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1) ¿Cuál es la Ceq de tres capacitores, cada uno de capacitancia C, si están conectados a una batería (a) en serie entre sí y
(b) en paralelo? (c) ¿En quéfigure,
más carga1 and 2 in
en la parallel? (c)equivalente?

capacitancia Rank the equivalent 8 Figure 25-22 shows an open

capacitances of the four circuits shown in Fig. 25-19, greatest first. switch, a battery of potential differ-
4 Figure 25-20 shows three circuits, each consisting of a switch ence V, a current-measuring meter A
2) La Figura 1 muestra tresandcircuitos, cada uno de
two capacitors, los cuales
initially chargedconstaas de un interruptor
indicated A, and threeinicialmente
y dos condensadores,
(top plate identical uncharged
cargados como se indica (placa superior
positive). Afterpositiva). Después
the switches havedebeenque closed,
se hayan in cerrado los interruptores, ¿en qué circuito (siC. When
which circuit capacitors of capacitance
hay alguno) aumentará la carga del will
(if any) capacitor izquierdo
the charge (a), left-hand
on the (b) disminuirá y (c) seguirá
capacitor igual?
the switch is closed and the circuit
(a) increase, Figure
(b) decrease, and (c) remain the same? reaches equilibrium, what are (a) the
potential difference across each capacitor an
the left plate of each capacitor? (c) During
6q 3q 6q 3q 6q 3q charge passes through the meter?

CHAPTE C 3C C 2C 2C 9 A parallel-plate capacitor is connected
tric potential difference V. If the plate sepa
(1) (2) (3) do the following quantities increase, decre
electrons move to the plate face (area d (pm) Figura 1. capacitor drops to same:
35 V, (a)what
the capacitor’s capacitance,
is the capacitance (b) sec
of this the
Figure 25-20 Question 4.
A). In Fig. 25-26, the depth d from which capacitor? across the capacitor, (c) the charge on the c
the electrons come 5 inInitially,
the platea single capacitance
in a par- ds C1 is wired to a battery. Then ca- ergy stored by the capacitor, (e) the magn
••14 In Fig. 25-30, the battery has C2 energy
3) Un condensador de placa
ticular capacitor is paralela
is conectado
against a unaAre
ain parallel. batería
(a) the de potential
diferenciadifference field between
de potencial eléctrico V. Si la the plates, and (f ) the
a potential difference of V ! 10.0 V
de la placarange
of valueshaga las
for 1 and (b)cantidades
Cpotential the charge para
differ- q1 onaumentar,
C1 now more disminuir
than, o permanecer
Capacitor tric
than,3orhas aigual: field?
(a) la capacidad
capacitance of 0.80 delCWhat
mF. 1 are the capac
and the five capacitors each have a
capacitor, ence
(b) elVpotencial diferencia
the same
of the battery. a través
as ofdel
The density con-capacitor,
(c) Is the(c) la carga en
equivalent el capacitor,
tances C12of (d)
of Clacapacitor
(a) energía almacenada
1 and (b) por
capacitor el 2?
capacitance of 10 1 10.0 When
mF. What a dielectric
is slab is inserted
capacitor, duction
(e) la magnitud
electronsdel incampo
and C2 more
the eléctrico
copper than, entre
plates than,
is lasorplacas,
equal toy C (f)1?la(d)densidad de energía
Is the charge storedde ese campothe
between eléctrico?

