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Learn French

The unboring way

mini-dictionary of
French Slang that’s
used by youngsters
on YouTubE
with MP3s

By Talk in French
A l’ancienne Old fashion
A l’arrache helter-skelter, haphazardly
A l’arrache Without any preparation
A la base At first
A la fraiche When it is fresh. Without any pressure
Ah sa mère Oh fuck
Aller casse toi Go, fuck off
allumée (adj.) drunk note lit: lit up
Archi bon really good
Arrete de mitonner Stop lying
Avoir des couilles/ burnes To be ballsy
Avoir l’air d’une bite To looks like stupid
Avoir la trique/ la gaule To have a hard-on
Bah non /Bah oui Oh no / Oh yeah
baiser to fuck note This sense has almost replaced the earlier
one of "to kiss", which in contemporary French is "em-
brasser". Do not use "baiser" to mean "to kiss" if you
don't want to be misunderstood!
Balaise Hefty
Baltringue Fag,coward
Banal Mundane
bander (verb, intransitive) to have a hard-on note
Baraqué Burly
BCBG disparagingly to describe pretentious "yuppies".
Beau gosse Hunk
Beauf a redneck
Bien ou quoi ? What’s up (good or what)
Bipé son téléphone To ring your phone
bite, bitte   cock, prick note "Bitte" has the literal sense of "bol-
Blaze name
Bolosse a loser
bordel (masc. noun)   chaos, shit; literally 'brothel' note better when pre-
ceded by 'putain de'
bosser (v) to work note Very commonly used expression refer-
ring to working at one's job.
bourré,e pissed, drunk note [buRe] A very commonly used
variation of "ivre"
branlage wanking (noun), masturbation
branlette a wank, an act of masturbation
branleur, branleuse (noun)   wanker, insignificant or stupid person note mildly of-
brouter le gazon (verb) to perform cunnilingus note Literal translation: "to
graze the watercress."
C’est classe It is classy
C’est de la daube It is shitty
C’est dégeulasse It is digusting
C’est excellent It is awesome (said by hipsters )
C’est glauque Murkey
C’est hyper XXXX
C’est l’éclate totale It is a total blast
C’est la boulette Oopsy I made a mistake
C’est la méga honte It is so shamefull
C’est mon gars sûr It is a men I can trust
C’est mort There is no way
C’est pas malin That’s not smart at all
C’est qui ce gars / ce mec ? Who is this guy /dude/ (I won’t believe his behavior)
C’est quoi ce délire What’s the fuck
C’est stylé It is stylish /
C’est un truc de gamin It is a childish thing
C’est un truc de ouf That’s a wild thing
C’est une blague ? Is it a joke?
Ca fout le seum It makes me feel bad
Ca m’a pris la tête It gives me headache
Ca marche It works
Ca me fait doucement rigoler/ sourire It makes me smile / It makes me laugh
Ca me soule It gives me headache
Ca se voit direct It is so obvious
Ca y va (sec) Enjoy something (a lot). Mostly use for sexual inter-
course meaning
caca poo, doo-doo
cailler (v) to be cold
Carrément Totally
Carrément à chier Straight out shitty
Casse l’ambiance mood breaker
casser la gueule ˆ quelqu'un (phr.) to beat the shit out of someone
Cette merde This crap
cette putain de machine this fucking machine note can be used in any phrase
chatte   pussy note Refers to the female genitalia.
Chiant boring
chiasse the runs, the trots note Diarrhoea
chier to shit
chiottes the bog (UK), the can (US)
Chuis blasé I am blunt (nothing surprise me)
Chuis chaud I am up to
Chuis péter/ bourrer I am wasted
Comme ca Like that (without any warning)
Comme un gros porc Like a big fat pig (in a disguting way)
Comment t’es bonne Oh my, you are so hot (bonne= good to fuck)
con cunt note Refers to the female genitalia.
con cunt,bastard, wanker, etc note Insult towards a man.
Female form: "conne".
connard cunt, bastard, wanker, etc note Insult towards a man.
Female form: "connarde".
connasse cunt, bitch, etc note Insult towards a woman. No male
Connerie Bullshit
couilles   balls, bollocks note Testicles.
Crevard Someone always asking for something or a cheapstake
cul arse (US ass), bottom note Not as strong as in English
as this word is also used non-offensively to mean the
bottom of an object.
de merde bloody, fucking note Used after a noun as an intensi-
fier. Eg: "putain de merde!" ("fucking hell!").
Débile Stupid / Retarded
déconner (verb) to trick, to jerk around note Commonly used. Exam-
ple: "sans dŽconner!" ("no kidding!" or "no shit!")
Dire de la merde Say shitty stuff
Direct Without any presentation
drague (noun, fem.) looking for sex partners note Literal translation:
dredge. Gay slang for "cruising", "Faire la drague": go
looking for sex partners. Used exclusively by gay men,
not by straight men looking for women.
