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Mechanisms of Disease: cutaneous wound healing

Article  in  New England Journal of Medicine · September 1999

DOI: 10.1056/NEJM199909023411006 · Source: PubMed

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2 authors:

Adam J Singer Richard A F Clark

Stony Brook University Stony Brook University


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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Review Article

Mechanisms of Disease static plug but also secrete several mediators of wound
healing, such as platelet-derived growth factor, that
attract and activate macrophages and fibroblasts (Ta-
F R A N K L I N H . E P S T E I N , M. D. , Editor ble 1).4 However, in the absence of hemorrhage,
platelets are not essential to wound healing. Numer-
ous vasoactive mediators and chemotactic factors are
generated by the coagulation and activated-comple-
C UTANEOUS W OUND H EALING ment pathways and by injured or activated parenchy-
mal cells. These substances recruit inflammatory leu-
ADAM J. SINGER, M.D., AND RICHARD A.F. CLARK, M.D. kocytes to the site of injury.3
Infiltrating neutrophils cleanse the wounded area
of foreign particles and bacteria and are then extrud-
ed with the eschar or phagocytosed by macrophages.

HE primary function of the skin is to serve In response to specific chemoattractants, such as
as a protective barrier against the environ- fragments of extracellular-matrix protein, transform-
ment. Loss of the integrity of large portions ing growth factor b, and monocyte chemoattractant
of the skin as a result of injury or illness may lead to protein 1, monocytes also infiltrate the wound site and
major disability or even death. Every year in the Unit- become activated macrophages that release growth
ed States more than 1.25 million people have burns1 factors such as platelet-derived growth factor and
and 6.5 million have chronic skin ulcers caused by vascular endothelial growth factor, which initiate the
pressure, venous stasis, or diabetes mellitus.2 formation of granulation tissue. Macrophages bind
The primary goals of the treatment of wounds are to specific proteins of the extracellular matrix by their
rapid wound closure and a functional and aestheti- integrin receptors, an action that stimulates phago-
cally satisfactory scar. Recent advances in cellular and cytosis of microorganisms and fragments of extracel-
molecular biology have greatly expanded our under- lular matrix by the macrophages.5
standing of the biologic processes involved in wound Adherence to the extracellular matrix also stimu-
repair and tissue regeneration3 and have led to im- lates monocytes to undergo metamorphosis into in-
provements in wound care. We review here the biol- flammatory or reparative macrophages. Adherence
ogy of the healing of traumatic and nontraumatic induces monocytes and macrophages to express col-
wounds and discuss the use of skin substitutes and ony-stimulating factor 1, a cytokine necessary for the
growth factors to promote wound healing. survival of monocytes and macrophages; tumor ne-
crosis factor a, a potent inflammatory cytokine; and
BIOLOGY OF WOUND HEALING platelet-derived growth factor, a potent chemoat-
Wound healing is a dynamic, interactive process tractant and mitogen for fibroblasts (Table 1). Other
involving soluble mediators, blood cells, extracellular important cytokines expressed by monocytes and
matrix, and parenchymal cells (Fig. 1 and 2). Wound macrophages are transforming growth factor a, inter-
healing has three phases — inflammation, tissue for- leukin-1, transforming growth factor b, and insulin-
mation, and tissue remodeling — that overlap in time. like growth factor I.6 The monocyte- and macro-
phage-derived growth factors are almost certainly
Inflammation necessary for the initiation and propagation of new
Tissue injury causes the disruption of blood vessels tissue formation in wounds, because macrophage-
and extravasation of blood constituents. The blood depleted animals have defective wound repair.7 Thus,
clot reestablishes hemostasis and provides a provi- macrophages appear to have a pivotal role in the
sional extracellular matrix for cell migration (Fig. 1). transition between inflammation and repair.8
Platelets not only facilitate the formation of a hemo-
Reepithelialization of wounds begins within hours
after injury (Fig. 3). Epidermal cells from skin ap-
From the Departments of Emergency Medicine (A.J.S.) and Dermatology pendages such as hair follicles quickly remove clotted
(R.A.F.C.), State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook. Ad- blood and damaged stroma from the wound space
dress reprint requests to Dr. Singer at the Department of Emergency Med- (Fig. 2). At the same time, the cells undergo marked
icine, University Medical Center, State University of New York at Stony
Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8350. phenotypic alteration that includes retraction of in-
©1999, Massachusetts Medical Society. tracellular tonofilaments9; dissolution of most inter-

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Inflammatory Phase (Day 3)

Fibrin clot

Epidermis TGF-b1 TGF-a
Platelet# FGF
Blood vessel
Neutrophil Macrophage FGF-2

Fibroblast TGF-b1

Figure 1. A Cutaneous Wound Three Days after Injury.

