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Figure 1: Creo Parametric 2.0 start-up screen.

Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Learning Targets
In this exercise you will learn:

 Setting up Creo for the first use. This includes the understanding of working directory
concept and saving procedure.
 Customizations made for Creo Parametric 2.0. Some of the default settings are changed to
help you to get familiar with the software, but if you want, you can make your own
customizations. However, all exercises are made using our customizations.
 Using this exercise as a quick help document. In the appendixes some basic concepts are

About the current and future exercises

Common for all exercises:

 Used program is PTC Creo Parametric 2.0 (64 bit).

 Operative system is Microsoft Windows 7 (64 bit).
 Char # means number.
 Marking text with square brackets, e.g. [file name], means parametric text.
 RMB is right mouse button.
 LMB is left mouse button.
 MMB is middle mouse button (press the wheel).

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Setting Up
Working Directory

Creo uses one folder as a working directory. It is a location where Creo saves normal, temporary and
log files and from where Creo reads user’s customization files (if they exists). For this reason it is
highly recommended to create an empty folder into your network drive (Z:\). The user must have
reading and writing rights to the working directory. That’s why Creo’s installation folder (C:\Program
Files\PTC\Creo 2.0) can’t be the working directory.

The first task is to create an empty folder on your network drive. The user can decide the name of the
folder. One example of working directory is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Working directory, program just started.

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Files you may found in the working directory:

 Trail.txt.#, a file that contains all user actions when using Creo. When new session starts,
Creo creates a new version of the trail file.
 Std.out, an output log file.
 Std.err, an output log file for errors..
 [name].prt.#, a part file
 [name].asm.#, an assembly file.


In order to force Creo to use the previously created Working directory at every startup, it is necessary
to create a custom shortcut.

Select Windows ( ), and type Creo in the search field (or go to All programs PTC Creo). Drag and
drop Creo Parametric 2.0 shortcut into your desktop. Then right click shortcut in your desktop and
choose Properties (Figure 3).

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Figure 3: Right click menu of a shortcut.

In Properties window, change the field called Start in to point the folder you have created previously
as shown in Figure 4. When ready, click Apply and then OK.

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Figure 4: Shortcut's properties.

From now on, every time you start Creo using this shortcut, the working directory is automatically
defined. You can define several shortcuts in order to start the program using different working

UI Customization
Importing existing settings

User Interface (UI) customizations are stored in the user profile

(\\\[username]\windows\AppData\Roaming\PTC), making the customization
available on every computer you might log-in in the future. In order to make your Creo look like
exactly the figures of the exercises of this course, you need to load our UI customized setting.

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Start Creo using the recently created shortcut. Wait until the program is up and the home screen
appears (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Part of the Creo's home screen.

Select File tab and then Options. The Options manager appears. From left side select Customize
Ribbon, then from right bottom corner select Import/Export button and then Import customization
file (Figure 6). The customization file is called aalto_creo_parametric_customization.ui and it is
located in our course net folder (\\work\courses\T\Kon\41\3006\general\Creo settings). Therefore,
when the Open window appears choose the address bar line and write \\work (use \ , not /) (Figure 7)
and hit ENTER. Then you can browse the right file and finally select Open. When the New Alert
window appears, select Import All Customizations. Now your graphical UI should look same as in our

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Figure 6: Creo options manager and importing an existing setting file.

Figure 7: Open window and manually written text (\\work) to header.

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

This concludes our exercise.

The rest of the exercise contains additional information that may be helpful during this course;
especially the sketch constraints part. You can take a look at them when completing Exercises 1.1 and

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Setting Files
Reopen (if needed) the Creo Parametric Options window. Here you can define most of the settings.
Default settings are normally read from the installation folder. However the user can overwrite the
default configuration; by defining his/her own custom configuration file(s) and placing them in the
working directory.
On the left side clicking on Configuration Editor you can see the options loaded from file called that is located in Creo installation folder. It is highly recommended to use settings provided
by the course staff.

