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Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441


High pressure carbon

dioxide to retain the natural and fresh properties of foods
(Manvell, 1997).
Most of the food products contain high levels of nutri-
pasteurization of ents or a high water activity; therefore they are particularly
susceptible of microbial spoilage which results in a deterio-

solid foods: Current ration of their organoleptic characteristics, and may even
risk the health of immune-compromised individuals
(Tournas, Heeres, & Burgess, 2006).
knowledge and Preservation of food products reduces the number of un-
desirable microorganisms below a specific critical value
during the shelf storage period of the product. It is usually
future outlooks performed through different methods as thermal pasteuriza-
tion up to 80  C and sterilization up to 120  C (e. g. fruits,
food powders and meat), drying (e. g. vegetables, and
Giovanna Ferrentino* and herbs), freezing (e. g. meats, fishes, and vegetables), addi-
tion of preservatives (e. g. meats, and vegetables), autoclav-
Sara Spilimbergo ing (e. g. herbs), gamma irradiation (e. g. vegetables), or
Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial ethylene oxide and methyl bromide exposure (e. g. vegeta-
Technologies, University of Trento, via Mesiano 77, bles; spices). These treatments are successful to eliminate
Trento 38050, Italy (Tel.: D39 0461 282 485; the degenerative effects of enzymes and microorganisms,
e-mail: but on the other hand they may also reduce the food quality
by causing alterations in the taste and in the organoleptic
features of food products. Several authors observed a reduc-
High pressure carbon dioxide (HPCD) technology applied to tion in vitamin C retention, color degradation, and changes
foods has gained a particular scientific interest considering in other quality indicators due to the thermal treatments
the number of publications and patents published in the last applied to fruits (Awuah, Ramaswamy, & Economides,
decades. Although the antimicrobial effect of HPCD has 2007; Vikram, Ramesh, & Paprulla, 2005). Others reported
been demonstrated mainly for liquid foodstuffs, very few that the application of both methyl bromide and ethylene
research papers investigated the possibility to exploit the treat- oxide is extremely toxic. Methyl bromide is potentially
ment on solid foods. In this concern, the main objective of the capable of depleting the atmospheric ozone layer. Ethylene
present review is to give a general survey of the published oxide has been banned in Europe because of safety and en-
knowledge concerning the HPCD applied to solid foods. vironmental concerns, and its use for the treatment of
Remarks and future outlooks will be highlighted with the ground spices has been revoked in the United States
aim to suggest a research line to follow for future studies. (Thayer, Josephson, Brynjolfsson, & Giddings, 1996).
Autoclaving, freezing, drying or exposure to steam have
been described as methods which cause degradation of bio-
Introduction active compounds and the destruction of the delicate tissue
Manufacturers of food products are currently under in- of the foods (Howard, 2008).
creasingly stringent demands concerning the production Alternatives to traditional treatments as the use of
processes. This is essentially caused by the growing interest ozone, radical species, and high hydrostatic pressure
of consumers for high-quality and “minimal processing” have been proposed in these years (San Martin,
products, as well as for energy saving and safer production BarbosaeCanovas, & Swanson, 2004). The latter has
processes. Minimally processed foods are obtained with been already used for few years at commercial scale for
methods of food safety and preservation that are designed the decontamination of solid foods such as meat products
(Shigehisa, Ohmori, Saito, Taji, & Hayashi, 1991) or
* Corresponding author. ready to eat meals (Cheftel, 1995). Pressures ranging
0924-2244/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
428 G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441

from 300 to 700 MPa are usually applied. The process re- inactivation and quality attributes of the foods has been re-
sulted effective on different microbial species but the high ported considering all significant articles published in the
equipment cost, the difficulty of controlling and managing field.
an operating pressure in such extreme range of values, the A brief section of the review is dedicated to the descrip-
safety concerns represent the potential drawbacks to be tion of the main results obtained by different authors when
overcome. the HPCD process is carried out in combination with some
Among the other innovative preservation methods, high pretreatments or additives.
pressure carbon dioxide process (HPCD) has gained great Finally a reflection on the important aspects of the pro-
interest in the scientific field. Since the 1980s it has been cess, its limits and potentials, the lack of scientific informa-
increasingly investigated as a promising technique to in- tion to fill up, and a direction to orientate the research will
duce a pasteurizing/sterilizing effect when applied both to be evidenced.
solid and liquid matrixes. The HPCD preservation method
provides several advantages. Carbon dioxide (CO2) used Application of HPCD treatment to solid foods
in this process is not only a powerful solvent for a wide The effects of the HPCD treatment on the microbial
range of compounds of interest in food processing, but is inactivation and quality attributes of food matrixes are
relatively inert, inexpensive, nontoxic, nonflammable, recy- reported in the following sections. The process has been ap-
clable and readily available in high purity leaving no resi- plied to meats (chicken, pork, and beef), vegetables (celery,
due when removed after the process (Clifford & and spinach), seeds and food powders (alfalfa seeds, cocoa
Williams, 2000). Furthermore, it is considered to be powder, and ginseng), fruits (cut pieces of pears, straw-
a GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) solvent, which berries, honeydew melon, and cucumber), spices and herbs
means it can be used in food products. (chives, thyme, oregano, parsley, and mint), and fish
So far most of the research has been focused on suspen- (shrimp, and oyster). Considering the different characteris-
sions of pure cultures of different microorganisms inocu- tics and behaviors of each substrate to the treatment, the lit-
lated or naturally occurring in liquid food products (e.g. erature review has been reported separately for each
fruit juices, beer, wine and milk) which affect the food category of solid matrix.
spoilage and give main concern to health (Arreola, Table 1 is a compilation of the experimental results that
Balaban, Wei, Peplow, & Marshall, 1991; Del Pozo- can be found in the literature with indication of the type of
Insfran, Balaban, & Talcott, 2006). The method seems to food, microorganism, the present industry conventional
be very promising because HPCD (or dense phase CO2) treatment, and the conditions of HPCD treatment with the
is able of killing bacteria, yeast and fungi at moderate pres- corresponding achieved microbial inactivation. Table 2 re-
sure and low temperature preserving more quality attributes ports the desired level of microbial inactivation required
of the products than traditional treatments (Ferrentino, by law (Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005) for each type of
Plaza, Ramirez-Rodrigues, Ferrari, & Balaban, 2009; microorganism and foodstuffs mentioned. Table 3 summa-
Spilimbergo & Ciola, 2010). rizes the description and the main observations of the ef-
Three recent reviews compile the relevant current fects of the treatment on the appearance, and some
knowledge about the potential of HPCD treatment and quality attributes of the foods subjected to the process.
summarize the most significant state of the art, including
the most important applications and data for the treatment Meats
applied to a wide range of microorganisms mainly in liquid Microbial inactivation
substrates (Damar & Balaban, 2006; Garcia-Gonzalez The HPCD technology in particular in supercritical state
et al., 2007; Spilimbergo & Bertucco, 2003). (31  C and 7.4 MPa) has been widely investigated and ap-
Compared to liquids, the HPCD process applied to solid plied to meat considering the ability of CO2 to extract and
foods is less studied due to the complexity of the matrix, fractionate fats from ground beef into lower melting tem-
which can make the CO2 bactericidal action more difficult, perature components, as well as for the removal of choles-
and to the lack of information about the inactivation mech- terol (Chao, Mulvaney, Bailey, & Fernando, 1991). Apart
anism which is almost obscure and scarcely studied. from this application, the treatment has been also applied
The aim of the present review is to provide the status of to test the efficacy on the inactivation of bacteria strains
the art of HPCD process applied to solid foodstuffs with the to induce pasteurization. Sirisee, Hsieh, and Huff (1998)
examination of almost all the literature published on this tested the tolerance of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
subject including the most relevant patents. aureus in ground beef to HPCD treatment carried out at
The review has been constructed as follows: a description 42.5  C and 31.03 MPa. Ground beef samples were mixed
of the application of the process for each category of solid with the suspended microbial cultures and then placed in
foods tested so far (meats, fruits and vegetables, food pow- the reactor to be processed. The experimental results high-
ders, sprouts seeds, spices and herbs, fishes) has been lighted the longer treatment time needed to inactivate both
addressed. For each category of solid foods a discussion target microbes compared to the same treatment carried out
of the main effects of the HPCD treatment on microbial on the same microorganisms in a liquid phosphate buffer
Table 1. Application of HPCD treatment on microbial forms detected on solid substrates. Type of food, microorganism, conventional treatment, and HPCD process conditions with the
corresponding microbial inactivation and references are reported.