Growth factors thought to be necessary for cell movement into the wound are shown. TGF-b1, TGF-b2, and TGF-b3 denote trans-
forming growth factor b1, b2, and b3, respectively; TGF-a transforming growth factor a; FGF fibroblast growth factor; VEGF vascular
endothelial growth factor; PDGF, PDGF AB, and PDGF BB platelet-derived growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor AB, and
platelet-derived growth factor BB, respectively; IGF insulin-like growth factor; and KGF keratinocyte growth factor.

cellular desmosomes, which provide physical connec- tween the collagenous dermis and the fibrin eschar,
tions between the cells; and formation of peripheral depends on the production of collagenase by epider-
cytoplasmic actin filaments, which allow cell move- mal cells,15 as well as the activation of plasmin by plas-
ment.10,11 Furthermore, epidermal and dermal cells minogen activator produced by the epidermal cells.16
no longer adhere to one another, because of the dis- Plasminogen activator also activates collagenase (ma-
solution of hemidesmosomal links between the epi- trix metalloproteinase 1)17 and therefore facilitates
dermis and the basement membrane, which allows the degradation of collagen and extracellular-matrix
the lateral movement of epidermal cells. The expres- proteins.
sion of integrin receptors on epidermal cells allows One to two days after injury, epidermal cells at the
them to interact with a variety of extracellular-matrix wound margin begin to proliferate behind the ac-
proteins (e.g., fibronectin and vitronectin) that are tively migrating cells (Fig. 3). The stimuli for the mi-
interspersed with stromal type I collagen at the mar- gration and proliferation of epidermal cells during
gin of the wound and interwoven with the fibrin reepithelialization have not been determined, but sev-
clot in the wound space.12-14 The migrating epidermal eral possibilities exist. The absence of neighbor cells
cells dissect the wound, separating desiccated eschar at the margin of the wound (the “free edge” effect)
from viable tissue. The path of dissection appears to may signal both migration and proliferation of epi-
be determined by the array of integrins that the mi- dermal cells. Local release of growth factors and in-
grating epidermal cells express on their cell mem- creased expression of growth-factor receptors may also
branes. stimulate these processes. Leading contenders in-
The degradation of the extracellular matrix, which clude epidermal growth factor, transforming growth
is required if the epidermal cells are to migrate be- factor a, and keratinocyte growth factor.18-20 As reep-

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Reepithelialization and Neovascularization (Day 5)

Fibrin clot

MMP-1, 2, 3, 13
MMP-1, 2, 3
MMP-1, 2, 3, 13


Granulation tissue Blood vessel




Figure 2. A Cutaneous Wound Five Days after Injury.

Blood vessels are seen sprouting into the fibrin clot as epidermal cells resurface the wound. Proteinases thought to be necessary
for cell movement are shown. The abbreviation u-PA denotes urokinase-type plasminogen activator; MMP-1, 2, 3, and 13 matrix
metalloproteinases 1, 2, 3, and 13 (collagenase 1, gelatinase A, stromelysin 1, and collagenase 3, respectively); and t-PA tissue plas-
minogen activator.

