ; QU and QW .
fuzzy logic inference to control, in real time, the three The controlled variables and the feed ow rate set
above-mentioned process variables: collection zone points can be modi1ed using the mouse on 4 rulers
height (load rejection and servo-control), air holdup of sliding cursors, located at the bottom right of the
in the collection zone, (load rejection) and bias monitor.
water ow rate (load rejection and servo-control), The seventh sliding graphic, on the left bottom of
by manipulation of the three operational variables the screen, displays the current values and set points
under ow, wash water and air ow rates. of the feed ow rate. However, it should be noted that,
in industrial environment, feed ow rate is an exter-
nal disturbance. In laboratory experimental tests, how-
ever, it was manipulated (externally to the controller)
2. Control system to simulate an external disturbance.
All the stream owrates are given in l=h. The col-
Table 1 lists the input and output variables of the lection zone height is given in cm and the air holdup
fuzzy controller. The architecture of the control system is expressed as %. The bias water ow rate is com-
is depicted in Fig. 2. The three main parts of the con- monly represented as a fraction or percentage of the
trolled system are the column otation process (with feed ow rate. In the example depicted in Fig. 3 it
the sensors and the actuators), a programmable logic was speci1ed a bias water ow rate set-point of 10%
controller (PLC) and a personal computer (PC). of the feed ow rate (10 l=h).
124 M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133

Table 1
Fuzzy controller input and output variables

Input variables Output variables

Controlled variables Controlled variables set-points Manipulated variables

H (collection zone height) H SP QA (air ow rate)

 c (air holdup) SP
c Q W (wash water ow rate)
Q B (bias water ow rate) QSPB Q U (under ow ow rate)

Fig. 2. Architecture of the control system.

3. Real time control Task 2: ProcessWindows—Graphical user inter-

face (GUI) windows management, after user interac-
3.1. Real time program tion with the mouse on the sliding rulers for a set point
The real time control is performed by means of a Task 3: UpdateWindows—Every 0:5 s, variables
computer program, running on one PC. It comprises current values updating on the GUI.
a set of tasks of cyclic execution and synchronised Task 4: Controller—This task reads the sensors
operation. The tasks are the following: current values, computes the current values of H; c
Task 1: UserInput—Processing of an asynchronous and QB , which are not directly measured, calculates,
event (¡Esc¿ key to exit the program). by means of fuzzy logic inference, the values of the
M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133 125

Fig. 3. View of the user graphics interface during a control test.

manipulated variables (QU ; QA and QW ) and transmits namical memory allocation and initialisation of the
those values to the PLC. discretisation vectors (containing the membership
Task 5: WriteToDisk—File recording, every 4 s, of functions that characterise the controller output vari-
the following information: the time from the beginning ables), initialisation of the GUI that includes the
of the program execution, the controlled variables set de1nition of the windows borders, colours, sliding
points H SP ; cSP and QBSP and respective current values, curves, sliding cursor ruler and creation of the cyclic
the fuzzy controller output values (QU ; QA and QW ) and the asynchronous above-mentioned seven tasks
and the current values of these variables, as well as, that are to be executed. Execution deals with cyclic
the desired feed ow rate QFSP and its current value. execution of the tasks under the control of a real time
Task 6: UpdateSetPAlim—Updating of the value operating system RTKERNEL, through its main rou-
of the feed owrate (QF ) that is the set point of the tine Scheduler. The Scheduler controls the execution
respective PID on the PLC. This task is performed of the tasks according to priorities and execution times
when the user acts via mouse on the respective ruler pre-de1ned. The tasks synchronisation is performed
of sliding cursor. using semaphores.
Task 7: VerifyLink—Veri1cation of the connec- The end of the program happens when the key Esc
tion to the PLC. If the task is not succeeded an error is pressed. All the data 1les, the series port and the
message appears on the monitor, describing the type GUI are then closed.
of error that occurred, closing the series port, all the
1les opened and the graphics windows. 3.2. Fuzzy controller structure and parameters
Structurally, the main program is divided into
three blocs: initialisations, execution and end of the The collection zone height (H ) was found to be the
program. Initialisation deals with the initialisation most important variable to control for the stable op-
of the variables used by the controller, opening the eration of the otation column. To speed up the con-
recording 1le, writing of the header of this 1le, dy- trol of this variable a hybrid controller was designed
126 M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133