Food Target microorganism Process conditions Microbial inactivation Reference Conventional treatment

Flour Mold 6.2 MPa, 23 C, 2 h 99.8% Steam, microwaves, Joule effect, thermal treatments
Bacteria 99.6%
Strawberries 6.2 MPa, 22  C, 2 h 99% Chemical preservation (acidulants, antioxidants, chlorine or
antimicrobials); gas and controlled modified atmosphere;
refrigeration; moisture reduction

Mozzarella cheese Bacteria 6.2 MPa, 23 C, 16 h 87% (Haas et al., 1989) Antimicrobial packaging, gas and controlled modified

G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441

Parmesan cheese 1.4 MPa, 23 C, 168 h 50% atmosphere, refrigeration

Romano cheese 1.4 MPa, 23 C, 168 h 99%

Onions 5.5 MPa, 23 C, 2h 90% Chemical preservation (acidulants, antioxidants, chlorine or
antimicrobials); gas and controlled modified atmosphere;
refrigeration; moisture reduction
Dry peppers 5.5 MPa, 23  C, 2 h 90% Sterilization with ethylene oxide; ionizing radiation; steam
(30% moisture added) treatment
Chives 5.5 MPa, 45  C, 2 h Total Chemical preservation (acidulants, antioxidants, chlorine or
Thyme inactivation antimicrobials); gas and controlled modified atmosphere;
Oregano refrigeration; moisture reduction
Fresh celery leaves Natural microorganisms 6.9, 31.4 and 4 Log (cfu/g) (Kuhne & Knorr, Chemical preservation (acidulants, antioxidants, chlorine or
and leafstalks 62.8 MPa, 1990) antimicrobials); gas and controlled modified atmosphere;
40 or 60  C, 30 or refrigeration; moisture reduction
60 min
Chicken meat Salmonella typhimurium 13.7 MPa, 35  C, 2 h 94e98% (Wei et al., 1991) Addition of organic acids (acetic and lactic acids); ionizing
Listeria monocytogenes 79e84% radiation; steam pasteurization
Shrimp L. monocytogenes 99% Quick freezing, heat e cool pasteurization
Ground beef Escherichia coli 31.03 MPa, 42.5  C, 1 Log (cfu/g) (Sirisee et al., Addition of organic acids (acetic and lactic acids); ionizing
systems 180 min 1998) radiation; steam pasteurization
Staphylococcus aureus 31.03 MPa, 42.5  C, 3 Log (cfu/g)
120 min
Kimchi vegetables Lactic acid bacteria 6.9 MPa, 10  C, 4 Log (cfu/ml) (Hong & Park, Chemical preservation (acidulants, antioxidants, chlorine or
24 h 1999) antimicrobials); gas and controlled modified atmosphere;
refrigeration; moisture reduction
Skinned beef meat Brochothrix thermosphacta 6.1 MPa, 45  C, 5 Log (Erkmen, 2000) Addition of organic acids (acetic and lactic acids); ionizing
Minced beef meat 150 min 1 Log radiation; steam pasteurization
(continued on next page)

Table 1 (continued )

Food Target microorganism Process conditions Microbial inactivation Reference Conventional treatment

Alfaalfa seeds Escherichia coli K12 27.6 MPa, 50 C, 92.8% (Mazzoni et al., Chemical preservation (chlorine compounds; acidified sodium
Total aerobic bacteria 60 min 85.6% 2001) chlorite, hydrogen peroxide, trisodium phosphate, peracetic
acid, ethanol and commercial cleaning solutions)
Beef trimmings Total plate count 10.3 MPa, 36  C, 0.83 Log (Meurehg, 2006) Addition of organic acids (acetic and lactic acids); ionizing
E. coli O157:H7 15 min 0.93 Log radiation; steam pasteurization
E. coli 1.00 Log
Salmonella spp. 1.06 Log
Ground beef Total plate count 10.3 MPa, 36  C, 0.78 Log
E. coli O157:H7 15 min 0.94 Log