ithelialization ensues, basement-membrane proteins sumably stimulate fibroblasts of the tissue around
reappear in a very ordered sequence from the margin the wound to proliferate, express appropriate integrin
of the wound inward, in a zipperlike fashion.21 Epi- receptors, and migrate into the wound space. Indeed,
dermal cells revert to their normal phenotype, once platelet-derived growth factor accelerates the healing
again firmly attaching to the reestablished basement of chronic pressure sores 26 and diabetic ulcers,27 and
membrane and underlying dermis. basic fibroblast growth factor has been used with
some success to treat chronic pressure sores.28
Formation of Granulation Tissue The structural molecules of newly formed extra-
New stroma, often called granulation tissue, begins cellular matrix, termed the provisional matrix,21 con-
to invade the wound space approximately four days tribute to the formation of granulation tissue by pro-
after injury. Numerous new capillaries endow the new viding a scaffold or conduit for cell migration. These
stroma with its granular appearance. Macrophages, molecules include fibrin, fibronectin, and hyaluronic
fibroblasts, and blood vessels move into the wound acid.29,30 In fact, the appearance of fibronectin and
space at the same time.22 The macrophages provide the appropriate integrin receptors that bind fibro-
a continuing source of growth factors necessary to nectin, fibrin, or both on fibroblasts appears to be the
stimulate fibroplasia and angiogenesis; the fibroblasts rate-limiting step in the formation of granulation tis-
produce the new extracellular matrix necessary to sup- sue.25,31 The fibroblasts are responsible for the syn-
port cell ingrowth; and blood vessels carry oxygen thesis, deposition, and remodeling of the extracellular
and nutrients necessary to sustain cell metabolism. matrix. Conversely, the extracellular matrix can have
Growth factors, especially platelet-derived growth a positive or negative effect on the ability of fibro-
factor 4 and transforming growth factor b1,23 in con- blasts to synthesize, deposit, remodel, and generally
cert with the extracellular-matrix molecules,24,25 pre- interact with the extracellular matrix.25,32

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Epidermal growth factor family Epidermal and mesenchymal regeneration

Epidermal growth factor Platelets Pleiotropic-cell motility and proliferation
Transforming growth factor a Macrophages, epidermal cells Pleiotropic-cell motility and proliferation
Heparin-binding epidermal Macrophages Pleiotropic-cell motility and proliferation
growth factor
Fibroblast growth factor family Wound vascularization
Basic fibroblast growth factor Macrophages, endothelial cells Angiogenesis and fibroblast proliferation
Acidic fibroblast growth factor Macrophages, endothelial cells Angiogenesis and fibroblast proliferation
Keratinocyte growth factor Fibroblasts Epidermal-cell motility and proliferation
Transforming growth factor b family Fibrosis and increased tensile strength
Transforming growth factors b1 Platelets, macrophages Epidermal-cell motility, chemotaxis of
and b 2 macrophages and fibroblasts, extracel-
lular-matrix synthesis and remodeling
Transforming growth factor b3 Macrophages Antiscarring effects
Platelet-derived growth factor Platelets, macrophages, epi- Fibroblast proliferation and chemoattrac-
dermal cells tion, macrophage chemoattraction and
Vascular endothelial growth factor Epidermal cells, macrophages Angiogenesis and increased vascular per-
Tumor necrosis factor a Neutrophils Pleiotropic expression of growth factors
Interleukin-1 Neutrophils Pleiotropic expression of growth factors
Insulin-like growth factor I Fibroblasts, epidermal cells Reepithelialization and granulation-tis-
sue formation
Colony-stimulating factor 1 Multiple cells Macrophage activation and granulation-
tissue formation

Cell movement into a blood clot of cross-linked sequently, many other molecules have also been
fibrin or into tightly woven extracellular matrix may found to have angiogenic activity, including vascular
require an active proteolytic system that can cleave endothelial growth factor, transforming growth fac-
a path for cell migration. A variety of fibroblast- tor b, angiogenin, angiotropin, angiopoietin 1, and
derived enzymes, in addition to serum-derived plas- thrombospondin, to name but a few.37-39 Low oxygen
min, are potential candidates for this task, including tension40 and elevated lactic acid may also stimulate
plasminogen activator, collagenases, gelatinase A, and angiogenesis. Many of the molecules mentioned above
stromelysin.17,33 appear to induce angiogenesis by stimulating the
After migrating into wounds, fibroblasts commence production of basic fibroblast growth factor and vas-
the synthesis of extracellular matrix.32,34 The provi- cular endothelial growth factor by macrophages and
sional extracellular matrix is gradually replaced with endothelial cells. Activated epidermal cells of the
a collagenous matrix,32,34 perhaps as a result of the wound secrete large quantities of vascular endothelial-
action of transforming growth factor b1.32 cell growth factor.41 Basic fibroblast growth factor
Once an abundant collagen matrix has been depos- may set the stage for angiogenesis during the first
ited in the wound, the fibroblasts stop producing three days of wound repair, whereas vascular endo-
collagen, and the fibroblast-rich granulation tissue is thelial-cell growth factor is critical for angiogenesis
replaced by a relatively acellular scar. Cells in the during the formation of granulation tissue on days
wound undergo apoptosis35 triggered by unknown 4 through 7.42
signals. Dysregulation of these processes occurs in fi- In addition to angiogenesis factors, appropriate
brotic disorders such as keloid formation, morphea, extracellular matrix and endothelial receptors for the
and scleroderma. provisional matrix are necessary for angiogenesis.
Proliferating microvascular endothelial cells adjacent
Neovascularization to and within wounds transiently deposit increased
The formation of new blood vessels is necessary amounts of fibronectin within the vessel wall.43 Since
to sustain the newly formed granulation tissue. An- angiogenesis appears to require the expression of
giogenesis is a complex process that relies on extra- functional fibronectin receptors by endothelial cells,44
cellular matrix in the wound bed as well as migration the perivascular fibronectin may act as a conduit for
and mitogenic stimulation of endothelial cells.36 the movement of endothelial cells into the wound.
The induction of angiogenesis was initially attrib- Protease expression and activity are also necessary
uted to acidic or basic fibroblast growth factor. Sub- for angiogenesis.45