In case you want to create your own customization; you need to select the related file from the one
listed in the Configuration Editor, click on Export all option to configuration file, edit the exported file
as you wish and finally save it in your working directory using as name

Additional information about the options customized by the course staff:


This option points to file that holds information about model tree. To use your own tree.cfg file you
need to define its location in using option mdl_tree_cfg_file. By default it is set to point to
tree.cfg in the installation folder.

This option points to the file that holds information about color schema used in Creo. We have
changed the default color schema and saved it into syscol_aalto.scl.

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

List of customization files in program folder

These files are part of our settings package:

 Located at C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 2.0\Common Files\M020\text\

 Basic configuration file
o tree.cfg
 Model tree configuration file
o syscolor_aalto.scl
 System colors configuration file
o iso_aalto.dtl
 2D drawings configuration file (based on iso.dtl)
 Located at C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 2.0\Common Files\M020\formats\
o a3_aalto.frm
 A3 2D drawing format
o a4_aalto.frm
 A4 2D drawing format
 Located at C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 2.0\Common Files\M020\templates\
o mmks_part_solid.prt
 Default part using mm, kg and sec as units
o mmks_part_sheetmetal_steel.prt
 Default sheet metal part using mm, kg and sec as units
 Located at \\work\courses\T\Kon\41\3006\general\Creo settings\
o aalto_creo_parametric_customization.ui
 User interface settings file

Those files can be found also at \\work\courses\T\Kon\41\3006\general\Creo settings\

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Sketch Constraints
Here are listed all nine geometric constrains for sketched geometries. They can be accessed and used
from Constrain group when in sketch mode.


Figure 8: From left: vertical line, two points vertically aligned, two lines vertically aligned.


Figure 9: From top: horizontal line, two points horizontally aligned, two lines horizontally aligned.


Figure 10: On left arc and line perpendicularly, on right two lines perpendicurally.

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Exercise 1.0 2012


Figure 11: From left: circle and line tangentially, line and arc tangentially, arc and ellipse tangentially..


Figure 12: On left line attached to the mid-point of the line, on right point on middle of arc.


Figure 13: From left: point on start point of the line, start point of the line on line, point on end point of the line,
point on the line.

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012


Figure 14: On top start points of the lines on same distance from centerline, on bottom two points on same distance
from centerline.


Figure 15: Two arcs have same radius (R1), two lines have same length (L1) and curvature (2G continuity) between
line and spline.


Figure 16: Two lines are parallel.

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Making dimensions
Here is showed different kind of usage of the Normal ( , Dimension group) tool in the sketcher. The
basic workflow is to select one or more entity (line, point, arc, reference) and then press MMB.
Depending on what was selected before and where the MMB was pressed, the dimension appears.

Here different kinds of situations are presented. Notice that there are more options available.

One entity selected

Figure 17: On left: Line selected (1) and pressing MMB. On right: Dimension appeared after MMB.

Figure 18: On left: Arc selected (1) and moment before MMB. On right: MMB pressed.

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Two entities selected

Figure 19: On left: Two points selected, a moment before MMB. On right: MMB pressed and dimension appeared.

Figure 20: On left: Two points selected, a moment before MMB. On right: A new dimension created.

Figure 21: On left: Two points selected, a moment before MMB. On right: A new dimension created.

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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Figure 22: On left: Two lines selected, a moment before MMB. On right: A new dimension created.

Figure 23: Two lines selected, a moment before MMB. On right: A new dimension created.

Figure 24: On left: Same arc selected twice, a moment before MMB. On right: A new diameter dimension created.
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Kon-41.3006 Computer Aided Design Basic Course Kaur Jaakma
Exercise 1.0 2012

Three entities selected

Figure 25: On left: Line selected (1), then centerline (2), then line again (3), a moment before MMB. On right: A new
diameter dimension created.

Figure 26: On left: Point (1) selected, then arc (2), then point (3), a moment before MMB. On right: a new arc length
dimension created.

Figure 27: A point selected (1), then arc's center point (2), then other point (3), a moment before MMB. On right: A
new arc angular dimension created.