G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441

E. coli 0.94 Log
Salmonella spp. 1.23 Log
Cocoa powder Aerobic mesophilic 30.0 MPa, 65  C, Total (Calvo et al., 2007) Steam, microwaves, Joule effect, thermal treatments
spores 40 min inactivation
Aerobic thermophilic
Mesophilic thermo
resistant spores
thermo resistant spores
Total plate count
Fresh Spinach E. coli K12 10 MPa, 40  C, 5 Log (cfu (Zhong et al., 2008) Chemical preservation (acidulants, antioxidants, chlorine
Leaves 10 min per leaf) or antimicrobials); gas and controlled modified atmosphere;
refrigeration; moisture reduction
Ginseng Powder Total aerobic 10 MPa, 60  C, 2.67 Log (cfu/g) (Dehghani et al., 2008) Sterilization with ethylene oxide; ionizing radiation; steam
microbial count 15 h treatment
Alfaalfa seeds E. coli O157:H7 15 MPa, 35  C, 3.51 Log (cfu/g) (Jung et al., 2009) Chemical preservation (chlorine compounds; acidified sodium
10 min chlorite, hydrogen peroxide, trisodium phosphate, peracetic
Listeria Monocytogenes 10 MPa, 45  C, 2.65 Log (cfu/g) acid, ethanol and commercial cleaning solutions)
S. typhimurium 5 min 2.48 Log (cfu/g)
Boneless pork loins Escherichia coli 12 MPa, 35  C, 1.5 Log (cfu/cm2) (Choi et al., 2009b) Addition of organic acids (acetic and lactic acids); ionizing
L. monocytogenes 30 min 1.4 Log (cfu/cm2) radiation; steam pasteurization
S. typhimurium 1.56 Log (cfu/cm2)
E. coli O157:H7 1.0 Log (cfu/cm2)
Soy sauce paste Escherichia coli 14 MPa, 45  C, 33.81% (Choi et al., 2009a)
marinated pork L. monocytogenes 40 min 37.96%
loins S. typhimurium 34.48%
E. coli O157:H7 36.84%
Hot e pepper Escherichia coli 26.42%
paste marinated L. monocytogenes 27.59%
pork loins S. typhimurium 32.74%
E. coli O157:H7 28.28%
Pears S. cerevisiae 10 MPa, 50  C, 4 Log (cfu/g) (Valverde et al., 2010) Chemical preservation (acidulants, antioxidants, chlorine
10 min or antimicrobials); gas and controlled modified atmosphere;
refrigeration; moisture reduction
Oyster Aerobic Plate Count 17.2 MPa, 60  C, 3 Log (cfu/g) (Meujo et al., 2010) Quick freezing, heat e cool pasteurization
60 min
Paprika powder Mesophilic aerobic 30.0 MPa, 90  C, 5.5 Log (cfu/g) (Calvo & Torres, 2010) Sterilization with ethylene oxide; ionizing radiation;
microorganisms 45 min steam treatment
G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441 431

Table 2. Desired level of microbial inactivation based on the type of food and microorganism.

Inactivation target degree (cfu/g)

Food Total plate Aerobic thermo-resistant Yeasts/Moulds Enterobacteriacee E. coli Salmonella Listeria
count spores
Cocoa product <103 <10 <10 <10 Total absence Total absence Total absence
Ginseng powder <104 ND <102 ND Total absence Total absence Total absence
Fruits and vegetables <104 ND ND <102 <20 Total absence Total absence
Meat products <105 ND ND <102 <50 Total absence Total absence
Dairy products <105 ND ND <102 102 < 103 Total absence Total absence
Fishery products <106 ND ND <102 <20 Total absence Total absence
Sprouted seeds <103 ND ND <102 <20 Total absence Total absence
Spices and herbs <103 ND ND <102 <20 Total absence Total absence
ND ¼ not defined.

solution (Sirisee et al., 1998). One log cycle reduction of E. dioxide treatment in marinated pork products (boneless
coli in ground beef took 178 min, but only 1.7 min was pork loins) in soy sauce and hot e pepper paste for the in-
needed to achieve the same inactivation level in liquid hibition of generic E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmo-
phosphate buffer solutions. Same experimental evidences nella typhimurium and E. coli O157:H7. Published
were observed for S. aureus inoculated in ground beef inactivation kinetics showed that two stages were observed
system and in liquid phosphate buffer solutions. The expla- in the microbial survival curves. The early stage was char-
nation was related to the presence of fats and proteins in acterized by a slow rate of microbial reduction which then
ground beef which could play an important role in protect- sharply decreased during the later stage. The results dem-
ing microorganisms from high pressure CO2 bactericidal onstrated that the inactivation rate increased with increas-
action and to the lower moisture content (72%) which ing pressure, temperature, and exposure time but that it
reduced the amount of CO2 able to dissolve in the food was also depended on the initial number of cells and the
matrix. suspending medium. Carrying out a treatment at 14 MPa,
The protective effect of carbohydrate and other or- 45  C for 40 min, the observed reduction levels were equal
ganic compounds in foods was also reported by to 37.96% for L. monocytogenes, 34.48% for S. typhimu-
Erkmen (2000) who inoculated Brocothrix thermos- rium, 33.81% for generic E. coli, and 36.84% for E. coli
phacta microbial cells on minced and skinned beef O157:H7 in soy sauce marinated pork. Conversely, when
meat and carried out the HPCD treatment (6.1 MPa, the hot e pepper paste marinated pork was subjected to
45  C for 150 min) in a batch device. Also in this study, the HPCD treatment, the reduction level was 26.42% for
the results demonstrated that the treatment was not as ef- generic E. coli; 27.59% for L. monocytogenes; 32.74% for
fective as for a liquid substrate. B thermosphacta sus- S. typhimurium and 28.28% for E. coli O157:H7. However
pended in brain heart infusion broth was completely the inactivation results were too low if compared with stan-
inactivated under 6.1 MPa after 80, 50 and 30 min at dard pasteurization methods. As shown in Table 2 total ab-
25, 35 and 45  C respectively. The sterilization effect sence of Listeria was needed to consider the food safe for
at 6.1 MPa and 45  C on B thermosphacta was observed human consumption.
after 150 min in skinned meat. The increase of microbial
resistance to the treatment was attributed to the nature of Effect on quality attributes
the matrix and compounds (carbohydrates and fats) as Only visual observations of the ground beef sample
previously observed by Sirisee et al. (1998). However treated by HPCD were reported by Sirisee et al. (1998). Ac-
a reduction equal to 5 and 1 log cycles was observed cording to these authors, the color of ground beef changed
for B. thermosphacta inoculated on skinned and minced after the treatment and looked like cooked ground beef.
meat, respectively. This observation was also supported by the experimental
In a further study, the treatment was applied to chicken results reported by Brown and Mebine (1969) who stated
meat strips (breast meat with no skin) to inactivate Salmo- that high concentrations of CO2 could cause darkening in
nella and Listeria cultures in which the chicken samples tissues by combining with myoglobin to form metmyoglo-
were dipped (Wei, Balaban, Fernando, & Peplow, 1991). bin. This effect could be limited overcome if this technique
The samples treated at 13.7 MPa and 35  C for 2 h and has to be applied to beef meats which contains high levels
spiked with Salmonella were shown to reduce the bacterial of myoglobin (myoglobin content: 0.05e0.20% for white
numbers by 94e98% while those spiked with Listeria were chicken meat, 0.1e0.3% for pork and veal, and
only reduced by 79e84%. 0.4e2.0% for beef).
Choi, Bae, Kim, Kim, and Rhee (2009a) conducted Qualitative analyses were performed on the samples of
a study to evaluate the effects of supercritical carbon chicken treated by HPCD (Wei et al., 1991). Also in this
432 G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441

Table 3. Description of the effect of HPCD treatment on some quality attributes of treated foods.