Elle a un délire She likes to do a crazy thing
Elle est fraiche She is fresh /hot
Elle m’a saoulé She pissed me off
emmerdant (adj)   intensely annoying note
En faire des tonnes To exagerate
enculé bastard, cunt, etc note Insult used towards a man. De-
rived from "enculer" (qv).
enculer to bugger, to fuck note Refers to anal sex only. Derived
from "cul" (qv).
enfoiré bastard, shit, etc note Same sense as "encule".
Enorme/C’est énorme It is huge (say it in a posh way)
Est-ce que tu piges You get it ?
Et pis c’est tout Period/ that’s it
Etre accro To be hooked
Etre en chien To be desperate (to get a girl)
Etre maqué To be with someone
étron turd note Used in the literal sense of a piece of faeces.
Faire le canard To say yes to your girlfriend no matter what she said
Faire Pipi/ Caca Take a piss/ Take a poop
Fais toi plaiz/ un kiff Enjoy yourself
fils de pute/putain   sonofabitch
flic (noun, masc) police constable, cop
Flipper To freak out
folle queen note Term for a gay man, especially one who is
effeminate. Literal meaning: "madwoman".
foutre (noun, masc.) à sperm, "cum" note Derived from the verb "foutre": to
fuck. Gay slang for shooting cum on someone during
sex. "Donne-moi ton foutre" = Give me your cum. "Je
veux lecher ton foutre" = I want to swallow your cum.
foutre (verb) to fuck note Rarely used except in "va te faire foutre!"
(qv). The preferred slang is "baiser" (qv).
foutre (verb)   to bugger up, to screw up note To ruin, to spoil. Exam-
ples of use: "On est foutu!" ("We're done for!", "We're
finished!"); "La voiture est foutue" ("The car is knack-
ered/buggered/fucked (US)" (ie beyond repair)).
Franchement Honestly
Frèrot Brother
Fumer une clope Smoke a cigarette (clope = cigarette)
Genre les mecs / le mec A negative way to say « the dude/guy »
gerber (verb)   to puke, barf, hurl
god dildo
gouine (feminine noun)   dyke note A lesbian.
Gratter quelque chose (gratter une cigarette) Ask something in a lame way
Grave Totally
Grave sympa Really nice/cool
grogniasse (fem. noun) woman note synonym to pétasse, pouffiasse, greluche
and femme.
Grosse relou A very taxing person
Histoire de XXX About XX
Il a tout donné He gives everything
Il est pas bien ou quoi ? He is crazy or what ?
Il est un peu foufou/ C’est un peu foufou He is a litte bit crazy
Il se fighte He is having a fight
J’ai bloqué Have a mental block
J’ai bugé Have a mental block
J’ai craqué crack/ succumb
J’ai envie de bouffe, grailler I want to eat
J’ai la dalle I am starving
J’ai plus de thune I don’t have anymore money
J’ai XX mille XX I have thousands stuff (exagerate something to show
you have way too much )
J’avoue Totally
J’en ai marre de toi I have enough of you
J’te jure Indeed
J’te jure / Ma parole Trust me
Je croise les doigts Finger crossed
Je fais genre I pretend to
Je galère I am having a hard time
Je me barre I’m out of here
Je me tire I am out of here
Je pèse I am loaded
Je suis un peu charrette To be flat out
Je suis vénère I’m pissed
Je t’emmerde Fuck you
Je vois le délire I understand the logic
jouir to come note Used in the sexual sense
keuf (n.m) cop note Urban language but don't say that to a cop...
Kiffer Like
L’art et la manière ways and means (a bit negative)
Là j’avoue c’est chaud I must say it is tough
la putain de ta mère You'r mother is a whore note as "fils de pute"
laisse be'ton Let it drop! note [lEs'beto~] Verlan version of "laisse
Les mecs The dudes
Les rageux Haters
Les relous A drag (a taxing person)
Ma princesse / Ma chérie My princess /My boo
Malin/ Ne fais pas le malin Smart (sarcastic way) / don’t be too cocky
Mate / Téma Look
mec, un (noun, masc.) guy, dude, bloke
merde (noun, F.)  shit
merdeux   crap(py), shit(ty) (adjs)
meuf, une a woman, une femme note [moef] This is the Verlan
version of "femme". The syllables are reversed, and "eu"
is added
Mon plus gros flippe My biggest fear
moule (noun, feminine) vulva
Mythos Liars
N’importe quoi Non sense
Naaan Informal way to say no. But here it means « I can’t
believe it »
nique ta mère fuck your mother note very common in the suburbs,
especially among migrant population. Can also be ab-
breviated as "Ta mre_"
Niquer To fuck
Oh bah dis donc Oh well
On a cassé We break up
On enquille Move on
On s’emmerde We are bored
On s’en bat les couilles We don’t give a fuck
On va partir Let’s get out it here (due to embarassing situation)
Ouais bof Yeah, meh
Partir / Se barrer en couille Everything's going pear-shaped.
Pauvre naze Poor nose
Pauvre/ Sale / Petit con asshole
pédale queer, poof note Variant of "pede" (qv).
pédale (f), serin (m), grande folle (f), tapette (f), (all They are synonyms of queer, gays, homosexual.
