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Take up the role of one of the sixteen fancier confectioners, competing to present the best confectionery
delights. When it‘s your turn, you may: Take a card from the market. Use a special card. Use the Special
skill of your role. Each row or column from the cookbook represents one recipe. If you have in your hand
all ingredient cards that a recipe contains, you may cook the recipe. You may exchange a card from your
hand with a card from the cookbook so as to cook a better recipe subsequently. But be careful, because
other players may also exchange a card in order to prevent your plans. When the last recipe from the
cookbook has been completed the game is over. The player who has collected the most victory points is
the new master of the sweets.

MasterSweets has four game variants: competitive, player elimination, cooperative and solo.

In the elimination game “Clash of Sweets”each player will create their own unique cookbook and will try
to steal their opponents‘ recipes.

In the cooperative variant - “Sweets workshop”, the players will work together in order to make the pastries for a
royal‘s birthday. Each player holds the cards in their hands, facing the rest of the players. The other
players will give the rest of the team clues as to what cards they are holding. Commented [P1]: На мен лично, повече ми харесва версията
на тези две изречения във файла Rules. По-ясно ми се струва и
няма толкова повторения.
MasterSweets is easy to learn. Fast to play. With great repeatability and four different game variants.

Please support us in a kickstarter and be the master of the sweets.

Game for 2 to 4 players.

In MasterSweets you will embody a fancier confectioner, trying to combine the most suitable ingredients
into a perfect recipe.

Components/ Game
The game contains a total of 121 cards, 16 of which are role cards, 15 special cards and 90 ingredient
Game Setup:

1. Shuffle the ingredient cards and the special cards together and place them faced down. The pile
that you get is called draw pile.
2. Create the cookbook. According to the number of players, place cards from the draw pile faced
up on the table (as shown in the pictures):

If, while placing cards on the table you get a special card, put it back in the box. It won‘t be used
in the current game. Replace the card with another one from the deck.
Thus placed, the cards represent the cookbook. In the cookbook, at any time, there can only be
ingredient cards. Every row or column from the cookbook, represents a separate recipe.

3. Shuffle the role cards. Depending on the number of players, randomly set apart 3, 4 or 5 role
cards ( the number of players plus one). Return the rest of the role cards into the box. Determine
who the starting player will be (the one who last cooked some pastry). The player on his right is
the last player. The last player is the first to choose one of the roles which were set aside earlier
for himself. The player who stands on the right side of the last player choses one of the
remaining roles. The palyers take turns in chosing roles until the first player remains with the
two roles that nobody has chosen so far. One of the roles, the first player choses for himself, the
other one – he returns in the box. The players keep the role they have chosen during the whole
4. Give each player as many cards from the draw pile as the number written on the role they have
5. Create the market – right next to the drawing deck, place cards faced up. The number of the
cards should equal the number of the players plus one.

Game goal
In MasterSweets each player strives to cook recipes from the cookbook. Each recipe gives a certain
number of points which equals the sum of the points of ingredient cards that compiles the recipe. At the
end of the game the player who has collected the most points, wins.
Beginning with the starting player, players take turns clockwise. On his turn the player has to take one of
the following actions:

1 – Take a card from the market into his hand. Its place in the market is replaced with a new card from
the draw pile.

2 – Take the top card of the draw pile into his hand.

3 – Exchange one of the ingredient cards in his hand with a card from the cookbook.

4 – Play a special card from his hand.

5 – Perform the special skill of his role. It is listed in the role card as: “As an action…”.

6 - Cook a recipe. If the player has in his hand the complete set of ingredient cards corresponding to the
given recipe (row or column in the cookbook), he may, as an action, play the ingredients from his hand
(they should be put into the discard pile), in order to cook this recipe. Place the ingredients from the
recipe which has just been cooked next to his role card in his “finished sweets” pile.

Example: In his hand a player holds 2 “eggs” cards, 4 “flour” cards and 1 “milk” card. One of the recipes
in the cookbook contains 2 “eggs”, 1 “flour” and 1 “milk”. To cook this recipe the player must take 2
“eggs”, 1 “flour” and 1 “milk” from his hand and put them into the discard pile. He must take the
corresponding recipe cards (2 “eggs”, 1 “flour” and 1 “milk”) from the cookbook and put them into his
finished sweets pile.
When cooking a recipe, the player has the right to give three ingredients of the same type instead of any
card from the recipe that he doesn’t have in his hand.

The player may also play two ingredient cards of the same type instead of a card from the recipe that he
doesn‘t have in his hand. In this case the card from the recipe is not placed in his finished sweets but into
the discard pile.

