Muc University College of Technology: Prepared By: Tarek Mehio Supervised By: Dr. Rebecca Keedi

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Prepared by: Tarek Mehio

Supervised by: Dr. Rebecca keedi

A proposal

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

of ENG204

at the MUC University College of Technology

Spring 2019

Khalde, Lebanon

The abstract should be a single paragraph in block format (without paragraph indentation) and
the appropriate length is between 150 and 200 words. The abstract is important because many
people first read the abstract to determine if the entire article/proposal is worth reading. An
abstract is a self-contained, short, and powerful statement that describes your proposal. Although
the components vary according to your major, in general, the MUC research proposal abstract
contains the the abstract should outline the proposal’s major headings: the research question,
theoretical framework, research design, sampling method, instrumentation, and data and analysis
procedures.. The abstract is not a review, nor does it evaluate the work being abstracted. While it
contains key words found in the research paper, the abstract is an original document rather than
an excerpted passage. Do not add any information in the abstract that is not previously discussed
throughout the proposal. Notice this paragraph is not indented; the abstract will be the only
paragraph in the entire proposal that is not indented. Because it highlights the entire proposal, it
would be wise to wait and write the abstract last. This way, one merely has to reword
information that was previously written.

Keywords: at, least, five, keywords, separated, by, commas


Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... iii

List of tables .................................................................................................................................... v

list of figures .................................................................................................................................. vi

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 7

Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................................ 7

Purpose of the Study ................................................................................................................... 9

Research Questions ................................................................................................................... 13

Definition of Terms ................................................................................................................... 13

Theoretical Framework ............................................................................................................. 15

Literature Review ...................................................................................................................... 15

Other Headings ...................................................................................................................... 16

Another Level 2 Heading ...................................................................................................... 16

Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 17

Research Design .................................................................................................................... 17

Sampling ................................................................................................................................ 17

Instruments ............................................................................................................................ 18

Instrument #1 ......................................................................................................................... 18

Data Collection and Analysis ................................................................................................ 18

Conclusion/Discussion .............................................................................................................. 19

In Text Citations & APA........................................................................................................... 20

Quotations & APA .................................................................................................................... 20

References & APA .................................................................................................................... 21

Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 23

Appendix B ................................................................................................................................... 24

Academic Integrity .................................................................................................................... 24


Table 1 ...........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Gaming Addiction 7


Lately, examine about Internet gaming fixation has expanded both in amount just as in quality.

Research on gaming enslavement goes back to 1983, when the main report rose recommending

that video gaming fixation is an issue for students. Shortly from there on, the principal exact

investigation on gaming compulsion was distributed by Shotton, dependents on self-reports of

youthful male players who asserted they were "snared" on their diversions. The early

investigations experienced an absence of institutionalized psychometric instruments utilized for

evaluating gaming addiction. However, research shows that self-reports associate with

institutionalized measures. Following on from that, further examinations were done during the

1990s, at first surveying gaming habit dependent on the criteria for pathologic betting as

stipulated in the third and fourth versions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental

Disorders (DSM). Although comparable, neurotic betting and extreme gaming don't present with

the equivalent clinical picture, and some have contended that utilizing the symptomatic criteria

for obsessive betting so as to analyze neurotic gaming just takes advantage of over the top use

and distraction as opposed to genuine psychopathology. In the 2000s, web based recreations

ended up mainstream, while investigations of Internet gaming fixation emerged.

The examinations on Internet gaming compulsion in the new thousand years announced

pervasiveness gauges which fluctuate altogether and range from 0.2% in Germany, to half of

Korean teenagers. This disparity in appraisals is because of different conceptualizations, assorted

estimation instruments, just as the distinctive cutoff focuses utilized. Further, different develops

("Internet gaming fixation", "reliance", "tricky", and "extreme play") are estimated in different

examples (youngsters, youths, gamers) and societies. In many investigations, self-reports have
Gaming Addiction 8

been utilized, which puts the dependability and legitimacy of the potential conclusion in

question. However, research shows that self-finding corresponds with institutionalized

proportions of compulsion, recommending that the person's impression of issues can be generally