plates of one+ ofV the two

the charge on (a) capacitor V 1 and
on C1 and
8.49 " 10 28 electrons/m 3 C together more than, less than, or equal to the charge
. The vertical –
2 0 Vs (b) capacitor 2? identical capacitors 2inV Fig. 25-23, 5V
do the
scale is set by ds ! stored previously
1.00 pm, and theon C1?
hori- V (V) following properties of that capacitor in-
4) Un capacitor de placa
zontal scale is setparalela
Vs !tiene
6by Repeat 20.0 placas
V. What5circulares
Question isfor C added de 8.20 cm de radio y••151.30 mmIndeFig. 25-31, a 20.0
separación. (a) V
crease, decrease,
bat- la
Calcule or remain theProblem
Figure 25-30 same: 14
2 25-26in Problem
series rather
7. than tery
in parallel.
is connected across capacitors
capacitancia. (b) Encuentre
the ratio C/A? el cargo por una diferencia de potencial de 120 V.
(a) capacitance, (b) charge, (c) potential x
7 For each circuit in Fig. 25-21, are the capacitors connected in
of capacitances C1 ! C6 ! 3.00 mF
Module 25-3 Capacitors in Parallel
series, in parallel, and in mode?
or in neither Series difference, and (d) potential energy?
and C3 ! C5 ! 2.00C2 ! 2.00C4 ! 4.00 mF. What are (a) the eq
•8 How many 1.00 mF capacitors (e) How about the same properties of the
5) Tiene dos placas de metal planas,–cada + must be connected in parallel to
una de área de 1.00 m2, con las cuales alentconstruir
capacitance C
unothereq of the capacitors
condensador de placa and (b) the charge stored
store a charge of 1.00 C with a potential of 110 V across the capacitor?
C ? What
paralela. (a) Si la capacidad del dispositivo es de 1.00 F, ¿cuál debe ser la separación entre las placas? (b) ¿Se podría
eq are (c) V 1 and (d) q 1 of capacitor 1, (e) V2 and (f) q
1 2 3
capacitors? – + +
capacitor 2, and (g) 11V3 Youand (h) areqto 3 ofconnect
capacitor capacitances
3? C1 and
construir realmente este capacitor?

•9 Each of the uncharged capaci- a battery, first individually, then in series, a
tors in Fig. 25-27 has a capacitance (b) (c) Rank those arrangements 4 according to the
of 25.0
6) En la Figura unaAbatería
2,mF. potential difference
de 20.0 Figure 25-21
V está conectada CQuestion
a través 7. C
Cde condensadores de stored, greatest first. C2
capacitancias C1 = C6 = 3.0 μ F y C3 = C5 = 2.0C2 = 2.0C4 = 4.0 μ F ¿Cuáles
of V ! 4200 V is established when V C 4
the switch isequivalente
closed. How 12
son (a) la capacitancia Ceqmany
de los capacitores y (b) la carga almacenada + C3
V (V)

coulombs of charge then pass V –

por Ceq? ¿Cuál es el valor de (c) V1 y (d) q1 del condensador 1, (e) V2 y (f) q2 del Figure 25-33
through meter A? Problem 18.
condensador 2, y (g) V3 y (h) q3 del condensador Figure
Problems 3?
25-27 Problem 9.
•10 In Fig. 25-28, find the equiva- C6
lent capacitance of the combination. Assume that C1 is 10.0 mF, C2 ••19 In Fig. 25-34, the battery 1has potential difference V ! 9
Tutoring problem available (at instructor’s discretion) in WileyPLUS and WebAssign
is 5.00 mF, and C3 is 4.00 mF. V, C2 ! 3.0 mF, 4.0 mF, and
C4 !Worked-out all the capacitors are initially u
SSM Worked-out solution available in Student Solutions Manual WWW solution is at

• ••• Number of dots indicates level of problem difficulty charged. When switch
S is
Figura 2.
ais total
charge of 12 mC pass

