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The Chastity Arena

By G. F. Savidge

Copyright 2018 G. F. Savidge

Smashwords Edition
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This book is a work of fiction. All characters, names, locations, and events
in this book are fictional or used in a fantastical way to entertain. Any
resemblance to real people, places, or events is purely coincidental.

This story is a work of fiction and fantasy. It cannot and should not be
imitated. Always follow safe, sane, and consensual BDSM practices.

The author cannot be held liable for activities based on or derived as a

result of this story.

Be smart and safe.


By G. F. Savidge
Copyright 2018 by G. F. Savidge

A Castem Press book.
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Port Sapphire had a reputation as the kind of town where

anything was available for the right price. Turned out that

included me.

I didn't care about the town's sordid history. Stories of

hundred-year-old tunnels running beneath the city - used to

transport kidnapped men to crew ships heading for the islands or

beyond - were just a bit of local flavor. I was there to find

work, booze, and pussy. Not in that order.

I found two of three in a dive bar near the waterfront. The

beer was cheap and some of the women were attractive. I know I'm

a good-looking guy, so it wasn't a surprise when a generously

proportioned redhead in a tank top that left little to the

imagination flirted with me.

We had a couple of drinks. She slipped something into one

or both of mine. The next thing I knew, I was being manhandled

through a hidden door behind the bar, down a set of rough-hewn

stone steps, and into a tunnel. I was too befuddled to do

anything but follow the red-haired temptress as she led me by

the hand. I passed out before we reached the end of the tunnel.

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I woke on the thin mattress of the bottom half of a bunk-

bed. I was in a dormitory equipped with enough beds to

accommodate forty, but only six other men were in residence. We

were all naked, apart from seamless silver collars around our

necks and rings clamped tight around the base of our cocks.

The walls looked new, but the faded concrete floor showed

signs of long use. A converted warehouse, perhaps. Past the rows

of bunk beds was a dining area, a small gym, bathroom and shower

facilities. There were two doors: one open and one locked and


A woman in a green and black uniform stood before the open

door. A nondescript corridor lay beyond. Yellow tape traced a

rectangle on the floor around her. The guard was slight and

attractive, with curled brown hair. Her tight uniform flattered

what curves she had.

I became aroused. The combination of an attractive female

and the tight ring around my cock was a surprising turn-on. The

cock ring expanded to accommodate my erection, but remained too

tight to slide off.

I swung out of bed and approached the guard. My righteous

anger was undermined by the hard cock swaying before me like an

elephant's trunk. "What the hell's going on? Where am I?"

"Simmer down, newbie."

The guard wasn't armed. I had a good six inches and plenty
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of weight on her. I approached with violent purpose, fists


She smiled. "Don't try anything. If you cross the boundary

line, the collar on your neck will kill you."


She shrugged. "I'm just telling you the rules. If you try

to escape, the collar kills you. If you ejaculate, the cock ring

does the same."

The woman was talking nonsense. "What did you say?"

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were hard of hearing. If you

orgasm, you die."

Another prisoner came alongside me. He was taller and more

muscular than me, and he looked as pissed off as I felt. "You

buying this crap?" he asked.

I shook my head.

The big guy crossed the yellow line as he lunged for the

guard. His collar glowed as bright as a furnace the moment he

broke the plane of the taped boundary. I had a front row seat

for his immolation. The rancid stench of burning flesh and hair

assaulted my nostrils as he was reduced to floating fragments of

black ash in a matter of seconds. His intact collar and cock

ring clattered to the ground, as the feathery debris that had

once been a man settled around them.

The guard pushed me back. She was stronger than she looked:
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her idle shove toppled me backwards onto my ass. She collected

the dead man's collar and ring. "Anyone else want to try?"

I'd no idea what could have burned a man alive like that. I

still didn't believe the cock ring would do the same if I

ejaculated, but after one demonstration I was in no hurry to

test my conviction. Besides, going without an orgasm for however

long it took to escape wouldn't be the greatest hardship I'd

faced. I got to my feet and returned to my bunk.

The remaining prisoners had similar stories to mine. Each

of us had been kidnapped from Port Sapphire or one of the other

coastal cities by an attractive woman. I noted we were a good-

looking bunch of guys with the lean builds of men who worked

hard for a living.

I lay in my bunk and failed to sleep as I tried to figure

out what my mysterious captors wanted. I searched my memory of

the busty redhead who'd taken me for clues, but that just turned

me on at the recollection of her inviting cleavage. I touched my

semi-erect dick and then pulled away, unwilling to risk death

for a quick wank.

The bunk above me squeaked. I recognized the familiar

rhythm of masturbation. The guy up there didn't believe a thin

metal ring around the cock held the power of life and death any

more than I did, but he was willing or desperate enough to take

the chance.
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After a few minutes of louder and more frequent bedspring

squeaks, I heard the stifled gasp of a discreet orgasm. Followed

by a scream. A burst of orange light illuminated the room,

casting harsh shadows. I smelled burned flesh for the second

time. My doubts about the lethality of the cock ring had been

put to rest and I vowed not to touch my dick until the device

had been removed.