In South-East Asian nations, the negative effects of Internet gaming dependence have driven

governments and medicinal services suppliers to pay attention to the issue and to build up a

progression of activities to control and reduce the issue. In South Korea, Internet gaming

dependence is seen as a noteworthy worry for open health, and up to 24% of youngsters who

have been determined to have Internet enslavement are hospitalized. In Japan, the legislature has

perceived the issue following an investigation by the Ministry of Education, which has prompted

the advancement of "fasting camps" where people experiencing Internet and gaming fixation are

helped by being cut off from innovation completely. It has been expressed that the higher the

Internet infiltration and social acknowledgment of gaming, the higher the predominance of

gaming problems, somewhat clarifying the higher pervasiveness rates revealed in South-East

Asian nations. Also, there is valid justification to feel that the lower acknowledgment of

unreasonable gaming in a culture, the more pain (not less) gamers involvement in participating in

the movement, conceivably fuelling issue observation. Accordingly, an absence of

acknowledgment of extreme gaming and in this way criticism of the conduct may add to higher

rates of dependence and dangerous play here and there. Following developing concern, specific

treatment focuses and programs have been built up in Europe (counting the outpatient facility for

social addictions in Mainz, Germany, and the Capio Nightingale Hospital in London, UK) and

the US (counting the inpatient focuses RESTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program in
Gaming Addiction 9

Seattle and the as of late opened computerized detoxification and recuperation focus in

Pennsylvania), mirroring the developing requirement for expert assistance.

Statement of the Problem

Following almost too many years of research, the American Psychiatric Association has

now formally perceived Internet Gaming Disorder as a condition that requires thought by

clinicians and scientists. In June 2013, Internet gaming issue showed up in the index of the

refreshed form of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5) for the

first time. It remains nearby the main other conduct habit, i.e., neurotic betting, arranging it

obviously inside the analytic classification of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. Web

gaming issue has pulled in front of different practices that can end up addictive, for example,

exercise, work, and shopping.

As of not long ago, specialists have comprehended Internet fixation or Internet gaming

compulsion as like either motivation control issue as a rule or neurotic betting specifically,

substance dependence, or a blend of the two. This has prompted the advancement of numerous

psychometric instruments, each estimating various perspectives related with Internet gaming

issues and addiction. The assortment of conceptualizations utilized for Internet gaming habit

have prompted a demonstrative problem driving a few analysts to scrutinize its existence, and

have called for regularly settled upon criteria which increment unwavering quality crosswise

over investigations and backer satisfactory and effectual treatment.

Under the new DSM-5 structure, Internet gaming issue alludes to the "steady and intermittent

utilization of the Internet to participate in diversions, regularly with different players, prompting

clinically noteworthy impedance or misery as demonstrated by (at least five) in a year period.
Gaming Addiction 10

The analytic criteria are a distraction with gaming, withdrawal side effects, resistance (i.e.,

investing more energy gaming), absence of control, loss of different premiums, use in spite of

negative outcomes, misdirection, state of mind adjustment, and losing a relationship,

employment, and also significant parts of life. From a general wellbeing point of view, an

official determination of Internet gaming compulsion is essential for various reasons. To start

with, it will support people who experience the ill effects of related indications to request

proficient assistance, diminishing dismalness rates, hospitalizations, and potential lawful and

therapeutic problems.

Second, the finding may diminish obstructions to mind and stigmata concerning open view of

dangerous Internet and gaming use. Third, the analysis will bolster look into efforts. Fourth, a

demonstrative classification will give the essential motivation to medicinal services and

protection suppliers to create, test, and fund sufficient treatment. Eventually, people who require

proficient consideration due to significant misery, enduring, and singular disability must be

helped in a fitting way. Accordingly, an official conclusion of Internet gaming dependence is

basic for various reasons, further underscoring the need to completely recognize and use it.

