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College of Fishery Sciences

Department of Marine Bio-Materials and Aquaculture
Yongso-ro (45), Nam-gu, Busan, South Korea (+82-51-629-5909), #9119



Name : Singgih Fajarriyanto Certified : Engineer Aquatic Cultivation

NID : 25121993258745

Subject Status Credit Point Grade GPA Trial

1 Basic Korean (1) Required 0 97 A+ 4.5 1

2 Fisheries Resources Research Elective 3 82 B0 3.0 2

Finfish Aquaculture & Eco-friendly Fish
Elective 3 85 B+ 3.5 2
3 Culture System
4 Fisheries Physiology Elective 3 97 A+ 4.5 2
5 Marine Bioenergy Elective 3 83 B 3.0 1

6 Sensory Evaluation & Statistics Elective 3 92 A0 4.0 2

7 Newer Food Design Elective 3 95 A+ 4.5 1

8 Seafood Safety Control Elective 3 80 B0 3.0 1

9 Computer Aided Fishing Gear Design Elective 3 80 B0 3.0 2

Marine GIS & Information Processing Elective 3 95 A+ 4.5 1

11 Fisheries Economics & Management Elective 3 87 B+ 3.5 1

12 Basic Korean (2) Required 0 95 A+ 4.5 1

13 Fisheries Topics Elective 3 95 A+ 4.5 1

14 Understanding of Korean Culture Required 0 96 A+ 4.5 1

15 Fish Reproduction Elective 3 82 B0 3.0 2

16 Fish Nutrition & Feed Formulation Elective 3 98 A+ 4.5 1

17 Algal Culture & Utilization Elective 3 81 B0 3.0 1

18 Fish Disease Elective 3 86 B+ 3.5 2

19 Fisheries Waste Treatment Elective 3 90 A0 4.0 1

Fisheries Resource Assessment &
Elective 3 80 B0 3.0 1
20 Management
21 Fisheries Investment Appraisal Elective 3 84 B0 3.0 2

22 Quantitative Research Methodology Elective 3 90 A0 4.0 1

23 Thesis Research Required 1 97 A+ 4.5 1

Total Assessment 58 89 B+ 3.78 31

Total Credit : 89
Total Trial : 31
Grade Point Average : 3.78
Graduate Score : Great (B+)

President of Dean Of
Student Service and Walfare Fisheries Sciences College

President of
Kim Chang Hoon Pukyong University Bai Sung Chul

Kim Young-seup
College of Fishery Sciences
Department of Marine Bio-Materials and Aquaculture
Yongso-ro (45), Nam-gu, Busan, South Korea (+82-51-629-5909), #9119




____________________________ Busan,

This resume will be read at graduation, please be polite in determining the word.
Resumes must fulfill thanks and impressions while in campus life.
- President of Pukyong Student Association

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