Food Observations Reference

Strawberries, honeydew melon, cucumber Tissue destruction (Haas et al., 1989)

Chives, oregano Enhanced aroma

Parsley Similar taste of the untreated sample
Slight off aroma
Thyme Worst taste compared to the untreated sample
Mint Better taste compared to the untreated sample
Enhanced aroma
Chicken meat and shrimp Color change to whitish (Wei et al., 1991)
Cooked appearance
Loss of liquid

Ground beef Color change to dark (Sirisee et al., 1998)

Cooked appearance

Kimchi Higher pH (Hong & Park, 1999)

Lower titratable
Better sensory properties
No significant color, flavor and texture changes

Alfaalfa seeds No detrimental effect on viability of the seeds (Mazzoni et al., 2001)
No detrimental effect on germination rate of the seeds

Ground beef Higher tenderness (Meurehg, 2006)

No significant changes in juiciness, flavor intensity
and off flavor intensity

Cocoa powder Decreased water content (Calvo et al., 2007)

No effect on physical aspect

Meat of porcine longissimus dorsi muscle No effect on muscle pH (Choi et al., 2008)
No effect on tenderness
No effect on water e holding capacity
Increased lightness
Sarcoplasmic protein denaturation

Spinach leaves Discoloration (Zhong et al., 2008)

Decreased leaf firmness

Cabbage, lettuce, mizuna Soften structure (Matsufuji et al., 2009)

Soy sauce and hot pepper marinated No differences in the surface color intensity (Choi et al., 2009a)
paste marinated pork Overall acceptability

Alfalfa seeds No effect on germination rate (Jung et al., 2009)

Paprika powder Slight reduction of color intensity (Calvo & Torres, 2010)
Decrease of water content

Pears Consistency loss (Valverde et al., 2010)

Softer aspect
Loss of liquid
Transition to brown coloring

Oyster Retention of the overall acceptability (Meujo et al., 2010)

case the authors reported a color change of the samples which A more complete analysis was recently performed by
turned whitish and seemed to be cooked or soaked in acid. In Choi et al. (2008) who investigated the effect of supercrit-
addition, the treated samples showed a liquid loss from the ical carbon dioxide treatment for sterilization purpose on
tissue which was completely absent in the untreated sample. meat quality and protein denaturation of the porcine
G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441 433

longissimus dorsi muscle. During the treatment, CO2 was Apart from this study, only recently the HPCD technology
easily adsorbed into the meat lowering the meat pH with has been applied and tested more in deep on fresh e cut con-
the formation of carbonic acid and its subsequent dissocia- ference pears to test the inactivation of Saccharomyces cere-
tion in bicarbonate and hydrogen ions (Jacobsen & visiae isolated from the natural flora of the pear puree
Bertelsen, 2002). It was observed that the pressure and tem- (Valverde, Marın-Iniesta, & Calvo, 2010). The results dem-
perature of the HPCD treatment could affect molecular in- onstrated the key role of the temperature in the inactivation
teractions and proteins conformation, leading to protein rate and how the nature of the substrate influenced the choice
denaturation and aggregation in the meat (Messens, Van of the process conditions. The yeast survival ratio did not lin-
Camp, & Huyghebaert, 1997). In the same study, the early depend on temperature. The survival curves presented
HPCD treatment (7.4 MPa at 31.1  C for 10 min) was re- two stages: a first stage up to 35  C, where inactivation was
ported not to affect the muscle pH, total weight, tenderness minimal, and a second one from this temperature to 55  C,
and water holding capacity of the treated meat. However where the inactivation rate rapidly increased. The reason
the treated samples had a higher lightness and a lower red- for a two stage dependence on temperature could be related
ness value. The change in color was correlated to a denatur- to the growth mechanism of mesophile microorganisms,
ation process of proteins occurred during the treatment. The since their optimal temperature for multiplication occurs
authors also verified that, while the HPCD treatment had no between 25 and 40  C. Above that temperature, proteins
effect on myofibrillar protein solubility including myosin denature, cytoplasmic membranes collapse, and cells lyse
protein, the SDS e PAGE analysis revealed a denaturation are deactivated. In addition the results demonstrated that an
of sarcoplasmic protein (phosphorylase b, creatine kinase, increase in pressure from 6 to 30 MPa did not significantly
triosephophate isomerase and one unknown protein) which increase the inactivation rate and the same happened for
masked the red color of the sarcoplasm, causing the muscle the treatment time. Complete microbial inactivation occurred
to become pale. at 10 MPa, 55  C for 10 min. The lesser water activity of the
Despite these findings, sensory evaluations of soy sauce solid pear could justify the lower inactivation rate of S. cere-
and hot-pepper paste marinated pork samples revealed no visiae in comparison to liquid media, aside from their differ-
differences in the surface color intensity and an overall ac- ent compositions and physical states (Lin, Yang, & Chen,
ceptability of controls and samples treated with supercriti- 1992).
cal CO2 at 15.2 MPa and 31.1  C for 10 min (Choi et al., The HPCD treatment has been also applied to some veg-
2009a). etables. Kuhne and Knorr (1990) carried out experiments
Several studies demonstrated the efficiency of the su- on fresh celery and leafstalks showing a substantial inacti-
percritical carbon dioxide process which increased the vation effect on total count. Their data indicated that a treat-
quality of meats inducing the extraction of cholesterol ment carried out for 30 min at 40  C and 62.8 MPa induced
and other lipids. This potential is becoming more and a reduction in the total plate count of approximately
more attractive due to consumer concern over dietary in- 104 cfu g1 (from 1.7$107 cfu g1 in the untreated sample
take of fat and cholesterol. It has been reported that CO2 to 9.8 103 cfu g1 after the treatment). They also reported
under supercritical conditions solubilizes a portion of the the inefficiency to inactivate spores on the same substrates
lipid components and removes them from the food ma- and under the same experimental conditions.
trix. Chao et al. (1991) found that up to 36.9% of the The HPCD treatment (7.0 MPa for 24 h) performed on
cholesterol and 71.2% of total lipids in the meat could the fermented Baechu kimchi, a Chinese cabbage from
be removed during the process. However, such process a group of traditional vegetable foods in Korea at about
had limited effects on fat extraction of meat products pH 4.45, brought insufficient reduction of lactic acid bacte-
containing high levels of fats (Clarke, 1991). A negative ria (Hong & Park, 1999).The results were significantly
effect of the extraction with CO2 was associated to the different from previous studies for pure cultures of lactic
dehydratation of the muscle tissue which resulted in a de- acid bacteria. As a matter of fact, the same research group
creased solubility of some muscle proteins and other isolated Lactobacillus sp. from the late stages of kimchi fer-
changes in functional properties (Hardardottir & mentation and showed that the HPCD treatment induced
Kinsella, 1988). inactivation suspending the microbial cells in the culture
broth (Hong & Park, 1997). The different result was attrib-
Fruits and vegetables uted to the lowered diffusivity and the limited mass transfer
Microbial inactivation of CO2 due to the compact structure of the salted Chinese
Very few researches have been addressed applying the cabbage and to the lack of kimchi juice in the solid sample
HPCD treatment to fruits. The first study was carried out which could act as an easy penetration medium.
in 1989 by Haas, Prescott, Dudley, Dik, Hintlian, & Keane The last application of the HPCD treatment to vegetables
on fresh strawberries, honeydew melon and cucumber in was reported by Zhong, Black, Davidson, and Golden (2008)
order to delay surface molding. The treatment had a positive who evaluated the potential of the treatment on the inactiva-
effect on molding especially for strawberries showing a pre- tion of inoculated E. coli Ke12 and background microflora
servative action. on fresh spinach leaves. The study demonstrated that the
434 G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441

