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WHILE LOOKING AT a picture in news paper , when Zimbabwe cricket team is entering the
ground for first time and there is jubilations and happiness going on, instinctively tears were
flowing from eyes and I was saying to myself “no more of sufferings please , we had already
our share and the share of others. After the age of 40 and having grown up kids, one naturally
thinks of them. I frequently feel gloomy after my death where I am leaving my kids. Pakistan??
The most dangerous spot on the earth planet marked. Do we have government? But where is
it? It has failed miserably in the protection of the citizens. When I pass by the forts of the
security agencies, I feel as if their only job is to protect themselves. They are helpless because it
needs Spartan worriers to face this menace. But then Pakistan is my birth place. Where else can
I go?? Nobody else accepts me because I am Muslim and Pakistani. I am a potential suicider in
the eyes of the so called civilized immigration authorities. Islam is said to be the religion of
peace and harmony as its name shows. Why then there is no peace in the Muslim world? Why
are we legging behind in all departments of life? Islam is good but if it is of no use to me then I
need to depart from it and search for some other way of life. Why are we following an alley
that is going into chaos and destruction? But if it is the right one and peaceful then we need to
purify it and eliminate those elements from its circle of influence.

Was Jinnah a religiously motivated zealot or culturally and nationally inspired leader? In the
beginning he was an active member of the Indian National Congress and became famous as
“the ambassador of the Muslim-Hindu unity”. What compelled him on retreating from big
platform of the Congress to the smaller one of the Muslim League was the behavior and
response of the Hindu leaders of the Congress. They were not capable of understanding Jinnah,
the secular and above the petty matters of rituals. This compelled him to join Muslim League
that was not religiously motivated party but culturally inspired league. The people in Muslim
League were not the students of Islamic seminaries but they were middle class educated from
Ali Garh University who were liberal and open minded. The irony is that the people educated
from seminaries like Dawband were supporting Congress because they were unable to
understand the implications of future for a minority with majority in western democracy.
Hindus are by nature prejudiced and biased community. Something is there in their genes or
food like that. Until now they are not considering Pakistan and the Muslim culture as reality. So
the visionary eye of Jinnah thought it safe to safeguard the cultural identity of Muslims in a
separate homeland because Hindus were not ready to give them.

Pakistan was not created to produce mercenaries for the entire Muslim world and become
itself the battlefield of big powers. It was supposed to be a place where the Muslims of
subcontinent find solace and shelter from the grinding cruelties of the Hindu fanatics. Our
source of inspiration was not supposed to be the sulfi school of thought but the sufi school of
thought. Our saints and sages were ali hajwari, khwaja nizamuddin and Bhullyshah. We were
not supposed to become jihadists and suicide bombers but mystics and peaceful saints. But
unfortunately we went in the wrong direction. After Jinnah we didn’t find a capable leader to
guide us in the right way. International powers put a price tag on our nation and we were
bargained in the international market of war and terror. Jinnah died and then we were ruled by
Ghulam Muhammds, Sikandar Mirzas, Yahyas, Bhuttos, Zias,Musharfs and Sharifsd. Nothing
went in the right direction. We were trained in the cold war as inspired and motivated suicide
explosives to go into the lap of a beautiful HOOR just in few seconds. Our bodies of flush and
blood were used as fodder for cannons. But still this nation survived and produced great
scientists like Abdusslam, players like Muhammad Hanif, Javed Miandad and Imran Khan,
painters like Sadqain and many more giants in the field of literature, science and arts. This is a
great nation. They will flourish. No one can and no one could eliminate it. It had survived the
dent of the international terrorism. We will continue to live and grow.

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