I tried to ignore the stench of death and turned onto my

front to sleep. Whatever was going on, I would need all my

energy to face it in the morning. I was getting out, whatever I

had to do.

Escape proved elusive.

As our time in captivity stretched from days to weeks, the

other prisoners and I settled into a routine. If we worked out

in the gym for at least four hours a day and kept ourselves

showered and groomed, we were fed. The meals were delicious and


The diet and exercise regimen left me in better shape than

I'd ever been. The others looked good as well. Our bodies

tightened to become lean, but not overly muscular. We knew we

were being sculpted to appeal to a female gaze, but the

alternative was starvation. Apart from the frustration of not

having had an orgasm in weeks, I felt great.

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New prisoners arrived every week with familiar tales of

abduction. When the dormitory was full, the guards started to

take one or two men at a time through the door that was

otherwise kept locked and bolted. The guards did not deign to

tell us where the men were taken, but they never returned.

Guards came and went on no particular schedule. Their

presence wasn't required to keep us in place, since the deadly

yellow line couldn't be crossed as long as we were collared.

Occasionally, one of them would get the urge to push one of us

around. In spite of our vitality, the women were able to

overpower the strongest of us with ease.

I chafed at the numbing routine, the lack of freedom, and

the increasing frustration of orgasm denial. I was hungry for

release in more ways than one, but when it was my turn to be

taken through the mysterious door, I soon wished I'd never left.
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With a guard on either side, I was escorted to the arena

for my first bout. My suspicion the building was an old

warehouse was confirmed when we entered a large space the

stretched all the way to a roof fitted with grimy skylights. A

large circle had been marked out with yellow tape.

Around the circle were raised platforms on which an

audience of a few dozen elegantly dressed women lounged in

comfortable chairs around marble-topped tables. They chatted,

sipped on beverages, and took bites of food from small plates.

Only a few took notice as I was dragged into the circle.

In the middle of the arena stood a pair of cross-shaped

metal frames, each large enough to hold a man, fitted with

leather cuffs for wrists and ankles. A second set of guards

dragged a man I didn't recognize from the opposite direction.

Like me, he was naked and collared. The guards strapped me onto

one frame and the other man onto the second.

I scanned my surroundings, trying to figure where I was and

what was about to happen. As I looked over the audience, a

slender brunette in a well-tailored dark suit and a scandalously

short skirt caught my eye. She gave me a sly wink and my cock,
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always on the edge of arousal after so long without release,

sprang to life. She laughed at my semi-erection, then took a sip

of her wine and looked away.

I sized up the other man. I'd been concerned at first,

because he had significant height and weight over me. I'd

imagined him as my opponent in a fight. Now we were both chained

up, it was clear whatever was about to happen, at least we

wouldn't be forced to beat each to a pulp.

Chained to the cross, I was on display and vulnerable. My

cock stuck out, still aroused from my distant flirtation with

the winking brunette. Did the gaggle of rich bitches gathered in

the warehouse find this entertaining?

A woman in a sequined black leotard, long red coat, and top

hat strode into the arena with a hip-swaying swagger.

She turned to the audience with a flourish. "Ladies and

ladies. Welcome to the chastity arena." She paused for a ripple

of light applause. "Tonight's first bout will pit returning

favorite Jeannette against a new contestant: Aina."

Two women jogged into the arena. The audience applauded

again. The contestants were trim, athletic women, dressed for

the gym in shorts, sports bras, and running shoes. Were they

going to use the other prisoner and I as punching bags? I tested

my restraints and found them more than adequate to hold me.

"We have a fresh pair of toys," said the ring-mistress. "I

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forget their names."

The audience laughed.

The ring-mistress hung a lanyard marked with a large 'A'

around my neck, and a matching 'B' on the other man.

"First round is the verbal tease. Aina will tease toy A and

Jeannette will tease toy B."

The contestants took positions before us. Aina was an

attractive, confident-looking woman in her late-thirties to

early-forties. I admired her toned physique and waves of

platinum-silver hair. She appraised me with a clinical eye,

paying particular attention to the state of my cock.

The slender brunette collected slips of paper from the

other members of the audience. Bets were being placed on one

side or the other.

"Begin," said the ring-mistress.

Aina stood on her toes and whispered in my ear: "You don't

know what's coming, but it won't be you." Her accent was exotic,

but unfamiliar. "I'm going to tease you until you're fit to

burst, little toy. I'm going to grind you against the edge until

you beg for an orgasm."

Even on the worst day, I'd have been turned on if an

attractive women whispered sexually aggressive suggestions to me

in a delicious accent. After weeks of enforced chastity, the

effect Aina had on my cock was instant and electric. I soared to

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full hardness in seconds. The cock ring expanded to accommodate

the full girth of erection.

What if she teased me too much? I was so frustrated after

weeks without orgasm, it wouldn't take much. Would the cock ring

burn me to death if I ejaculated in the arena? Until I knew

otherwise, I had to assume it would.

I couldn't hear what Jeannette had whispered to the other

toy, but he was becoming erect as well.

When my cock was so hard it almost strained to escape its

skin, my silver cock ring let out a loud chime. I braced myself,

but nothing bad happened. A short time later, the cock ring

around the other chastity toy's cock made the same sound.

