Determining: Staffing

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A simulation model for

determining maintenance staffing

in an industrial environment

S. O. Duffuaa and A. Raouf

Systems Engineering Department
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia

In a plant, the size of a maintenance staff Introduction

initst be related to the level of output. The The size of maintenance department is a function of
optimal level of maintenance is essential for amount of equipment that has to be maintained, the
maximizing the output of the production variety of this equipment and the probability of its
process. This paper develops a simulation breakdown. In a small company maintenance depart-
model to determine the size of a maintenance ment may consist of a few skilled men, whereas in a
crew. The heart of the simulation model is large company which is machine-intensive, mainte-
the machine servicing model. The model is
nance department may consist of large number of
people of different skills i.e., electricians, milL wrights,
applied to a local soft drink plant to deter- plumbers, etc. In such cases size of maintenance staff
mine the optimal number of their mainte- has to be established so that work can be properly
nance crew, and the result of the study is scheduled. In fact, maintenance system is a system
presented. operating in parallel to the production system, which
requires capacity planning amongst other aspects.
This paper develops a simulation model to determine
the optimal level of staffing of maintenance personnel in
an industrial environment. The heart of the simulation
model is the machine servicing model. This is a queuing
model with a finite population and multiservers. The
optimal level of maintenance staffing has been previ-
ously approached via the machine servicing model [2,
9]. Tlie authors in [9] utilized the steady state results for
the machine model to determine the optimal mainte-
nance staffing. This approach has two limitations: (1) the

steady state results for this model are known for few
interarrival and service time distributions, (2) the steady
state situation is an overall average and doesn’t reflect
the transient state, which is very close to daily operation.
For a review of queuing models refer to [4; 10].
Keywords: optimal level, maintenance Discrete event simulation is a natural framework for
crew, industrial environment, produc- estimating the needed crafts to perform maintenance
tion activities [3; 8]. Discrete event simulation has been

applied to many diverse situations which range from M =
number of machines
simulating commercial laundry facility to simulating c= cost of waiting per unit of time (loss of
neural network [1; 6]. It is suitable for the maintenance due to waiting of machine, I,
situation because assumptions regarding the system in
W waiting time of machine, i, in the
steady state conditions are not required for the approach q(i) =
of this paper. The purpose of this approach is to link the
The responsibility of maintaining in operational order
staffing of the maintenance to production levels. This certain group of M machines by S repairmen with the
will enable us to evaluate the effect of indirect labor on
the expected level of output. policy to repair each one it breaks down can be repre-
In order to utilize the model presented in this paper,
sented as a queuing model. The machines are consid-
ered as customers in the system. The repairmen are
the following steps are to be performed.
considered as individual servers in the queuing system
if they work individually on different machines, or the
(a) A complete study of the department/plant in
entire crew as a single server if they work together on
order to determine the types of maintenance
one machine. Also a set of r servers, r < S, could result if
crew required, the types of machines repaired,
the types of failure of each machine and their part of the crew works together and the rest work
effect on the production line. individually.
The input population for this model is finite, and the
(b) Outline the existing work order system and queuing discipline is general (GD) in the sense that it
define the logic of work assignment. could be first in first out (FIFO) or last in first serve
(c) Set up the relevant machine servicing model (LIFS) or whatever policy the management sets for
after determining the failure rate of each ma- serving the machines. The distribution of the interarrival
chine, the service rate and the cost of each time is usually assumed to be exponential, but in our
machine being out of service. case it can be any one of the known types of distribu-
tions. The service time distribution could come from any
(d) Develop the simulation software.
of the known distributions. If the collected data do not
(e) Run the model to get the production runs and
fit any one of the known distributions an empirical
from it find the optimal staffing pattern.
distribution for the data can be developed and utilized.
In the case of the exponential interarrival and service
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
2 introduces the machine servicing model. Section 3 times, the model becomes a special case of the birth-
death process and steady state results for queue length,
develops the simulation model. Section 4 presents the average waiting time and Pnare given in [4]. Steady
application of this model to a local soft drink plant. state results for other distributions are developed in [5].
Section 5 outlines the applicability of the machine
In order to utilize this model in the maintenance
servicing model for determining the size of crafts environment, we have to relate the staffing level to the
needed in a maintenance environment, and Section 6
concludes the paper. production level. The decision regarding the amount of
service capacity (size of the maintenance crew) is based
on two considerations. The first is the cost of service,
Machine servicing queuing model and the second is the cost of machines waiting for
The following are the terminology and notation used: service which is directly related to production. This cost
could be regarded as the cost of lost production.
La= queue length =
number of machines waiting Usually the cost of service is easily obtained, and
for service, given that the cost of waiting has been evaluated
E = expectation operator, explicitly, the objective would be to determine the level
of service (crew size) which minimizes the total ex-
L = E(N) Expected number of machines in the

