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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION TO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ............................................................................... 2
1.1 Applications of AI ................................................................................................................... 2
2. HOW CAN BUSINESSES MONETIZE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE? ..................................................... 3
2.1 Why I chose this question: ..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Indirect monetization: ........................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Direct monetization: AI as a service:...................................................................................... 3
3. HOW CAN I USE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MY BUSINESS? ....................................................... 5
3.1 Why this question .................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Answer: .................................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Why this question? ................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Negative impacts: .................................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Positive impacts: .................................................................................................................... 6
5. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................. 7
6. Reflection ........................................................................................................................................ 8
7. Proof of work .................................................................................................................................. 9
8. BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................................. 10

pg. 1
“The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer
programs” John McCarthy

The concept of Artificial intelligence is any approach to making a robot, a product or a computer
think like a human being. The study of how a human brain learns, thinks, makes decisions and works
when problem solving to come up with outputs of software systems is referred to as Artificial
intelligence. This study has only one aim, which is to improve computer functions that are related to
the knowledge of human beings. An example is human reasoning, learning etc. The major goals of AI
are; knowledge reasoning, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, computer vision
and planning There are several applications already existing able to execute these AI goals.
(Selvamanikkam, 2018)

1.1 Applications of AI
Vision systems: these are systems that are able to explain, able to understand and describe any
visual input into a computer.
Natural language procession: this application provides the ability to interact with the computer
by understanding the natural language spoken by humans.
Gaming: AI helps the machines to think of a variety of possibilities based on a deep knowledge in
strategic games for example, games like cheese etc.
Expert systems: providing possible explanation and advice to users.
Speech recognition: these are AI systems with the ability to hear and express in sentences
helping to understand the meaning while a person is talking. An example is google assistant.
Handwriting recognition: this software reads the written text on a paper and is able to recognise
the shapes of the letters and is able to convert it to an editable text.
Robots: possesses the ability to perform instructions or tasks given to them by human beings.
(Selvamanikkam, 2018)

A good example of an AI computer is the IBM Watson

Analytics machine named for IBM’s founder Thomas J.
Watson. This computer is able to combine Artificial
intelligence and the complex inquisitive programming
for an ideal execution of a ‘question answering’

This machine is known to be in the forefront of the computing era, the reason is because
before, the techniques used where to help inspect perceived sources, find and make theories, find
and score affirm combinations and to rank speculation; but nowadays, the limitations have been
expanded and the hardware has been upgraded and it is now open to architects and authorities,
which now allows the machine to not only just answer questions, but operates a system arranged
from question and answer to seeing, hearing, reading, talking, translating, learning and even
endorsing information. (Selvamanikkam, 2018)

Below are three critical questions about important aspects that impact Artificial Intelligence in

pg. 2
2.1 Why I chose this question:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a new factor of production and has the potential to introduce
new sources of growth, changing how work is done and reinforcing the role of people to drive
growth in business. Accenture research on the impact of AI in 12 developed economies reveals that
AI could double annual economic growth rates in 2035 by changing the nature of work and creating
new relationship between man and machine. The impact of AI technologies on business is projected
to increase labour productivity by up to 40 percent and enable people to make more efficient use of
their time. (Accenture, sd)

So, we think that businesses should know how they can monetize AI since it’s the future. This way
they can generate more revenue while making the customer experiences easier.

Here are two main ways businesses can monetize AI:

2.2 Indirect monetization:

With indirect monetization, built-in AI capabilities contribute to an offering’s overall value,

but not the sole source of that value. Take the recommendation engines used by Netflix and Amazon,
which make use of advanced machine learning technologies and algorithms. While customers
appreciate the recommendations AI generates, they’re just one of many factors that motivate
customers to subscribe to these services.

- Even when AI is the main draw, as with the NEST Learning Thermostat or self-driving cars, those
AI smarts, while key, are still just part of the package. One thing’s for sure, however. Whether
you package products or services, incorporating AI into them has tremendous potential to drive
monetization by making whatever you sell more useful and enticing for your customers.