Example 1: A player can play 1 “milk”, 1 “nuts” and 3 “cream” cards from his hand in order to cook a
recipe that contains 1 “milk”, 1 “nuts” and 1 “fruits”. He will take 1 “milk”, 1 “nuts” and 1 “fruits” into his
finished sweets.

Example 2: For the same recipe as in example 1 a player can play only 1 “milk”, 1 “nuts” and 2 “cream”
cards. In this case he will take only 1 “milk” and 1 “nuts” into his finished sweets. He must place the
“fruits” card from the recipe into the discard pile.

After you‘ve completed a recipe, move sequentially, with one position, the remaining columns/rows in
the cookbook so that it has no empty columns/rows. When moving the cards, do not break the order of
the cards in the cookbook, just shift the required rows or columns with one position.

After the player has finished the action he has chosen, his turn is over and it‘s the next player‘s turn.

End of the Game

Whenever a player cooks a recipe, the cookbook becomes smaller. When the last recipe from the Commented [P2]: Finishes a recipe; трябва да разграничиш
процеса на готвене от завършения продукт
cookbook is completed (there are no cards left in the cookbook) the game is over. The winner is the
player who has collected the most victory points from the cards in his finshed sweets.

First game
For your first game we strongly recommend that you play only with ingredient cards. In the next few
games you may play both with ingredient and special cards. After each player has been familiarised with
the mechanics of the game, you may add the role cards. If you play without the role cards each player
should receive 3 cards in his hand at the beginning of the game.

Additional rules
When the draw pile is empty, shuffle the discard pile and place it face down. It becomes the new draw

Some of the special cards and the roles have instructions written on them “draw X cards”. Whenever
such instructions are given, the player has to draw these X cards from the top of the draw pile.

It is possible that there are empty spaces in a row or column of the cookbook. In this case the whole row
or column including the empty spaces comprises only one recipe. The empty spaces do not divide the
recipe (row or column) into more than one recipe.

Clash of sweets
A game for 2 to 5 players.

In this game variant each player has his own unique cookbook. Each player‘s goal is to steal his opponets‘
recipes and to remain the only player whose recipes has not been stolen.

In “Clash of sweets” you will only use the ingredient and the special cards. The role cards are not used in
this game variant.

1 – Prepare a draw pile, and a market as in the “MasterSweets” core variant.

2 – Deal 12 cards from the draw pile to each player. If a special card is drawn, place it in the game box,
and give the player a new card instead of it. Each player must place his 12 ingredient cards face up, on
the table in front of him. This is the player’s cookbook. It could be arranged in any form that the player

3 – Deal 3 cards from the draw pile to each player to form his starting hand.

Goal and end of the game

In this game everyone tries to steal a recipe from their opponets‘ cookbooks. This way, they reveal other
players‘s culinary secrets and their unique cookbooks decrease. After the last recipe from a player’s
cookbook is stolen, the player must leave the game. The last surviving player with recipes that have not
been revealed is the winner.

On his turn the starting player has to take one of the following actions:

1 – Take a card from the market into his hand (the market is filled with a new card from the draw pile).

2 – Take the top card of the draw pile.

3 – Improve a recipe card. The active player could play two ingredient cards of the same type in order to
improve a card of his cookbook that is of the same type. He should place one of this cards in the discard
pile, and the other one - faced down, under the improved cookbook card.

Whenever an opponent wants to steal a recipe containing an improved card, he should give one more
card of the improved card type. The improved card may not be improved for the second time. In the
example above a recipe contains one improved “milk” card and two “cream” cards. The player who
wants to steal this recipe must play 2 “milk” and 2 “cream” cards from his hand.

4 – To exchange an ingredient card from his hand with a card from another player’s cookbook. An
improved card can also be exchanged. The card you’ve exchanged for an improved card becomes
improved itself. Place it at the same position as the old improved card, over the card facing down.

5 – To steal an opponent’s recipe. If the active player holds in his hand the full set of ingredient cards of
an opponent’s recipe (row or column in an opponent’s cookbook), he can as an action, play the cards
from his hand (place them into the discard pile) to steal this recipe. The active player takes 1 card in his
hand from the opponent’s recipe if it contains at least 3 cards. The cards from the opponent’s recipe
which have been stolen should be discarded. In “Clash of sweets” it is not allowed to use 3 ingredient
cards of the same type instead of any other ingredient card when stealing a recipe, as opposed to
Example 1: The active player steals a recipe which contains 1 improved “milk” and 1 improved “cream”
card. He must play 2 “milk” and 2 “cream” cards in order to steal this recipe. But the recipe contains only
2 cards and after stealing, they must be discarded. Discard also the cards under them (the improving Commented [P3]: -ing – подобряваща; -ed - подобрена
cards) the “milk” and the “cream” card. The player doesn’t take any card in his hand.

