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Pride Sample

Pride is a thing that is in each and every one of us. It is something where we take our proudest

moments and shape them into being a memorable accomplished point in time of our life. We feel

it often and always have from simple things as learning to tie a shoe to learning how to drive,and

also into graduating high school so we can pursue the dreams we desire in life.

I have many proud moments that I keep in mind, but as simple as getting a job is a pride moment

of mine. Accomplishing to get a job has always been something I’ve tried to pursue since the day

I turned an eligible age to acquire a job. With no luck after many applications and interviews,

somebody had decided to give me a chance.

It was to work at Mcdonald’s which I was extremely excited about, being that it has and still is

my first job which I have been working at for about two months. Knowingly for interviews I

must dress professionally like I normally do when I attend an interview, but it was very

late-notice. Due to that, I had attended not as professionally dressed as I normally would, but I

still attempted the interview with my best and gave it my all. As we began the interview, being

asked by the basics, I had of course mentioned all of my qualifications and accomplishments. I

also decided to relax more and attempt to not be as nervous as I can be during an interview.

Mentioning about my great leadership skills and recommendation letter, I had received great

news about getting accepted.

Afterwards, since I have succeeded in getting the job which had been one of many proudest

moments after a long time of attempting to gain one, it had finally happened. Being excited for

my first job, I have been keeping everything up in order to maintain it and also to learn while

still being new to the workplace. This is my pride sample, being able to reach a major goal in my
life by being as simple as working hard to gain a job. It makes anyone who get their first job,

such as myself, one step closer into adulthood and gaining and learning new experiences.

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