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Table of contents

User interface ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

File menu ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

UI customization .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Command locator ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Selection and mouse control ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Keyboard shortcuts ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Common dashboard controls ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Orienting the model ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Model appearance ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Advanced selection chain + surface set construction ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

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User interface

Quick Access
Toolbar Help Center
Ribbon Tabs
Dashboard Locator
Assembly Toolbar
Model Tree

Model Tree Graphics
Message Area

Open/Close Find Tool

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File menu

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UI customization

Right-click to edit the

Graphics Toolbar

Right-click on a command to add

it to the Quick Access Toolbar or
to customize the Ribbon

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Command locator

Main toolbar

Activate command
Type command
name to search
• Hover cursor
over a command
to see the path
Command location • Command may
in the UI will be be selected from
highlighted search results
Matching commands
are listed here

Command search

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Selection and mouse control

Mouse control Filters limit the scope of selection

• Highlight geometry Over geometry

Smart Filter (2level filter)
Example: Select a feature first,
then select geometry (Surface/
• Query to next item Until highlighted
edge/vertex) from the feature

• Select highlighted geometry Select using 3D box

• Add or remove items

from selection
Find tool
• Construct chains or Tip: Double-click
surface sets to view items in
selection window

• Clear selection On background Active filter

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Keyboard shortcuts

Key tips Keyboard shortcuts

Press ALT key to activate key tips You can use standard keyboard shortcuts in
Creo Parametric. For example:

• Regenerate Ctrl G

• New file Ctrl N

• Open file Ctrl O

• Save file Ctrl S

• Find Ctrl F

• Delete Del

• Copy Ctrl C

• Paste Ctrl V

• Undo Ctrl Z

• Redo Ctrl Y

• Repaint Ctrl R

• Standard view Ctrl D

Copy/Paste shortcuts are also available

in Assembly Mode.

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Simple Hole

Set Mode

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Transition Mode
Common dashboard controls

Datum feature tools


3D dragger


Through all

To next

Through until

To selected

Flip direction

Remove material

Thicken sketch

Pause Tool

No preview

Un-attached preview
Attached preview

Verify mode


Orienting the model

Dynamic viewing Using the Spin Center Component placement controls

3D Mode Click the icon in the Main Toolbar to enable the Allows reorientation of components during placement
Spin Center:
Hold down the key and button. Drag the mouse.
• Component Drag Ctrl Alt
• E nabled – The model spins about the
• Spin location of the spin center
• D isabled – The model spins about the • Spin Ctrl Alt
location of the mouse pointer
• Pan Shift

Using Orient Mode • Move Ctrl Alt

• Zoom Ctrl Click the icon in the Main Toolbar to enable
Orient mode:
Object Mode
• Turn Ctrl • Provides enhanced Spin/Pan/Zoom Control Provides enhanced Spin/Pan/Zoom Control:
• Disables selection and highlighting 1. Enable Orient mode
• R ight-click to access additional orient options 2. Right-click to enable Orient Object mode
2D Mode • Use the shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+Middle-click 3. U se Dynamic Viewing controls to orient
the component
• Pan Using Component Drag Mode in an Assembly 4. Right-click and select Exit Orient mode
Click the icon in the Main Toolbar to enable
Component Drag Mode:
• Zoom Ctrl
•A  llows movement of components based on
their kinematic constraints or connections
2D & 3D Mode • C lick a location on a component, move the
Hold down the key and roll the mouse wheel.
mouse, click again to stop motion
• M iddle-click to disable Component
Drag mode
• Zoom
• U se the shortcut: CTRL+ALT+Left Mouse
and drag
• Fine

• Coarse

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Model appearance

Changing model appearance

Assign appearance

1. Select Surface/Quilt/Intent Surface/Part
2. Select Appearances button pull-down
3. Select/create desired appearance

1. Select Appearance button pull-down
2. Select/create desired appearance
3. Select Surface/Quilt/Intent Surface/Part

Edit Appearances in the current model

1. S
 elect Edit Model Appearances from the
Appearance pull-down menu
2. Adjust appearance attributes using draggers
3. Select Map tab to map images and textures
To edit texture placement, select surface using