The examinations on Internet gaming enslavement in the new thousand years detailed

predominance gauges which change fundamentally and extend from 0.2% in Germany to half of

Korean teenagers. This inconsistency in assessments is because of different conceptualizations,

assorted estimation instruments, just as the distinctive cutoff focuses utilized. Further, divergent

builds ("Internet gaming habit", "reliance", "risky", and "over the top play") are estimated in

different examples (youngsters, youths, gamers) and societies. In many investigations, self-
Gaming Addiction 11

reports have been utilized, which puts the unwavering quality and legitimacy of the potential

analysis in question. However, research shows that self-determination corresponds with

institutionalized proportions of dependence, proposing that the person's impression of issues can

be moderately precise.

In South-East Asian nations, the negative effects of Internet gaming dependence have driven

governments and human services suppliers to pay attention to the issue and to build up a

progression of activities to check and reduce the issue. In South Korea, Internet gaming habit is

seen as a huge worry for open health, and up to 24% of youngsters who have been determined to

have Internet enslavement are hospitalized. In Japan, the legislature has perceived the issue

following an examination by the Ministry of Education, which has prompted the improvement of

"fasting camps" where people experiencing Internet and gaming dependence are helped by being

cut off from innovation completely. It has been expressed that the higher the Internet entrance

and social acknowledgment of gaming, the higher the predominance of gaming problems, in part

clarifying the higher pervasiveness rates announced in South-East Asian nations. Likewise, there

is valid justification to believe that the lower acknowledgment of inordinate gaming in a culture,

the more pain (not less) gamers involvement in taking part in the action, possibly fueling issue

recognition. In this manner, an absence of acknowledgment of unnecessary gaming and in this

manner demonization of the conduct may add to higher rates of habit and risky play here and

there. Following developing concern, specific treatment focuses and programs have been set up

in Europe (counting the outpatient facility for social addictions in Mainz, Germany, and the

Capio Nightingale Hospital in London, UK) and the US (counting the inpatient focuses

RESTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program in Seattle and the as of late opened advanced
Gaming Addiction 12

detoxification and recuperation focus in Pennsylvania), mirroring the developing requirement for

expert assistance.

Purpose of the Study

The point of this survey is to give a knowledge into current viewpoints on Internet

gaming habit utilizing an all-encompassing methodology, mulling over the mass intrigue of web

based recreations, the setting of Internet gaming enslavement, and related neuroimaging

discoveries, just as the current indicative structure embraced by the American Psychiatric


The referred to inquire about demonstrates that the person's setting is a noteworthy factor that

denotes the separating line between extreme gaming and gaming enslavement, and the diversion

setting can increase specific significance for players, contingent upon their life circumstance and

gaming inclinations. Also, the social setting is huge on the grounds that it installs the gamer in a

network with shared convictions and works on, enriching their gaming with specific importance.

The referred to neuroimaging contemplates show that Internet gaming habit imparts likenesses to

different addictions, including substance reliance, at the sub-atomic, neurocircuitry, and social

dimensions. The discoveries offer help for the ebb and flow viewpoint of understanding Internet

gaming dependence from a sickness structure. The advantages of an Internet gaming habit

conclusion incorporate dependability crosswise over research, DE stigmatization of people,

improvement of adequate medicines, and the production of a motivating force for general human

services and protection suppliers. The comprehensive methodology received here not just

features exact research that confirmations neurobiological relates of Internet gaming dependence
Gaming Addiction 13

and the foundation of a fundamental determination, yet in addition stresses the need of an in-

depth comprehension of the significance, setting, and practices related with gaming.

Research Questions

This section of the study includes the research questions the researcher wishes to answer.

Research questions ask what relationships exist between the different variables in the study,

while the hypothesis predicts the relationship between variables. List all the research questions in

the study, and then include the researcher’s hypothesis for the study. The research questions

should be numbered and given as a list.