through point a and a

Additional information available in The Flying Circus of Physics and at total charge of 8.0 mC passes through poi
What are
b.••16 Plot(a) and 25-32a
1 in (b) C3?gives the charge q that can be sto
C1 on capacitor 1 versus the electric potential V set
Module 25-1 Capacitance Module 25-2 Calculating theup across it. T
7) En la Figura 3, la batería•1tiene
V The una diferencia
two deCpotencial
metal objects 3 V =25-24
in Fig. C2 = net
9.0 V,have μcharges
F, scale
of is set•3 by
SSM s ! A16.0 mC, and
the horizontal
b hasscale
by difference C31 areCsimilar
C4 = 4.0 μF, y todos los condensadores
#70 pC and C2 $70 estánpC,inicialmente
which result in a 20 V potential
descargados. Cuando els ! 2.0V V. Plots
V 2 and
radius and
plots for capacitors
1.302 mm Cseparation. C4 (a) Calcul2
3, respectively. Figure
(b) Find 25-32b shows
the charge foraacircuit with
potential those tho
interruptor S está cerrado, between
una carga them.
total(a) 12 μC
deWhat is the
pasa capacitance of the
por el punto a y system?
una (b) If the
charges are changed to #200 pC and $200 pC, what does capacitors
the capac-and a•46.0The V battery. What is the charge stored
carga total de 8.0 μC pasa por el punto b. ¿Cuáles son los valores de (a) C1 y capacitor (b) plates of a spherical capacitor hav
itance become?
Figure 25-28 (c) What
Problems the potential difference become? 2 in that40.0
10 and circuit?
mm. 25-34
(a) Problem
Calculate 19.
the capacitance. (b) W
Figura 3.
area of a parallel-plate capacitor with the sa
••20 Figureq 25-35 shows a
•11 ILW In Fig. 25-29, find the equivalent capacitance of the variable s“air gap” capacitor and capacitance?
for 1
combination. Assume that C1 ! 10.0 mF, C2 ! 5.00 mF, and C3 ! manual tuning. Alternate •5 Whatplates is the2 capacitanceC of a drop tha
q (µ C)

Figure 25-24 Problem 1. 1

4.00 mF. mercury
are connected together; one spheres, each ofV radius RAC"2
2.00 mm,
S group of plates is fixed in posi-
•6 You have two flat metal plates, each d o
•2 The capacitor in Fig.
25-25 has a tion, and the other whichgroup is
to construct a parallel-plate capacito
capacitance of 25 mF and is initially capable 0of rotation.itance Consider
of the a Vdevice
is to be 1.00 F, what mu
+ V (V)
uncharged. The battery provides a –
1 capacitor of C
n ! 8 plates
between of al-
the plates? (b) Could this cap
ternating polarity, (a)
each plate Figure 25-35 Problem
(b) 20.
potential difference of 120 V. After constructed?
having area A ! 1.25 cm Figure and
25-32 Problem 16.
electrons move to the plate face (area d (pm) capacitor drops to 35 V, what is the capacitan
A). In Fig. 25-26, the depth d from which capacitor?
the electrons come in the plate in a par- ds ••14 In Fig. 25-30, the battery has
ticular capacitor is plotted against a a potential difference of V ! 10.0 V C1
range of values for the potential differ- and the five capacitors each have a
battery. The density of Ycon-MAGNETISMO
capacitance of 10.0 mF. What is
duction electrons SEMESTRE in the copper ENERO plates is - MAYO 2019
the charge on (a) capacitor 1 and +
8.49 " 10 electrons/m . The vertical 3 –
(b) capacitor 2?
scale is set by ds ! 1.00 pm, and the hori- V (V) PROB LE M S 741
zontal scale is set by Vs ! 20.0 V. What is ••15 In Fig. 25-31, a 20.0 V bat-
Figure 25-26 Problem 7. Figure 2
the ratio C/A? tery is connected across capacitors
Capacitor 3 8) hasLos condensadores
a capacitance of 0.80 en mF.
la Figura
What 4are estánthe inicialmente
capaci- descargados.
••23 The capacitors Las capacidades
in Fig. 25-38 son are ini- of capacitances
a 1 C 6
! C ! 3.00 mF
tances of (a)C 1 = 4.0 μ1F,and
capacitor C2(b) μF y C32?=Module
= 8.0
25-3 Capacitors in Parallel and in Series
12 μF, y la diferencia potencial de la batería
tially uncharged. Thees capacitances
V = 12 V. are and C3 ! C5 ! 2.00C2 ! 2 2.00C4 ! 4.00 mF. Wha
C 1C of the capacitors
•8 How many 1.00 mF capacitors must be connected in parallel to V capacitance
alent c and (b) th
Cuando el interruptor S está cerrado, cuántos electrones viajan C 1 ! 4.0 a través
mF, C ! 8.0
2 del (a) punto a,
mF, and C 12
3 (b) del
! mF, C3 eq
V store a charge of 1.00 C with a potential of 110 V across the C ? What are (c) V band (d) q1 of capacitor 1,
punto b, (c ) punto c, y (d) 2punto d?
V capacitors? En la figura, ¿los and
electrones the battery’s
viajan hacia potential
arriba o difference
hacia is eq 1

abajo a través de (e) punto b y (f) punto 5 V c?

