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Ralph 4 Paraphrase Nothing here's posh enough for him.

Ralph 4 Call I'll be outside the door. If you need me, knock.
Haigh 8 Jump You have a lovely smile. Are you really so afraid to show it?
Haigh 10 Call I'm meeting you by order of the court.
Haigh 13 Paraphrase Some. One at least.
Ralph 16 Paraphrase I told you to knock if you need me. This room's pretty soundproof.
Haigh 17 Call/Paraphrase When I was a boy, she told me she could see everything I did.
Many people enjoy the belief that they are not alone. Then again, it could make one angry to feel one's
Covington 17 Paraphrase
parent is always watching.
Haigh 18 Paraphrase I didn't tell her about it.
Haigh 19 Paraphrase She's out of my life, no need to drag her into this.
Haigh 20 Paraphrase She asked me to buy her a pint.
Haigh 20 Paraphrase But that's old news.
Haigh 21 Paraphrase We talked about the possibility of his going into hiding in the north.
Haigh 21 Paraphrase Would you say the horror of those years changed us all?
Covington 21 Paraphrase Daily confrontations with death, whether anonymous neighbors or...people much closer, leave their mark.
Haigh/Covington 21 Jump As a fire watcher, you must have witnessed a great deal of death. People who didn't make it to the shelter
Haigh 22 Jump The shirens shrieked
Haigh 22 Call I protested, said it wasn't all that much.
Haigh 22 Jump I've landed some real beauties.
Haigh 23 Call/Paraphrase I wrote that she and Archie were going off to South Africa to start a new life.
Haigh 23 Paraphrase ... and promised she'd be in touch with a proper addrress once they were settled.
Covington 23 Paraphrase So you said.
Haigh 23 Call Give me a chance. Write something out. As a schoolboy I discovered this natural talent.
Haigh 24 Paraphrase "Handwriting sample from the Acid Bath Murderer"
Haigh 25 Paraphrase Or might that also be a weapon?
Haigh 26 Paraphrase Science always facinated me. It still does.
Haigh 26 Call/Paraphrase ...a little acid from the prison laundry now and again.
Haigh 26 Call When immersed in its own volume...
Haigh 29 Call I go back to my cage and you go off..
Haigh 29 Jump You'll be quoted in newspapers and magazines.

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