and implemented. When H is outside the pre-de1ned vary between 10 and 50 cm:
universe of discourse, the conditions of the process
are considered to be anomalous and, for a quick con- H UD = [H SP ± 3] cm; with H SP [10; 50] cm:
vergence of H to the neighbourhood of its set-point, The upper limit of the universe of discourse of the air
QU and QW are simultaneously manipulated in strong holdup variable (cUD ) is the value of the variable set-
conditions. It is said that the controller is working in point (cSP ) plus 5% and the lower limit is H SP minus
an emergence mode. Otherwise, i.e., when H is within 5%. The set point is allowed to vary between 10 and
the pre-de1ned universe of discourse, it acts in a fuzzy 25%:
mode. In this case, taking into account the values of
H , c and QB and the corresponding set points, the cUD = [cSP ± 5]%; with cSP [10; 25]%:
controller performs the fuzzy logic inference calculat-
ing the updated values of the manipulated variables The upper limit of the universe of discourse of the
(QU , QW and QA ). bias water owrate variable (QBUD ) is the value of the
The knowledge for fuzzy controller development variable set point (QBSP ) plus 3 l=h and the lower limit
was acquired heuristically. The fuzzy controller has is QBSP minus 3 l=h. As referred, the bias water ow
a Mamdani type structure with linguistic rules an- rate set point (QBSP ) is commonly 1xed as a fraction or
tecedents and consequents (see for example [14]). percentage of the current value of the feed ow rate.
Fig. 4 shows the structure of the fuzzy controller. The set point is allowed to vary between 5% and 15%
Due to the non-existence of a dynamic mathemati- of the feed owrate:
cal model, the tuning of the controller parameters was
QBUD = [QBSP ± 3] l=h;
done experimentally by evaluating the controlled sys-
tem performance to superimposed changes in the ex- with QBSP [0:05QF ; 0:15QF ] l=h:
ternal and controlled variables set-points, in diFerent
process conditions (when possible, the process was (2) Fuzzi<cation: Fuzzi1cation procedure involves
operated in limit conditions) [6]. the de1nition of the number of linguistic terms (low,
The main characteristics of the fuzzy controller are high, very high, etc.) that characterise input and output
the following: variables and the mathematical models of the mem-
(1) Normalisation (scale up): The current val- bership functions. The number of terms determines
ues of the controlled and manipulated variables are the granularity of the linguistic characterisation of the
normalised according to pre-de1ned universes of dis- variables (a richer variable de1nition is achieved con-
course (UD). While the manipulated variables UD are sidering more attributes). In what regards input vari-
the physical limits of the equipment, the controlled ables, the terms number determines, as well, the di-
variables have adaptative UD with centres that are mension of the problem, because the number of input
the variables set points and ranges that are constant, variable terms determines the number of rules in the
i.e., the controlled variables UD change, by trans- rule base and a larger rule base takes a higher process-
lation, each time the controlled variables set points ing time. As the rule base was heuristically de1ned,
are modi1ed. The ranges are set according to the de- a large number of terms would not re ect an actual
sired quality of control, taking into account that large knowledge and therefore only 3 terms per variable
ranges lead to large steady state errors (unless a large were considered (low, medium and high).
number of membership functions is considered) and The linguistic terms are mathematically modelled
small ranges will have as a consequence oscillatory by sinusoidal functions (see Fig. 5). These functions
behaviour of the controlled variables, with frequent have 4 parameters (a, b, c and d) that can be adjusted
manipulation of the equipments, reducing their life according to the knowledge of the variables. Usage
time. of more open curves (larger distance between coe4-
The upper limit of the universe of discourse of the cients) means that the knowledge about the variable
collection zone height variable (H UD ) is the value of is more vague and the controller permits that the vari-
the variable set point (H SP ) plus 3 cm and the lower able under control goes far from its set point, before
limit is H SP minus 3 cm. The set-point is allowed to the controller acts vigorously. The less open curves
M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133 127

Fig. 4. Fuzzy controller structure.

Fig. 5. Sinusoidal membership functions.

128 M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133

Table 2 (3) Fuzzy logic inference: The membership de-

Membership functions parameters grees, obtained in the fuzzy1cation phase, are used
Variables Linguistic terms Parameters to compute the controller outputs, using fuzzy logic
inference on the de1ned rule base. The fuzzy logic
a b c d
inference has two components: the rule base and the
Controlled variable inference engine.
c Low 0.3 0.5 (a) Rule base: The rule base contains the heuris-
Medium 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.7
tic qualitative knowledge interactions between input
High 0.5 0.7
and output variables. The control law synthesis is ex-
QB Low 0.2 0.5 pressed in linguistic rules of the type:
Medium 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6
High 0.5 0.8
If c is low and QB is medium and
H Low 0.2 0.5
Medium 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 H is medium then QU is medium
High 0.5 0.8

