Literature Review Reflection

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Literature Review Reflection

As far as the assignment guidelines, I feel that I accomplished the purpose well. I was

able to review and record the relevant information and statistics from each source and relate it

to the research questions properly. I was able to learn how to read through various sources and

compiling the information in the essay while relating it to the questions I posed. These skills

could be used in everyday life, especially when learning something new about a topic. Pose the

questions you wish to learn about, and search specifically for them while relating them back to

the questions. I would like to continue to develop my research skills that I was practicing when

finding information for my topic.

My writing process was able to facilitate my progress, because I was able to follow

where the research took me. I followed my research questions, and a general outline of how I

wanted to present my findings, which was effective with the research process. My revision

process was also effective because I focused on the research process and didn’t focus on small

things that I can change later, such as capitalization, spelling errors, etc. I could have changed

the process to be more effective by focusing on the sentence structure a little more when

writing. Since I saved this towards the end, I wasn’t able to change the structure of every

sentence that needed to be changed because of the length of the paper. The most helpful

portion of the lecture was learning how to pose good questions, since our literature review was

centered around answering our research questions.

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