Pède Homosexual applied to men only. note Very common
Pédé   queer, faggot note Derogatory term for a gay man.
péter (verb) to fart
péter plus haut que [son] cul (expression) to have an inflated opinion of oneself. Literally, to fart
higher than [one's] asshole
Peter un cable/ les plombs Go berserk
pipe (noun, f)   blowjob note Faire une pipe: To give a blowjob
pipi pee, wee(-wee) note "faire pipi": "to do/have a wee(-
pisser to pee, to piss note More colloquial than offensive in
French. Also used in senses such as "son nez pisse du
sang" ("blood is pouring from his/her nose")
Pisser le sang Bleeding blood (I piss blood)
pouffiasse (n.f) bitch, hore note Very rude : use it to talk about some
(bad) girl but never say it to the (bad) girl herself !
Pouilleux Hobo / Tramp
poulet (n.m) cop (litt. : chiken) note Cops know this word but hate
it !
putain bloody hell!, fucking hell! note As an interjection.
putain bitch, cow, etc note Derogatory term for a woman.
putain   whore, tart, hooker note Also used as an insult towards
a woman.
Putain de merde Holly Shit
pute bitch, cow, etc note Derogatory term for a woman.
Short form of "putain".
pute whore note Short form of "putain"
Question bête Stupid question (you know your question is a bit sim-
ple or you just want to confirm)
queue   prick, cock note Literal meaning: "tail" (cf Latin "pe-
nis" meaning "tail").
Radin/ Une pince A cheapstake
ramoner (verb, transitive) to sweep the chimney -
Rentrer à pince Go back home by foot
Ringard Uncool (can be said for someone or something)
Rodave To be caught
S’ambiancer create a wrong mood all by yourself
S’éclater have a ball
salop / salaud   bastard
salope   bitch, slut
se branler to wank, to masturbate note Literally "to wobble one-
self ".
Se faire engueuler Be given a roasting
Se faire peter Has been stolen
Se faire un trip To go nuts
Se foutre de ma gueule To make fool of myself (screw with someone/ fuck
with someone)
se palucher (verb, reflexive) to give yourself a hand job
Se pécho To hook up
Se poser quelque part To be chill out somewhere
Se taper une barre / un délire Have a big laugh / to do a crazy thing
Si si la famille Yeah yeah my homies
Super nul Really sucks
Sur la tête de ma mère On my mother’s life
Sur le pouce A quick meal (manger sur le pouce = grab a quick
T’ambiancer Get in the mood
T’as cru quoi ? What did you believe (who do you think I am)
T’as une copine/ petite copine Do you have a girlfriend / boyfriend
T’es bourré You are drunk
T’inquiete No worry
Ta damé Did you eat ?
Ta un gros uque (cul) You have a big ass
Ta walou You have nothing
tante queen note Derogatory term for a gay man.
Taré Crazy
Te faire bader Make you feel bad
Te la mettre To deceive
Te retourner le cerveau To twist your brain (to manipulate someone)
Tiite chemise tite XXX A ghetto way to say something is nice/cool
tirer (verb, transitive) to pull or to shoot (to fuck)
Tiser To drink
Toi meme tu sais You know what I mean
tringle (feminine)   hard-on note An erection. Used in the phrase "avoir la
tringle" ("to have a hard-on"). Literal meaning: "rod".
tringler (verb)   to fuck (see tringle)
tringler (verb)   to fuck (see tringle)
trique (noun, feminine) a boner
Trop de pression/ Mettre la pression Too much pressure/ To put pressure on somebody
trou du cul (abrev : trou duc')   asshole note Is said for a (male) person you consider as
ridiculous or stupid. Handle with care !
Tu déconnes Are you joking ?
Tu fais pitié You look shit
Tu le grilles direct It is so obvious
Tu m’as cru pour un teubé Did you think I was stupid
Tu m’as pris pour quoi ? Who do you think I am
Tu m’dois l’oseille You own me some money
Tu peux pas test You can’t touch this
Tu pues de la gueule You have a bad breathe
Tu sais à qui tu parles Do you know who I am ?
turlute (noun, f)   blowjob
Ultra really
Un petit feeling A connection between 2 person (kind of chemistry)
Un plan cul Friends with benefits
Un rencard A date
Un renoi  A black person
Un truc pas mal Pretty neat stuff
Une binge / binouze a beer
Une greluche A bimbo
Une michtoneuse A hooker / a whore
Une teille de sky a bottle of wiskey
va t'faire enculer chez les Grecs! (verb phrase) go get fucked up the ass by the Greeks!
Va te faire enculer Go fuck yourself
va te faire foutre! fuck off! note Literally "go and get fucked!"
XX ceci XX cela Complain about XX, you hear way too much about
him/her/it . Iphone ceci Iphone cela
Y a pas d’embrouille There is no problem/ mess/ mix-up
Y a pas moyen There is no way
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