Manage appearances

• Build a custom library of appearances

• Include pre-defined plastics or metals
library appearances
• E dit/create/delete appearances in the
custom library palette
• D efine/save/retrieve custom appearance
(*.dmt) files

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Advanced selection: Chain & surface set construction

Definitions Constructing chains

General definitions Multiple chains Boundary

Chain 1. Construct initial chain To select the outer-most boundary edges of a quilt:
A collection of adjacent edges and curves that 2. Hold CTRL 1. Select a one-sided edge of a quilt
share common endpoints. Chains can be open- 3. Select an edge for new chain 2. Hold down SHIFT
ended or closed-loop, but they are always defined 4. Release CTRL down 3. H ighlight Boundary chain
by two ends. 5. Hold down SHIFT (Query may be required)
6. Complete new chain from selected edge 4. Select Boundary chain
Surface set
5. Release SHIFT
A collection of surface patches from solids or Individual chains
quilts. The patches do not need to be adjacent. Surface loop
Methods of construction To select adjacent edges one at a time To select a loop of edges on a surface path:
along a continuous path: 1. Select an edge
1. Select an edge 2. Hold down SHIFT
Constructed by selecting individual entities (edges, 2. Hold down SHIFT 3. H ighlight Surface chain
curves, or surface patches) one at a time. This is 3. Select adjacent edges (Query may be required)
also called the One-by-One method.
4. Release SHIFT 4. Select Surface loop
Rule-based 5. Release SHIFT
Rule-based chains
Constructed by first selecting an anchor entity From-To
(edge, curve, or surface patch), and then automat- Tangent
ically selecting its neighbors (a range of additional To select a range of edges from
To select all the edges that are tangent
edges, curves, or surface patches) based on a rule. a surface patch or a quilt:
to an anchor edge:
This is also called the Anchor/Neighbor method.
1. Select an edge 1. Select the From edge
2. Hold down SHIFT 2. Hold down SHIFT
3. H ighlight Tangent chain 3. Q uery to highlight the desired
(Query may be required) From-To chain
4. Select Tangent chain 4. Select From-To chain
5. Release SHIFT 5. Release SHIFT

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Advanced selection: Chain & surface set construction

Constructing surface sets

Individual surface sets Loop surfaces Excluding surface patches from surface sets
To select all the surface patches that are To exclude surface patches during or after
Single surfaces
adjacent to the edges of a surface patch: construction of a surface set:
To select multiple surface patches from
1. Select a surface patch 1. Construct a surface set
solids or quilts one at a time:
2. Hold down SHIFT 2. Hold down CTRL
1. Select a surface patch 3. P lace the pointer over an edge of the 3. Highlight a patch from the surface set
2. Hold down CTRL patch to highlight the Loop Surfaces 4. Select the patch to de-select it
3. S elect additional patches 4. S elect Loop Surfaces (the initial surface 5. Release CTRL
(Query may be required) patch is de-selected)
4. Release CTRL 5. Release SHIFT
Constructing chains & surface sets
Rule-based surface sets using dialog boxes
Seed and boundary surfaces
To select all surface patches, from a Seed To explicitly construct and edit chains &
Solid surfaces
surface patch up to a set of Boundary surface sets, click Details next to a collector:
To select all the surface patches of solid surface patches:
geometry in a model:
1. Select the Seed surface patch
1. Select a surface patch on solid geometry
2. Hold down SHIFT
2. Right-click and select Solid Surfaces
3. S elect one or more surface patches
to be used as boundaries
Quilt surfaces
4. R elease SHIFT (all surfaces from
To select all the surface patches of a quilt: the Seed up to the Boundaries
1. Select a surface feature are selected)
2. Select the corresponding quilt

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©2012, PTC. All rights reserved. Information described herein is furnished for infor-
mational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as
a guarantee, commitment, condition or offer by PTC. PTC, the PTC Logo, Creo, Creo
Parametric and all PTC product names and logos are trademarks or registered trade-
marks of PTC and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. All
other product or company names are property of their respective owners. The timing
of any product release, including any features or functionality, is subject to change at
PTC’s discretion.

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