V ! 12 V. When switch S is closed, how capacitor 2, and (g) d V3 and (h) q3 of capacitor 3?
•9 Each of the uncharged capaci- many electrons travel through (a) point a, Figure 25-38
4. 23.
tors in Fig. 25-27 has a capacitance (b) point b, (c) point c, and (d) point d? In
of 25.0 mF. A potential x difference C C C or down through (e) point b and C5
the figure, do the electrons travel up
of V ! 4200 V is established(f) whenpoint c?
V C4
the switch is closed. How many C3
9) La Figura 5 muestra una batería coulombs de 12.0 of Vcharge
y 3 condensadores
then••24 pass sin Figure carga 25-39de represents
capacitancias C1 = 4.00
two air-filled μF, CV 2+–=capacitors
cylindrical 6.00 μF y C3
= 3.00 μF. El interruptor 1se lanza 2
through el lado
meter 3 A?izquierdo hasta connected que elincondensador
series across1 está a battery
completamentewith potential cargado. 10 V.
V !Entonces
742 CHAPTE R 25 CAPACITANCE Capacitor 1 Figurean25-27
has inner Problem
plate 9. of 5.0 mm, an outer plate radius
el interruptor se lanza a la derecha. •10 ¿Cuál In Fig. es la carga
25-28, find the final en (a) capacitor 1, (b) capacitor 2 y (c) capacitor 3?

equiva- C6
4 lent capacitance of the combination. of 1.5 cm,Assume and a length that Cof 5.0 cm. Capacitor 2 has an inner plate radius C1
1 is 10.0 mF, C2
is 5.00 mF, and C is 4.00 mF. of 2.5 mm, an outer plate radius of 1.0 cm, and a length of 9.0 cm.The
•••28 Figure 25-43 displays a 12.0 3
••37 ILW WWW The parallel plates in a capacitor, with a
outer plate of capacitor 2 isSSMa conducting Figure 25-31 Problem 15.
V battery and 3 uncharged capaci- S plate area of 8.50 cm2 and an air-filled P separation of 3.00 mm, are
12 tors of capacitances C1 ! 4.00 m F, organic membrane C2 that can be stretched, C1
+ charged by a 6.00 V battery. They are then disconnected from the
V (V)

C ! 6.00 m F, and C ! 3.00 m F. The V0 and the capacitor can be inflated to in- ••16 V Plot 1 in Fig. 25-32a gives the charge q
Figure 25-33 2 3 – battery and pulled apart (without discharge) to a separation of
switch is thrown to the left side until C1crease
C1 the plate C3 separation. If the outer on capacitor 1 versus the
8.00 mm. Neglecting fringing, find (a) the potential C 2electric potentialbe-
difference Vs
Problem 18. x plate radius is increased to 2.5 cm by in-
capacitor 1 is fully charged. Then the V C3 tween the plates, (b)vertical the initial scale is set energy,
stored by qs !(c) 16.0 themC, andstored
final the ho
switch is thrown to the right. What is flation, (a) how many electrons move by V ! 2.0 V. Plots 2 and 3 are similar plots fo
C2 energy, and (d) the work Figure
s 25-39 to Problem
separate24. the plates.
••19 In Fig. 25-34, thethe battery
final haschargepotential capacitorV1,! 9.0Figure through
on (a)difference 25-43 Problem point P 28.and (b) do they move to- 3, respectively. Figure 25-32b shows a circuit
V, C2 ! 3.0 mF, C4 ! 4.0 mF, Figura
ward 5.
or away from the••38 battery? In Fig. 25-29, a potential difference V ! 100 V is applied
(b) and all the2,capacitors
capacitor and (c) capacitor are initially 3? un- capacitors and a 6.0 V battery. What is the
charged. When switch S is closed, a total charge of 12 mC passes across a capacitor arrangement with capacitances C1 ! 10.0 m F,
Module 25-4 8.0Energy Stored in an pointFigure 25-28
Electric Problems 10 and 34. C2 ! 5.00 m F, and C3capacitor
Field In Fig. 25-40, two parallel-plate ! 15.0 m F.CWhat
2 in that circuit?
areC(a) charge q3, (b) poten-
through point 10)a and a total
En la Figura charge
6, se of aplicamC unapasses
diferencia through de potencial V = 100 V a(with
capacitors travésair debetween
una disposición the plates)de capacitores 1
con 2
b. What are (a) •29
C1 and (b) CC What capacitance is required to store an energy of 10 kW "h tial difference V , and (c) stored energy U3 for capacitor 3, (d) q1,
3? = 10.0 μF, C 5.00 μF y C 15.0 μF. Con (a) carga q 1 qV
capacitancias 1 2 3 arequé connected to , a(b)(e)diferencia
battery. deUpotencial
Capacitor y (c) energía
at a potential difference •11 ofILW 1000InV?Fig. 25-29, find the equivalent 3capacitance V1, and of (f)
the 1 for capacitor s 3 1, and (g) q2, (h) V2, and (i) U2 for
almacenada•30 U3 para el condensador
How much energy combination.3, (d) qAssume
is stored in
(e) V
1,1.00 m13that CU
has apara
yof(f)air plate
1! 10.0
1 due to the
el area of 1.5
C2 ! 5.00
cm2 and
capacitor y (g) Cq
32! (h) V2, y (i) U2 para el
an ,electric Figure 25-40