queuing system, pecteci cost of providing the service and waiting to be

served. This concept is depicted in Figure 1. Thus the
Pn= probability that exactly n customers are in mathematical statement of the objective is to minimize
the system,
W =
waiting time in the system,
w =
W ~= waiting cost,
S~= service cost,
T~ =
total cost,
S = number of repairmen,
c~ cost of each repairman per unit time,
= Figure 1. Conceptual Solution Procedure for Many Waiting-
line Problemss

Given the definition in Section 2, the total cost func- list 25 contains the event list. The attributes of all these
tion can be approximated by: lists are as follows:

The simulation model

The goal of the simulation model is to estimate the
optimal size of a maintenance crew in a plant. This is
achieved by estimating the delay of each machine in the
system. The delay in the system is the time from the
breakdown of a machine until it is repaired. Then the
number of servers and the waiting time are used to Additional software developed for the purpose of the
estimate the total cost. The simulation model is run simulation program are an arrival routine, departure
under different scenarios to obtain the least cost sce- routine and a report routine. The function of each
nario. A scenario consists of a given size of a crew for subroutine is outlined using flowcharts in Figures 2 - 5.
the maintenance. The total cost of the system is esti- Also we added a subroutine to SIMLIB which generates
mated from the model for this scenario. Several sce- random variables from the distributions such as the
narios will be run to determine the least cost scenario. negative exponential, normal, uniform, Weibull and an
The simulation model is of the discrete event type. empirical distribution for any given set of data.
The first step in constructing this model is to express the
real system in terms of its key events. An event is
defined as an instantaneous occurrence which may
change the state variables of the system. The state
variables of the system are (1) status of the repairman,
(2) the number of machines waiting in queue to be
repaired (if any), (3) the time of breakdown for each
machine in the queue, and (4) the number of machines
in the queue.
In the model there are three types of events, namely,
the arrival of a machine to the queue, departure of a
machine from the system (service completion) and the
end of the simulation. An arrival is an event because it
causes the (state variable) status to change from idle to

busy or the (state variable) number of machines in the

queue. Correspondingly, a departure is an event
because it causes the status to change from busy to idle,
or the number of machines in the queue. The end of the
simulation is considered as a dummy event for termina-
tion of the simulation.
The model is implemented on IBM 3033 utilizing the
Simulation Language SIMLIB (Simple Simulation
Language). SIMLIB provides many of the features
found in special purpose simulation languages. The
heart of SIMLIB is the real array Master which is of
dimension (1000,10). In this array we can store up to
1000 records, each record with up to ten attributes.
Linkage Storage Scheme is used to allow for storing up
to twenty-five lists. However, list twenty-five is always
reserved for the event list.
This model requires (2 + n) lists of records, where n is
the number of repairmen for a particular simulation run.
List number one contains the records of the machines I ,

waiting in the queue. Lists 2 through (n + 1) are used to Figure 2. Flowchart for the main program - main program
indicate whether the repairmen are busy or not. Finally

Figure 5. Report subroutine _

Application of the model to a local soft drink

The model presented in Sections 2 and 3 is applied to
Figure 3. Flowchart of the arrival subroutine a local soft drink plant. This plant produces several
kinds of beverages in bottles or cans. The plant has two
types of assembly lines, the can line and the bottle line.
The model is applied to the can assembly line.
The first step in the production of can beverages is
that the packages of empty cans are brought to a
conveyor by means of a fork lift truck. Then the pack-
ages are depalletized by a depalletizer machine. Next
the empty cans are passed through a rinsing machine
and washed. The washed cans are passed by the filling
machine where 72 valves fill the cans with the syrup at
one time. Then the filled cans are sealed and sent back to
the conveyor, where they are inspected by ’Filitic’
machine which uses gamma rays to inspect the content
of the cans and the leakage. The inspected cans enter the
’warmer’ to double check for leakage. After leaving the
warmer the cans are inspected again by a Filitic ma-
chine, and sent to a vinio jet machine to print the date of
production on the cans. In the last step the cans are
packed in boxes for distribution.
The production process on the assembly line can stop
for following reasons:
I. Mechanical breakdown in