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne


Granulation tissue

Figure 3. Photomicrograph Demonstrating Reepithelialization

of a Cutaneous Wound in a Pig (Hematoxylin and Eosin, ¬40).
Epidermal cells (E) are seen dissecting under the fibrin clot
across the wound. The advancing edge of the epidermal cells is
shown with arrows. The white oval is an artifact of preparation.

The series of events leading to angiogenesis may

be as follows (Fig. 2). Injury causes destruction of
tissue and hypoxia. Angiogenesis factors such as acidic
and basic fibroblast growth factor are immediately
released from macrophages after cell disruption, and
the production of vascular endothelial-cell growth Figure 4. Photomicrograph Showing Neovascularization of a
factor by epidermal cells is stimulated by hypoxia. Cutaneous Wound in a Pig (Trichrome Stain, ¬400).
Proteolytic enzymes released into the connective tis- A new blood vessel (arrowheads) is shown sprouting into the
sue degrade extracellular-matrix proteins. Fragments fibrin clot from the granulation tissue. An endothelial cell un-
of these proteins recruit peripheral-blood mono- dergoing mitosis is seen at the interface of the clot and the
granulation tissue (arrow).
cytes to the site of injury, where they become acti-
vated macrophages and release angiogenesis factors.
Certain macrophage angiogenesis factors, such as
basic fibroblast growth factor, stimulate endothelial
cells to release plasminogen activator and procolla- matrix, and cytokines. During the second week of
genase. Plasminogen activator converts plasminogen healing, fibroblasts assume a myofibroblast pheno-
to plasmin and procollagenase to active collagenase, type characterized by large bundles of actin-contain-
and in concert these two proteases digest basement ing microfilaments disposed along the cytoplasmic
membranes. The fragmentation of the basement face of the plasma membrane of the cells and by
membrane allows endothelial cells stimulated by an- cell–cell and cell–matrix linkages.34,49 The appear-
giogenesis factors to migrate and form new blood ance of the myofibroblasts corresponds to the com-
vessels at the injured site (Fig. 4). Once the wound mencement of connective-tissue compaction and the
is filled with new granulation tissue, angiogenesis contraction of the wound. The contraction probably
ceases and many of the new blood vessels disinte- requires stimulation by transforming growth factor
grate as a result of apoptosis.46 This programmed cell b1 or b 250 and platelet-derived growth factor,51 at-
death probably is regulated by a variety of matrix tachment of fibroblasts to the collagen matrix through
molecules, such as thrombospondins 1 and 2,47 and integrin receptors,52 and cross-links between individ-
antiangiogenesis factors, such as angiostatin, endosta- ual bundles of collagen.53
tin, and angiopoietin 2.48 Collagen remodeling during the transition from
granulation tissue to scar is dependent on continued
Wound Contraction and Extracellular-Matrix synthesis and catabolism of collagen at a low rate.
Reorganization The degradation of collagen in the wound is con-
Wound contraction involves a complex and su- trolled by several proteolytic enzymes termed ma-
perbly orchestrated interaction of cells, extracellular trix metalloproteinases, which are secreted by mac-