Example 2: The active player steals a recipe which contains 1 unimproved “sugar”, 1 unimproved
“chocolate” and 1 unimproved “butter” card. The recipe contains 3 cards and after stealing them, the
active player can take one of them in his hand and must discard the other two cards.

6 – Play a special card from his hand.

In “Clash of sweets” the special cards’ text doesn’t matter. When playing a special card, the action
indicated with an icon at the bottom of the card should be played. There are four types of action icons:

1– Draw 3 cards from the draw pile.

2– Place the special card face down under a card from your cookbook. This card
becomes improved.

3– Place one card from the other player’s cookbook into the discard pile. If the card is
improved, it remains in the other player’s cookbook but the card under it (the improvement) should be
placed in the discard pile.

4– Exchange one card from your hand with a card from your cookbook.

Sweets workshop
A game for 2 to 5 players.

A royalty has noticed our masters of the sweets. She wants them to make incredible sweets for her
birthday. Now the players must combine their efforts and team up in order to exactly fulfill all the royal’s

“Sweets workshop” is played only with the ingredient cards. The special and role cards are not part of
the game.

1 – Prepare the draw pile. Shuffle the ingredient cards face down.

2 – Build a cookbook with a square form and size 5x5 cards.

3 – Deal cards to each player according to the number of players. For a game with 2 players – 7 cards per
player, 3 players – 6 cards, 4 or 5 players – 5 cards. Important- the players must not look at their cards
while they are dealt. Each player must hold his cards facing the other players. Thus, each player can see
the other players’ cards faces but cannot see the cards in his hand.
Game goal
The goal in “Sweet workshop” is to succeed, as a team, in completing all the recipes from the cookbook.

During the game all the played cards are placed aside and are no longer in the game.

On his turn, the starting player has to take one of the following actions:
1 – Point a card from the cookbook and then discard a card from his hand. If the discarded card is of the
same type as the one that has been pointed at turn the cookbook card face down.

2 – To discard a card from his hand and exchange the position of 2 cards from the cookbook.

3 –Discard 2 cards from his hand in order to discard a card from the cookbook. Replace the discarded
cookbook card with a new card from the draw pile.

4 – To discard a card from his hand in order to give a clue to another player what cards he holds in his
hand. The player must indicate – by pointing – which cards he is offering a clue about. Two types of clues
are allowed:

A) A clue about one, and only one value. He must choose a value – 1, 3 or 5, say this value and
indicate by pointing which cards of one team-mate has the same value. For example: “You have
‘5’ point cards, here and here and …”.

Important – the player must give a full clue: e.g. if the player has three ‘5’ point cards the clue-
giver must indicate all the three cards.
B) To point a row or a column (recipe) in the cookbook. Afterwards, he should point out all cards
from a player’s hand that are of the same type as at least one card from the selected row or
column. e. g. You say: “Here and here and here … you have the same cards as in the recipe”.

Important – the player must give a full clue: e.g. if the player has four cards of the same type as the cards
in the recipe, the clue-giver must indicate all of the four cards.

At the end of his turn the active player must draw cards from the draw pile (without looking at them)
until he fills up the original amount of cards in his hand. If the draw pile is empty do not draw cards.
Once discarded a card may not be used again in the game.

Game end
There are two possible endings of “Sweets workshop” game:

 All cards in the cookbook are faced down then the players win as a team. The queen is happy
and all players win together.
 The draw pile is empty and the players don’t have any cards in their hands, but in the cookbook
there are still cards faced up, the game is over and all players lose together.

Commented [P4]: Харесва ми, но спрямо БГ версията трябва

Alone in the kitchen да бъде: The Lonely pastry chef.

A game for only 1 player

To be a true master of the sweets, you need a lot of workouts. The best workout, is when you are
confronted with your own best achievements.
“Lonely in the kitchen” is played with all game cards.

The setup is the same as the setup in “MasterSweets” for two players. The only difference is that the
player can chose whichever role card he wants.

Game goal
The goal in “Lonely in the kitchen” is the player to collect more victory points than George “The cake”
(his fictional opponent) at the end of the game.

You are the starting player. After your first turn, George “The cake” and you alternate your turns.

1 – During your turn, you may take any action that is allowed in the game variant “MasterSweets”.

