Argumentative Final

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Argumentative Final

The title of this assignment is “Comparing Commute Times with Dotplots”. This
assignment was completed in my Intro to Data Science class on February 25, 2019 at
Linda Marquez High School Huntington Park Institute of Applied Medicine. We were
given a packet with two graphs on each paper with different sets of data. The first set of
data was freeway and surface streets, the second set of data was the exam scores in
two different third grade classes, and the last set of data was comparing fuel efficiency
with Boxplots. My team members and I had to analyze each of the dotplots and choose
which option was best in our opinion. We were assigned groups to debate our findings
and come up with conclusions. This assignment is an argumentative piece because we
had to study the charts and analyze the data to defend our position. In addition, we
were assigned groups to argue and defend the data we collected by calculating the
mean and the average for both graphs. Our teacher provided us with the data.

The SLOs that I met in this assignment was critical thinker and effective
communicator. I was a critical thinker by calculating and analyzing the data that was
provided to us on the chart such as freeways or streets, to demonstrate a strong
argument to defend my reasoning for my choices. Another way I was a critical thinker
was by listening attentively to create a counter argument supported by my research. My
final reason how I was a critical thinker was by presenting my research to persuade the
other team why my reasoning was good. In addition, I was a willing collaborator by
actively listening to the opposite teams as they gave their reasons for their point of view.
Another reason I was a willing collaborator was by taking the leadership role and
speaking for my group as we debated with the other team. My final reason for how I was
a willing collaborator was by speaking in a nice manner and not being rude and judging
the reasoning of the other team members.

This assignment helped me work on the SLOs by learning how to read and
analyze data on a graph and interpreting it in such a way that I can defend it during our
debates. I still need to improve on my critical thinking skills because I have a hard time
accumulating my ideas to defend the position I chose. This skill can be used in the
future when I have to analyze information or give a presentation in front of my class or
co-workers. This skill can help me feel prepared and give me further practice while
brainstorming ideas.

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