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See me writing…

May 2016 Teacher Liz

Moataz, your interest in drawing and colouring has sparked your inner artist. You are also begin-
ning to take an interest in writing. You already had a perfect pincer grip.

This exploration for you, began with very careful and purposeful colouring with pictures that
were of interest to you, (you were asking for butterflies and Ramadan). Then you soon began to
ask teachers to write your name for you. You then studied the shape of the letters and I encour-
aged you to write on the top of the teachers letters. You are beginning to recognize the letters of
your name and also that the letters form a word to be read. So then you were tracing the letters
of your name. and asking me to write your name in Arabic (which of course I couldn't!) Teacher
Suzan was able to show us all how to write your name in Arabic.
“Children experience the stories and symbols of their own and other cultures
» Enjoying hearing4 stories and retelling and creating them | he kōrero paki
» Recognising print symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and pur-
pose” (Te Whariki, 2017, MOE) - Moataz you nailed this goal!
You are building an understanding, of the differences between your two languages and you are
able to learn both at once. What an amazingly capable learner you are.
As you continue to draw & write I can see the development of your abilities. At first you tracing
the letter shapes but as you practiced, the shapes of your letters (control of fine motor skills) are
becoming more refined, this also shows in your drawing too. You have been increasing the com-
plexity in your drawing each time you draw. You are becoming very observant of the others
around you.

Moataz, you have inspired many of your peers to draw and create with you too, they watch how
you draw and then they are able to increase the details and complexity of their work too.

Moataz, you are really focused on your writing skills, and you are taking every opportunity to
practice. I love how your encourage and inspire those around you as well. Your brain is so amaz-
ing that you are able to learn to languages at the same time and even two alphabets! I know
that you are proud of your achievements as you will often ask for them to up on the wall, after
showing every teacher in the room!
Moataz, we will continue to provide a environment rich in language, literacy, and writing, both in
English and Arabic. You also have the opportunity for tua keina teina here, as not all of us know
the Arabic letters, you can teach us! I encourage you to continue to name your own work and
we can start to learn other words too.
Your personal learning are confidence using language for a range of purposes and learning Ara-
bic letters. You are certainly on your way I will continue to observe your interest to see where it
takes you next!
One of our centre goals is to learn to seek enjoyment from reading so I’m sure your interest in
writing words will help towards this goal & be encouraging to your peers.

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