- So how can you add AI to your offers? Companies with deep pockets can emulate Google, Apple,
Facebook, carmakers and telecoms and invest millions hiring teams of engineers, launching
skunkworks, and buying up AI start-ups. But what if yours is among 99 percent of companies that
don’t have those options? Fortunately, there’s a more affordable route. (O'Brien, 2016)

2.3 Direct monetization: AI as a service:

“AI for everyone.” That’s how Salesforce describes its new AI service, Einstein. And it perfectly
captures the essence behind the growing field of AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS). As many with on-demand
services, it enables practically any company to acquire highly sophisticated capabilities with minimal
investment, paid for incrementally through subscriptions or usage-based mechanisms.

- Among AIaaS providers, one of the best known is IBM and its Watson platform. Watson
understands human speech and can find answers to extremely complex problems in seconds.
Watson first made headlines back in 2011 when it beat reigning champs at Jeopardy. Since then,
the platform has been commercially applied to a widening range of AI-for-hire tasks. For
example, it’s Cleveland Clinic make better decisions about patient treatment from hundreds of
thousands of variables. H&R Block is using Watson to create virtual assistants smart enough to
complete income tax forms.

pg. 3
- AIaaS is a broad category that encompasses many sub-disciplines within AI. Not Surprisingly, a
number of them, such as machine learning, are now also available for hire. Amazon Machines
Learning is a prime example. Another area within AIaaS may be even larger. Natural Language
Processing as a Service (NLPaaS) has been around for some time, perhaps exemplified in the
speech to text services provided by industry leader Nuance Communications.

When it comes to monetization, however, the most pervasive use of NLPaaS these days is in the
chatbots, computer assistants that comprehend text and speech. They’re everywhere. Apple Siri,
Microsoft Cortana, Amazon Echo, Google Assistant are all versions of Chatbots. But incarnations
barely scratch the surface. The wave of what bots is only just beginning. Thanks to chatbot-as-a-
service platforms like Chat fuel, any company can quickly build their own fully-featured chat box in
just minutes. (O'Brien, 2016)

pg. 4
3.1 Why this question
We chose this question because, as business management students who aspire to own a business in
the future, it might be useful to know how we can use Artificial intelligence in our businesses.

3.2 Answer:
There are a lot of uses for AI in your business, but here we’ll mention the main ones:

1. Make better business decisions

Due to the large size of available data on the internet, it’s impossible to analyse the data
using human intelligence. We reached an area where machine learning and deep learning algorithms
can help. HANA, for example, SAP’s in-memory data platform uses machine learning to analyse and
find patterns in big data.

2. Add automation to your marketing and sales

AI applications can start handling routine tasks, like customizing marketing and sales
information for customers. AI can even help with responding to customer service requests to
improve customer satisfaction and create recommendations for upselling. RapidMiner is an example
of a data science platform. It helps businesses to optimize profit margins.

3. Enhance inventory and supply chain management

Machine learning algorithms can help businesses manage their inventory. It can automate
refilling requests and optimize supply chains.
IBM’s supply chain products help you automate your order management and fulfilment. TransVoyant
is combining machine learning and Internet of Things to create applications that predict supply chain

4. Improve the maintenance and safety

AI can help the manufacturing and transportation sectors improve their maintenance
schedules. For example, General Electric (GE) has developed the Predix platform that uses AI to
optimize and scale industrial applications.

5. Get better at human recruitment

Finding the right candidates for a job is a time-consuming process. You have to do
advertising, job interviews, selection,... It could be easier.
There are new facial recognition applications that can interview candidates and evaluate their
performance using emotional signals. Companies like Unilever, IBM, Dunkin Donuts are already using
AI to screen entry-level employees. It seems to be a huge success. Applicants can give an interview
using the HireVue app. It takes the video and audio data form the interview, analyses it and provides
recommendations for human recruiters.

6. Fight fraud and prevent cybercrimes

Businesses spend a lot of time trying to detect fraudulent transactions, which depends a lot
on pattern recognitions. Machine learning tools can pick these tasks up. The same goes for cyber
security threats. is a company that fights fraud and cybercrimes.