q (µ C)
condensador 2?

S weather” a field field (between its plates) of magnitude Problem

A 25. B C
Celectric 4.00ofb magnitude
mF. 150 V/m? ••39 In Fig. 25-45, C ! 10.0
C1 2 2000 V/m. Capacitor 2 has a plate area of 1 C1 C2 3 C3V
V C C4 m F, C2 ! 20.0 m F, and C3 !
•31 SSM A 2.0 m3F capacitor and a 4.0 m F capacitor 0.70are cmconnected
and an electric field of magnitude 1500 V/m. What is the
C 25.0 m F. If no capacitor can Figure 25-45 Problem 39.
in parallel across a 300 V potential difference. Calculate total charge the 2 total
on the two capacitors?
withstand a potential differ- 0
MS 7
energy stored in the capacitors.
Figure 25-34 Problem 19. •••26
C1 Capacitor ence
3 in of
Fig.more25-41a than is 100
a V without
variable failure,
capacitor what
V (V) (its are (a) the magni-
V 2
•32 A parallel-plate air-filled capacitor havingcapacitance area 40 cm Cand tude of the maximum potential difference (a) that po- can exist between
3 can be varied). Figure 25-41b gives the electric
••20 Figure 25-35 shows plate spacing
a 1.0 mm is charged to a potential difference ofacross
600 V.capacitor points and and (b)horizontal
the maximum energy that
••47 SSM ILW A certain substance has a dielectric tential V
C3 the charge on each 1 of 1
material.Aversus (b) BCDetermine
3 . The the scale
magnitude is set of
Figureby thecan
25-32 be stored
variable “air gap” capacitor Findfor (a) the capacitance, (b) the magnitude of C = 12.0 mF. Electric the three-capacitor
potential V arrangement?
approaches an asymptote of
2.8 and a dielectric strength of 18 MV/m. If it is used 3s as the dielec- each dielectric 1 surface.
manual tuning. Alternate plate,
plates (c) the stored energy, (d) the electric field between the
material in a parallel-plate capacitor, what 10 minimum
V as C3 :area ". What are (a)25-5
Module the electric
Capacitor potentiala V across the
are connected together; one and (e) the energy density A between the plates.Problems 11, C 17,1, and ••55 The space betweenwith Dielectric
two concentric conducting spherical sh
should the plates of the capacitor have Figure to25-29
obtain battery,
Figura (b)
a capacitance
6. of 38.
and (c)•40C2? An air-filled parallel-plate ••17
of radii b ! 1.70 cm and a ! 1.20capacitor In Fig.cm25-29,
is filleda has
potential differenceofof
a capacitance
group of plates is fixed7.0 in••33
posi- A charged isolated
" 10 m F and to ensure that the capacitor
#2 metal sphere d of diameter 10 cm has
will be able to with- 1.3 a po- plied across a capacitor arrangement with capacit
pF. The
a substance of separation of the plates
10 dielectric constant k ! 23.5. A is doubled, and wax is inserted
tion, and the other stand group a is
tential of 8000 V
potential relative
difference••12 toTwo
V4.0 0 at infinity. Calculate
!parallel-plate capacitors,the 6.0energy
mF each, are connected inThe C 5.00 mF, andisC2.6 4.00FindmF. If capacitor 3u
A of kV? between them.
potential difference new2 !capacitance
V ! 73.0 V is applied across 3 ! pF. the dielectric
capable of rotation.
11) UnConsider
cabledensity a in the
coaxial electricparallel
utilizado field
en una near
to athe
línea 10desurface of the
V battery. Onesphere.
oftiene un radio interior
the capacitors is then de 0.10
squeezed mm 8 y un
sowax. radio exterior
breakdown so thatde 0.60 mm.equivalent to con
it becomes
the of the
of Figure 25-47 showspara a parallel- 1 inner and outer shells. Determine (a) the ca-
capacitor of Calcule la••48
n ! 8 plates ••34 al-In Fig.
capacitancia por metro
25-28, that el cable.
its plate
a potential separation
difference Supongamos
A/2is V 50.0%
! 100 V ofque el
its applied
is espacio
A/2 value.entre
Because los of conductores
the 6 is theestá llenoinde
increase (a)poliestireno.