1. First Question.

2. Second Question.

3. Third Question and so on.

Hypothesis 1:

Hypothesis 2:

Hypothesis 3:

Definition of Terms

In experimental research, it is essential that one defines the central ideas or concepts of

the research study. Therefore, carefully define each concept/variable that will be used in the

study, citing other research studies as much as needed. List each term, italicize it, and use a

hyphen to define the term as seen below:

1. Target self-views—the target’s “thoughts and feelings about themselves that are derived from

past experiences, especially the reactions of others” (Swann & Read, 1981, p. 352). 2. Perceiver
Gaming Addiction 14

self-views—the perceiver’s “thoughts and feelings about themselves that are derived from past

experiences, especially the reactions of others” (Swann & Read, 1981,

p. 352).
Gaming Addiction 15

Theoretical Framework

The primary goal of this section is to review and summarize relevant theory that deals

topic before discussing the different determinants or aspects influencing the topic. From the

theory the researcher will explain major tenants of the theory as well as how the theory relates to

the proposed research. When the conclusion of the study is written, the findings should relate to

the theories in this section. The details of particular experiments and studies are NOT discussed

here, rather those are to be discussed later in the literature review section.

Literature Review

The literature should be reviewed critically from the perspective of the purpose of the

study. This section allows you to demonstrate your ability to set your work in the wider context

of theory and practice including the identification and synthesis of appropriate concepts and

frameworks which may be applicable to your own study, and other empirical research on the

topic. The review should include evidence of your skills of classification, comparison, and


You will want to summarize the literature related to your topic. This section provides the

background to the research problem. A good literature review will help the reader understand the

scope of the history behind the study. Include as many studies related to your theories as possible

and make sure that these summarized studies relate to each variable in your study. Researchers

must reflect upon the ideas from the literature, compare and contrast them with ideas from other

sources, critically analyze them, organize and categorize them. It starts broad, and becomes

more specific. There is no set number of citations or page numbers, but your summaries of the

previous research should be succinct The main objective is to ensure that you have given the

reader a good overview of the literature related to your topic.

Gaming Addiction 16

When writing the literature review, it is wise to separate the various studies one finds into

different categories. Under these categories, create “Level 2 subheadings” in APA style. These

subheadings are formatted just like Level 1 headings, but they are aligned left. See the

subheadings below for an example

Other Headings

This level of heading is known as level 2 headings in the APA 6th edition manual. It is

flush left, capital font and bold. It is a subheading of the title above it (so in this case it is a sub

for the title ‘Definition of Topic’).

Another Level 2 Heading

A researcher can break down the information under any section as much as needed. A

level 2 Heading can also contain a level 3 heading.

Third level headings. The text for this section comes directly after this subheading. It is

typical to see third level headings in research paper. This is a sub-sub heading. So heading is

under “Another Level 2 Heading”.

Third level headings again. Again the text will continue on the same line as this sub

heading. APA allows researchers to go as far as 5 subheadings. This is typically not needed in an

MUC research paper. If a researcher should need more headings, the information is available in

the APA style guide.

Throughout the research paper the researcher must use the APA 6th edition of in text

citations. For example (O’Driscoll and Randall, 1999). Remember that the punctuation comes

after the parenthesis. The citations are found in full form in the reference page of the research

project. Failure to cite sources properly and thoroughly may result in academic dishonesty.
Gaming Addiction 17

Please find the MUC policy on academic dishonesty, intellectual property, and plagiarism in

Appendix B.

It is important that any research writing at MUC follow the APA guidelines for in text

citation and referencing. Sometimes these seem complicated for students, researchers, and even

professors. Some of the complicated issues are clarified for you here.


The primary examination investigates internet gaming fixation through individual meetings

enduring between 50 minutes to 2.5 hours directed by a prepared analyst, on 10 Taiwanese

teenagers. The seven guys and three females, every one of whom gamed over 48 hours for each

week, were posed an aggregate of 17 inquiries. These were conveyed in two stages: four

sentence-consummation inquiries to determine top to bottom inspirations, needs, logical

inconsistencies, or clashes; and 13 open-finished inquiries to answer the “how” and the “why”.

The investigation mined itemized reactions on the subject’s center around life and the transaction

between their “virtual” and “real” selves. It was presumed that the bits of knowledge gathered

could break the chain of impulsive Internet use with a psychoanalytical way to deal with

controlling dependence (Wan & Chiou 2006).