microbial reduction obtained in CO2 supercritical conditions Food powders

(7.5 and 10 MPa at 40  C and 40 min) was significantly higher Microbial inactivation
than that in subcritical state (5 MPa at 40  C and 40 min). At In the field of food powders, the HPCD treatment has been
5 MPa and 10 min, the microbial reduction of E. coli and only applied for the inactivation of natural microflora of a non
background microflora was about 2 and 1 log cycles respec- fermented high polyphenol cocoa powder with a butter con-
tively while in supercritical conditions a reduction to unde- tent of 10.5% obtained from the grinding of cocoa seeds
tectable level (w 5 Log cycles) was obtained. However no (Calvo, Muguerza, & Cienfuegos-Jovellanos, 2007). The ef-
inactivation evidences were reported to highlight the ficacy of the HPCD treatment was tested for the inactivation
efficacy of the treatment against pathogens such as E. coli of mesophilic and thermophilic aerobic microorganisms. In
O157:H7 and Salmonella, very common microorganisms addition considering that the natural contamination of the ca-
on this substrate. cao was due to bacteria spores, the efficiency of the treatment
was also tested on Aspergillus niger (CECT 2574, ATCC
Effect on quality attributes 16404) and Aspergillus ochraceus spores spiked on cocoa
Results on the evaluation of the physical attributes of samples. Results demonstrated that an increase in pressure
fruits treated by HPCD showed negative effects of the treat- from 13 to 30 MPa at 65  C for 40 min did not show any effect
ment on the products. Although just a visual observation on the microbial inactivation of mesophilic and thermophilic
was addressed, the treatment resulted in gross tissue de- aerobic microorganisms. No microbial inactivation was also
struction of strawberries, honeydew melon and cucumber observed operating the treatment at 30 MPa although the
(Haas et al., 1989). temperature was increased to 40, 65 and 80  C. Same results
Quantitative analyses were performed on the HPCD were also obtained applying twelve cycles of compression/
pears treated by Valverde et al. (2010) in terms of pH, decompression up to 30 MPa to the cocoa sample heated at
sugar content and color. The results showed that the pro- 80  C. The inactivation target degree was only achieved
cess did not reduce the pH and did not alter the sugar con- with the combination of higher temperatures (80 or 65  C)
tent of the pears although a loss of consistency was and some extra humidity (5 or 10%) at a pressure of
observed and manifested as a softer aspect and a loss of 30 MPa concluding that the initial water content was one of
liquid. A change in the color parameters (decrease of the the key factors affecting the inactivation mechanism. Results
luminosity L, increase of the a value to the red and reduc- on cocoa samples contaminated with spores demonstrated
tion of the b value to the blue) of the fruits was also de- that the inactivation of both types of fungi spores was fully
tected mainly due to the reduced vitamin C achieved at 30 MPa, 80  C for 30 min after the addition of
concentrations and to the partial and ineffective inactiva- 5% water.
tion of the peroxidase enzyme activity.
From these early findings, it is evident that the primary Effect on quality attributes
problem of applying this technology to the preservation of Analysis on the quality attributes of the cocoa powder
fruits is the adverse effect this process produces on the re- were performed in particular to detect the effect of the
duction of fruit firmness and texture due to the use of the HPCD treatment on polyphenolic compounds as (þ) - cat-
high pressure. It is possible to conclude that the HPCD pro- echin, () - epicatechin, proanthocyanidins and anthocya-
cess is more adequate for products where a firm texture is nins. These compounds could be extracted if wet CO2 is
not essential, such as fruit cocktails, creams, juices, or other used as solvent. On the other hand, the temperatures ap-
types of fruit preserves. plied to achieve sterilization could provoke the flavanols
Few analyses have been also performed to evaluate the polymerization. Contrary to what it could be expected,
impact of the process on the quality attributes of vegetables. the polyphenolic compounds of the samples treated at
Results of sensory analyses performed by Hong and Park 30 MPa, 80  C with 10% water addition were not extracted.
(1999) on kimchi samples during storage at 10  C showed The chromatographic profiles of the extracts of the treated
that the treated vegetables had a higher pH, lower titratable samples did not show the presence of phenolic acids or fla-
acidity and better sensory properties. No differences were vonoids. Moreover, the water content of the sample after
detected for color, off e flavor and hardness comparing the treatment decreased to about the initial level. This as-
the samples with the untreated. pect is of great importance for the storage, shelf life, and
The study carried out by Zhong et al. (2008) showed the physical aspect of the cocoa powder, as well for its further
importance of the choice of the process conditions. Digital applications, since the humidity content of the final product
photographs of HPCD spinach leaves demonstrated that the should not exceed 9%, as specified by law for this type of
treatment performed at longer processing time (40 min) and compounds (Calvo et al., 2007).
higher pressure (10 MPa) resulted in a greater leaf discolor-
ation and decrease of leaf firmness. Discoloration was Sprouts seeds
likely caused by the CO2 dissolution into leaf tissues, which Microbial inactivation
acidified the leaves and degraded the chlorophylls Few papers have been published reporting the effect of
(Mingotaud, Chauvet, & Patterson, 1996). HPCD on microorganisms occurred in sprouts seeds, in
G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441 435

