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& MEGICINE | CALGARY Scenario: ‘ou are half way through your frst year of meal school. Your schoothas a per prlessionalsm ‘siesta pngram that equtes that six(6) of your senator ase you each year. You al do elf ‘The results of your pecformance evaluation done by yourself and your peers, as wall athe css mean are presented below. Discuss your resus withthe interewe. Netra Mig Behavior Sore by salt | Seoreby | Gass average = peers | (e180) Takes on extra work windy to elp ou colleagues so aa aa Treaurages conmunitin and alaboraion 7 colleagues 40 4s as ‘Manages confit ina cole and respect manner 40 as 4s ‘apap empathy towards patent approprata 40 aa aa Uistens ad responds to others receptive | so an a2 “eknowledge ike of cn Knowiedgs oF wy | 40 4a 46 Probing Questions: 4. Based onthe resus, what wil you do diferent? 3. How would you erste an action pan so that nest ea’ resuts wl be diferent? ‘How wll you montor your performance 1o ensure thst you are making progress? 5. Do younave any adalonal comments belore we endtisasuusian? MMI Scenarios University of Calgary MD Scenario: ln 2007, the American Fam Physician Journal publshed an article explring the sue of physicians as role models, using a scenario In which an obese physician is oflering mutton and exercise counseling to his obese patent: Acorsng tothe authors restarch patents have more confidence nthe Real ‘Counseling advice from non-obese versus obese physians, and physicians wth poor personal fest habits are les key to counsel patents abouta heathy ese ‘ase on these research Snings do ohysians havea responstilty to at a heathy ole models to their pallets Please saborate Probing Questions: 4. Isa physician who doesnot fellow heathy este employing a double standard when they are Drovidng ese counseling? Explain. 2 Doyou thin there 3 ference between unhealthy iste habits hat manifest themselves more sil than others (eg, obesity versus smoking? Expl. 3 what determines whether ornotanather person aole model? Whe decdes and why? 4. What fe thei to th espana? MMI Scenarios ‘University of Calgary MD Scenario: very Wook, your classmates gther tthe lca coffee hour to review the lesons from that wee In the ast month, everyone has been wocing ona malo paper on Roman story which acount or 0% ofthe couse grade, One of your assmates has copes of two ofthe papers that st ea stents wrote forthe same cours, ‘Your dassmae has e-male copies ofthe papers to you andthe other people the group. What would you doin this stuation and explain why? Probing Questions: 1. Discus what ales and choles are relevant inthis stution? 2. Whatare the implications if you dacie to read the papers fom ls ear? |. Wat are the impliation yu dene the oferta read the papers from at year? “4 hat would you do. Wane of classmates decided to draw upon the material fom the two papers in 5.Do yu have any adctional comments before ween this cussion? MMI Scenarios University of Calgary MD

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