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1. Outline a suitable laboratory method for preparing a dry sample of calcium

sulphate. Include a relevant equation in your answer.
a. A compound of Q, suspected to be a nitrate, has also been detected on

b. How would the effect of heat on this metal nitrate of Q differ from that of
sodium nitrate? Illustrate your answer by means of suitable chemical
c. Effect of heat on sodium nitrate:
d. Effect of heat on the nitrate of Q:

2. Briefly outline how a dry sample of the sulphate of Q can be prepared from a
sample of the metal nitrate of Q.

a. Include an ionic equation to illustrate your method of preparation.


3. Tums® and Epsom salts are items commonly found in most household medicine
cabinets. Calcium carbonate is the main active ingredient in Tums®, an antacid
used to relieve heartburn, acid indigestion and upset stomach.
a. Describe ONE method for the preparation of dry calcium carbonate in the
laboratory. In your answer, include an equation for the reaction as well as
the steps that are involved in its preparation.
b. The main ingredient in Epsom salts is magnesium sulfate. List ONE use of
Epsom salts
c. In order to effectively use Epsom salts, it is usually made into a solution.
Explain why water molecules are able to dissolve Epsom salts.
4. Starting with 1 mol dm-3 H2 SO4 and 3.31 g of solid Pb(NO3 )2 , provide full
experimental details of how the technician could prepare dry samples of PbSO4 .
List the apparatus that will be required and include the relevant equation in your
answer. Preparation of PbSO4



5. Radioisotopes are very useful in everyday life. For example, Uranium - 235 is
used in energy generation because it produces large amounts of energy when the
atoms split. State TWO other uses of radioisotopes and explain the importance of
(b) The properties of elements can be explained based on their electronic
configuration and hence their position in the Periodic Table. The electronic
configurations of four elements P, Q, R and S are:
6. P: 2, 7 Q: 2, 8, 2 R: 2, 8, 6 S: 2, 8, 8, 2

(c) Outline the criteria for placing elements in the Periodic Table. Hence, state
the appropriate group and period for EACH of the elements P, Q, R and S.


(d)Elements P and Q react together to form a compound. Deduce whether this

compound is ionic or covalent. Use ‘dot cross’ diagrams to show the bonding in
the compound formed and write its formula.
(e) Iodine reacts with chlorine to form a brown liquid, iodine monochloride (lCI).
(i) Write a balanced equation for the formation of iodine monochloride. Include
state symbols.

(ii)Using dot-cross diagrams, show the expected bonding in iodine monochloride.

(iii)Suggest TWO properties of iodine monochloride based on the type of bonding

indicated above.




(iv) How does the bonding in TCI compare to that in Cl2 or 12? Give a reason for
your answer.


1. Calculate the mass of the following:

a. 1.2 moles of MgCl2
b. 2.4x1024 atoms of Sodium
c. 2.5 moles of Silicon
2. Calculate the number of moles in the following:
a. 12.7 g I2
b. 8.00 g NaOH
c. 5.657 g H2SO4
d. 32 g KNO3
e. 28.4 g C12H22O11

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