Mud Plan

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Depth (ft) Density (lb. / Drilled w/o Drill Pipe w/o Drill Pipe

gal.) Completely (bbl) with Casing

(bbl) (bbl)

7,580-7,930 9 306 94 92

7,930-10,980 9.4 1970 202 182

10,980-13,080 10.3 640 62 48

13,080-14,980 11.6 286 39 25

14,980-16,980 12.8 133 28 16

16,980-19,600 13.9 184 39 21


Water Based Mud = Yellow

Oil Based Mud = Gray

Brief Discussion:

We can observe that two types of drilling mud are used for the proposal; the water

based mud and the oil based mud. Layers that are dominated by sandstone formation

are dealt using water based mud (yellow highlight). For formations with shale

composition, the oil based mud is used (gray highlight). For the sandstone formation, we

used water based mud so that when WBM comes in contact with the formation, we can

reduce its strength due to invasion and wellbore stability can be achieved. For shale
formations, we know that one of the advantages of OBM is the shale inhibition, making it

the ideal type of mud to be used in such cases.


A. When Drilled Completely

For Drilled Completely, we used the hole capacity generated through the

bit size use. Here is a sample calculation:

Bit Size = 30 in. x 1 ft. / 12 in. = 2.5 ft.

Hole Capacity = pi x (2.5 ft. / 2)2 x 1 bbl. / 5.616 ft.3

Hole Capacity = 0.874063127 bbl. / ft.

Mud = Depth x Capacity

Mud = 350 ft. x .874063127 bbl. / ft.

Mud = 306 bbl

Tabulating the all the intervals, here is the list of the mud required when drilled


Table 1. Mud Required when Drilled Completely

Depth (ft.) Interval (ft.) Bit Size (in.) Hole Capacity Drilled

(bbl. / ft.) Completely


7,580-7,930 350 30 0.874063 306

7,930-10,930 3000 26 0.656519 1970

10,930-13,080 2150 17.5 0.297424 640

13,080-15,080 2000 12.125 0.142779 286

15,080-16,980 1900 8.5 0.070168 133

16,980-19,600 2620 8.5 0.070168 184

B. Without Drill Pipe

For calculations of mud required for this section, we take into account the

casing size to be used. Here is a sample calculation:

Casing Dimensions: OD = 30 in. ID = 25 in.

Conversion to feet: OD = 2.5 ft. ID = 2.08 ft.

Casing Capacity = pi x (OD2/4 – ID2/4) x 1 bbl. / 5.616 ft.3

Casing Capacity = 0.2669394488 bbl. / ft.

Mud = Depth x Capacity

Mud = 94 bbl.

Tabulating the all the intervals, here is the list of the mud required when without

drill pipe.

Table 2. Mud Required when w/o Drill Pipe

Depth (ft.) Interval (ft.) Casing Casing w/out Drill Pipe

Dimensions Capacity (bbl. / (bbl.)

(in.) ft.)
7,580-7,930 350 OD = 30 0.267075 94

ID = 25

7,930-10,930 3000 OD = 20 0.067202 202

ID = 18.188

10,930-13,080 2150 OD = 13.375 0.028829 62

ID = 12.215

13,080-15,080 2000 OD = 9.625 0.019224 39

ID = 8.535

15,080-16,980 1900 OD = 7 0.014692 28

ID = 5.82

16,980-19,600 2620 OD = 7 0.267075 39

ID = 5.82

C. Without Drill Pipe, With Casing

For calculations of mud required for this section, we take into account the

drill pipe size to be used. Here is a sample calculation:

Pipe Dimensions: OD = 4.5 in. ID = 3.64 in.

Conversion to feet: OD = 0.315 ft. ID = 0.303 ft.

Pipe Capacity = pi x (OD2/4 – ID2/4) x 1 bbl. / 5.616 ft.3

Casing Capacity = 0.006795210609 bbl. / ft.

Mud = without drill pipe mud - (Depth x Capacity0

Mud = 92 bbl.
Tabulating the all the intervals, here is the list of the mud required when without

drill pipe, with casing.

Table 3. Mud Required when w/o Drill Pipe, with Casing

Depth (ft.) Interval (ft.) Pipe Pipe Capacity w/out Drill Pipe

Dimensions (bbl. / ft.) with Casing

(in.) (bbl.)

7,580-7,930 350 OD = 4.5 0.006795210609 92

ID = 3.64

7,930-10,930 3000 OD = 4.5 0.006795210609 182

ID = 3.64

10,930-13,080 2150 OD = 4.5 0.006795210609 48

ID = 3.64

13,080-15,080 2000 OD = 4.5 0.006795210609 25

ID = 3.64

15,080-16,980 1900 OD = 4.5 0.006795210609 16

ID = 3.64

16,980-19,600 2620 OD = 4.5 0.006795210609 21

ID = 3.64

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