Reforms of Lord William Bentinck

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Reforms of Lord William Bentinck

The advent of Lord William Bentinck ushered in a new era in the annals of
India in many ways. Although his tenure of office covered only a short span
of seven years, it saw a period of enduring reforms. They may be classified
as financial, administrative, social and educational.
Financial Reforms
When Bentinck assumed the Governor-Generalship in 1828, the financial
position of the Company was poor. The exchequer was very weak. The state
budget showed a deficit of one million rupees. It became necessary on the
part of the Governor-General to take effective steps to improve the financial
condition. To achieve this he adopted the following measures:

 He reduced the salaries and allowances of all officers and additional st aff were removed.

 In the military department, he abolished the system of double batta. (an allowance to troops

on active service.)
By these financial reforms at the time of his departure, he left the treasury
with a surplus of Rs.1.5 million.
Administrative Reforms
Bentinck’s administrative reforms speak of his political maturity and
wisdom. In the judicial department he abolished the provincial courts of
appeal established by Cornwallis. They were largely responsible for the
huge arrears of cases. This step was readily accepted by the Directors since
it cut down their expenditure.
Another good measure of Bentinck was the introduction of local languages
in the lower courts and English in the higher courts in the place of Persian.
Even in matters of revenue Bentinck left his mark. He launched the revenue
settlements of the North West Province under the control of R.M. Bird. This
settlement was for a period of 30 years and it was made either with the
tillers of the soil, or with the landowners.
Social Reforms
The social reforms of William Bentinck made his name immortal in the
history of British India. These include the abolition of Sati, the suppression
of Thugs and the prevention of female infanticide.
Abolition of Sati: The practice of sati, the age old custom of burning of widows
alive on the funeral pyre of their husbands was prevalent in India from
ancient times. This inhuman social custom was very common in northern
India more particularly in Bengal. Bentinck was greatly distressed when he
received a report of 800 cases of sati in a single year.
He determined to abolish this practice which he considered an offence
against natural justice. Therefore, he became a crusader against it and
promulgated his Regulation XVII on 4 December 1829 prohibiting the
practice of sati. Those who practiced sati were made liable for punishment
by law courts as accessories to the crime. The Regulation was extended to
the Madras and Bombay Presidencies in 1830.
Suppression of Thugs: The most commendable measure which Bentinc k
undertook and which contributed to the material welfare of the people was
the suppression of the ‘thugs’. They were hereditary robbers. They went
about in small groups of fifty to hundred posing as commercial gangs or
pilgrims ‘strangling and robbing pea ceful travellers’. They increased in
number in central and northern India during the 18th century when anarchy
reigned after the disintegration of the Mughal Empire.
A campaign was systematically organised by Colonel Sleeman from 1830
against the thugs. During the course of five years nearly 2000 of them were
captured. A greater number of them were exterminated and the rest were
transported to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. For his role in the
suppression of thugs, Sir William Sleeman was known as “Thugee Sleeman”.
Female Infanticide: Female infanticide was one of the horrible and heartless
deeds committed even by civilized people. This practice killing female
infants was very much prevalent in places like Rajputana, Punjab, Malwa
and Cutch. Bentinck took effective steps to prevent the ritual of child
sacrifice at Saugar Island in Bengal. He not only prohibited female
infanticide but declared them as punishable crime.
Educational reforms
The introduction of English Education was a significant event of Lord William
Bentinck’s administration. He appointed a committee headed by Lord
Macaulay to make recommendations for the promotion of education.
In his report, Macaulay emphasized the promotion of European literature
and science through English medium to the pe ople of India. This
recommendation was wholeheartedly accepted by William Bentinck.
The Government Resolution in 1835 made English the official and literary
language of India. In the same year, William Bentinck laid foundation of the
Calcutta Medical College.

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