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SMK Abu Bakar Al-Baqir ETA Activity Summary

Earth Day English Camp, Taiping Zoo

Students spent the day at the Taiping Zoo and learned about show they can protect the
environment. They started the day off with a clean-up of the zoo and then had the chance to feed
some of the animals. After a quick snack they started one of the three rotations. In one rotation
students created bird feeders out of reusable materials. In the second station they went on a
scavenger hunt with their ETA leader. In the last station they wrote post cards to a orangutan
sanctuary on Borneo thanking them for the work that they do.

Perak State Art and Culture Camp, IDTB Kuala Kangsar

Students spent the day going to different rotations to learn different types of art styles. There
was water color, batik, pottery, singing, and dancing. Student had the chance to experience all of
tehse art forms and take some of the work that they made back home with them.

International Peace and Conflict Resolution English Camp, BAC Kuala Lumpur

During this three day and two night camp students from Thailand and Malaysia got the chance to
learn from each other. The students participated in activities to help them deal with conflict and
become creators of peace. They also got the chance to listen to a refugee panel and explore some
of the sights of KL.
Speaking Workshop:

Throughout the year students participated in a speaking workshop to increase their confidence in
English. They did this through focusing on a topic that they all love-food. Students learned
different action verbs surrounding cooking, learned how to order food in English, had the chance
to cook, and for their final project they created a cook book. The students interviewed family
and friends for their favorite Malaysian dishes. Then they put all of their recipes together and we
printed “A Taste of Malaysia”. Each student got a copy of the cookbook and copies have been
left in the school library for everyone to enjoy.

Stress Management Seminar, School Hall

Students from form 3 and form 4 took part in a seminar to help them deal with the stress from
their daily lives. The ETA gave a talk about what stress is, where it comes from, and how
students can deal with it in a healthy way. At the end of the talk all of the students made a
coping wheel for them to use if they ever got stressed out.

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