BRNRLN, Elinrorrrnrr) RR: Lrar Nlosr

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Sci.Intt. Res.

2003 16(4)26t-261

{,r\ cr EsrruauoN oF Lrar Denracs oF BANANA AFFECTED By Bexlne Lr.rr ern FRI rr
Brnrln, I\{onosra,a,q vIRIDIpENhrrs Nlosr. (Cor-eoprERA: Elinrorrrnrr) rr
I drl- Brxclenssu
. ;'!.t
Z J'[ Sonyar Zuhan n, Mrl -,4,bclwl Ahad b", h.{ S Buri " end M A Sordur,t
B-71-)C. No.shipur. Dinalpur Bcnglodeth
rn-1i L)eportnrcnt of fn\sn1olo,q.v. H lt{ [-) Sctencc and T-echnologt, {Iniversi\', Dinajpur-S2A0. Bc*tg!tttie sh

i.rn Deportment o.l- Agro/bre.stn,. H M 1) ,\cience Ltt?Ll Tbchnology (/nit,e r.sit1;, Dincjpur-520(), Banglacle.tlt

i)epsrrruent o./ L,ntcstnologl,, Ranglctdttslr Agriculnrcil (Iniver,tit1., M),ntensinglt, Bongldcleslt

.,.:ecn'e:d 26 N{a].200i: acceplcd 1 Noverr:ber 2002)

'lhe sttrdv rrlas t.nade to evalttate

! the uaturc, exteul o1'damage and susceplitrilttv of banana leaf (tirrled 1ea1-. tieshh, ollen
leal antl rlratr-tre leal) affeoted br' leaf ar-rd tiuit heetlc. .\todostontu t,iridipenilis lulost. in an orchard in BanelaCesh
Agtioultural Utrir-ersitr': iv{yrnensingl-r liorn ()ctobcr. .i997 to (lctoher^ 1998. The beetle produced dani:rse sunproril
lith the sigtt of scar> ald dned leeding areas ol banana ical. The greatirst damage las dorre to lirrlcd lealbc.arirs 69.8
scars rvhich l,as 1.3 altd 2.(l tin-res higherthen ticshh opel ancl iniiture ieal, respcctir.eir'. -i-ire lLrrled leerlbcjns. sLrirahle
:. feeding \\as l1tore susceptrble thatr other calecories of leaiand seerned 1o be the targel ol colonizatiorr cii leat and tl.ltt
hcetle irr tlre orchard. The grouth and dcrelopnteitl olbanana 1e3f 11,3s aff'ectetl bl'the dauage ttiJ,. ti"it.lipett;r;s. Ihere
rvas sigrtii'icant redtrctiott irt size ol intesled iiuled leaf . 'l'he diilererrce of 1eal'size in case olfi'eshlv cpen and matiirc leal
\\'ag itot so tlrrked.

Ke1,'1pr1,o7r' Banana leaf.,\o/o.r/otnaviriclipentrl.r. Lclfclarn\s,c l-V'

