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Wola, Anjelina. 2019. Comprehensive Midwifery Care to Mrs. "p" 31 Years Old in BPM Siti
Nurcahyaningsi Maternity Hospital. in Jl. Kendal sari dalam. Final Task. D3 Midwifery Study Program of
Widyagama Husada School of Health Malang. Advisors: (1) Yuliyanik, Amd. Keb., S.KM., M.Biomed,
Advisor (2) Ervin Rufaidandah,S.ST.,M.keb

Paragraph Styles 5 The results of the 2016 Indonesian health democracy survey show that the
maternal mortality rate with direct pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum in East Java reaches 91.00 per
life disorder and in 2015 306 / 100,000 per pregnancy lived. The infant mortality rate in 2015 reached
24/1000 life slowness and in 2017 32 per 1000 life hazards This number decreased compared to 2015
which reached 306 / 100,000 live births while the maternal mortality rate in 2016 was based on the
results of the Indonesian health democracy survey. 91.00 per pregnancy live. The causes of maternal
mortality in the world are Preeklampsi / eclampsia of - 30.90%, infection 4.87%, in 2016. The highest
cause of maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Malang is civilization and one of the dominant factors at risk
of death for pregnant women is obesity which can cause hypertension and the infant mortality rate (
IMR) reached 32 per 1000 live births. (Kemenkes, 2017). In Indonesia the mortality rate of is recorded at
305 ,100,000 life hazards while the infant mortality rate is (IMR).32 per 1000 life hazards. (Ministry of
Health 2017) In Indonesia the Maternal Mortality Rate ( MMR) is recorded at 305 per 100,000 life-
hazards while the Infant Mortality Rate of (IMR) reaches as much as 32 per 1000 live births (Ministry of
Health, 2017).This suggests that the health quality in Indonesia began to improve because of the loss of
the LBU and infant death decreased where the death rate of East Java Province has declined three years
in the foreign year. According to the SECAS (national) TAT for Mother's death rate of 305 /. 100 000
Ubuh in 2016. The mortality rate of East Java matches 91.00 / 100,000 births. This figure is decreased
compared to 2016 IMR (infant mortality) reaches 32 /1000 birth in 2015 by 24 /1000 live birth (Dinkes
province of East Java, 2016)

The objective is to carry out comprehensive care (COC) so that midwives can detect early
occurrence of pontial problems, such as mild reclamation / severe reclamation during pregnancy, HPP
during labor, infection during puerperium, asphyxia or low-birth new infants, so as to prevent
complications and death. Based on the description above the artist is interested in doing midwifery care
using the COC method during delivery, childbirth, newborns and kb panda NY "P at PBM Sit
Nurcahyaningsi process

Based on the description above, the writer wants to provide care from the beginning to the birth
control to Mrs. "p" is 31 years old. Mrs. p is primigravida, before the mother never had a miscarriage.
Based on care given first in UK 37/38 weeks, mothers include Low Risk Pregnancy. The results of LILA
measurements showed a number of 20 cm, it showed that the mother including LILA Normal Chronic
Energy Deficiency in pregnant women was 23.5 cm. SEZ is the cause of imbalance between intake of
energy expenditure or malnutrition. Malnutrition in causing complications in the mother, one of which is
bleeding. And based on data on the causes of maternal mortality above, bleeding is the factor that most
contributes to maternal mortality in Indonesia. For this reason, this is the important role of a midwife to
prevent this from happening.

Keywords: pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, newborn, family planning

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