Manipulated variable The rule base building used the available knowledge
QU Low 0.2 0.5
from bibliographic search, results of steady state simu-
Medium 0.2 0.45 0.55 0.8
High 0.5 0.8 lations, operators interviews and experimental data of
transient analysis. Several rule bases, from very sim-
QA Low 0.2 0.5 ple to complex ones, were formulated and evaluated.
Medium 0.2 0.45 0.55 0.8 It was concluded that one simple rule base with only
High 0.5 0.8
11 rules (Table 3) obtained equivalent results to the
QW Low 0.2 0.5 ones achieved with more complex rule bases. This is
Medium 0.2 0.45 0.55 0.8 comparable to the manual control of human operators
High 0.5 0.8 that use simple but eFective rules. In the rule base de-
veloped the strategy used is to control c by manip-
ulation of QA and to control QB by manipulation of
QU . As mentioned above, H is a variable that must be
controlled with a higher priority. The non linear char-
de1nition approximates to on–o= control. The param- acteristics of fuzzy control are used in the control of
eters of the mathematical functions used are shown in this variable: if H is far from its set point (H high or
Table 2. low) two of the manipulated variables (QU and QW )
When a controller works in real time it is not nec- are manipulated to control H , in order that H con-
essary to discretise the controlled variables UD being verges quickly to the neighbourhood of its set point.
the membership degrees calculated on line. The uni- It should be pointed out that, although the rules do
verses of discourse of the manipulated variables, on not include, explicitly, the controlled variables set-
the contrary, must be discretised. For each manipu- points, these set-points are the centres of the universes
lated variable, the result of the fuzzy logic inference is of discourse and the fuzzi1cation of the controlled
a fuzzy set with a mathematical representation that is variables (expressed in the terms low, medium and
not known a priori. These variables are characterised high) is made based on the UDs.
by discrete fuzzy sets (modelled by sinusoidal func- (b) Inference engine: The fuzzy logic inference is
tions) but saved in memory as 1nite sets of pre-de1ned performed by the max–prod method. In this method
dimension, according to the number of discretisation the fuzzy set union is modelled by the t-norm maxi-
intervals considered (in this case 100 intervals were mum (max) and the implication by the s-norm scalar
considered). The discretisation intervals have equally product (prod). The intersection of the fuzzy sets that
spaced nodes (uniform discretisation) for the three represent the terms of the input variables is calculated
variables. by the t-norm prod.
M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133 129

Table 3
Rule base

Controlled variables Manipulated variables

If H low then QU low;

If H medium and Q B low then QU high;
If H medium and Q B medium then QU medium; Control of Q U
If H medium and Q B high then QU low;
If H high then QU high;

If H low then Q W high;

If H medium then Q W medium; Control of Q W
If H high then Q W low;

If  c low then QA high;

If  c medium then QA medium; Control of QA
If  c high then QA low;

(4) Defuzzi<cation: The representative value of the

fuzzy set that is the result of the fuzzy logic inference
is obtained by calculation of its gravity centre.

4. Pilot plant

The experimental work was carried out in a labo-

ratory scale pilot otation column of 3:2 m height by
80 mm diameter (see Fig. 6). The otation column is
equipped with variable speed peristaltic pumps (ma-
nipulation of reject and feed ow rates) and control
valves (air and wash water ow rates manipulation).
The under ow and feed ow rates are measured by
electromagnetic owmeters, the wash water ow rate
by a turbine meter and the air ow rate by an ori1ce
plate (see Fig. 7).
The system was operated with air, water and a con-
stant small concentration of frother, needed to form
Fig. 6. Flotation column top view.
millimetric stable air bubbles (10ppm of Aerofroth 65
from Cyanamid).
The collection zone height is calculated or inferred 5. Results
by means of a soft sensor that uses the measurements
of two pressure sensors, mounted on the column wall The experimental work included several tests car-
[4]. These measurements are also used to estimate the ried out with diFerent operational conditions. Each ex-
air holdup in the collection zone. The bias water ow periment consisted in a series of step disturbances of
rate is calculated as the diFerence between under ow one variable setpoint (see, for instance, Fig. 8(a)). The
and feed ow rates minus the contribution of this dif- controller was tested in load rejection control and in
ference for the collection zone height variation. servo-control. In the 1rst case, a disturbance of 25%
130 M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of the pilot plant.

Fig. 8. Variables responses to an external disturbance (Q F ): (a) controlled variables responses, (b) manipulated variables responses.
M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133 131