The ring mistress raised an arm. "Aina wins the verbal

tease, making her toy erect one point five seconds before


The audience's applause was muted. An indication that most

bets had been laid against Aina, the newcomer.

"Switch toys for the caging round."

I was now paired with Jeanette. She was a petite, pin-up-

style blonde bombshell with bee-stung lips and a cleavage I

yearned to plunge my cock into. She would be hard to resist.

The ring-mistress gave each contestant a metal cage shaped

like a penis. I'd heard of chastity cages, but had never seen

one before.
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Jeanette compared the size of my erect penis to the cage

and made a sad "tsk." My dick wouldn't fit unless it was

flaccid. This close to such an attractive woman, bursting with

frustration, with Aina's teasing words echoing in my head, I

didn't think I could relax enough to be caged any time soon.

"Begin," said the ring-mistress.

Jeanette's hand moved like a cobra as she grabbed the shaft

of my cock and squeezed it like a recalcitrant tube of

toothpaste. The power of her grip took me aback - she was much

stronger than a woman her size should have been. A combination

of shock, pain, and the relentless press of Jeanette's iron grip

took a toll on my erection. Quicker than expected, I became

almost flaccid.

Jeanette snapped the cage shut around my cock, pinching a

small flap of skin. I yelped. She smiled and raised her plucked

eyebrows. The audience whooped as she clicked a padlock shut to

secure the cage. A few moments later, I heard the click of Aina

securing her toy.

"Jeanette wins the caging round," said the ring-mistress.

"The bout is tied."

The applause was louder, confirming Jeanette's status as

favorite. The winking brunette who'd caught my eye earlier stood

near the edge of the ring with a large glass of wine in one hand

and a bundle of betting slips in the other. Had she put any
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money on either of us?

The brunette enjoyed the view of my caged penis for a few

seconds. She looked up and our eyes met again. My arousal leapt,

swelling my dick until it strained fruitlessly against the

confinement of its metal prison. She smiled and then took a sip

of wine. Who was this woman, whose simple gaze had such an

effect on me?

"We're going to take a short break," said the ring-

mistress. "Refresh your drinks and don't forget to tip the


She leaned in to me. "Free advice, newbie: less time eye-

banging the boss and more time trying not to come. You're gonna

have it hard enough as it is."

As the women in the audience refreshed their drinks and

discussed whatever topics the kind of women who bet on the

outcome of a chastity competition are interested in, green-

uniformed guards removed my cage and washed down my cock with a

cold, wet washcloth.

"Round three is the touching tease," said the ring-mistress.

The contestants swapped, so I was again paired with Aina.

"What happens if I come?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "I lose and you die." Her tone made it clear

she regarded losing as more serious than my death.

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"Begin!" said the ring-mistress.

Aina moistened her finger in her mouth. I couldn't help but

imagine her tongue on my cock instead. I was half-erect before

she even touched me. She placed her moist fingertip on the end

of my cock, where it was welcomed by a thick droplet of pre-

come. She swirled her well-lubricated finger in a slow, counter-

clockwise motion.

I responded quickly to her delicate, teasing touch. After

only a few seconds, the cock ring chimed to indicate I was fully


"Aina wins the touching tease," said the ring-mistress.

Aina pumped her fist in triumph. "Stick around, toy. You're

my lucky charm."

I hoped she was right, but Aina's touch had brought me

worryingly close to the edge of a deadly climax. I had to assert

self-control over my arousal, or I would never leave the arena


The fourth round, called "the hard tease", required some

preparation. A guard placed a metal band around my hips,

tightening my pelvis against the metal frame. I couldn't move my

crotch more than a fraction of an inch.

The ring-mistress brought in a large digital timer with

five minutes on the clock. "Begin," she said. She pressed the
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timer and it began to count down.

Jeannette was my companion for this round, the rules of

which I didn't understand. Given how aroused I was already, I'd

no confidence I could survive five minutes of teasing without


Jeanette slipped a finger and thumb around the base of my

cock and scrotum. She squeezed hard to discourage orgasm. With

the other hand, she teased the tip of my dick with her fingers,

tracing a pattern of delicate strokes like the fronds of a


After fifteen seconds I was hard. After a minute I was on

the edge of orgasm. Every time her fingers touched me with a

feather-like caress, I jerked violently. The band around my hips

kept me secure, but with every thrust of my pelvis, a bell rang

out. The more powerful my spasms, the louder the ring. The point

of the hard tease was for the contestants to induce a violent

reaction from their helpless toy by grinding them against the

hard edge of climax. The intensity of the edge was measured by

the loudness of the bell.

With her tight grip on the base of my genitals, and the

delicate way her fingers danced across my cock, Jeanette was

careful to keep me on the right side of the edge. I was

terrified of what would happen if she miscalculated. All it

would take was for her to linger a fraction of a second too long
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on the tip of my dripping penis for me to orgasm and die.

The fear of death imbued Jeanette's tease with an even

greater erotic charge. She literally held the power of life and

death over me and I couldn't imagine anything sexier. Being at

her mercy, teased by her tender touch, I jerked and writhed

harder than ever. The bell rang clear and loud.