particular alfalfa seeds considered a valuable dietary food needed to gain more insights on the effects of the treatment
and commonly consumed raw or slightly cooked in salads both on germination rate and sprouting conditions.
or sandwiches (Jung, Choi, & Rhee, 2009; Mazzoni,
Sharma, Demerci, & Ziegler, 2001). Mazzoni et al. Spices and herbs
(2001) demonstrated the efficacy of the treatment on the Microbial inactivation
natural indigenous aerobic microorganisms and on One of the first applications of the HPCD treatment to
a non e pathogenic strain of E. coli K12 inoculated on spices and herbs has been published by Dehghani,
the seeds. For the aerobic plate count, at a fixed temperature Annabi, Titus, Valtchev, and Tumilar (2008) for the sterili-
of 50  C, the treatment carried out at 13.8 MPa for 15 min zation of ginseng powder. Considering that the cultivation
resulted in less than 10% inactivation, while 85.6% inacti- of ginseng usually takes up to 6 years and the species are
vation was achieved increasing the treatment time to submerged in wild soil for the entire period, over than
60 min and the pressure to 27.6 MPa. Results demonstrated 78% of the extracted ginseng products are highly contami-
that the treatment was also effective on E. coli K12 with re- nated with fungi and bacteria. The common sterilization
ductions equal to 26.6, 68.1, and 81.3% at 13.8, 20.7 and methods used for this product include autoclaving, ethylene
27.6 MPa for 15 min and 50  C, respectively. oxide exposure, and g-irradiation. These methods have
The high level of microbial inactivation obtained in the been proven to achieve complete removal of many microor-
study of Mazzoni et al. (2001) showed that the supercritical ganisms including several bacteria classes such as E. coli,
CO2 was not serving as only bactericidal agent but it might S. aureus, and Bacillus cereus (Byun et al., 1998). The gin-
be reaching microorganisms in hidden in crevices or be- seng powder used in the study of Dehghani et al. (2008)
tween the cotyledon and the head of the sprouts due to could not be released into the market due to the high level
the high pressure applied. of total bacteria (5$107 cfu g1) and also to the presence of
An extensive inactivation study was also carried out by fungi. The acceptable levels for oral use by the Therapeutic
Jung et al. (2009) who contaminated alfalfa sprouts with Goods Administration in Australia (TGA) are contamina-
E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes and S. typhimurium mi- tion less than 104 cfu g1 and 102 cfu g1 for total aerobic
crobial strains. The results demonstrated the efficiency of microbial count and fungi, respectively. HPCD treatment
the treatment, although a limited step of the process was was applied to evaluate the possibility to achieve complete
the low CO2 solubility due to the solid nature of the matrix inactivation of fungi and bacteria. However the results of
(Choi et al., 2009a; Wei et al., 1991). An HPCD treatment the study confirmed that the only bactericidal action of
performed at 20 MPa, 45  C for 15 min determined more CO2 was not efficient to completely inactivate microorgan-
than 7 log reductions for the three tested pathogens. isms in ginseng samples.
There was not significant effect of changing the process-
ing time from 15 min to 2 h at 15.0 MPa and 60  C on total
Effect on quality attributes aerobic microbial count reduction. At 15.0 MPa and pro-
The rate of germination is the quality attribute moni- cessing time of 2 h, increasing the temperature from
tored during the treatment of alfalfa seeds indicating the 25 to 60  C slightly decreased the CO2 efficiency for total
nutritional value of seeds: fats and carbohydrates are bro- aerobic count reduction. Increasing the processing time to
ken down and the starch digestibility is increased during 15 h at 60  C only decreased the total aerobic count to
the germination process (Vidal-Valverde et al., 2002). 2.67 log cycle that is still beyond the limit for oral admin-
The study carried out by Mazzoni et al. (2001) showed istration by TGA (e.g., total aerobic microbial count
that the HPCD treatment did not have any detrimental decreased from 5$107 cfu g1 to 1.10$105 cfu g1). In
effect on the viability of alfalfa seeds. The percent of addition such long processing times are not desirable and
germination for all treatment conditions was over 90% practical for commercial purposes.
and no significant differences in the germination rate More recently Calvo and Torres (2010) applied the HPCD
were detected between the treated and untreated seeds, treatment for the inactivation of natural microflora of paprika
indicating that the HPCD process could be effective for powder, the dried and milled product of selected varieties of
the treatment of alfalfa seeds at commercial level without red pepper from the genus Capsicum. The effects of the treat-
compromising the germination quality. ment were tested on the initial microbial load (aerobic mes-
Jung et al. (2009) demonstrated that treating seeds with ophilic count, Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli, S. aureus, moulds
HPCD at high treatment conditions (20 MPa at 40 and and yeasts) and on spores isolated from paprika powder by
45  C) impaired the germination capability of alfalfa seeds. cultivation. Results demonstrated that the microbial inactiva-
To not influence the germination capability of alfalfa seeds tion was a strong function of the water activity of paprika
after three days of germination it was necessary to apply samples reaching a value of 1.5 log cycle at 6.0 MPa and
process conditions which did not guarantee the microbial 80  C for 30 min with a water percentage of 35%.
safety (>5 log reductions of foodborne pathogens). The Although the beneficial effects of the initial water mois-
contrasting conclusions obtained by the only two papers ture were evident, higher amounts of water activity were
published on this matter, suggest that further studies are not investigated because the powder became a paste and
436 G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441