Table 4 industrial process). Fig. 8(a) exempli1es the response

Maximum values of the evaluation parameters obtained of the controlled variables H and QB during one ex-
Variable k  (s)  periment. Fig. 8(b) shows the responses of the manip-
disturbed ulated variables, QU and QW , in the same experiment.
H QB H QB H QB Fig. 9(a) shows typical responses of H and QB to
(cm) (l=h) (cm) (l=h) the modi1cation of H SP . The maximum k obtained in
QF 0.9 0.5 — — 1.4 3.9 all experiments was 0:4 cm, with a  of 2:3 cm and
H SP 0.4 1.0 52 — 2.3 7.6 a  of 52 s. It should be pointed out that the peaks
Q BSP 1.1 0.9 — 14 1.4 2.6 observed on the response of QB correspond to the
transient response of H (i.e. a moving interface) and in
this situation the value of QB has no physical meaning.
above and below the operating point was superim-
The responses of the manipulated variables, QU and
posed to the feed ow rate, QF . In the second case,
QW , in this experiment, can be visualised in Fig. 9(b).
the setpoints of the controlled variables H (increase
Fig. 10(a) shows typical responses of H and QB to
and decrease of 40% of its operating point) and QB
the modi1cation of QBSP . The maximum k obtained was
(increase and decrease of 30% of its operating point)
1:1 cm for H and 0:9 l=min for QB and a  of 1:4 cm
were changed. As the tests ran with constant frother
and 2:6 l=min, respectively. The maximum  observed
concentration, only the load rejection control of collec-
was 14 s. In Fig. 10(b) the corresponding responses of
tion zone air holdup was performed (when air holdup
the manipulated variables, Q U and Q W , are depicted.
set point is changed a diFerent concentration of frother
is needed).
The responses of the controlled variables were eval-
6. Conclusions
uated through:
• k, the average steady state error during the
This paper describes a real time control system of a
otation column. The controlled system is composed
• , the average standard deviation during the
by a personal computer, where the fuzzy control al-
gorithm is executed, by a programmable logic con-
• , the maximum settling time obtained during the
troller, where the PID low level control of ow rates
experiment, de1ned as the time, after disturbance,
is achieved, by instrumentation in the 1eld and by the
the controlled variable takes to reach a new steady
controlled process, a otation column.
state value.
The controller is hybrid using fuzzy logic infer-
Results of these studies are given in full detail in ence when operating conditions are considered to be
[5]. Table 4 and Figs. 8–10 show some typical results normal. Anomalous conditions happen when the col-
of the experiments. In these 1gures, QB is expressed lection zone height is too low or too high. The objec-
as a percentage of the current feed ow rate and H tive of the control is the servo-control of the collection
is the collection zone height above the feed inlet. c zone height and of the bias water ow rate and regu-
is not sensitive to the external disturbance of QF nei- lation control of these variables and of the collection
ther to the modi1cation of H SP or QBSP , therefore, the zone air holdup.
results of their responses and of the response of QA Due to the non-existence of applicable mathe-
(manipulated for c control) are not presented. matical dynamic models, the knowledge for con-
In the control of H and QB , after an external distur- troller development was heuristically acquired and
bance of QF , a maximum k of 0:9 cm for H and 0:5 l=h experimentally evaluated. The fuzzy controller has
for QB (both less than the measuring errors of these a Mamdani structure. Some experimental results ob-
variables) with  of 1:4 cm and 3:9 l=h, respectively, tained with the two phase system (air and water)
were obtained. These results show that the controller are presented showing an adequate performance in
is able to control the process when an external distur- both load rejection and servo-control. H and Q B are
bance occurs (with a higher magnitude than the mag- tightly controlled when an external disturbance of Q F
nitude of the disturbances that normally occur in the occurs. In the servo control the results obtained were,
132 M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133

Fig. 9. Variables responses to a modi1cation of the set point of H : (a) controlled variables responses, (b) manipulated variables responses.

Fig. 10. Variables responses to a modi1cation of the set point of Q B : (a) controlled variables responses, (b) manipulated variables responses.

as well, acceptable. Work is now in progress to adapt adjusted for the controller to achieve acceptable or
the controller to the three-phase system (air, water improved performance. Due to the huge experimen-
and mineral particles). tal work, the manual parameter adjustment (tuning)
As long as the human knowledge, represented in is feasible only when the number of parameters (or
linguistic terms, about one hard to model process is rules) is small.
good enough, it is possible to start the design of a non- In fact, citing Lewis [12], “Tuning methods and
linear regulatory controller through a careful mathe- methods of predicting performance continue to be the
matical translation of the available knowledge to a set weakest aspects of the fuzzy control design process,
of fuzzy rules, which are the heart of a fuzzy logic especially when compared to conventional control.
inference system. However these problems are not debilitating, and in
The mathematical translation step is becoming more many cases they are more than compensated for by
and more stimulating owing to the availability of ex- the many strengths of fuzzy control methods”.
cellent software tools like Fuzzy Logic Toolbox [9] The application of real time optimisation methods
for MATLAB and to the possibility of using directly such as a modi1ed Nelder and Mead algorithm or ge-
the resulting de1nition of the fuzzy logic system into netic algorithms may remove the weakest aspects of
the control application. the fuzzy control design process through on-line pa-
However, the starting values of the parameters rameter tuning, at least of a parameter subset. This
involved in the translation step usually need to be seems to be especially true if good starting values of
M.T. Carvalho, F. Durão / Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002) 121–133 133

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