i nt roduction ard latter is ihe r.nost destruclile pcst of banana in

; rrinana (.lfu.raspp. ) is a leadilrg tropical fmit in the rvorld Bangladestr (Alunccl 1963.1. This bectle aiso attacks on
':.,:.t u'ith highly otgairized and developcd indusln (Alon-v- banana in Chita and india (Hill IrSi). Differelt r aricties
- -s ir"9) As food banana is elsill digestible and rich in of banata such ils Bihar. Alpan. Chaiiipa and iVlaibhog.
- -" -.:,lir drate and minerals (Bhan 1977). One hundrecl grarns are serioush aflccted br thisbeetle iSen and Prasad 19531.
Serious dtrrna.-qe occlrrs in thc Amrita sagar varretr iu
=r-rle pofiion ofbanana contaill 27.20% carbohr dratc.l ZoA
, -.r1r and 0 8'lb mjncrals (Gopalan et al I{)7'7 ). This grcattl' Bangladesh br banana ieal and frrrit bectle (Ahad cr al
: liLiit cornprises nearlr'"tr29r'o of the total ffti1t production 1987). Thc gnib oltitc beetie fccd on roors and the aduits
. ,. ;ou[in (Haque 1988) arrd its fiflancial returfl is r-er! feed on the cpicieruus i.c. the grecl portioll on the vcutral
and dorsal surfilc.- of riic lear-es aird trakes irregular
,',- ;d lrorri an area of 97935 acres" lur itg an acreage r,leld
.-: patchcs. The leecling areas drl out. shoriine spot likc
-iolrS per acre in 1995-96 (Anonvmons 1997). Tiris is in strlicture knoln as scilrs and dLrc to this darntige piroto-
, ' .':1 io$. \ ield compared u itir that of other banana grow- sllihcsis is recluccd aircl rrltirnatelr grouth and ricld is
- -. -rlrrr1es like Argentina (3+ t/ha)- Costa fuca (33 tilia). alfected r Ahurcd l96l ) The beclle also attacks the fiuit
- - : - -r', t32 tiha). Serregal (32 t/ha) and Honduras (31) r/ha) causir!, hcarr dauiagc, fniits become blemislied and tlieir
: ,-'n 1986) The vicld of banana is irffecicd b1. so uan1. lularket raiue is redr,rced (Pllsad ald Singir 1987).
., ,- :nd field f'actors. banana leaf and fruit beetlc pest be-
Resides thc abor.e rrorks. no furtiier information has been
- : -:-,lr rmongtlreur. lound on \-. r it'icli;:e;titis Inforrlation ol this insect pest is
: :r..ri1t leaf and fi'uit beetle har.e trvo species rlamely thus scantv rn Btingledesh. Thcrcitre, thc presenl stud,rr rvas
..,,i.t .\trbcosLtttufi Jacobl and :\,'. viritlipenni,t undL'fiaker1 Lo knol the naturc and extent of damagc and sus-
' - ir:
I":q:tqryti i: !y4g_!9119!r{!l!1dia
- - : .'lrrespoldence.
ccptibilin of bauaua ieaf ltlrled leaf, frcslilv open lcaland
E.mail. Shahara2lbdcnline.coirr I'tlilturr' lc:ilt to \. t,t'i,lip,,tttri.r.

-r( 1 1. .\ i S Zctltdrt. I { 'L,1httti, i1 S Rttri, '\ ! '4 '\arciLlt'

Materials and l\{ethods to 1he trofiitlill of tlie insects. Thc datl tlerc atiair-z-cd statis-
tica1l1 anri ncan cliffcrences ll'ere adjusred rvith Duncarr's
Erpcritnettts rvere couductcrl in tire banatra orclurr:t of the
N{rlltipic fuiuge Tes1.
Banglaclcsh Ap,rictritural Unilersit1'. Iv{ytttcnsingh froru
October I 997 to October" I 998. The erperitrlent * its folloued
Results and Discussion
in a randomizecl completeblock design replicating 3 limcs har'-
ing plot size of the orcitarcl 3 20 tnr 120ru x I 6m1 md ihe plants Result of thc experitrienl on the exlent of darnage dci.ermined

ivere spaced 2tn s 2rn. ll'he planling s]'ste1ll lteragoual on the Lr:tsis cf iruntber of scars on 1he tlrree catcgories of
Tirus. there lr.erc t)0 plaitts in this orchard. The cornurcrciai banaua leales nainell iirrled" freshl,v open alrd rtature leale'c
r,.ariet1.'' Amrila saga r'' grol n i t l thc orchard fo r thc pre sent are gir-et iti Tatrie i. Tite scars lve-r'c firsl obsened otl the
s1ud1-. Sl-ord suckcrs of 2-3 kg in ri'eiglrt li ith -i-l lnorths of luried lcal on Jrilr- I 8. l99ti anci the irighest tttcal nutnber of
age \,vere uscd :ts planting utaterials. The base olthe suckers scars \rils rccord.ed oit August 6' I998. Tlie ttrean nunlber of
u'as cleaued. mostlY b-n- pruning lire o1d roots anci liept in scars \rere 3.2 pcr furlecl leeLf on the firsl clal atrd then in-
siraile for 2 dins for dning up the uorind arcas tire creased up to 7 davs old (fourth rreek ol Julr) leaf causirlg
suckers becatnc readr-for planting in the orchard. Sciecied 3 i.5 scars per leaf The beetlcs fed less ontltc sattte lcaf nhicir