was difficult to handle also with the addition of anti e cak- rehydration no killing effect due to the CO2 treatment
ing agents in the vessel. Information about the behavior of was evident while there was complete kill in fresh spices
the inactivation rate with the change of the process param- of thyme, mint, chives, and oregano.
eters were also reported in the study. Slight variations of the
inactivation rate occurred increasing the pressure from 6.0 Effect on quality attributes
to 30.0 MPa obtaining less than a 1 log cycle reduction Few studies have been performed to characterize the
difference. quality of food powders after the HPCD treatment. The
The higher resistance of the natural microflora of pa- only results were the one published on paprika powders
prika powder to the HPCD treatment could be linked to and expressed in ASTA units which take into account the
the protective effect due to the interaction with the food in- color intensity of the powder (Calvo & Torres, 2010).
gredients or to the insufficient contact between the CO2 and The authors reported that only a slight color reduction, an
the microbial cells. To investigate the possible protective average of 6 ASTA units, was detected in the treated sam-
effect of the matrix, the authors inoculated the natural mi- ples independently from the temperature and the final water
croflora isolated from paprika powder on different sterilized content of the powder. However, some browning was ob-
materials (ground coffee, cocoa powder and flour) whose served when treatment times were prolonged over 60 min
appearance and texture was similar to that of paprika. at temperatures over 90  C. Considerable color loss oc-
The results indicated that no important differences were curred at the highest pressures over 25 MPa due to the ex-
obtained independently of the chosen inoculated product. traction of oleoresin and pigments. In conclusion the study
Furthermore to improve the contact between the CO2 and reported that factors influencing paprika quality were: the
the microorganisms and get better results in the microbial water content and the process temperature. In the study
inactivation some options were taken into account. The first of Haas et al. (1989) quality analyses were performed on
attempt was the use of an anti e caking agent (CaCO3) widely fresh herbs exposed to 5.5 MPa, 45  C for 2 h. The results
applied in the food industry in proportions less than 2% to demonstrated that thyme, mint, chives, and oregano had en-
avoid the formation of lumps. The intercalation of inert but hanced aromas after the treatment. However some herbs
highly porous particles such as perforated beads, bentonite showed a different taste after the treatment. Parsley tasted
and activated carbon was also taken into account to increase similar to the untreated but developed a slight off aroma af-
the porosity of the bed in order to prevent the possible forma- ter treatment while untreated thyme and mint tasted better
tion of preferential channels that could lead to “dry or dead” than the treated sample. The results seemed to be dependent
zones. The last attempt was the increase of the flow rate by on the variety, and maturity of the herbs which on the other
tripling the total mass of CO2 in contact with the paprika. hand affected the taste, aroma and the palatability
The experimental results demonstrated no remarkable evaluations.
improvements for any of these attempts.
The authors concluded that the only factor influencing the Fishes
sterilization process was the resistance of the natural micro- Microbial inactivation
flora which was higher in a low water activity environment. The first attempt to apply the HPCD treatment for the
Optimizing the initial moisture between 25 and 30%, temper- preservation of fish was carried out by Wei et al. in 1991.
ature between 85 and 90  C, pressure between 6.0 and In this study, shrimp samples spiked with Listeria were
10.0 MPa and treatment times between 30 and 45 min, it treated by HPCD at 5.85 MPa, 35  C for 2 h. The results
was possible to achieve the disinfection and the total count demonstrated that the treatment reduced the bacterial
reduction required by law (as shown in Table 2). counts by only 35e45% but increasing the pressure to
The moisture content was found to be an important pa- 13.7 MPa a microbial reduction equal to 99% was obtained.
rameter to be controlled also for the application of HPCD More recently an innovative approach to post harvest
treatment to wheat flour. Haas et al. (1989) reported that processing of oyster has been introduced focusing on the
at higher moisture level equal to 28%, the inactivation of effects of supercritical carbon dioxide on bacterial contam-
bacterial and molds populations in wheat flour was en- inants trapped in the digestive system of oysters (Meujo
hanced operating in a temperature range of 25 and 50  C et al., 2010). To observe the effects of CO2 as warm pas-
at 6.2 MPa for two hours. Good microbial reduction was teurization technique, experiments were performed
also observed when flour with the addition of 25% of glyc- in vitro on bacterial culture of a non e pathogenic strain
erin (to increase the water activity to 0.91) was inoculated of Vibrio used as a model for Vibrio spp. and several bac-
with S. senftenberg, S. aureus and E. coli. A further in- terial isolates from an oyster homogenate. The authors re-
crease of glycerin to 75% corresponding to water activity ported that the level of total bacterial inactivation
equal to 0.61 greatly reduced the killing power. In the achieved with the HPCD treatment (100 bar for 30 min at
same study experiments carried out on dry peppers and 37  C or 172 bar for 60 min at 60  C), was comparable
remoistened pepper (30%) showed similar results. Testing to that achieved with several FDA approved post harvest
dry materials with high microbial counts such as rosemary, processing for oysters, namely, high hydrostatic pressure
onion powder and bell pepper demonstrated that without and quick frozen (Prapaiwong, Wallace, & Arias, 2009).
Table 4. Application of HPCD treatment coupled with additives or pretreatments on microbial forms in food system. Type of food, microorganism, process conditions, and additives or
pretreatments employed are reported with the corresponding microbial inactivation and references.

Additives/Pretreatments Target microorganism Food system Process conditions Microbial inactivation Reference
100% CO2 at atmospheric pressure Anaerobe spores Fresh celery HPCD (30 min at 40  C and 62.8 MPa) 50% (Kuhne & Knorr, 1990)
leaves and CO2 flushed on the sample for 60 min

G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441

leafstalks at 27  C, 0.1 MPa

H2O2 Thermo e resistant spores Cocoa HPCD (2 h at 40  C and 30.0 MPa) No inactivation (Calvo et al., 2007)
powder (CO2 saturated in H2O2 as solvent)

Ethanol HPCD (2 h at 40  C and 30.0 MPa) CO2

saturated in ethanol
Acetic acid Escherichia coli Boneless HPCD (30 min at 35  C and 12 MPa) 3% 2.58 Log (cfu/cm2) (Choi et al., 2009b)
Lactic acid Listeria monocytogenes pork loins solution of acetic acid (samples immersed 2.60 Log (cfu/cm2)
Salmonella typhimurium for 1 min at 4  C) 3% solution of lactic 2.33 Log (cfu/cm2)
E. coli O157:H7 acid (samples immersed for 1 min at 4  C) 2.10 Log cfu/cm2)

NaOCl Natural microflora Red paprika HPCD (10 min at 35  C and 6.0 MPa) 4 Log (cfu/g) (Matsufuji et al., 2009)
Green pepper 100 ppm NaOCl solution (samples 3.8 Log (cfu/g)
Cucumber immersed for 10 min at room temperature) 4.2 Log (cfu/g)
Cabbage 3 Log (cfu/g)
Lettuce 3 Log (cfu/g)
Mizuna (Brassica) 4 Log (cfu/g)
Celery 3.5 Log (cfu/g)
Onion 2.5 Log (cfu/g)
Carrot 2 Log (cfu/g)
Bean sprout 7 Log (cfu/g)

Water Total aerobic Ginseng powder HPCD (1 h at 60  C and 10.0 MPa) 1 mL 0.1 Log (cfu/g) (Dehghani et al., 2008)
microbial count of water in 70 mL of CO2

Ethanol HPCD (1 h at 60  C and 10.0 MPa) 1 mL 0.2 Log (cfu/g)

of ethanol in 70 mL of CO2

H2O2 HPCD (1 h at 60  C and 10.0 MPa) 1 mL 0.4 Log (cfu/g)

of H2O2 in 70 mL of CO2

Water þ ethanol þ H2O2 HPCD (1 h at 60  C and 10.0 MPa) 1 mL 1.7 Log (cfu/g)
of water þ1 mL of ethanol þ 1 mL of
H2O2 in 70 mL of CO2

438 G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441

Effect on quality attributes pathogenic bacteria in fresh pork. Experimental results