the charge on capacitor 1 an

capacitor Figure with 25-35 Problem 20. much pacitance
to theofca- the device, cable(b) the infree charge q1? on
V1 (V)

ternating polarity, each plateplate asqueezing,

plate area (a) Ahow additional charge is •41
transferred SSM A coaxial difference used acrossa transmission
capacitor line has –an inner
across a2 capacitor arrangement with capacitancesV C1 ! 10.0 m F,
having area A ! 1.25 cmC2 and 5.56
2 cm and separation d ! 5.56 the
radius inner
of 0.10shell,
mm4 and
and (c)
an the
outer charge
radius q$
of induced
0.60 mm. Calculate the
! 5.00 m F, and C3pacitors ! 4.00 mby F. What are (a)κand
the battery 1charge (b) qwhat
3, (b) κ
is the
2 increase
d in the total ••18 Figure 25-33 shows a circuit section
of four
separated from mm. The left half of the gap is filled C capacitance
C the per
surface meter
of the for
inner the cable.
shell. Assume that the space
12)adjacent plates
La Figura by distance
muestra un dand
charge mm.
(c) stored What
deenergy is the
the Ucapacitors?
for capacitor con un áreaq1de
3, (d) 2 , placa A de 7.89 cm
2 that 2 y una separación to ade placa de
with material ofUdielectric constant between the conductors isis filled
connected larger
with polystyrene. circuit.The graph belo
maximum capacitance
4.62 mm. of the
La(e) Vdevice?
mitad 1, and (f)
superior for••13
1 del capacitor
espacio SSM se 1,ILW
llena con
100q2,pF (h)capacitor
material V2, and de (i) U2 for to
is charged Additional
a potential κ =
11.0; theLa mitad
electric inferior
potential está
V(x) llena
as a function of positioC
! 7.00; the is afilled with 1
k1 capacitor 2? right half •42 AInparallel-plate part air-filled
of the capacitor
section, through hascapacitor
a capacitance
4. of
••21 SSM WWW In
de material Fig. 25-36,
de constante
material the dieléctrica
of dielectric
constant κ2 =k12.0.
of S50
V, and
¿Cuál the
la capacitancia?
Problem 48.
is disconnected.
50 pF. (a)
Fig. 0 25-50,
If each ofsection its plates
the battery
has an electric
0.35 m2, what
area of potential is the
capacitances are C1 ! ••35mFAssume
1.0 + + +acapacitor
+that stationaryiselectron then–connected
– –a point in
– is parallelWhat
of charge. with a second difference(initially V is 10.0 V and 3 (µeach
Cshows F) the of the seven V(x) as a fun
12.0. Whatand is the capacitance? C
uncharged) C
capacitor. If the potential difference separation?
across the (b)
first If the region
along the between
upper partthe of plates
the is now through
section, filled with cap
is the
C2 ! 3.0 mF, and both capacitors are energy density
– – – – u 1of its electric field
++ ++at radial distances (a) r
(a)! capacitors has capacitance 10.0 m F. What is the (b)
Figure 25-
1.00 Figure material having k ! 5.6, what is the capacitance?
charged to a potential••49 differencemm, (b) of25-48
r ! 1.00 shows m m,a (c)parallel-plate
rS2! 1.00 nm,ca- and (d) r ! 1.00 pm? charge on (a)