"Jeanette wins the hard tease," said the ring-mistress. "We

are tied going into the final round. Toy A is doing very well on

his first visit to the arena. I wonder if his luck will hold for

the long tease."

The contestants switched toys. Aina gave me a curt nod. She

appeared nervous. What was at stake for her? Money, bragging

rights, or something more? Had she been coerced into taking part

in this barbaric competition, or had she entered willingly to

prove herself the better cock tease?

The ring-mistress set the timer for an eye-watering three

hours. "Stimulation must be maintained at all times. The long

tease will continue until time runs out or one of the toys


After weeks of chastity, with the teasing I'd already

endured, there was no way I could hold for three hours under

constant stimulation without orgasming. That was the point. They

didn't expect any toy to last to the end - the round would
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finish when one of us came and then died in fire.

My fate was in Aina's hands. I hoped she was up to the

challenge. I wished I wasn't so turned on at the idea of a woman

holding my life in the balance. It was an unfortunate time to

discover my hidden submissive side.

Aina clamped her thumb and forefinger around my cock and

balls in a similar to Jeanette in the previous round. Aina was

stronger. An orgasm would have to fight to get past her vice-

like grip, but after being denied for so long, my orgasms were

in a fighting mood. The tip of my cock was slick with pre-come,

which she used as lubricant. She gently scratched the head of my

shaft with her long fingernails.

I glanced over and saw Jeanette teasing toy B with the same

"jellyfish" technique she'd used on me. Her motions were slower

and more deliberate than when she'd been trying to coax violent

thrusts out of my pelvis. Still, B's body quivered and his teeth

chattered like a wind-up toy. He wouldn't last long. I didn't

want him dead, but it was either him or me.

The sensation of Aina's fingernails on my cock was

incredible and unlike anything I'd ever experienced. A spiraling

mixture of pain and arousal honed me against the hard edge of

orgasm like a skateboarder grinding a steel rail. Waves of

frustrated pleasure rippled through my body, and a part of me

prayed for her to miscalculate and let me cross the thin

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boundary that separated frustration from climax. It promised to

be the most intense orgasm of my life. It would also be my last.

The rest of me fought against it. I closed my eyes and let

everything else fade into the background as I focused on my

core. I sub-vocalized a simple mantra: "Never come, never come,

never come."

I wept as my cock raged under the expert ministrations of

Aina's fingers. I moaned as the sensations built to promised

release that never arrived. Close to death, I had never felt

more alive.

A cry echoed around the arena. The other toy gasped: "Oh

god, yes!" Followed by: "No!"

I opened my eyes in time to see a thick rope of his semen

streak across the ring like a water cannon. I'd no idea how long

he'd been denied release, but the off-white spurt was so

voluminous if was as if months of frustration had been released

in a single moment of bliss.

For a moment, his face was a mask of joy and terror. Then,

his cock ring came alive with livid yellow light. As his screams

of pleasure turned to agony, he was consumed by flames. Amid a

floating cloud of ash, his collar and ring clattered to the

floor of the arena.

Aina stopped her tease. I breathed a sigh of relief, but

continued my "never come" mantra. Even without her delicate

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stimulation, I teetered on the edge of orgasm. I'd heard about

something called a "ruined" orgasm, where stimulation of the

penis is stopped at the very last moment, causing slow

ejaculation without the pleasure of full orgasm. Would the cock

ring trigger if that happened? I had no intention of finding out.

The ring-mistress held Aina's arm up in triumph. A few

members of the crowd applauded, but most of them tore up their

betting slips and cursed. The elegant brunette showed no

reaction. As the boss, was she indifferent to the fate of an

individual toy?

The brunette traced a circle in the air with one hand - a

trail of green sparks followed the path of her fingers. My cock

ring glowed green and felt warm for a moment. A single notch

appeared in the otherwise featureless metal surface.

"Congratulations," said the ring-mistress. "You have

survived your first bout."

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A guard unshackled me from the cross and escorted me to new

a dormitory identical to the first. I shared these quarters with

other veterans of the arena. I recognized some from the previous

dormitory, but others were new to me. Many of the men who'd been

taken ahead of me were nowhere to be seen - presumably they'd

succumbed to fiery climax in the chastity arena.

One of the men I recognized opened his arms in welcome.

"Fresh meat!"

"Hey, Jack." We shook hands. He'd been taken a few days

ahead of me. His cock ring was engraved with two notches. He'd

survived two bouts in the arena.

"You made it through the first one. Welcome to the toy box,

where they keep the toys when they're not playing us to death."

"How the hell are we going to get out of this?"

His laugh had a bitter edge. "Word is they let you go after

thirty bouts."

"Thirty? With a fifty-fifty chance of being killed each

time. That's as bad as no chance at all."

A nervous looking man in a pair of thick black glasses

sidled over and introduced himself as Stan. "Not quite fifty-

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fifty," he said. "Even taking psychological and physiological

differences out of the equation. The long tease is the round

that guarantees death and it only comes into play if the bout is

still tied after four. And, it's theoretically possible for both

toys to survive the full three hours. Which results in a tie."

