Wickenburg High School Rifle Team PSA

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Wickenburg High School Rifle Team PSA

For about 15 years, to my knowledge, Wickenburg has been the only public high school in the USA with a
recognized high-power rifle team. (The club is even older, but was shooting smallbore before that.)

Since the team is a public school activity, donations are of course fully tax-deductible to anyone in the
USA. However, Arizona residents get a deal they just can't refuse: they can write the full amount of their
donation off against their state tax liability... not just as a deduction, but as a tax credit.

To clarify, if you usually owe the state of Arizona $200 for state income tax each year, you can make a
donation of $200 to the Wickenburg High School Rifle Team and owe the state nothing next April ($400
for couples). If those taxes have already been withheld from your paycheck, you will actually get a refund
from the state!

(Isn’t this how all your taxes should work? You get to tell the state to devote your money entirely to a
worthwhile program, instead of… who knows what nonsense it otherwise would go to fund. Plus, it is a
great way to introduce new young blood to the firearms community.)

It's also a terrific way to send a message to both the school system and to the state tax authorities about
where their priorities should be. Some years back, the school board even took official notice in their
minutes that the Rifle Team was neck and neck with the football team for the most popular recipient of
tax credit funding. It was that sort of community acceptance that caused them to upgrade the school
"club" to a recognized "sport."

Donations can be made immediately online — you no longer have to cut a check or even lick a stamp.


Click on "Tax Credits," then select "Wickenburg High School" and “Other.” Important: in the “Other” field,

Rifle Team

Specify the amount of your donation, and your credit or debit card information.

Any amount helps. The youngsters of Wickenburg thank you, and so do I.

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