Quality observations of shrimp samples treated by Wei showed that the combined treatments had no synergistic ef-
et al. (1991) showed some color change after the HPCD fect and no significant differences were observed between
treatment carried out at 13.7 MPa, 35  C for 2 h. As ob- the samples treated coupling acetic acid and HPCD or lac-
served for the chicken samples, the authors reported that tic acid and HPCD.
the outer layer of the shrimps turned whitish and gave the Combination treatments applied to solid foods is a com-
appearance of being cooked rapidly at low temperature or pletely undiscovered field. Only two papers investigated the
soaked in acid. Also loss of small amount of liquid from efficacy of the HPCD treatment combined with pretreat-
the tissue was observed giving the idea of some tissue dam- ments (Calvo et al., 2007; Kuhne & Knorr, 1990) for the
aging caused by the treatment. inactivation of spores as shown in Table 4.
The study on oysters treated by supercritical CO2 re- Since spores could not be inactivated exposing fresh cel-
ported a sensory analysis in terms of physical appearance, ery leaves and leafstalks to only HPCD treatment at
smell and texture assessed by a panel of 13 people 62.8 MPa for 30 min at 40  C, Kuhne and Knorr (1990)
(Meujo et al., 2010). The treated oysters were compared proposed a pretreatment with the exposure of the samples
with two standards: a freshly shucked, untreated oyster to 100% CO2 at atmospheric pressure and 27  C for
and an oyster left at room temperature for about two days 60 min. At the end of the combined treatments, 50% reduc-
to develop a mild odor associated with spoiled oysters. tion of anaerobe spores was observed.
The sensory analysis revealed that oysters remained accept- The use of combined treatments was also suggested by
able considering their physical appearance, texture and Calvo et al. (2007) to inactivate thermo e resistant spores
smell after the exposure to CO2 process (10 and 20 MPa in cocoa powder coupling the effect of ethanol and hydro-
for 20 and 50 min at 37  C). gen peroxide (H2O2) with HPCD (30.0 MPa and 40  C for
2 h). The results showed that the application of a combined
treatment was useless with the presence of both ethanol and
Additives and treatments combined with HPCD H2O2. Hemmer, Drews, LaBerge and Matthews (2006) pub-
treatment lished experimental data demonstrating that adding H2O2
Few research papers have been published demonstrating (<100 ppm), 6 log reductions on populations of Geobacil-
an increase of the microbial inactivation rate by adding lus stearothermophilus and Bacillus atrophaeus spores
some co e solvents or coupling the effects of HPCD treat- strips (impregnated on cellulose supports) were completely
ment with a pretreatment. Table 4 is a compilation of the ex- deactivated using supercritical CO2 in 1 h at 40  C and
perimental results found in literature concerning the effect of 20.0 MPa. In the same year, Zhang et al. (2006) showed
coupling additives and pretreatments to the HPCD treatment. with transmission electron microscopy images (TEM) that
Indications of the types of food, microorganism, process con- B. atrophaeus spore envelope (growth on strips and glass
ditions, and employed additives or pretreatments are reported vials) was damaged by supercritical CO2 allowing the pen-
with the corresponding microbial inactivation. etration of H2O2 and the oxidation of some vital internal
The addition of co e solvents or additives to pressurized structures causing spore death.
CO2 has been proposed in a consistent number of publica-
tions mainly applied to liquid substrates. The synergistic or
antagonist effect of the process has been explained based Patents
on the nature of the co e solvent able to increase the Patents related to the use of HPCD pasteurization/steril-
amount of CO2 in contact with the substrate and in turn ization of solid foods are scarce. Two are the most relevant
available to act as antimicrobial agent (Ferrentino, shown in Table 5 where is reported the number of the pat-
Balaban, Ferrari, & Poletto, 2010; Has & Herman, 1977; ent, the assignee and the description of the method. The
Haas et al., 1989). first patent described the coupled effect of pressurized
Choi, Kim, Kim, Kim, and Rhee (2009b) reported the CO2 with another non e thermal technique (Urbain,
antimicrobial effects of coupling organic acids (acetic or Shank, & Kauffman, 1969). The food, mainly meat, was
lactic acid solutions for 1 min) and HPCD treatments exposed to an atmosphere of pressurized carbon dioxide
(12 MPa and 35  C for 30 min) under various conditions and subsequently to relatively low energy ionizing radia-
on the reduction of a nonpathogenic E. coli and three tion. The patent reported that the combined process resulted
Table 5. Relevant patents accomplished for the application of HPCD treatment to solid foods.

Assignee Number Observations Reference

Swift & Company, Chicago, Ill. US 3,483,005 Method of sterilizing food products which are (Urbain et al., 1969)
susceptible to the development of flavor degradation
Air Liquid, Houston, TX US 2008/01711 A1 Method to pasteurize pre-packaged food at, (Rasanayagam & Yuan, 2008)
or near room temperature, using supercritical
carbon dioxide
G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441 439

in a truly sterile food product free from spoilage, with an with a wide range of product types to enable the selection
extended storage life, without discoloration and with un- of suitable candidate products. The achievement of kinetics
changed flavor. of microbial and enzymatic inactivation at different process
Rasanayagam and Yuan (2008) granted a patent to pas- conditions are necessary at lab scale testing both typical
teurize pre e packed foods at, or near room temperature, pathogens but also natural microbes occurring in foods.
using supercritical CO2. The invention described a method In addition, extensive studies need to be performed to
to use supercritical CO2 to inactivate pathogenic microor- evaluate the shelf life and long term safety of the best can-
ganisms in foods, and at the same time, to carbonate the didate products to the treatment. Once all these missing in-
food in a pre e packed pouch or container with a pre de- formation will be filled, the subsequent step will be the
fined polymer structure that allowed CO2 to permeate while scaling of such novel technology into production processes,
discouraging the permeation of other substances. The including design of appropriate equipment and screening of
method was able to induce a substantial pasteurization (3 processing parameters after scale e up suitable for food
or 4 log cycles), and to inhibit enzymes in the foodstuff. matrixes.
Additionally the polymer pouch was able to retain CO2 to Only with scientific results, convincing data, and provi-
a predetermined level (between 0 and 5 volumes of CO2) sion of clear, objective and unbiased information, including
in a way to establish a modified atmosphere suitable for the potentially negative aspects of the technology and their
the storage of the pasteurized food. limitations, the HPCD treatment could become one of the
most available emergent technologies applied to solid
Potentials of HPCD technology and future outlooks foods.
The review clearly shows that the treatment has poten-
tials in reducing microbial loads improving the safety of
the food. However a great challenge is the control of pro- References
cess parameters (pressure, temperature and treatment
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concern to extensively apply the technology. It is evident Awuah, G. B., Ramaswamy, H. S., & Economides, A. (2007). Thermal
processing and quality: principles and overview. Chemical
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Engineering and Processing, 46, 584e602.
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fects of the treatment on the quality attributes reported so Byun, M., Yook, H., Kang, I., Chung, C., Kwon, J., & Choi, K. (1998).
Comparative effects of gamma irradiation and ozone treatment on
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A further fundamental aspect to take into account is the using high pressure CO2. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 42,
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Calvo, L., & Torres, E. (2010). Microbial inactivation of paprika using
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In this concern, the definition of the foods suitable for Combined effect of organic acids and supercritical carbon dioxide
the treatment is necessary carrying out screening tests treatments against nonpathogenic Escherichia coli, Listeria
440 G. Ferrentino, S. Spilimbergo / Trends in Food Science & Technology 22 (2011) 427e441

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