"Has anybody made it three hours through the long tease?"

Jack shrugged. "Not that we know of, but hope springs


Stan's cock ring had five notches. His dick dripped with

pre-come. He quivered with constant arousal. I wasn't sure he

could make it through even a verbal tease without coming.

"If a toy orgasms in one of the early rounds, the contest

is over?" I asked.

"Yeah," said Stan. "A loss for the teaser and death for the

toy. Not that they care about us."

"One of us has to make it out alive. We need to shut these

bitches down."

"Even if you did get out, where would you go?" asked Jack.

"Don't you know where we are?"


"We're on Castem," he said.

My heart tightened. Castem - Chastity Island - where women

ruled and men were at the mercy of their magic. That explained

the unusual strength of the women. The women on Castem were like
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vampires, feeding on the frustration of perpetually teased males

to make themselves more powerful.

"I'll deal with that when I have to. I'm getting out of

here, even if I have to go into that damned ring another twenty-

nine times."

"Good luck," said Jack. "You're gonna need a ton of it."

He was right. I almost died during my second bout.

My second visit to the arena went all the way to the long

tease. In that final round, I was paired with Susan, an

amazonian, red-haired vixen with a grip like a torque wrench.

Her scent - like coconut and ripe melon - was intoxicating. Her

teasing technique was to rub the tip of my dick with the palm of

her hand, using my plentiful pre-come for lubrication.

Moving her hand with a slow, circular motion, I don't think

she realized how strong her effect on me was. It took every

trick of mental self-discipline I possessed to keep from climax,

even through her tight grasp around the base of my cock. I

moaned and ran math problems through my head. I shuddered with

pent-up ecstasy and tried to remember plots of the most boring

books I'd read. "Never come" ran through my head, over and over.

In spite of all this, the soft palm of her hand was like

heaven. I was maybe less than two seconds from orgasm when the

other toy cracked and spurted his seed across the ring. As the
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man disintegrated in a flash, Susan removed her hand. I

concentrated on calming my dick. I breathed deep and slow,

clenched my pelvis and the base of my cock, and tiptoed away

from the edge of orgasm.

It was blessed relief when my raging erection began to

subside. The elegant brunette in charge cast her spell and

carved a second notch in my cock ring. I detected a hint of a

smile as she did. I'd no idea how I was going to get through

another visit to the arena, let alone twenty-eight of them.

There had to be another way out.

My comrades in the toy box fell, one after the other.

Stan never made it back into the arena. The morning after

my near-fatal second bout, he woke from what must have been an

erotically charged dream, mid-ejaculation. One wet dream was all

it took to cause his cock ring to disintegrate him.

I punched the wall. It was bad enough to be killed with a

tease for entertainment, but to be struck down by our

subconscious fantasies, immolated for nothing but a pleasant

dream? It just drove home the helplessness of our situation.

After two more visits to the arena, Jack cracked. He

masturbated himself to death rather than face another bout. The

other toys and I discussed a masturbation suicide pact to spite

our captors, but the guards had us fitted with locked steel
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chastity cages before we could put the plan into effect. From

then on, we were only unlocked when we were engaged in the

arena. In some ways it made things easier, even when a passing

erotic thought left me straining at the bars of my cage, but it

was yet another reminder of the power of the women who'd

captured us.

I gleaned a picture of life outside the arena. The men who

had been brought here were a mixture of kidnap victims from the

mainland, like me, and male residents of Castem who had

displeased their mistresses. Even by the cruel standards of male

treatment on the island, the chastity arena was illegal. If I

could escape and expose the operation to the authorities, they

would have to shut it down.

The seventh notch on my cock ring made me the longest-

surviving man left in the toy box. Everyone ahead of me was

dead. A stream of "fresh meat" looked at me like some kind of

grizzled veteran.

After fifteen bouts, a guard told me I'd survived longer

than any toy in the history of the arena. I was an anomaly. With

each visit, the tools of self-discipline I used to keep myself

from orgasm grew sharper, along with the edges the teases honed

me against.

Between bouts, I suffered through a state of constant,

frustrated arousal. I strained against the cold steel of my

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chastity cage. I could no longer plan ways to escape. The only

thought I allowed myself was the repetitive mantra: "Never come,

never come, never come..."

I was halfway to freedom.

On my next visit to the arena, the audience clapped harder

when I stepped into the ring than when the competing teasers

did. I was unstoppable. I was the champion of the chastity

arena. I was in big trouble.

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In my state of twitching frustration, it didn't take much

for the guards to rouse me from shallow sleep. They shackled my

hands behind my back, put a burlap hood over my head, and

frogmarched me out of the toy box. I was bundled into the back

of a van and driven for ten minutes.

Judging by the long elevator ride, I'd been brought to a

high-rise. When the hood was pulled away, I found myself in a

large, well-appointed corner office. A dramatic view of the

night skyline of a city I didn't recognize was visible through

big windows.

The trim brunette who ran the chastity arena leaned

casually against a heavy wood and leather desk. She wore a pin-

striped gray suit and a dramatically short matching skirt. She

nodded to the guards. They unlocked and removed my chastity

cage, then left us alone.

