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Stunting is a condition in which

children under five years old (toddlers)
have less length or height when
compared to their proper age.
Occurrence of short toddler or
commonly called stunting is one of the
nutritional problems experienced by
toddlers in the world nowdays.1
One of the causes of
nutritional problems in infants is the
pattern of poor feeding given to
toddlers so that it will affect the growth
process of toddlers.2 So that the pattern
of healthy feeding will have a good
impact on health in the future.3
The cause of illness in infants
is one of them is an infectious disease
caused by diarrhea.1 Some infectious
diseases such as Tuberculosis (TB) can
also cause toddlers to lose weight.4
This research aims to
determine the relationship of feeding
patterns and history of diarrhea or TB
in children aged 2-5 years to the
incidence of stunting in the village of
Sukahayu, Sumedang, West Java.
1. Budijanto.D.Situasi Balita
Pendek (Stunting) di Indonesia.
Pusat Data dan Informasi
Kementrian Kesehatan RI. 2018
Okt; 1-10
2. Khoirun Ni’mah. Siti Rahayu
Nadhiroh. Faktor Yang
Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian
Stunting Pada Balita.2015
3. Gibson, E.L. A narrative review
of psychological and educational
strategies applied to young
children’s eating behaviours
aimed at reducing obesity
risk.2012. Obesity Reviews,
13(SUPPL. 1), 85–95.
4. Irawan Anasta Putra. Profil
Tuberkulosis Pada Anak di
Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSUD.
Raden Mattaher Jambi.2013

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