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Transcript and Attendance Reflection

Throughout my high school experience, I have had my attendance record and also my transcripts

be a major key as a reflection on whether or not I will be able to walk the stage. I believe that

there has been quite a difference between the transcripts and attendance record during the past

four years of my high school experience. Although, admittedly it is still not the best that it

should’ve and could be, but I do still feel somewhat accomplished from then as a freshman up

until now as a senior.

As shown in my transcripts as a freshman, it views nothing but an almost straight F student

versus a senior who has now increasingly improved throughout a long period of time grade wise.

As for my attendance record, I am still having a hard time, not with being on time, but for being

absent due to many reasons. I feel that as for my transcripts, this does not show my true

capabilities because in my perspective, it does not have my true effort shown, understandingly I

know that my best was not shown from freshman year and up, but it does show that I am one

who learns and tried to better myself to succeed.

Attendance has always been a main part for school, but I as well feel that this does not show my

true capabilities with being dependable. It is hard to have an absent count against you for being

sick without a doctors note, the reason I say this is because I’ve been told it will count unless

provided with a note from the doctors to the attendance staff. Many times for being ill, I have

been marked unexcused, I feel that I should not have to be required to go to the doctors for

everything just so I will not be unexcused. Being absent for other reasons besides illness is on

my part of having a bad attendance is something that I do recognize, although strongly I believe
that this does not show my true capabilities for most of my attendance record. As an example, at

the moment I am upholding a job based off of my true capabilities. Having a strong transcript

and perfect attendance does not mark a person's’ true capabilities, because they seem to not

always be accurate in the end.

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