The woman gestured at an overstuffed leather armchair in

one corner of the office. "Sit."

"I'd rather stand."

"That was an order, not an offer." She took a small black

box from her desk and pressed a red button. My collar sparked
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and pumped waves of pain into my neck.

I slumped into the chair in defeat. She let the current

flow a few more seconds to make a point. I took a moment to

catch my breath. I nodded at her neatly-arranged bookshelves,

packed with leather-bound volumes with titles picked out in gold

on the spines.

"You a lawyer?" I asked.

She nodded. "And a witch. There are many similarities

between magic and law, not least the amount of reading. Magic is

much more fun, though."

"You're in charge of the chastity arena."

"I write the checks and cast the spells. You will call me

Mistress Nadia."


She laughed. "You will."

"Why am I here? What the hell do you want from me?"

She ran a probing eye over my naked body. "I want you to

die like you're supposed to. You've upset the balance of the

arena and I want you gone."

"Then let me go."

She took a thick, leather-bound tome from her desk and

waved it at me. "I can't just release you. You're bound to the

arena by powerful magic. You know where you are?"

"Allegedly, we're on Castem. But I thought men weren't able

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to orgasm on Chastity Island."

She nodded. "Normally they're not. I've taken the magic

that prevents men from orgasm and broken it, forged it into cock

rings like the one you wear, and chained it like a tightly

coiled spring. If you come, all of that bound energy is released

in a fatal instant."

"So why can't you remove the cock ring and let me go?"

"Magic is a tricky, slippery weasel of a thing. It binds me

as it binds you. There are rules to the enchantment. I can't

kill you, release you, or even prevent you from competing in the

arena without suffering adverse consequences."

"You could have one of the contestants take a dive. Let her

deliberately tease me to orgasm."

"The intent must always be to tease, to avoid orgasm at all

costs. Another one of the rules."

I laughed. "You're screwed. I'm going to survive thirty

bouts in the arena and walk out of there a free man and there's

nothing you can do about it."

She licked her lips. "You must know the odds are against

you. You still have ten more visits to the arena. I haven't even

touched you and you're dripping pre-come all over my nice chair."

I shrugged. "It's been that way for a while. I can manage


"Ah, but it gets worse every day. Every time one of the
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contestants takes you through the long tease, it gets harder to

resist. The animal part of your brain that wants to spread your

filthy seed across the world screams inside you for release and

it doesn't care what happens next."

My cock spasmed. Freed of the chastity cage, in close

proximity to the beautiful Nadia, my erection was hard and

raring to go.

Nadia leaned forward. The front of her blouse scooped down

to reveal creamy breasts, held firm and pressed together by

purple silk. "I want to make you an offer."

My cock twitched again. "I'm listening."

"There is a release clause I can invoke in the magical

contract. You can leave the arena before completing thirty

bouts, if you agree to be my personal chastity toy."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you get to live instead of being burned to ash

for the entertainment of my customers. You'll be part of my

household stable. You'll serve my needs. Obey me absolutely and

without question. If I require and desire it, you will attend to

my sexual gratification. In return for this, I will allow you

three ruined orgasms a year and a full orgasm on your birthday."

"Is this a joke?"

"It's a very reasonable offer."

"You and I have a different idea of what's reasonable. I'll

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take my chances in the arena."

She bit her lip - the first sign of nervousness I'd seen.

"You'll lose."

"If you were sure of that, you wouldn't have offered me a

way out. I want to be free. I don't want to be your chastity


"Are you sure about that?"

I gripped the arms of the chair. Naked, I had no way to

hide how much the offer to become her personal sex toy had

turned me on. Most of me was sure I didn't want to serve her,

but a secret part of my mind disagreed. She closed the distance

between us with a confident swagger. I imagined burying my face

beneath her tiny skirt and drowning in the aroma of her sex.

"I want to be free," I repeated. The words sounded weak and


She grabbed my chin and forced me to gaze into her dark

brown eyes. "You were born to serve me. Magic gives me power

over men who secretly yearn to be yoked to the will of a

dominant woman."

I ran the "never come" mantra through my head. Her

commanding tone, the touch of her hand, her closeness, were

almost enough to tip me over the edge.

"Leave me alone."

"Brave words from a scared, naked little man." She hiked up

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her skirt. Her panties were purple and thin enough I could see

the outline of parts I yearned to caress with my tongue. "You're

sure you don't want to serve me? You're refusing my reasonable


"Yes. I refuse to serve you."

She laughed and turned away. "I'll destroy you." She leaned

back against her desk. Her smile was wide and cocksure. "If you

don't agree to the terms I've offered, you'll regret it. This is

your final chance. Will you serve as my personal chastity toy?"

"Fuck off."

She shook her head. Her tone feigned sadness. "That's the

thanks I get for trying to be reasonable."

She summoned the guards to return me to the toy box. I was

relieved to be away from her intoxicating presence, but

confused. What had been the point of the interview? She must

have known I'd refuse her offer. I had the nasty feeling I'd

walked into a trap.

