GE111 Exercise2-InteriorOrientationAerialPhotograph v6

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Name: ______________________________________ Section: ________ Signature: ____________ Date: __________

GE 111 – PHOTOGRAMMETRY 1 AY 2018-2019, 2nd Semester

Laboratory Exercise 2: Interior Orientation of an Aerial Photograph

In photogrammetry, “orientation” refers to the process of establishing the relation between two coordinate systems of
an aerial photograph or image. Interior orientation, in particular, establishes the relation between the camera-internal co-
ordinate system and the pixel co-ordinate system. The process is made possible by the so-called fiducial marks
superimposed in the photograph and their nominal coordinates usually given in mm in the camera calibration certificate 1.

Through interior orientation, the mathematical relationship between the camera-internal coordinate system (also called
the photo coordinate system) and the pixel coordinate system is established by applying a 2-dimensional (2D) affine
transformation utilizing the calibrated photo-coordinates of the fiducial marks (x, y; all in millimeters) and their
corresponding pixel coordinates (i.e, X’ and Y’). The transformations are represented by the following basic equations: X’
= a0 + a1x + a2y and Y’ = b0 + b1x + b2y, where a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, and b2 are the affine transformation parameters which are
determined during interior orientation using method of least squares. Once these parameters are determined, the pixel
coordinates of objects with known photo coordinates can be computed. Similarly, the photo coordinates of objects with
known pixel coordinates can also be determined.


The goal of this exercise is to train the students on how to perform the interior orientation of a scanned aerial
photograph. At the end of this exercise, the students are expected to have:
 Located the fiducial marks of a scanned aerial photograph, and determined their pixel coordinates;
 Computed the affine transformation parameters using method of least squares;
 Calculated the scale of the scanned aerial photographs using given ground distances as well as the established
affine transformation equations (i.e., for the determination of photo coordinates and photo distances);
 Calculated the spatial resolution or Ground Sampling Distance of the scanned aerial photograph.
 Measured distances and calculate areas from a scanned aerial photograph.


 Aerial photograph (refer to provided 017.bmp file)
o This was taken over Maracanã area in Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil. The photograph was acquired on
January 5, 1997 using a Carl Zeiss RMK A 1523 analogue aerial camera with a calibrated focal
length (f) of 153.528 mm, and with a film format size of 230 by 230 mm. For this photo, the flying
direction is East-West. The area covered by the photo has an average elevation of 12 m above MSL.
o The calibrated camera-internal or photo coordinates of the fiducial marks are listed in Table 1.
 Laptop/Desktop Computer
 MS Paint Program

1. Open the scanned aerial photograph using MS Paint. Try panning, zooming-in, and zooming-out the scanned
photograph using the
2. Locate each fiducial mark, and take note of their pixel coordinates. VERY IMPORTANT: The corresponding
location of the fiducial marks in the scanned photo should be based on the photo-coordinate system of the
photograph. Since the flying direction was East-West, the positive x-axis of the photo coordinate system is
towards the left of photograph!
3. Answer the questions in Part V, and perform other procedures, as needed.

W Linder, Digital Photogrammetry A Practical Course. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2016.
V. QUESTIONS TO ANSWER (see next page). All answers should be written only in 1 examination booklet.
Write your complete name, course name, section, signature, and date in the front page of your booklet. Also,
write “Laboratory Exercise 2” in the front page. Fold and insert this questionnaire in your booklet, and
submit them when you are done, on or before the deadline. No inserted questionnaire means zero score.
Minimize erasures. Discussion with your classmates is highly recommended but copying of answers is
strongly discouraged! Deadline for submission: 4 PM, May 10, 2019 at CCGeo.

Note: If your student number is formatted as ABC-VWXYZ, what are the values of A, B, C, V, W, X, Y, and Z? Refer to
these digit values of A, B, C, V, W, X, Y, and Z in order to answer the following questions. For example, if the student
number is 123-45678, then A=1, B=2, C=3, V=4, W=5, X=6, Y=7, and Z

1. If the photograph was scanned at 3YZ dpi, determine the Geometric Resolution of the scanned photograph, in
mm (rounded to 2 decimal places). Show complete solutions. Enclose the final answer in a box. (2 pts)
2. Determine the corresponding pixel coordinates of the fiducial marks. The pixel coordinates should be rounded-off
to the nearest whole number. Format your answer similar to the table below. (8 pts)

Fiducial Mark x, in mm y, in mm X’ Y’
1 113.WX 0.0V
2 -113.YZ 0.0Z
3 0.0Y 113.YW
4 0.0X -113.YZ

3. Based on your answers in #2, determine the values of the affine transformation parameters a 0, a1, a2, b0, b1, and b2.
Show complete solutions. Round-off final values to 2 decimal places. Enclose final answers in a box. (12 pts).
4. Based on your answers in #3, write the complete affine transformation equations for X’ and Y’. Enclose final
answers in a box. (2 pts)
5. Based on your answers in #4, compute the values of X’ and Y’ of each fiducial marks. Show complete solutions.
Round-off the computed values to the nearest whole number. Enclose final answers in a box. (2 pts)
6. Based on your answers in #5 and #2, compute the RMSEx, RMSEy, and Total RMSE of the interior orientation.
Show complete solutions. Round-off the computed values to 2 decimal places. Enclose final answers in a box. (6
7. Based on your answers in #6 and in #1, what are the equivalent values of RMSEx, RMSEy, and Total RMSE of
the interior orientation, in mm? Show complete solutions. Round-off the computed values to 2 decimal places.
Enclose final answers in a box. (6 pts)
8. What will be the pixel coordinates of the following? Round-off the computed values to the nearest whole number.
Enclose final answers in a box. (2 pts each)
a. Origin of the photo coordinate system c. Object p at (-75.00 mm, 96.12 mm )
b. Object o at (5.00 mm, 105.05 mm) d. Object q at (100.89 mm, -32.16 mm)
9. Still, using MS Paint, zoom-in to the center of following objects and determine their pixel coordinates (indicated
by the red arrow). Write their pixel coordinates (whole number) in a table. (2 pts each)
Object Photo Object Photo
i k

j l

10. Based on your answers in #9 and #4, what are the photo coordinates of objects i, j, k and l? Show complete
solutions. Round-off the computed values to 2 decimal places. Enclose final answers in a box. (8 pts)
11. Based on your answers in #10, what are the equivalent photo-distances (in mm) of ij, jk, kl? Round-off the
computed values to 2 decimal places. Enclose final answers in a box. (6 pts)
12. If IJ = 441.39 m, JK = 991.96 m, and KL = 1765.63 m, determine the scales of the scanned photograph using IJ,
JK and KL. Show complete solutions. The scale factor shall be rounded –off to 3 significant figures. Enclose final
answers in a box. (6 pts)
13. What is the average scale based on IJ, JK, KL? The scale factor shall be rounded –off to 3 significant figures.
Enclose final answers in a box. (2 pts)
14. Using the average scale, what is the equivalent ground distance of the line connecting i and l? Show complete
solutions. Enclose final answers in a box. (3 pts)
15. Based on the average scale, what is the flying height above terrain, in meters? Show complete solutions. Enclose
final answers in a box. (2 pts)
16. Based on the average scale, what is the flying height above MSL, in meters? Show complete solutions. Enclose
final answers in a box. (2 pts)
17. What is the approximate GSD of the scanned photograph, in meters (2 decimal places), based on photo and
ground distances of IJ, JK, and KL? (8 pts)

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