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rophages, epidermal cells, and endothelial cells, as ing that wound repair is the result of a complex set of
well as fibroblasts.17 The various phases of wound re- interactions among soluble cytokines, formed blood
pair rely on distinct combinations of matrix metal- elements, extracellular matrix, and cells (Table 1). It
loproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metallopro- is possible that combinations of various growth fac-
teinases.54 tors given at precisely timed intervals would be more
Wounds gain only about 20 percent of their final effective in promoting healing. Indeed, synergistic
strength in the first three weeks, during which time effects on wound repair have been demonstrated for
fibrillar collagen has accumulated relatively rapidly several growth-factor combinations.65 Among these
and has been remodeled by contraction of the wound. factors, only recombinant platelet-derived growth fac-
Thereafter the rate at which wounds gain tensile tor has been approved by the Food and Drug Ad-
strength is slow, reflecting a much slower rate of ac- ministration (FDA) for the treatment of wounds.
cumulation of collagen and, more important, collagen
remodeling with the formation of larger collagen INSIGHTS FROM FETAL WOUND HEALING
bundles and an increase in the number of intermo- Fetal wounds reepithelialize rapidly. Unlike adult
lecular cross-links.55 Nevertheless, wounds never at- epidermal cells, which resurface the wound by “crawl-
tain the same breaking strength (the tension at which ing” across it, embryonic epidermal cells are pulled
skin breaks) as uninjured skin. At maximal strength, forward by the contraction of actin fibers that draw
a scar is only 70 percent as strong as normal skin.56 the wound edges together as the opening of a purse
is closed by a purse string.66 Fetal wounds also heal
ABNORMAL WOUND HEALING without scarring. One reason for this may be the small
Although a detailed discussion of the many con- amount of transforming growth factor b1, a scar-
ditions associated with abnormal wound healing is promoting cytokine, in fetal skin. The addition of
beyond the scope of this review, several examples transforming growth factor b1 to fetal wounds results
will illustrate the multifactorial nature of these con- in scarring.67 Furthermore, fetal skin is rich in me-
ditions. Diabetic ulcers are an excellent example of talloproteinases that may promote scarless healing.68
how multiple physiologic and biochemical defects can Scarring is reduced in adult rats given neutralizing
lead to impaired healing. They usually occur in pa- antibodies to transforming growth factors b1 and b2
tients who are unable to sense and relieve cutaneous and those given transforming growth factor b3, which
pressure because of neuropathy. Ischemia secondary down-regulates the other transforming growth fac-
to vascular disease impedes healing by reducing the tor b isoforms.69 This result supports the central role
supply of oxygen and other nutrients. Diabetic ul- of transforming growth factor b1 in scar formation.
cers are also prone to infection because of impaired
granulocytic function and chemotaxis.57 Other ab- SKIN SUBSTITUTES
normalities associated with diabetic ulcers include Immediate wound coverage is one of the corner-
prolonged inflammation, impaired neovascularization, stones of wound management. Acute or chronic
decreased synthesis of collagen, increased levels of wounds can usually be covered by any of a number
proteinases, and defective macrophage function.58,59 of synthetic and natural dressings. For more exten-
Keloids and hypertrophic scars that are character- sive or recalcitrant wounds, a variety of skin substi-
ized by excess accumulation of collagen within the tutes are available (Table 2). These are of three types.
wound are examples of fibroproliferative disorders. In The first type consists of grafts of cultured epidermal
these conditions, abnormalities in cell migration and cells with no dermal components. The second type
proliferation, inflammation, synthesis and secretion has only dermal components. The third type is a bi-
of extracellular-matrix proteins and cytokines, and layer containing both dermal and epidermal elements.
remodeling of the wound matrix have all been de- Most skin substitutes do not survive indefinitely.
scribed.60 Increased activity of fibrogenic cytokines Their chief effect is to promote wound healing by
(e.g., transforming growth factor b1, insulin-like stimulating the host to produce a variety of cytokines.
growth factor 1, and interleukin-1) and exaggerated These cytokines promote healing by stimulating the
responses to these cytokines have also been noted.61,62 production of components of the basement mem-
In addition, abnormal epidermal–mesenchymal in- brane, preventing dehydration, increasing inflamma-
teractions and mutations in regulatory genes (such tion, and increasing the formation of granulation
as p53) have recently been proposed to help explain tissue. Skin substitutes are attractive alternatives to
abnormal healing.63,64 autografts, especially since they do not require pain-
ful and invasive procedures and may be used in out-
The overall clinical experience with growth factors Epidermal Skin Substitutes
and other mediators to accelerate wound healing has In 1975 wound management was revolutionized
been discouraging. This is not surprising, consider- by the development of a technique that used cul-

