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Contingent Fee Agreement

(“Client”), and (“Attorney”), agree as follows:

1. Employment of the Attorney. Client retains and employs the Attorney to represent Client
in the prosecution and/or settlement of Client’s claim(s) against ______________ and to
commence and maintain a lawsuit for that purpose in an appropriate state. The Attorney
accepts this employment and agrees to represent Client in this matter.
2. Compensation of the Attorney. For services rendered and to be rendered by the Attorney,
Client agrees to pay the Attorney one-third of the net sum of all money and property
collected as a result of a judgment or a settlement of Client’s claims. Client and the
Attorney understand and agree that Client will not have to pay any legal fees to Attorney
unless money or property is recovered. The net sum will be the total amount of money
and property recovered minus the amount of costs and expenses that Client must pay
under paragraph 3.
3. Payment of Costs and Expenses. Client is responsible for and agrees to pay all out-of-
pocket costs and expenses that the Attorney incurs in representing Client on the claim(s),
even if no settlement, judgment, or recovery is obtained. These costs and expenses
include filing fees and other court costs (except those taxed by a court), fees for witnesses
and costs of depositions and transcripts, expenses for investigations on the claim(s), long-
distance telephone charges, costs for reproducing documents, expenses for travel, and
costs for expedited mailing. If there is a recovery, these costs and expenses will be paid
with and at the time the Attorney is paid his percentage of the amount recovered. If there
is no recovery in this matter, Client will pay the amount on receipt of a statement from
the Attorney of the costs and expenses incurred.
4. Settlements. Client understands that, by retaining the Attorney, Client is authorizing the
Attorney to conduct negotiations that may settle the claim(s). The Attorney will promptly
inform Client of any offers or counteroffers to settle the claim(s), and the Attorney will
not settle the claim(s) without Client’s approval.
5. Appeals. Nothing in this agreement obligates the Attorney to appeal this case if, in the
Attorney’ opinion, this case lacks sound appealable issues or merit.
6. Periodic Payments. Should Client’s claim be resolved in such a manner that Client is
entitled to periodic payments; the Attorney will receive compensation based on the
settlement’s present value. The Attorney will receive the Attorney’s compensation in one
payment, to be made when Client receives his or her first periodic payment, and not when
future payments are made, unless the Attorney and Client agree otherwise.
7. Withdrawal. With the court’s permission, the Attorney may withdraw from this
employment at any time on giving Client reasonable notice and taking reasonable steps to
protect Client’s interests. On withdrawal, the Attorney waives any right of claim for
services previously rendered. Client may terminate this agreement at any time on giving
the Attorney reasonable notice. On doing so, Client is obligated for costs expended and
fees earned up to the time of termination.
8. The Attorney’ Lien. Client agrees that the Attorney will have a lien against all money and
property recovered in this matter, from any source, for payment of all fees, costs, and
expenses that may be owed to the Attorney, and that the Attorney are entitled to receive
the money and property recovered and to deduct the amounts owed before delivering the
balance to Client.
9. No Guaranty. The Attorney has not made and do not make any promises or guaranties
concerning the potential outcome of the litigation or any settlement.
10. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the full understanding of the parties. There
are no other prior written or oral agreements between the parties concerning the subject
matter of this Agreement, and any other prior Agreements are merged in and superseded
by this Agreement.
11. Modifications. This Agreement may only be modified in writing and signed by both
Client and The Attorney.
Dated: ___________________ By: ___________________

Dated: ___________________ By: ___________________

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