Employee Engagement Using Artificial Intellegence: PG Student, School of Management, D.G. Vaishnav College

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S.RiyazHaja Mohideen1, A.N. Shriram2


This technology is set to transform the

employee experience at leading businesses
Companies have an expensive retention very soon. There are a wide range of
problem. These days employee has started to applications for AI in improving the
switch companies over a period of time. As employee experience, but some of the most
a research says only 4.2 years an employee compelling relate to the areas of
stays in company. Once an employee starts collaboration and teaming. Here are some
to work in a particular job over a period of potential use cases:
time he/she gets bored In the job hence he
Employee Engagement-Advanced
leaves the job.Hence artificial intelligence
sentiment analysis technologies are using,
could be added to boast up great employee
biometrics,natural language processing, text
experiences boost talent retention and
analysis and other emerging technologies to
acquisition, as employees feel more fulfilled
go beyond traditional ways of assessing
at work.
employee experience and seeking deeper

How AI will reshape employee experience insights into motivation and behavior of

and the nature of work employees. For example, AI can analyze

data including, and biometric data and email
Employee experience is increasingly communications to improve team member’s
associated with advanced technology; sense of belonging or connection to
especially data analytics and Artificial activities. Sentiment analysis could also, for
Intelligence (AI). The emergence of instance, be used to predict when an
predictive intelligence, machine analysis, employee is getting bored by their work; the
recommendation, and process automation AI could then provide data-based
are providing businesses with new tools recommendations on actions to boost the
handle complex situation in the company employee’s engagement level.
and to help the employee to perform their
Building culture and changing behavior – mapped exactly to the individual’s
The possibilities for leveraging artificial personality and approach to learning, based
intelligence in order to help organizations on insights and correlations that can only be
adapt behavior and culture is immense. achieved by machine analysis at scale.
From a consumer perspective, humans are Enabling teaming and collaboration –
now exposed to a broad variety of Machine-scale data analysis can also be
behavioral nudge and stimuli in order to applied to the wider employee experience by
encourage “views”, “likes”, or “buys.” ensuring that people are placed in teams that
Organizations are already applying nudge will work well together by collaborating
theory and behavioral economics concepts effectively. The right algorithmic models
in the workplace. By combining behavior will provide recommendations which, when
economics theory with the insights and scale implemented, drive employee engagement
of artificial intelligence, there are significant by creating cohesive teams and boosting
opportunities for organizations to leverage collaboration. As the workforce becomes
these capabilities to behavior and culture more fluid to better leverage contract
change not possible through traditional workers to help meet skills shortages,
transformation. For example, consider the effective teaming will become critical. The
case of unconscious bias in promotions and workforce of the future will be liquid: teams
reviews. Perhaps a particular manager shows will come together. By recommending team
difficult to identify patterns in his reviews of structures and hierarchies, AI will prove a
colleagues. Artificial intelligence core enabler for this.
capabilities can both discover previously
With the rise of AI, the way in which
unrecognized trends and act as “friendly
enterprises engage, evaluate and manage
intermediary” in order to demonstrate
employees will transform beyond
evidence to the manager and help him
recognition. Data and predictive analytics
change behaviors toward colleagues – which
will lie at the heart of this change, as
benefits the collective organization.
algorithms help businesses understand what
Building new skills – By applying data motivates their employees and how they can
analysis and AI, employers will be able to architect their workflow, workplace culture
tailor analyze personalized career plans and and HR services to play on the strengths of
training programs. These plans will be individual people.The ethical
implementation of AI shaping employee good reason. operations refer to the
experiences measurement of data that is intended to
represent a concept.
The use of AI in employee retention, hiring
and promotion invite a new set of ethical For example, a valuable measure of a good
questions for organizations, and the wider team is employee satisfaction. How do you
society. The era of Big Data encouraged us measure this? One strategy might be to
to collect and store as much data as possible. develop a survey tool that explicitly asks
Our new evolved, perspective is that we employee satisfaction with particular aspects
need to address the quality of the data we of the organization. This might suffer from
keep and store and consider the privacy biased sample (in other words, only very
implications of the people whose data we unhappy or very happy employees respond),
collect. The use of algorithms on this data or you might not get the turnout you were
introduces questions of uninvited negative hoping for.
Another strategy might be to infer
With the rise of AI, the way in which
satisfaction through other means, what
enterprises engage, manage and evaluate
social scientists call a ‘construct’. Given the
employees will transform beyond
accessibility and variety of data at our
imagination. Data and predictive analytics
knowledge, we might create a construct
will lie at the heart of this change, as
based on the number of company events the
algorithms help company understand what
employee attend, how many holidays days
motivates their employees and how they can
they take, whether their internal network
structure their workflow, culture and HR
includes individuals outside their
services to play on the strengths of
department, and what websites they browse
individual worker.The ethical implications
during company hours.
of AI shaping employee experiences.