7. Expand your business with self-driving technologies

pg. 5
Advances in self-driving cars are dependent on AI. Businesses that depend on transporting
products can use self-driving trucks to lower costs and improve reliability. Manufacturing and other
sectors can use autonomous cars to improve their operational efficiency. (Dbrain, 2018)

pg. 6
4.1 Why this question?
Giving the current rate of development in computer technology, people have been facing
problems of job and career loss, the business world is on the edge of another technological
revolution and there is more fear that millions of jobs will be lost because of the use of Artificial
Intelligence in contrast to fact that AI could actually be a source of more jobs in years to come.
Begging the question ‘to what extent will AI actually affect jobs in the future’, will it be a positive or
negative impact? (org, sd)

Answer: With the advent of every new technology, employees are always ripped off their jobs and
their livelihoods and the little earnings they normally enjoy. On the other hand, the advent of new
technology also improves the society as a whole and helps to raise peoples standards of living.
Statistics says that about 47% of jobs will be replaced by machines in the next two coming decades
and it also says that 80% of Americans believe in the fact that there will be a possibility to maintain a
good livelihood after the prophesized robotic boom. Nevertheless, there are negative and positive
impacts of AI on future jobs. (Stark, 2017)

4.2 Negative impacts:

- Advanced technology provides the ability to replace jobs that require complex knowledge actions
like records and maintaining accounts. Irrespective of the company, ones a software has AI there
will no longer be a need for humans to manage them and thus cuts in jobs.
- AI is a source of significant challenge to capitalism. It is important to note that together they are
composed to create jobless growth and the situation where more products are manufactured
more efficiently but with increase in unemployment, leaving a fall in real wages and stagnant
living standards.
- Economist are also concerned about the middle-skilled jobs that require less expertise, unlike
high-end jobs that require innovation and critical thinking, causing normal routine jobs to suffer a
- The market research company Forrester, published a prediction where 7% of jobs in the United
States will be replaced by robots in 2025 and eventually, technology may completely get rid of
money and prices allowing the society to provide people with all they need at a near-zero cost.
(Reitman, 2016)

4.3 Positive impacts:

- There will be improvements in machine learning, big data and robot automation which would
bring about huge advancements in the medical field, in science, commerce and human
understanding. (Reitman, 2016)
- Due to the need for intensive thinking and innovation, machines will be unable to take over the
human mind in jobs that require innovation for example.
- There is forecast that artificial intelligence will create million more jobs in the future than it
reduces currently.
- AI will eliminate common mistakes made by humans in the workforce and thus boost efficiency
because of its accuracy and speed.

pg. 7
- AI will provide the human race the benefit of earning money for their creativity and not just only
on economic survival, like the field of arts which will encourage more people to take risks.
(Coker, 2016)

pg. 8
Artificial Intelligence can be monetized directly and indirectly. Direct monetization is more
straightforward. Systems like Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana, Amazon Echo, Google Assistant are great
examples. There’s a very thin line with Internet of Thing (IoT). Examples of indirect monetization are
the recommendations we get on Netflix after watching a movie or series. We get recommended
another movie or series that’s a bit similar to the one we watched. That is AI analysing patterns.

AI has a lot of uses, mainly:

 Make better business decisions
 Add automation to your marketing and sales
 Enhance inventory and supply chain management
 Improve the maintenance and safety
 Get better at human recruitment
 Fight fraud and prevent cybercrimes
 Expand your business with self-driving technologies

Artificial Intelligence is said to be the cause of 47% of job losses in the future, due to the replacement
of human labour by robots. However, 80% of Americans believe we can still maintain a good
Anyway, AI comes with a lot of positives and negatives.

pg. 9
This assignment was one of many we have done together as a group. Even though we have lots
of deadlines and have loads of other school work to do, we still managed to do this assignment very
smoothly and as it should be done. The tasks were shared fairly, no one complained about their part
and we all did the tasks to the expectation of the group.
Although we had some technical difficulties when doing the skype video for this assignment, it still
manage to come out well. Finally, we can all say that we are quite content with working with each

pg. 10
Below is a screenshot of how we worked together on the google document. Please visit the link, then
take Ctrl + Alt + shift + H to view the history version of our document.

pg. 11
Accenture. (sd). artificial intelligence is the future of growth. Opgehaald van

Coker, D. (2016, December 9). Will AI have a negative impacts on jobs? Opgehaald van

Dbrain. (2018, July 23). 7 ways you can use AI for explosive business growth. Opgehaald van

O'Brien, B. (2016). two big ways companies can monetise artificial intelligence. Opgehaald van

org, D. (sd). Will AI replace humans. Opgehaald van

Reitman, M. (2016, November 14). How will robots and AI affect future jobs. Opgehaald van

Selvamanikkam, M. (2018, August 29). Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Opgehaald van

Stark, H. (2017, April 28). As robots rise, how AI will affect jobs. Opgehaald van

pg. 12

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