Research Design

In order to follow our study goal, I will break down two investigations of Web and web based

gaming compulsion and use them to talk about the contrasts among subjective and quantitative

sociology examine. For this reason, I have picked two papers distributed from the Cyber

Psychology and Conduct diary, a companion evaluated diary of psychosocial inquire about on

the internet. The two investigations are particularly unique in technique albeit comparative in

degree. By contrasting these examinations, I will talk about the benefits and faults of the two
Gaming Addiction 18

techniques; how reasonable, steady or viable they were in the exploration questions asked, and

their standardizing suggestions in the bigger size of things (Ng & Wiemer-Hastings 2005).


A study embarks to demonstrate a speculation that web based gamers may consider online

relationships to be as real as face-to-face ones, and that individuals could create social identities

to raise their self-esteem (Griffiths 2000).


A study fortifies subjective strategies as being useful in understanding examination subjects by

thoroughly utilizing open-finished inquiries.

It contended that subjective examination is worried about how actors characterize circumstances

and clarify the thought processes which administer their actions. In a subjective meeting,

information is created socially. Handling most of their inquiries as open-finished, they made a

course for questioner and interviewee to collaborate and investigate potential inspirations driving

the subject’s activities, for example, psychodynamics for enthusiastic practices in gaming

dependence. This improved the study’s standardizing use in advising mediation (Kvale and

Brinkmann 2008).

Instrument #1

It is maybe odd that a Likert-scaled inquiry with plainly characterized amount (more than eight

constant hours) was utilized. An increasingly important methodology would ask 1) the length of

regular sessions; 2) if gamers felt the time could have been spent on option exercises; and 3)

what they think about choices. Lamentably, this course of addressing isn't possible in online
Gaming Addiction 19

studies, which utilize prevalently shut inquiries that furnish respondents with restricted choices

from which to pick an answer (Yates & Yates 2004).

Albeit subjective examinations give inside and out comprehension of subjects, Martyn

Hammersley cautions against dependence on meetings as a restrictive or essential methods for

getting conduct, as it is frequently expected that conduct is to a great extent capacity of a few

stable introduction that legitimately communicates similarly in differing contexts

Arendt (1978) contended that to know the significance of a movement, item, experience or type

of life is to solicit to know its centrality from worth (Parekh 1982). Arendt’s ontological

approach that hermeneutic inquiries can be posed at various dimensions and settings can apply to

investigate philosophy (Hammersley 2008).

Data Collection and Analysis

Remembering the benefits and negative marks of both subjective and quantitative techniques,

triangulation could help determine this significance of worth. A blended techniques approach is

not outsider to this topic. In another investigation of Web habit, 700 youths were first reviewed

about Web habit. From this underlying example, 10 were chosen for individual meetings led by a

prepared analyst (Tsai and Lin 2003).


In this section the researcher concludes the study explaining what he or she predicts will

be the end result(s) of the proposed study if they complete it. It fits the standard regulations of a

conclusion and summarizes everything until this point, predicts the future, and wraps up loose

ends. focuses on the implications of the proposed study, such as how the study’s results will
Gaming Addiction 20

affect future research, theory, counseling, policy, etc. Therefore, focus on how the study’s results

will benefit others. Make sure that you mention any weaknesses to the proposed study and why

they were not remedied. The researcher may also mention implications of the proposed study on

practice, policy, and scholarly/future research.

In Text Citations & APA

Source material must be documented in the body of the paper by citing the author(s) and

date(s) of the sources as per the 6th edition of the APA Style Manual. This is to give proper

credit to the ideas and words of others. The reader can obtain the full source citation from the

list of references that follows the body of the paper. When the names of the authors of a source

are part of the formal structure of the sentence, the year of the publication appears in parenthesis

following the identification of the authors, e.g., Eby (2001). When the authors of a source are

not part of the formal structure of the sentence, both the authors and years of publication appear

in parentheses, separated by semicolons, e.g. (Eby and Mitchell, 2001; Passerallo, Pearson, &

Brock, 2000). When a source that has three, four, or five authors is cited, all authors are

included the first time the source is cited. When that source is cited again, the first authors’

surname and “et al.” are used.

