Ashok Conclusion

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Ashok Conclusion

Stress in the work place has become the black plague of the present century. Much of the
stress at work is caused not only by work overload and time pressure but also by lack of
rewards and praise and more importantly by not providing individuals with the autonomy to
do their work as they would like.

Organisation must begin to manage people at work differently, improve physical work
environment, treat them with respect and value their contribution. If we enhance the
psychological well-being and health of the employees, the organisational revenue increase
and there is employee retention as well. Because it is said that

“A Healthy Employee is a productive employee”

Nandhini Suggestion

 It is suggested that Angle broking should improve their Mobile Trading and Online
Trading Platform.
 The should make the customer feel more Cost effective by providing Add on services
and provide a broader range of facilities and allied Banking Services.
 As seen in the Chi-square analysis, the online trading is broadly associated with age,
income and educational qualification; this brings down to a very niche segment. So
the company should plan their Ad campaigns to cater to this segment.
 Online reviews are becoming very important as they have become a very prominent
factor among customers now a days. Thus, the company should concentrate on proper
process to be in place to capture maximum feedback from existing customer base.

Nandhini Conclusion

Social media marketing is important because it aligns with the way consumers make
purchasing decisions. Study indicates that increasing numbers of consumers are using internet
services and research to carry out preliminary product and price research before making final
decisions. Social media marketing enables to build relations with customers and prospects
through regular, low-cost personalized communication, reflecting the move away from mass
marketing. Marketing products through social media costs less than marketing them through
a physical retail outlet. Social media marketing enables to personalize offers to customers by
building a profile of their purchasing history and preferences. Facebook is still the most used
social network in India and advertisers love it. It gives them accesses to segment, reach and
advertise to over 96,000,000 active Facebook users. Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google
Plus are a few fast growing social platforms brands have an eye on. As these networks grow
brands are more likely to use these emerging platforms to connect, advertise and nurture
social relationships.

When we come to online trading we are catering a very niche segment of the larger trading
Segment, even though online generates a major chunk of the business from trading. To cater
their need we need to strategize and make the customer feel privileged. More and more
assciations will help the firm to grow exponentially in a very limited period of time.

Anitha Suggestions

 As we see that there is a major association between Age and awareness about
Mahindra, so, we should concentrate on large scale that all age groups know about it
and also seek for it as an reliable Brand.
 Mahindra is already a pioneer in Big cars, and the customer also tends to like seating
arrangement, size as well as Mileage of the car. Zulikha Motors should train their
Sales representatives to concentrate and upsell with the above factors.
 Seat Design, Music System and the dash board have to be enhanced in Mahindra

Anitha Conclusion

As customers, we buy a lot of things every day. We buy, not only after having any pre
assumption about the product but also knowing nothing about it. Sometimes just, needs must
be fulfilled. People go anywhere to get his dreams come true. In such a time, all business
leaders are striving hard to get more customers and spare no effort to get them satisfied. The
era is not like past where the customer were not knowledgeable, today’s customer has a sea
of information about any product they seek. Customers are the leaders of the business, not the
company. The customer will decide to make a product a success or not. They are the key
players. So every company is running behind these customers, offering them large priorities
and convincing them its peculiarities. Building brands, quality, image are the short cut to it.
Today majority of the people have a brand oriented life. If anyone is satisfied with a brand,
he will continue with the same. In such a time, every brand had to try best to put awareness
about it. Mahindra has great such effects on customers which had help to increase their sales.
Zulikha Motors is one of the finest dealers of Mahindra in India. They have a good scale of
sales every year and they provide a good piece of services to them. This study has impartial
results on its findings so that it can be conclude that brand awareness has a great range
of influence on buying behaviour.

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