I was shaken by the effect she'd had on me with nothing

more than her presence and a few harsh words. It had to be more

than the months of chastity and intense teasing I'd endured. She

was beautiful, confident to the point of arrogance, and

powerful. But there was something else about her that toyed at

the strings of my arousal: a sensual, magical aura.

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The day after my interview with Nadia, I was led into the

arena alone. Instead of two crosses, there was only one. The

crowd was larger than usual, quiet and expectant. For the first

time, I didn't see Nadia amongst the audience. I fretted as the

guards bound me tight to the metal frame. They had something

different in store for me.

The ring-mistress strode out, glittering and resplendent as

always. "We have a special treat tonight. A one-on-one bout

between our longest-surviving toy and our very own Mistress


Nadia entered the arena, dressed like a competitor in tight

purple shorts and sports bra. I groaned. She was gorgeous: toned

and trim, yet curvaceous.

She thanked the ring-mistress and addressed the audience.

"Thank you all for coming tonight. Yesterday, I made a

reasonable offer to this man. I offered him the chance to serve

as an honored toy, but he refused. By the terms of the

enchantments of old Castem, I will now enforce upon him an

unreasonable offer."

She faced me with a wide, enthusiastic smile. "You will be

my personal chastity toy. You will obey my every command. You

will pleasure and service me as I demand. In return, you will

receive nothing. You will never experience an orgasm of any kind

for the rest of your life. Do you accept this offer?"

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"No. That's not fair."

She shrugged. "That's what makes it an unreasonable offer.

It's time you learned your place in the world: on your knees

before your mistress."

"I'd rather die."

"You may get your wish, toy. Tonight I am going to tease

you until you either break and accept the terms of my offer, or

you orgasm and die."

Either option was a victory for her and defeat for me.

Worse, I was already on the edge of orgasm and she hadn't laid a

finger on me. Seeing her in scant, body-hugging shorts and bra

was enough to make me hard. Her threats to make me her sex slave

for the rest of my life, with no chance of ever being allowed an

orgasm again were more of a turn-on than I could have imagined.

With a few words, she had turned my brain into a

battlefield of conflicting desires. My rational mind wanted to

be free. My emotional core wanted to accept Nadia as my mistress

and live the rest of my life at her feet. There was another

piece, an instinctual, animal part of me who didn't care about

anything but having a damned orgasm after being denied for so


"There is only one round," said the ring-mistress.

"Freestyle teasing will continue until the toy either submits to

Mistress Nadia, or has an orgasm."

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"How do I win?"

"You don't," said Nadia. "You can never win against me."

The ring-mistress coughed. "If Mistress Nadia concedes she

cannot make you come, then the enchantments are lifted and you

will be free to leave the arena."

Nadia gave the ring-mistress an angry look. "The odds of

that are extremely low."

Low, but not impossible. All I had to do was outlast

Nadia's patience. She was a busy woman: a lawyer and a witch

with an illegal business empire to run. Who knew what other

responsibilities she had to attend to? She might have been the

most formidable person I'd ever encountered, but she was only

human. There was a limit to her stamina. I could still win.

"You'll never make me come," I said.

"I don't intend to," she replied. "I'm going to make you


She traced a circle in the air with her right hand and

muttered a few words under her breath. A ring of green light

appeared before her. She pursed her lips and blew. The green

ring floated towards me and slid over my cock and balls. She

said a few more phrases and the ring drew tight around the base

of my genitals. It was similar to the thumb and forefinger

technique the arena competitors had used to stifle my orgasms,

but much tighter.

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"You can't use magic," I said. "That's not fair."

Nadia said a single word and made a zipping motion across

her lips. My mouth clamped shut. She had sealed my lips with a


"I can use anything I want," she said.

She conjured two more rings of solid light - one blue and

one orange. The blue ring slid down my shaft until it was

beneath the silver cock ring that had enforced my chastity on

pain of death for so long. The orange ring hovered around the

tip of my penis.

The cock ring moved up my penis. The sensation was like a

well-lubricated thumb and finger, wrapped tight around my cock,

sliding up the shaft. When the ring reached the same plane as

the ring of orange light, it disappeared and then reappeared

above the blue ring at the base of my cock.

The sequence repeated, over and over. It was a constant

waterfall of sensation, rippling up my penis like a perpetual

motion teasing machine. I shuddered and jerked more violently

than I ever had during the rounds of hard teasing I'd endured in

the arena.

This was more than just a tease. I reached the edge of

orgasm and should have crossed over, but I couldn't come. The

green ring clamped tight around my dick and balls prevented me

from inevitable climax.

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Nadia leaned forward and licked the tip of my cock for just

a second. The wet warmth of her tongue was so intense, I would

have screamed if my lips hadn't been magically sewn together.

She pulled away, but the sensation of her tongue on the tip of

my penis remained. She had cast some kind of phantom blow job

spell. The feeling of her invisible tongue lapping at the tip of

my cock was incredible.

"Do you yield?" asked Nadia.

Unable to speak, I shook my head. The frustrated pleasure

she was subjecting me to was tortuous, but also amazing. I

wanted her to do this to me forever.

As if reading my mind, she said: "Give it an hour. See if

you still feel the same way."