When a source that has two authors is cited, both authors are cited every time. If there

are six or more authors to be cited, use the first authors’ surname and “et al.” the first and each

subsequent time it is cited.

Quotations & APA

When a direct quotation is used, always include the author, year, and page number as part

of the citation. A quotation of fewer than 40 words should be enclosed in double quotation

marks and should be incorporated into the formal structure of the sentence. A longer quote of 40
Gaming Addiction 21

or more words should appear (without quotes) in block format with each line indented five

spaces from the left margin.

References & APA

The references section begins on a new page. The heading is centered on the first line

below the manuscript page header. The references (with hanging indent) begin on the line

following the references heading. Entries are organized alphabetically by surnames of first

authors. This template includes a reference list which illustrates several common types of sources

and the method used to write out the full citation.

Many websites have generators for referencing styles. One popular website is called “Son

of a Citation Machine”. You can find it at: Always double

check the citations that such web pages generate for you.
Gaming Addiction 22


Banasik, M. D., & Dean, J. L. (2016). Non-tenure track faculty and learning communities:

Bridging the divide to enhance job satisfaction quality. Innovative Higher job performance,

41(4), 333–342. doi:10.1007/s10755-015-9351-6

Gibson, S. (2019). Descriptive and Causal Comparative Examination of Community College

Adjunct Faculty: Job Satisfaction and Efficacy of Reluctant and Enthusiastic Stayers

(Doctoral dissertation, Northcentral University).

McIntyre, S. E., & McIntyre, T. M. (2010). Measuring job satisfaction in Portuguese health

professionals: Correlates and validation of the Job Descriptive Index and the Job in General

Scale. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 18(4), 425–431.


Pradhan, R. K., Dash, S., & Jena, L. K. (2019). Do HR practices influence job satisfaction?

examining the mediating role of employee engagement in Indian public sector

undertakings. Global Business Review, 20(1), 119-132.

Singh, R., Mohanty, M., & AK, M. (2010). Performance appraisal practices in Indian service and

manufacturing sector organizations.

Smith, C., Kendall, M., & Hulin, L. (1969). The measurement of satisfaction in work and

retirement: A strategy for the study of attitudes. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally

Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2014). Using multivariate statistics. Boston, MA: Allyn and

Bacon doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04898-2_394
Gaming Addiction 23

Tavakol, M. & Dennick, R. (2011). Making sense of Cronbach’s alpha. International Journal of

Manufacturing Innovation, 2, 53–55. doi: 10.5116/ijme.4dfb.8dfd

Vroom, V. H. (1964). Work and motivation. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Zakaria, Z., Mohamad, M., Majid, M. N. A., Aziz, N. U. A., & Rashid, K. M. (2019). The

Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Loyalty: A Case Study of a Developer

Company in Malaysia. KnE Social Sciences, 3(13), 1018-1029.


The text of a research project is double-spaced with the following exceptions: (a) title and

headings longer than one line, (b) titles in tables, and (c) in appendix items.

 Single spacing may also be used in the appendices.

 Do not single-space block quotes. Block quotes should be double-spaced.

 Do not single-space on the reference list. All lines within and between references must be

double-spaced to be in alignment with APA (6th ed.) style.

 Other examples of single-spaced and double-spaced tables appear in the APA manual.
Gaming Addiction 24


Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is defined as the practice of (dishonestly) claiming or implying original

authorship of material which one has not actually created. Plagiarism is the theft of intellectual

property and is strictly forbidden at MUC. The university has a zero tolerance policy towards any

form of academic dishonesty. This includes, but is not limited to copy and pasting material from

sources, omitting to cite sources in text or in the reference list, having someone else write the


Plagiarism, or any form of cheating, will have grave results on your marks for the

assignment. Should the committee members discover that some aspect of the research was the

result of plagiarism or another form of academic dishonesty, a board will be assembled to decide

on the form of action that taken.

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