The first consideration is whether this is a

Data Quality
comprehensive measurement and accurate.
data quality is paramount. Is your data For example, does the number of holidays
measuring what you think? Social scientists reflect employee satisfaction. Does being a
concern themselves with operation with workaholic mean the employee is very
happy? Might this negatively bias against through the use of employer hardware and
individual with family versus single software. For example, based on an online
employee? work calendar, an employer can construct a
network of connections to understand how
Second, how well is this data measured? Do
the employee spend their time and with
you measure a person internal network by
whom, and track trend. Employees may not
the meetings they have with non-department
be aware that this is possible by him/her.
individual? This might miss informal
meetings, after-work events. AI raises new ethical questions related to
data privacy in the workplace. We are able
Finally, what are the cultural and social
to capture data from different source, and
institution that shape your data, particularly
utilize algorithms on this data to arrive at
if it will be used in algorithm? The data that
prediction and conclusion that were
drives AI algorithms is non-neutral and
previously impossible by people.
reflective of existing racial and gender
biases and disparities. A common fallacy is Algorithmic considerations
that removing identifying racial and gender
The unintended consequences of algorithm
information is sufficient in developing AI
are prevalent in the media. For example,
that is unbiased.
we’ve heard of algorithms that show women
Privacy Implications lower salaried job than men, or parole
algorithms biasing against black inmates.
Employees share a significant amount of
How might we enable the positive use of AI
active and passive information. ‘Active’
in employee experience, when the potential
information refers to data that is explicitly
for negative outcomes is payable.
shared by the individual, such as email on a
company email address. Most employees are Let’s look at an example: if a company is
aware that this is information that is stored building an algorithm to inform employee
and may be accessed by the company for promotion, they may use factors such as co-
their own purpose. ‘Passive’ information worker and manager reviews, title, or
includes web logs, calendar invites, and previous salary as variables in that
other less obvious data that is shared algorithm. The developer may actively
decide not to include gender and race in the AI will bring new levers of success
algorithm. However, this data is already including collaboration capabilities,
tainted. For each of these variables, information sharing, decision-making
minorities and gender are systematically effectiveness and experimentation, learning.
discriminated against by the institution. Businesses that want to remain competitive
While gender and race are not explicitly in must adopt these levers. However, if the
the algorithm, they are implicitly influencing application of AI in the workplace is to
the algorithmic results. benefit people, it needs to be deployed in a
human-first way that places the rights of
One study from researchers at synergy
individual employee center.
University and the University of Bath, for
example, looked at how AI learns bias Central to this goal is ensuring that we use
through word embedding The study found AI for good purpose , and not for bad. We
the words ‘female’ and ‘woman’ were know that AI is biased, and we know that
mostly associated with arts and humanities people are biased. Any application of a
occupations, as well as with the home. technology that ignores the flaws of both
‘Male’ and ‘men’, meanwhile, were machine and human will be inherently
matched to math and engineering profession. flawed. But there is also much good that can
be achieved through AI, and these
How can we navigate this potentially
applications should be embraced. AI is
threshold space? We cannot change the
excellent at pointing out when humans are
institutions from the ground up, and we
unconsciously being biased, for example,
cannot change the history of bias and
and that knowledge allows us to correct our
discrimination. What we can do is create
actions. Using AI in this way will help us
human-centric AI. In short, human centricity
humans become better at our job and treat
refers to the explicit inclusion of humans in
employee more fairly.
AI decision making. This can be infused in
design, execution, oversight. Conclusion

Shaping an ethical future for AI in There are many more reflections to make,
workplace but this paper is already too long. So I will
here conclude. Artificial intelligence, like
any other technology, will just give us more
of what we already want. Whereas we could
once have only a trickle of what we wanted
out of life, and the powerful took what little
there was, now we have a firehose of wants
being The firehose will become a deluge
washing away our desires and leaving just
what, exactly, of us behind? What skeleton
of humanity will remain when technology
has given us, or perhaps distorted or
replaced, all our fleshly desires. What will
this skeleton of humanity be made of? Will
our technological flesh truly satisfy us, or
just leave us in a deeper existential malaise,
filled with angst, despair, and dread. What
will we want, when we want of nothing.
What of human nature will remain once our
every worldly is fulfilled? Perhaps only the
worst of us will remain.

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