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Its / It’s

1) 's the time? __________ ten past twelve.

2) Put the CD in __________ place, please.
3) My hometown is famous for __________ old buildings.
4) I can't find my budgie, I think __________ flown away.
5) Peter, __________ never too late to learn how to play the piano.
6) The wolf made __________way close to our house.
7) __________ been raining for five hours.
8) I'm interested in Denmark and __________ people.
9) I think __________ nice to have a dog.
10) Look at the horse! __________ hurt __________ hoof.
11) The cat had eaten all _______ food.
12) ________ been an awful day,' she sighed.
13) Give me a shout when _______ ready,' she said.
14) The old house had lost all ________ windows and doors.
15) The army has reprimanded many of _______ soldiers.
16) _______ never been possible to book a train ticket on line.
17) I don't know why _______ so difficult for you to understand this!' he shouted.
18) The village has lost half _______ population since the new road was built.
19) The new school is very proud of _______ reputation.
20) _______ never going to work!' she whispered.

Then / than
1) He likes English better ________ maths.
2) Is Canada bigger________ the United States?
3) Go straight on for about 200 metres, ________ turn right.
4) His daughter knows much more about computers ________he does.
5) Let him finish his job, ________ we'll go.
6) If you miss the last ferry, ________ you'll have to take the water taxi.
7) My brother is younger ________ me.
8) Just ________ the lights went out.
9) It's less________ a mile to Central Park.
10) My boss has two houses in England, and ________ there's the villa in Majorca.
11) My brother is shorter _______ I am.
12) I go to History _______ lunch.
13) Put in the baking soda _______ add 3 eggs.
14) The brownie is sweeter _______ the cookies Mrs. Smith made.
15) I would rather be doing math _______ reading about a guitar.
16) Charles and Tom went to visit Julia _______ visited Beth.
17) Mr. Blue thinks green is a prettier color _______ blue.
18) Mrs. Pink is the first teacher I see in the morning _______ I see Mrs. Orange.
19) Do you like coffee more _______ tea?
20) Wait until 3 o'clock _______ you can go outside to play.
You’re / Your
1) This is ______ book.
2) He's from Chester and ______ from Bristol.
3) Are these ______ pencils?
4) Did you see ______ sister yesterday evening?
5) ______ a student.
6) ______ teacher is ill.
7) ______ walking home now.
8) ______the winner.
9) ______a star.
10) What do you think about ______ future?
11) ____ are the one I saw on television yesterday, aren’t you?
12) May I drive _____ car to the party tonight?
13) ____ comments on Facebook are interesting.
14) She is happy that _____ going to the movie tonight.

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