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Nyasha Samyn

Module 15

Quick test: Five top talents

Mood Reader

feel strongly connected with everyone I know. I see each situation I find myself in from a
broader perspective.

It is easy for me to see how people are doing. I can detect if something is bothering them or
they are going true something.

Busy Bee

I’m busy, from morning to night. I want to do useful and meaningful things. Have the feeling
of achieving something.

I like to be busy otherwise I have a feeling that I am wasting time. The things that I do are
not always from the same importance, but it gives me a feeling of gratification. It is
important for me to make a weekly planning of activities that are priority and less important

Loyal friend

don’t like nodding acquaintances. I prefer profound contact with a small group of friends.

It is easy for me to have a conversation with people I just met or don’t see often, but I can
set the border between reel friends and acquaintances.

Silver Lining Catcher

However hopeless the situation may be, I always see positive aspects and opportunities.

I think there is one way out of a hopeless situation and that is hope. Or a way of turning a
bad situation into a good situation is looking and focusing on the good aspects of the
situation and making the best out of it since you don’t have any other option.

Own situation: After school I wanted to take the train home, but my train was delayed for 2
hours. I didn’t sit around not doing anything, but I went to a nearby coffee bar and worked
on assignments. This way I wasn’t wasting my time.
Nyasha Samyn
Module 15

Thought Rewinder

I often reflect on myself and how things went. I learn a lot from this.

For me it is important to look into the mirror and reflect on myself. This is important in
order to improve on yourself. I can do this after a busy day, but I often do it on a Sunday
after a busy week. I reflect on things that I have done good and thing I could have done

Own situation: I used not to plan my weekly activities and got into trouble missing
important meetings/deadlines. After this happened I reflected on how I could avoid things
like this happening. The answer was planning.

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