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Your Name: Abigail Torres-Jimenez Genre of the Book: ​Historical Fiction

Book Title: ​When Rosa Parks Went Fishing​ Author: ​Rachel Ruiz

Publisher: ​Capstone Date: ​2018

1. ​Pre-K/ CCSD K-2​nd​ Grade Core Standards:

(K)11.2 formulate questions, with teacher assistance, to explore areas of interest

2.​ Objectives​:
1. Three Children will choose a person to research and answer
a. Who are they? Name, date of birth, birthplace,
b. What significant thing did they do ?
c. If they didn’t do what they did, how would our world be different?

3. Materials/Equipment: ​book: When Rosa Parks Went Fishing, note books, various
books of famous people (Amelia Earhart, Martin Luther King Jr, Anne Frank, William
Shakespeare, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abe Lincoln), computers with easy history
look up for children, articles/magazines for children. notebooks, pencils, crayons, markers

4. ​Teaching​:
A. Reading the book
B. E​xtension activity: ​After reading the book ask children questions such as who was
Rosa Parks, what important/significant thing did she do? If she hadn’t stood up for herself how
would our world be different? Explain to children that their are people who have done things
similar to Rosa Parks that have helped create the life we know now. Allow children to split into
small groups of three and choose a person who all three children are interested in. Explain to
children that they will do an investigation on who the person is, what significant/important thing
they did, and think of what would your life be like if that person didn’t do what they did. Allow
children who can write to write those who do not can use articles to cut out the information they
need or pictures to keep their information in their notebook. Once child has all their information
re-arrange the children into groups where there is one child with a different person of interest to
discuss their findings.
5. Closure: ​Once all children have shared their person of interest, ask what was the most
interesting thing you found out today. If children don’t want to share it’s okay go back to Rosa
Parks and re-address that like Rosa their are people who have done important things. Their are
people who have helped people and spoke up for things they believe in to bring a better way of
living for everyone.

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