sn'ord suckers *'ere planicd in prepared pits on 2-i"r October' tencled 10 opcn aad tire accutltulatcd nnmbei of scar'c rvere
1997. Manure and fcrtilizcrs \1'cre applied according to 1lie 3(i 9-69.ti on tire 8 to 21 da) s old (fourth n eek of July to first
recomuretrled doscs and tnethods. Nccessan intercultural n'eek o[ Argusl) leal l'hen \'. viritlipentrl.s lias aliolr'ed to
operaliolls rtere done at proper tirne. Irrigatiol anrl insecti- lbed on the freshll opetr lcal- tlte accurlulated rnean scars
cides lr'ere not applicd during the studl period in tlie tranala rangecl 6.7 to 2-[.2 frorn 9- 12 da1's old lea[, Thc feedin-e dalnage
orcirarcl. Y/eekl--v a\-erage te mpe rature. rel a tir-e hum i difi and of N. r'iri cliperurtls ulis iottttd less ontlic lrature iealof age 17
rainfall it.ere recorded l'iorn the lrcathcr 1'ard locatecl about to l0 dar s old cotnparcd to lurled and ireshlv open lc'af' Scars
lkrn alva]-from the esperiucntal orchard. 'Ihe u'eekl-\'1ltcA1l obsenedotrthc trature lcafranged fiorn 5.3 to 35.9 scarsper
tsmpcraturc ranged lrotn 15.2'C to 30 9'C- rclat.i-, c irurrfdilr. leaf. 'Ihe bectie caused ntorc darnage to hriled leaf tlian treshli
6i 1rhta 9-1.-19/o and toial rainfalls ().0 uunto i21 8 rnnt. opcn and lllalure leaf. It rvas possible that the beetis could
Leaf darnagc done b1 \'. t'it"itlip<:rtri,s u'as clearlv seefi as rcaclilv fecd oir the cpidermis of tht fur1cd treaf hai.irrg succu-
sciils on the loaves ofgroning banaua. To nteasure such darn- lcirr cotclitictt cotnpared to mature leaf' Tliese I'rirditrgs also
age, three kiricls ofbanana leavcs iraurel). filrlecl. ireshi] opetl suppol't the results repofied bv Balra (1953) lllo obsen'ecl
and rnalrtre lcales n'ere chosen 1o determine thcir courpara- thal ,\. r,lrfuliperr;rls t"'ould secrn to pre cr the eentral rolled up
tive susceptibilin. The sarnplitrg *as inade iu a cornpletc ran- leaf bctbrc in urfurlcii. Scn and Prasart i19-r3) rcported that
dornizecl clesign u'ith lhree kinds of lear es as treatluents. Three thc cetiiral lc;tr-es of banana plant formitrg tire top rvhorl at tlte
banatra learrcs as replicates olcach kind rverc used fbr data cro\\.n :ire rtorsell' aflicted than ihe other ieeYes Ahmed
collection. Three banaua ieavcs ulthout the insecis rrerc in- (196-,r) also reportecl that olil-v lrottrg lceves arc altecked b!
clucled as a control. Each rcplicatc leaf r'vas selectt:cl frorn an this kind of bectle.
individual platt in the orchard. The loss of gronth in tlanana ieal as measi-tred bl thc leaf
When the banana lcaf bcgat to enlerge and retnaited un- rize ot bflnltti:t plarlt* inlcltcd br \ t it'rtlit'r'tttri.; r\as cotn-
open referred to furled ieaf tliicir r,''as caged witlt n1'lon ne1 pared with r:nirrl'estcd ledoll fi.u:led. freshi', open :rnd mliture
supporting u'ith a banboo stick frce frorn anl pest lttack. In condition. Tire dala r-'rf daili'obsen atiort are givcn in'I;lble 2.
lliis cagecl firrled leaf fir'e orchard col.lectecl bcetles of \-' On the furled lear-cs. thc initial lneair letgth oitt'o days rrld
viridipentti.s, irrespeclive ol sex rl'ere rcleased to n-reasnre the inf'esied lea f r.r,as 1 1 .7 cm alcl bre adth 3 i crn r.,'hich ri'as iess

