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Arduino 8X8 LED Matrix Interface with

Wireless Control
Arduino 8×8 LED Matrix Interface is based on Bluetooth Communication and
Android Phone. In this project, we plan to interface Arduino with an Android phone
using Bluetooth Communication and the 8×8 LED Matrix connected to Arduino through
MAX7219 which is controlled through a dedicated application on the Android Phone.

What is Arduino?
Arduino is a popular open-source development board for engineers and makers
to develop electronics projects in an easy way. It consists of both a physical
programmable development board (based on AVR series of microcontrollers) and a
piece of software or IDE which runs on the computer and used to write and upload the
code to the microcontroller board.

Components Required:
 Arduino UNO
 MAX7219 IC Board
 8×8 LED Matrix
 HC-06 Bluetooth Module
 Android Phone with App installed

Circuit Design Idea:

Since the communication between Arduino and MAX7219 is based on SPI
Communication Protocol, all we need is three pins from Arduino (Data, Clock and Chip
Select). The CS, CLK and DIN pins of the MAX7219 IC Board will be connected to pins 10,
11 and 12 of the Arduino.

Controlling 8×8 LED Matrix through Android App:

A dedicated app for Android based devices is designed for this project. The layout
of the app which is already installed on a mobile phone is shown in the following image.
 Arduino based 8 x 8 LED matrix display uses only 3 pins of the
Microcontroller. Hence, it can be used in applications where displaying
information is a part of the system in which other pins of the
microcontroller can be used for other peripherals.
 LED Matrix is a basic form of display device that is used for displaying
information at public places like bus or train stations.
 Multiple LED matrices can be combined to form large displays and can be
used to display images with multi colors.

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