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne




Epidermal Cultured autologous epi- Wide and permanent skin cov- 2-to-3-week delay, high cost,
dermal cells erage fragility, labor-intensive use
Cultured allogeneic epi- Ready availability, no need for Temporary superficial cover-
dermal cells biopsy age
Dermal Cryopreserved allogeneic Ready availability, use as base Need for procurement, poten-
skin for cultured epidermal cells tial disease transmission
Alloderm Decellularized allogeneic Ready availability, inert nature, Need for procurement, poten-
human skin use as base for epidermal tial disease transmission
Integra Bovine collagen with Ready availability, possible use Need to excise wounds, risk of
chondroitin 6-sulfate of thin autograft, reduced infection, high cost
Dermagraft-TC Fibroblasts on nylon mesh Ready availability, low recur- Possible need for multiple ap-
rence of ulcers plications
Combined epidermal
and dermal
Apligraf Bovine collagen, alloge- Ready availability, no need for Limited viability
neic fibroblasts, and subsequent autografting
epidermal cells
Composite Cultured Collagen matrix substrate Ready availability, no need for Limited quantity
Skin with fibroblasts and subsequent autografting
epidermal cells

*The manufacturers are as follows: Alloderm, Life Cell, Woodlands, Tex.; Integra, Integra Life Sciences, Plainsboro,
N.J.; Dermagraft-TC, Advanced Tissue Sciences, La Jolla, Calif.; Apligraf, Organogenesis, Canton, Mass.; and Composite
Cultured Skin, Ortec International, New York.

tured human epidermal cells to form sheets suitable use is mainly limited to temporary coverage of burns,
for grafting.70 This development was soon followed skin-graft donor sites, and chronic open wounds, such
by the use of autologous cultured epidermal-cell as pressure sores and venous stasis ulcers. Unlike au-
grafts for the treatment of burns as well as other tologous grafts, they are inappropriate for permanent
acute and chronic wounds, including venous ulcers coverage of full-thickness wounds.
and junctional epidermolysis bullosa.71-73 Autologous Neonatal epidermal cells, unlike adult cells, release
grafts provide permanent coverage for large areas growth factors that stimulate other epidermal cells.78
with reasonable cosmetic results. The disadvantages Allografts of cultured neonatal foreskin cells acceler-
of these grafts include the two to three weeks need- ate healing and relieve pain in patients with acute
ed to grow enough epidermal cells, the need for skin and chronic skin ulcers.79 Patients with chronic skin
biopsies to obtain autologous donor cells, and the ulcers can be treated with fresh or cryopreserved cul-
high cost. Furthermore, success is quite variable, being tured epidermal-cell allografts with equal efficacy.80
dependent on the status of the wound, the patient’s
overall health, and the experience of the physician. Dermal Skin Substitutes
Allografts of cultured epidermal cells were devel- Inclusion of a dermal component in skin substi-
oped to avoid the long time required to produce au- tutes helps prevent wound contraction and provides
tologous grafts. In 1983 burns were successfully greater mechanical stability. Allografts of cadaver skin
treated with grafts of cultured epidermal cells from containing dermis that has been chemically treated
cadavers.74 Since then there have been many reports to remove the antigenic epidermal cellular elements
of the use of cultured epidermal cells from cadavers have been used alone or in combination with cul-
and unrelated adult donors for the treatment of tured autologous epidermal cells for closure of vari-
burns,75 skin-graft donor sites,76 and chronic leg ul- ous wounds.81
cers.77 The use of cultured allogeneic epidermal cells A composite skin graft made of a collagen-based
has resulted in wound healing without any evidence dermal lattice (containing bovine collagen and chon-
of rejection, probably because cultured epidermal droitin 6-sulfate) with an outer silicon covering has
cells do not express major histocompatibility complex been used successfully to treat burns.82 The dermal
class II HLA-DR antigens74 and are not contaminat- component is slowly degraded, and several weeks
ed with Langerhans’ cells, the antigen-presenting cells later the Silastic sheet is removed and covered with
of the epidermis.76 Since cultured epidermal-cell al- an autograft. This composite graft recently received
lografts are eventually replaced by host cells, their FDA approval for the treatment of burns. A similar

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