danrage donebt them. Freshl]'oper lerrlof I da1 s old and tharrthat ofurdnfestedleaf i'l.l and-l i (length andbreadth-
rur:rture lcaf ol l6 davs old ll'ere also caged in the sirnilar rnatl- rcspectivel-r'). After first lreck. tlte size olt) dar-s old infcsted
rucr as rnentioned abovc and five orchard coliected bectles leaf .,r,as 6l .7 cnr in lengLh rnd i Ltl cll in breedth arrd the size

rvere released per 1eaf. Therc control for' furlcd" fi-cshll ol'satre age unir:ibsted leaf ir a-s tili T ctn icrtgh and 32 0 cln in
open and lntlture leaf rr ithout t elease of insect. brcadtir. The size o1'botli infe stecl antl nrrinfested leaf corttin-
Tiic obscn-atlon l'as taken dail-v ill tlie lnordng to lecord the uc-d to iucreltse until tLier br-ci,]1re illliAirc. Fiiralll ilre srzc of 22

nurnber of scars arrd darnage s1'-nlptom- prodriccd b1' the rlavs old infcsted leaf as 81 7 cul in lerrgtli and -l-1.7 cit in
bcetles as a result offeeding on epiderruis of the lcaf. The size brcaclih anil tltat of ilnluicsted le af r-' as 91.'7 cln in length and
i.e. iength lnci brcadttr of a1l the caged ieavcs rvas measured 36.7 cnr ir breaclth. \{eart leaf size tneasrtred alter 9 ditl's old
dai11 at the tirne of takilig datlt. Data collection corrtiuLled lql irrfesrccl 'cshlr opcn lealu as 69 3 cin rn length and 12.0 cm in
Ssnana Leaf Damage by Leaf and Fruit Beetle

:\ Table 1
Danlage dole br,1vi virid)pennis (-i bcctlcs) on tl-IreL] categories
of-tranana leaves. FigLlres represunt fiean
nurnb.r clf scars recorded dailr
Mcan scars (acculiulatecl nuinber)
Flrrled leaI Freshlv open leaf Maturc leai
Leafagc Mean scars Lcafage Mear scars Leaf age
(ciar s; -\.1ean scars
0to.) (cla1 s) (no.) (da,vs) (ilo.)
182 -1.1 9 6. 17
lqj 7.5 l0 12.t)

l8 l{).1
20 _1
135 tl i8.7 l9 t-1 i
2l -i 19.7 12 1t') 20 i8.1
1f ()
Ll 25.7 l-l 29.2 21 2 1.5
1.1 I ,1 1.5 1l -).r 22 24.5
21 8 .io.y l-i 3i7

23 2-t.2
)i t-,
+i.9 1a
ll. l
16 t0 16.3 t7 4+.6
2.+ 29.6

27 Il _ltl .i l8 +i..+
28 t2 -53.9 I9 +9.9 2l
1L) tl 5i.3 20 52.ri
30 il 6{).i 2I )3.5
-ri l-1 (IJ.,', Z2
-.tst ri6 6+.9 23
3(l 1.i.9
217 6rr.6
j18 67.1)