I didn't. For sixty minutes, she ground me against the

diamond hard edge of an orgasm that continued to grow more

intense, but never arrived. My mind was a mess. I couldn't think

straight enough to repeat my simple "never come" mantra, let

along try any of the more complicated techniques that had

allowed me to survive prior visits to the arena.

"My magic is all that keeps you from orgasm," said Nadia.

"If I remove the green ring, you'll climax harder than you can

imagine. Perhaps harder than any man ever has in the history of

the world. Then you'll die. Do you want that?"

I nodded with vigor. I needed to come more than I had ever

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needed anything. Every inch of my being screamed for release and

damn the consequences.

"That's not what I want. You're strong-willed and cute. I

want you broken as my personal chastity toy."

The prospect of spending the rest of my life in magical

chains as this woman's toy was both tempting and horrific. The

idea of enduring any more of her relentless tease and denial was

just horrific. The only chance I had was for her to concede, but

she could use her magic to tease me with no effort. There was no

reason for her to stop. There was no hope of my overcoming her

through force of will. I couldn't win.

I nodded.

Nadia reversed the zipping motion across her lips. I could

talk again.

"I'll do it," I said. "I'll be your toy."

She tilted her head and frowned. "Not good enough. I need

you to beg to be allowed to serve me."

I took a deep breath. Was it worth it to stand my ground

and refuse to beg? Absolutely not, but a stubborn vein of pride

made me do it anyway. It might seem strange to talk of pride

when I was stripped naked, humiliated, and teased to mind-

melting distraction for the amusement of intoxicated women, but

there it was. I knew my surrender was inevitable, but I would

drag it out to the bitter end.

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Nadia made another gesture. Magical energy infiltrated my

ass like a long finger in a well-lubricated latex glove. She

smirked as she mystically massaged my prostate, rocketing my

frustration to whole new levels of aroused disappointment.

Tears streamed down my face at the thought of the intense

climax that was so close, the orgasm she wasn't going to let me

experience. Her confident smirk aroused me almost as much as the

phantom finger playing my prostate like a violin.

"Please," I begged. "Please let me serve you. Please let me

be your toy. Just make it stop."

"Use my title, you little bitch, and I'll think about."

I had to call her by the name I'd sworn I would never use.

"Mistress Nadia," I said. "Have mercy on me. I'll do anything

you want."

"You certainly will. Do you yield? Do you accept my offer?"

"Yes," I screamed. "I yield. I accept. Please, Mistress

Nadia, please."

The phantom blow job stopped. The invisible finger in my

ass disappeared. The blue and orange rings of light flickered

out. Nadia - Mistress Nadia - reached forward and slipped the

silver cock ring from my penis.

All that remained was the ring of green light encircling

the base of my dick and balls. It was the only thing between me

and an explosive release.

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"It's safe for you to orgasm," said Mistress Nadia. "You


She made a complex gesture with her hands. Tendrils of

golden energy flew from her fingertips, into my urethra. They

pushed into my dick, forcing a wide passage down the center of

my penis. Semen flowed through and dribbled from the tip of my

cock, like sap from a maple tree. There was no pleasure

accompanying my release, other than slight relief at my tight

balls being emptied after so long.

When I had been drained of semen, the golden tendrils of

energy and the green ring around my cock blinked out. I was

flaccid and drained. A pair of guards undid my restraints. I

fell to the floor of the arena, a spent lump of quivering flesh.

"Kneel," said Mistress Nadia. "Worship your mistress."

In spite of the aching exhaustion in my limbs, even though

every movement was agony, I obeyed. I knelt before Mistress

Nadia with my head bowed. Defeated.

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Life as Mistress Nadia's personal chastity toy isn't as bad

as I had expected. It's far, far worse.

It's been three years since she humbled me in the arena and

forced me into servitude. I can barely remember what it's like

to be in control of my own fate, what an orgasm feels like. She

keeps me in a state of constantly aroused frustration, always on

the edge of orgasm, always yearning for a release that never

comes. I can't remember feeling any other way, but that doesn't

make it easier to tolerate.

I pleasure Mistress Nadia as she commands. She has bound me

with her magic and the thought of disobedience never crosses my

mind. She tells me to fuck her and I plunge my ever-erect cock

into whichever orifice she's in the mood for. She rides me like

a broken stallion, grinding multiple orgasms from my helpless

penis, driving me even more wild with desire and frustration as

her tight pussy envelops me.

I spend so much time between her legs, eating her out, that

it seems strange when I am not overwhelmed by the sharp scent of

her vagina. She screams with pleasure as I guide her through

climaxes that go on for hours.

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In return, she gives me nothing. My orgasms are locked away

by the magic of Castem and she never lets me leave the island.

She is able to tease me without mercy. She milks me dry of semen

once a year, which gives some relief, but no pleasure.

I'm stuck in the long tease and it's never going to end.
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End Notes

I hope you enjoyed this chastity magic adventure. Please consider adding a
review. If you have feedback or would like to be informed of new releases,

You may also enjoy The Chastity Sanction, available on Amazon or Murder on
Chastity Island, available on Smashwords:


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