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Irfa guía de temarios de cada libro.

Módulo 7 irfa.

Unidad 1: Basic grammar info (informacion de gramatica basica) ,

Greetings (saludos), use of the spelling and the alphabet (Uso
del deletreo y el alfabeto), formal and informal
Greetings.(saludos formales e informales).

Unidad 2: Identifying people.Identificando personas. Questions

with who. Indefinite article A/AN.verb to be in present.
Possessive pronouns and demonstrative articles.

Unidad 3 Identifying people part 2.personal pronouns, objective

pronouns and adjectives possessives and use of the expression

Unidad 4: question and negative forms of verb tobe.

Unidad 5: the family and use of demonstrative adjectives,

pronouns and article.
Unidad 6 Identifying objects. Use of have to indicate
possessives, questions with verb tobe, what, this /these and
Unidad 7 identifying places. Use of questions with where,

Unidad 8 some expressions to describe persons.

Use of Nouns and adjectives and verb to have.

Unidad 9 identifying objects and describing animals .Verb to
have, use of demonstrative articles this /that these /those.

Unidad 10 saying where is people. donde anda la gente

Questions with where and use of prepositions of place.

Unidad 11 saying where are people from ? Knowing occupations.

Nationalities and occupations .questions with where and what.

Where are you from? and use of verb want .what do you want to
Unidad 12 asking for permissions and prohibitions .

Use of modal verbs may and can, imperative don´t

Unidad 13 and 14 use of present continuous to talk about future

plans .use of verbs have to , guess

Modulo 8 irfa

Capitulo 1 verb tobe ,personal pronous questions and answers.

Capitulo 2 possessives adjectives ,questios with whose
,what,where and which.

Capitulo 3 how to tell the time

Capitulo 4 the days of the week questions with how much or how
many there is /are

Capitulo 5 the months of the year.cardinal numbers.

Capitulo 6 expressing existence with there is /are .use of much
and many adverbs of quantity

Capitulo 7 expressing possession .possessive pronouns use of

apostrophe ´s .

Capitulo 8,9,10,11 simple present tense,auxiliaries do does

,negative form of simple present and verb to have.

Modulo 9 irfa

Capitulo 1 simple present tense .auxliary of present do

does.what do they do?

Capitulo 2 activities

New vocabulary

Capitulo 3 simple past tense auxiliary of past did what did they

Capitulo 4 activities .new vocabulary

Capitulo 5 information questions


Capitulo 6 adverbs of quantity present tense

Capitulo 7 review.

Capitulo 8 verb tobe simple past.

Capitulo 9 activities in simple past tense

Capitulo 10 progressive past tense

Capitulo 11 activities in progressive past tense

Capitulo 12 adverbs of quantity past tense

Capitulo 13 activities adverbs of quantity past tense

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