2 – When it is a George “The cake” turn:

First - discard the rightmost card from the market. Move the other cards from the market one position to
the right. For the leftmost position draw a new card from the draw pile.

Second - draw the top card from the draw pile. If it is a special card discard it and draw a new card
instead. George “The cake” places a card from the cookbook that is of the same type as the drawn card
in his finished sweets. If in the cookbook there is more than one card of same type as the drawn card,
you can choose which card George “The cake” will take. If there is no card of the same type in the Commented [P5]: Should take; can take
cookbook, you must choose another card that gives the same amount of victory points. If there isn’t a
card that gives the same amount of points, you may choose any one card from the cookbook to place in
George “The Cake’s cookbook.

Example: The drawn card is “sugar”.

First you must look for the “sugar” card in the cookbook. If there are “sugar” cards, you must choose one
of them to give to George. If there isn’t any “sugar” card, you must look for other “5” point cards in the
cookbook. If there are “chocolate” or “butter” cards, you must choose one of them. If in the cookbook
there are no “sugar”, “chocolate” and “butter” cards, you may choose any card that you want George
“The cake” to pick in his finished sweets.

End of the Game

When the last recipe is completed (there are no cards left in the cookbook), the game ends. If the player
has more victory points in his finished sweets than George “The cake”, the player wins. Otherwise,
George once again affirms his nickname.

Sprint runner Do 3 consecutive actions in your first turn.

Chemist As an action, take 2 cards from the market. Skip your first turn.

Grandmother When cooking a recipe, you can complete it with one card less. The card from the recipe that you
haven't given must be placed into the discard pile.

Artist As an action you may exchange two cards from your hand with two cards from the cookbook.

Miser When playing a special card, place it next to your role card. As an action you may take it back in your hand.

Vegan You get 1 additional point for each sugar, flour, nuts, chocolate and fruit card in your finished sweets. You
get 1 point less for each milk, butter, cream and eggs card."

Glutton When cooking a recipe draw 2 cards.

Connoisseur When scoring, get 1 additional point for each 5-point card in your finished sweets.

Housewife When scoring, get 1 additional point for each 3-point card in your finished sweets.

Student When scoring, get 2 additional points for each 1-point card in your finished sweets.

Thief After cooking a recipe take one card from the cookbook in your hand.

Nutritionist As an action you may exchange one card from your hand with one card from the cookbook and
after that draw a card.

Merchant At the start of your turn you may place all cards from the market in the discard pile and replace
them by drawing new cards. Afterwards you may take your turn.

Collector When you complete a recipe, which contains at least 5 cards, you can put one card from your
hand into your finished sweets.

Insurer As an action discard one card from your hand and draw two cards.

Geisha When cooking a recipe, you may give 2 ingredient cards of the same type instead of any other card in the

DJ As an action you may exchange one card from your hand with one card from the cookbook and exchange
the positions of two cards from the cookbook.

Fortune teller As an action you may look at the top 2 cards of the draw pile. Put 1 of them in your hand. Return
the other card at the top of the draw pile.
Supporter As an action you may give one card from your hand to another player (he may keep it if he discards
another card from his hand) in order to draw two cards from the draw pile or take two cards from the market.

Special cards:

When cooking a recipe, use this card as: chocolate, milk, nuts (pictures)

When cooking a recipe, use this card as: sugar, eggs, fruit (pictures)

When cooking a recipe, use this card as: butter, flour, cream (pictures)

Look at the top 5 cards from the draw pile. Тake 2 of them into your hand. The other 3 cards (one by one
in any order) return to the top or the bottom of the draw pile.

Take a card from the cookbook and place it into your finished sweets

Take 2 cards from the market into your hand. It's your turn again.

Draw 2 cards. Remove 2 cards from the cookbook

Take 2 cards from the discard pile into your hand.

Draw 1 card. Exchange a card from your hand with a card from your finished sweets.

After you have completed a recipe, you may play this card to take 2 cards from the market.

Draw 2 cards. The next player must skip one turn.

Place a card from your hand into your finished sweets.

After you have completed a recipe, you may play this card to exchange a card from your hand with a card
from your finished sweets.

You may discard up to 4 cards. For each discarded card draw 2 cards.

Place one card from your hand into your finished sweets.

Exchange a card from your hand with a card from the cookbook. It's your turn again.

While cooking a recipe, play this card to give up to 2 cards less. The cards from the recipe that you
haven't given, must be placed into the discard pile

Exchange the position of up to 2 pairs of cards from the cookbook.

Draw 1 card. Exchange up to 2 cards from your hand with up to 2 cards from the cookbook.

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