+19 68.9

520 69.-t
621 69.8
122 69.8

Table 2
Size of infbsted and uninll:{4 firrled leai frcshli open lcaf anC maiurc leaf of ban31a
Irrfcsi"-d leal' Freshly open leaf llaliue i.ra1'
Iirieslcr.i lerf leaf Leai
LTninlested Fur'led leaf Uninfested leaf leaf Uninfested leaf
age Length Breadth Length Brcrtlth aS.- Length Breadth
Length Breadth age lrngth Breadth Le.ngth Breadth
(days) (em) (.1!) (cnr) {da.,.s; (cm) (crn) (un) (cm) (days) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
:2 11.7 J.J 1:1.3 4.1 I 69.3 32.A 69.7 323 17 87.7 33.7 88.0
:- 34.0
-1 19.7 4.4 2:1.() 49 10 t1.3 JZ. I 18 88.0 34.3 88.7 34.3
28.7 6.1 -13.:i 6.5 11 76.7 33.0 78.3 33.3 19 88.7 343 89.0 34.3
-r JO..i 7.9 1t7 8,7 12 79.7 33.3 81.3 33.7 20 89.0 34.3 89.1 35.0
-- 6 43.7 10.7 ,19 () 12.4 13 81 .7 33.7 83.0 33.7 21 89.7 34.7 89.7
_: 7 50.7 14.6 s6.1 83.3 34.0 86.0 3.1.0
35 3
--8 567 10n
84.3 34.0
)') ao ? 90.3 35.3
63.0 24.9 15 87.7 34.7 23 90.0 35.3 9A 7 35 3
9 61.7 31 .0 (r8.7 . 85.0 34.3 E8.7 34.7
32.0 16 )t on7 35.3 90.7 36.0
li.) 66.7 31.7 7.1 0 17 85.-r 34.7 89.0 35.0 ,i 0n7 35.i 90j 36.3
11 74.1 32.0 i83 J-1.-1 18 86.0 35.0 89.7 35.0 26 90.7 35 3 91.7 36.3
IJ.J Ji:-) 82.t) JJ, / 19 86.0 35.0 90.0 35.7 )'l or 7 36.3 91.7 36.3
ll 76.7 11. l 5r+ / 33.',7 20 86.7 35.0 90.3 36.0 28 97.7 36.3 92.0 31.0
lri 78.7 -l-),-f 870 34.3 )l 87.A 35.3 94J 36.0 29 91.7 36.7 92.3 37.O
15 79.7 J-1_-1 887 35.0 22 87.0 36.0 91.0 36.0 30 91.7 36.1 92.3 37.0
: t7
80.7 JJ..1 89.7 35.3 1.1 87j 36.0 91.0 36.7
. t.!
80.7 iJ. / 90..1 35.7 24 88.0 36.0 91.3 37 .A
81.7 J4.J C)Fr l
-1 0. t, :) 88.0 36 A 91.3 3'7.0
- 1') 81.7 J+.-1 9 1..1 36.3
: lil 82.0 34.3 OI ?
t1 82.7 34.7 91"7 30. /
-t: 82.? b J4. ,i D 91 .i a 36.7 a
261 .tl',') - r',. : ',' i :,1:t.ici. \!\'i.<ari.-\,! i,\artlar