Figure 25-41 Problem 26. capacitor 1 and (b) capacitor 2? Problem
V ! 100 V but with opposite (e) What with
polar-is uainplate
the limit area as rAb:!0? 7.89 cm2 and •43 Given a 7.4 pF air-filled capacitor, you are asked to convert it to
κ2 57 SSM In Fig. 25-51, V ! 9.0 V, C ! C ! 30
ity as shown. Switchesplate separation
S2 are Asd Figure ! 4.62 mm.Problem
The top half of Venting port d a capacitor that can store up to 7.4 m J with a maximum potential dif- 1 2
and a safety 25-36 engineer, 21. •••27 κ 1Figure 25-42 ference shows
m F, and aof12.0
C6523 !VV.CWhich m F.C1WhatinisTable
4 ! 15dielectric theCcharge
3 on capacitor 4?
now closed. (a) What is now gap
you the is
mustpo- filled with material
evaluate the practice of of dielectric 25-1 should you use to fill
constant k ! 11.0; the bottom half is filled battery
– – – –
and four uncharged
the gap capaci-
in the capacitor if you do not allow for a margin of error?
tential difference between pointsflammable
storing 1a and b? What now is the
conducting liq-charge
– ––tors – + + –
– + –– ––of capacitances
+ – C1 ! 1.00 mF,
on capacitor (b) 1 and (c) with2?material
uids of dielectric containers.
in nonconducting constant k2 ! + + + + + + + ++ – h
– 12.0. ••44 YouCare asked to constructC1 a capacitorC4 having a capacitance
C ! Figure
2.00 25-48
mF, C ! 3.00 mF, and 4! S2
the capacitance?
supplying a certain – – – – –Figura
2 – – 7. 3
near 1 nF and a breakdown potential C in excess of 10 000 V. You
••22 In Fig. 25-37, V ! 10 V, C1 ! 10 4.00 Problem
mF.r If only 49. switch S1 is closed, V 3
liquid has been using a squat, cylin- think of using the sides of a C2 Pyrex drinking glass as a dielectric,
mF, and C2 ! C3 ! 20 mF. Switch S is 25-49 shows a parallel-
S what is the charge on (a) capacitor 1,
drical Figure
••50 plastic container of radius Figure 25-44 Problem 36. lining the inside and outsideC2curved surfaces C4 with aluminum foil to
first thrown to the left side until0.20
plate capac- (b) capacitor 2, (c) capacitor 3, and
r !capacitor of plate
m andV filling area
itC to ! 10.5
C C act as the plates. The glass is 15 cm tall with an inner radius of
itor 1 reaches equilibrium. Then theseparation 1 2 3 A/2 (d) capacitor A/2 4? If both switches are Figure 25-51 Problem 57.
cmh2 and
! plate
10 cm, which is 2d not!the 7.12con-
mm. 3.6 cm and an outer radius of 3.8 cm. What are S1 the (a) capacitance
switch is thrown to the Theright. When
left half ofinterior
the gapheight
is filled(Fig.
with25-44). closed, what
ma- Your investigation is the charge on (e) ca- + –
tainer’s full κreveals d and (b) breakdown potential of this capacitor? C
equilibrium is again terialreached,
thatof how handling
during constant ! 21.0; 2d
at thekcompany, κ 1pacitor
the exterior surface
1, (f)ofcapacitor
the 2,58
(g)(a) If C ! 50 m F in Fig. B
capacitor 25-52, what A

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