(1) Depalletizer
Figure 4. Flowchart of the departure subroutine (2) Empty conveyor ..,

(3) Rinser .
Table 1. Machine #1
(4) Filler
(5) Seamer
(6) Full conveyor
(7) Warmer
(8) Packer
(9) Shrink wrap
(10) Tray conveyor
(11) Palletizer
(12) Refrigeration.
II. Raw Material:
Air, CO2, electrical, water, etc.
III. Programmed Stopping:
Change over, clean up, others.
Table 2. Machine #2
The mechanical breakdown must be fixed by a trained
mechanic, while the other causes of down time (raw
material, programmed stopping) can be fixed by a
The cost of each repairman (mechanic) is 2500 Saudi
Riyals (SR) per month for 8 hours work in each day. The
loss of profit due to down time at the can line is SR.108/
min estimated as follows:

Can line output capacity is 36 cartons/minute

Net profit from each carton is SR.3.00
Loss of profit - 36 x 3 SR.108.oo/minute

The data for the interarrival time for service and the
service time for the thirteen machines is obtained from
the production department. From data analysis we
found the critical machines are (1, 4, 5, 6, 8). The rest of
the machines seldom break or cause any significant Table 3. Machine #5
down time.
The distribution of the interarrival time for service
and the service time for each machine is developed
using a software developed for &dquo;goodness of fit&dquo;. We
found that the interarrival time distribution for machine
1 is negative exponential with mean 313, for machine 4
is negative exponential with mean 457, for machine 5 is
a Weibull with parameters 0.839 and 20.35, for machine
6 is Weibull with parameters 0.6482 and 418.32, for
machine 8 is negative exponential with mean 484.
The service time for each machine is generated from
the discrete distribution which takes the values and the
probabilities given in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Using these distributions, the cost of each repairman
and the loss due to down time, we ran the simulation
model for two months under different scenarios. the maintenance activities the maintenance load can be
divided into types of jobs requiring different crafts.
Summary of the results is given in Table 6. Craft types include machinist, electrical, instrument,

Application of the machine servicing model to the building and janitorial. Instead of representing mainte-
nance in a micro level as machines needing work, the
maintenance staffing problem
maintenance work can be represented as five types of
The machine servicing model with general input machines depending on the maintenance jobs. Hence
distribution and general servicing distributions fits the we can have a hypothetical machine representing a class
environment of maintenance operations. Depending on or type of work. As an example electrical type of jobs

Table 4. Machine #6

Table 5. Machine #8
,~ ~ ......:

Figure 6. Representation of maintenance load and staffing in

a machine servicing framework

The model developed has been verified by running it
for a long time under simplifying conditions such as
experimental interarrival time for maintenance jobs and
experimental service time, and we obtained the usual
steady state results.
Table 6. Summary of the output A validation test has been conducted by running the
model under the same conditions as the plant studied in
this paper, and the behavior of the model was similar to
what is observed by the operation people at the plant.
The attributes looked at in the validation were the
percent down time per month and utilization of the
mechanical operation.
A simulation model which provides a framework for
estimating optimal maintenance crew size has been
can be grouped together and be represented by a single developed and has been applied to a local soft drink
machine. The number of machines is determined by the plant. Also the proposed approach offers a way to link
maintenance directly to production and decide the
types of work/crafts needed. The frequency and the maintenance crew size based on its effect on the target
type of work at the maintenance department for each production. The model can provide the means to
machine can be estimated from historical data of the
maintenance load [7]. integrate the maintenance resource structure, mainte-
nance strategy and overall plant objectives. The
The modification needed to the classical machine
applicabilities of the machine servicing model for
servicing model is to define machines in terms of the determining maintenance staffing in realistic mainte-
type of work needed to keep the plant running. Each nance environment have been demonstrated. The model
type work requires a specific craft. The model can be suggests that in such complex situations simulation is
generalized to estimate the size and the level of training one of the viable approaches for determining mainte-
for crafts by dividing each machine (work type/craft)
into smaller machines depending on the level of
nance staffing.
specialty needed for each craft. Figure 6 is a schematic
diagram for the above representation. Acknowledgments
It can be seen that the simple machining servicing
model can be restructured and extended to represent a The authors acknowledge the support by the Depart-
realistic maintenance situation in order to estimate the ment of Systems Engineering, King Fahd University of
size and specialty of crafts needed to perform mainte- Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia.
nance effectively. Assistance provided by Khalid Al-Bassam and
Mohammad Junaid towards completion of this study
and computation is acknowledged as well.

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