breadth arrd l.hile it u'as 69.7 cm in length aud 3i.i crn in ard \irs A Biinu Srrclrrr. E-lii-5 BALI Campus"
breadth for tlie unfufested leal rneasrired altcr tltc' salne time \ir p lti.r
perioct. AJler firsl ueek. the sizc of 16 da1,s old infested lea{' Alrmcd A I963 i\'otes ctrt tlte f3irilogl'o.f Ranctna Lecf ant{
was 85.0 crn in length and 3:1.3 crn inbreadth and the sizc ol Fruit lleetle. \toclo,,;lorna viridiperrfil.s ivlost. A
sune age uninfested leafr'vas 88.7 cm in iengi.h aird 3-1.7 cn in rcr,ielv ol rc:search, Dirrisiou of Eutomologr'. Pub-
breaclth. Finallr'. the ieef sizc rccorded 2-5 da1's old infestcd Iished br Agr.icultural Inforuration Scn'ice. Dhaka-3.
leaiuas 88 0 cnr ir letgth and 36.0 cm inbrc;rdth and tiiat of pp i87-190.
uninfested leaf u,as 9l.3 cm in lenglh and 37.0 crr. inbreadtlr. Aronlrnous 1979 Banatta cultir-atior, in Indiit. Indian insti-
On the rratlue, the first dai;r ol' leal si ze of I 7 d:rls cld tufc ol Horticultu re Rescarclt" llan.qct I or t: i'.xten.s i ot'i
infested leaflvas 87.7 crn in lenglh and 33.7 ctr inbreadth and l3ullerin.21E-12.
that of uninfested leaf rvas 88.0 crn in length and 3-3 7 crn in Anoirr,rrrc.rrs 199-/ Str:ri.tti ca! l-eariIo,tk o.f BungI cde sh.
breadth (Table 2). The fiual data of mature leal size of 30 clavs Baugladesh Burceu of Statistics. Slatistics Dilision.
old inl'cstcd ieirf r.ras 91.7 cm in lcngth and 36.7 cm in breadth Miustn' of Planning. Ccrerninent of the Peoples
and lcaf sizc ol 30 dars old rininfcstcd leaf u,as 92.3 ctn in Repubiic of Ralgladesh. p l5().
length and 37.0 crn in breadth. Batra H N 1952 Occrirrcuce of three banarra pests of
T'he irrt-estation of ,\,. viridipennis did not hare significant I)elht . Indiat t ,I I:nI 21ll) 6O.
cffcct on thc size (lcngth ald breadth) of infested and Bhan I( C 1917 Banana" A lruil olmasses. ltidictn t{orticul-
runinfestcd firrled banrna lcal at all ages except 22 davs old rure ll(,.1) Lt,.
furled ieaI. 'Ihe ilnal 122 days old) length off,rled leal differed Gopalan C. iv{aurasa-lui R \i Balasubi'artalian S C. 1911
significantll ir infested and tudnfcsted condition and the dif- -\,utrifive I'alua of'Indirw l';rtit.g. t.\lil-ional Irrstitute of
ference ofbreadth l\':ts alsc significant (Table 2). Thcre u-ere Nutrition. H3'deraltad. India p 58.
no significant differences in length and brcadth of both freslfrr Flaque lvl A t98tJ Kctlar l]agctt Banana Rcscarch Project. a

open and maturc infesi.ed ald uninfcsted lear-es at all carre- Bangladcsh Agricuilr-rral Univcrsil]. NI1.r nensrngh p 1 .

sponding ages (Table 2 ). Again tlie infcstation of ,\' Haque N{ A techuological aspects ftrr the cotruucr-
19t83 Some
cial production of Lrariaua A papcr submitted it the

tiriclipennis resuited grcatlv in the reduction oftire size ofthe I

luried leaf in comirarisou u,it.h the freshlr, open iincl rnature svmposiuni" Dcc. 1983 in BARC. Dhaka. I

in agreement il,itir the findings of Prasad

1eaf. Such results n'ere Hill D S ltt.tect l'csr.s of the lropic: anc!
1983 -7gric:ultm"ol I

and Singh (1987) n,ho reported that onlr-r-oung leaves are Thcir Contrr,Ll. 2"d edn. Cambridge Llnir-ersit,v Press.
attacked b1' tire beetle. Thel- aiso obsen-ed that ir,hen i.hc l-ondon. pip -l tti-573.
-voung lux'es har,e unfurleil into a sort of hrnrrel or arc still Prasad R" Singh O I 1987 Insccts pcsts of tranara and
compactly rollcd and older lear.'e s at fuilv uufurlcd cotrdition their incidence in N4:itipur. lntlic.Ln J ll ill Irarut l(l)
are not fourrd to be attackcd. 7 1-73.
Sarnson J A 1986 Tropic'ol Fruir.c. Longtnan Group Ltcl.,
References Lorrdol 2nded. p. i-i.5.
Ahad lv{ A, Ro3, ivl- Sardar M A i987 K}'ishi Keet }};pgan. Sen A C. Prastd D t953 Pests ofbzurana in Bihar. lndi on J Ent
Published b1' N'frs. Sarbann Khaleque" Mrihlnjor Rov 2s(i) 210-2.+1.

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