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Moch. Nur Agung Satriyo 145020208121002

Yusuf Fikri Efendi 145020207121002

Jodi Windrawan Putra 125020207121016


The purpose of this

paper is to provide a
marketing plan for a chosen
SME in Malang and provide
our own insights and
strategies for the SME based
on information received and
theories learned throughout
the semester. The SME
chosen for this assignment is
FAIZAH, a specialist tuna frozen food pruducer owned by faizah. The data
provided throughout this paper is based on the interview done by Moch. Nur
Agung Satriyo, Yusuf Fikri Efendi, and Jodi Windrawan Putra in combination
with theoretical knowledge learned from e-commers. The overall strategy
provided to FAIZAH by our group consists of creating a promotional strategy
through advertising to boost the sales of services that are lacking in sales, which
will be explained further in this paper.

In Indonesia, SMEs are the backbone of Indonesia's economy. The number

of SMEs until 2011 reached about 52 million . SMEs in Indonesia are very
important to the economy because it accounts for 60% of GDP and holds 97% of
the workforce. But access to financial institutions is very limited to only 25% or
13 million SME actors who have access to financial institutions. The Government
of Indonesia, fostering SMEs through the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs, in
each Province or District / City.

Based on the development of SMEs in Indonesia Distinguished into 4 Criteria


1. Livelihood Activities, is a Small and Medium Business that is used as a

job opportunity to earn a living, which is more commonly known as the
informal sector. Examples are street vendors.
2. Micro Enterprise, is a Small and Medium Enterprises that has the nature of
craftsmen but does not have the nature of entrepreneurship.
3. Small Dynamic Enterprise, is a Small and Medium Enterprises that
already has an entrepreneurial spirit and is able to accept subcontract and
export work
4. Fast Moving Enterprise, IS Small and Medium Enterprises who already
have entrepreneurial spirit and will make the transformation into a Big

We are as student that want to help and develop the SME have survey and
observe about tahu tuna business. After we observe we approach and explain to
the owner about this project, and Mrs. Faizah as the owner accept and happy with
this project. Because she just market the produt in their small store in she house
and follow the event and expo. So we are trut that use e-commerce will helpful to
this business.

Faizah is can become Fast Moving Enterprise because the owner has
entrepreneurial spirit and ready to make transformational into a big enterprise. But
it cannot be instant so we think about the strategy how to develop this business in
the e-commerce situation. We know that a lot of tahu tuna business in Malang, but
Faizah tuna its madew ith good material and no MSG so its become strange and
ready to force with others tahu tuna.

We learn from marketing strategy that product strategy involves creating a

productoffering that is a bundle of physical (tangible), service (intangible), and
symbolic (perceptual)attributes designed to satisfy customers’ needs and wants.
We believe that Faizah has achieved various product strategies and succeeded
within the two years of its operations from the product portfolio, product
development, branding, packaging and labeling, and STP.

Company Name : FAIZAH

Date of Establishment : May 2016

Owner : Faizah

Address : Jl. Bantaran II No. 14

Contact : 081331226666

Operational Hours : Everyday 8 – 5 PM

Services Provided

Product 2: Tahu Tuna Pedas Product 1: Tahu Tuna

Product 4: Tahu Walik

Product 3: Tempura Tuna


All of the management division is handle by the owner its self aka Faizah.


“Dengan adanya FAIZAH , mmeningkatkan masyarakat malang dalam

mengkonsumi ikan terutama tuna. FAIZAH menjadi kepercayaan masyarakat
Malang untuk tuna frozen food.”


“FAIZAH mensajikan frozen food dengan bahan material yang segar dan

FAIZAH is a brand of frozen food established in Malang since May 2016.

The product that they provide include: tahu walik tuna, tempura tuna, and tahu
tuna. They also provide a delivery service to the order.

How FAIZAH began started from 2016, where the owner, Faizah, and the
IKAN TULUSREJO) its shaded by Tulusrejo district. The member of POK LAH
SAR IJO think to take an action to increase the sales and interest fish food on
Malang city with push the member to create own product with fish raw material.
Faizah as the owner take tune as the specialist for shes product.
Finally in 24th May, 2016 Faizah decided open a FAIZAH frozen food
with only a speciality tuna variant. The frozen food that was opened in 2016 was
only word of mouth and used a Cash on Delivery (CoD) system for its service. At
that time production of the frozen food was done by the owner until now.

The response in Malang for that product was receieved positively, because
customers came and reached out on their own without any promotion or
marketing team. As time passed more and more people became aware of FAIZAH
frozen food however did not want to try their product – so FAIZAH decided to
socialize with the community by opening booths in events such as crowded areas,
and spreading brochures.

Customer Profile

When Faizah started off the owner didn’t have a consumer profile, as he
took in any customer that didn’t pay much attention on new comer frozen food
brand. But as the business grew, they had to be more serious in their target
audience, and so they targeted citizen on malang who were in the middle and
middle-low class due to the price, quality, and image they perceived. FAIZAH
wanted to position itself through prestige and quality.


FAIZAH’s segmentation ranges from demographic, behavioral,

geographic, and psychographic. In demographic, it can be categorized through age
(general) and social class(middle-low). In behavioral, customers fall into the value
and status conscious and therefore price is not of a concern, and also benefits
sought as FAIZAH by nature targets customers who are unable to buy branded
frozen food. In geographic it automatically targets people in Malang. Last of all,
psychographic segmentation is clustered into motives, which are for people who
want cheapest, efficiency, and time spent on cooking their food.


FAIZAH’s targeting, based on Marketing Strategy theory, is selective

targeting, which focuses on service/market combinations where its capabilities
match the needs of the customer and thefore are able to target all of its customer
segments, as shown in the wide range of services offered by FAIZAH.


FAIZAH wants to position itself as the cheap frozen food in Malang with
a good qulity product. It does this through specialistation. Based on the interview
with the owner, FAIZAH tries to focus on tuna specialisation. It provides fresh
fish to made the product, it offers a delivery service. The price also plays an
important role in providing the image it tries to convey. Too cheap and it would
be just like any other store, and too high and it might not be able to win its

Marketing Mix

a. Product

FAIZAH provides a tuna specialitaion frozen food with various of


b. Price

Prices can be considered below average relative to its competitors, but

is justified as FAIZAH aims for everyone can buy the product.

c. Promotion

FAIZAH promotes its product mainly through mord of mouth and

open booth on event.

d. Place
Their store is located on the house consider its still home industry
which can be seen in the company profile.
e. People

FAIZAH has no employee for now, the production activity is done by

the owner it self.


 Fresh raw material

 Without MSG
 Using natural presertvatives
 Low price
 Skilled employee on cooking


 Still on development business

 Lack of managerial skill
 Lack of distribution chanel
 Lack on resources


 Partnership with other business in development of distribution and

 Bigger market on Malang city every people can buy the product
 New market and consumer base each year due to the influx of new
university students in Malang
 Governmental subsidy or support program of local businesses


 Competitors with bigger brand image

 Slow to eliminate or minimize their internal weaknesses
 Declining customer base
 Competitors have lower price and therefore attract more consumers
 Competitors who have a better competitive advantage than FAIZAH
Evaluation and Control

The outcome of this strategy will be determined at the end of the month
during a monthly performance review in each category of product, determining
whether or not the promotional strategy is a success or is still lacking. If the
strategy is no longer needed, then it can focus its efforts into other categories
depending on which has the lowest source of revenue in order to gain exposure.
Directions will be made by the owner to guide where the business wants to go or
expand into.

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